Worst Physical Pain

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I got a couple.

When I had my 2nd kidney stone I had serious complications. Firstly, the asshole urologist at the VA kept me with a stent for 2 months. Understand, normally, it's only in for like a few days or a week. I shuffled around the grocery store for an hour at some point leaning on the cart like a 90 year old man and when I came home, I peed a FULL BLADDER of deep red blood. I literally saw all of this arterial blood flowing out of me and thought I was bleeding out. Legit, I thought I was watching myself die. Most scared I'd ever been for myself. I've nearly or should have died several times (hoping this isn't a Final Destination scenario), but this was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen regarding myself. Finally get to near my procedure to remove the stone and I had a pain...while on Percocet... that was so strong I just bent over and nearly blacked out.

Turns out I had a renal infarct... a blood clot blocking the artery going into my kidney... my OTHER kidney... was admitted and my blood sent to every reference lab in the country. They never figured out why or more importantly HOW and the 11 days I was in the hospital, I never got any answers.

Worst overall pain was a 12 week migraine I had in like 2007. After 10 weeks, the pain was so bad that I started hallucinating. In the middle of that shit, I would have cluster headaches at the same time which were so severe that I'd have both sides of my spine swollen and red and hurt like I had shingles... pulsing like being branded every few minutes for hours at a time. Wife took pictures and the "pain stripes" went nearly to my tailbone. Couldn't wear a shirt when that was happening. I would stay up 3-4 days at a time... including playing WoW for over 100 hours straight b/c I couldn't do anything else. At one point, I thought the way to fix it was to smash my face against my steel desk. I would have done it, but I couldn't figure out how to do it and no break my nose... yeah, I was super fucked up... I knew enough to hold out and not tell anyone at the VA about the hallucinations because even a voluntary admittal for hallucinations (even due to pain) at that time put vets on some kind of list and many of those vets still can't fly and have other issues... which sucks. Was such that I wouldn't answer anyone unless I could see their lips move. After 12 weeks, it finally broke, but that shit changed me.

I just got over a 17 day migraine and I was an idiot and didn't tell my neuro doc at the time. As y'all know, when you're in the shit, communicating can be awful hard. I still get migraines every day, but the ones that last and last and last... they be leaning on me like a deadbeat cousin who won't get off the couch and move out...
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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Had my road rash scrubbed with a plastic brush at the hospital after a motorcycle accident. That was VERY intense.
Shingles last year wasn't as intense but very painful and never let up for weeks...

Oooh, I had that.. but from a bicycle.

As I'd shaved my legs at the time all the way up to my hip as well as my buttocks (just for this scenario), when I got to the hospital, the doc was shocked... got out the orange gel and that green scrubbing pad they use on grills... and just went to town.

Don't even have a scar from it.

Few years later a top rider at the Giro d'Italia who only shaved to just above his knee had some wicked bad road rash and lost his leg due to the infection. Never felt so glad I maintained the shave while I trained on the bike. Road rash sucks something awful, but if it gets infected??? that's a different kind of awful.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

fuck me, the stories in here are terrifying.

anyway, i had to have a biopsy to find out what was happening in my lungs. the doctor was trying to insert a needle into my arm to give me an amnesia drug so i wouldn't remember what was about to happen to me. to put it mildly, he was having some difficulty inserting the needle exactly where it needed to go. i now have a slight idea how stabbing victims feel like when they're under attack. he said not to worry as i won't remember any of it.

after that was through they wheeled me into surgery and they had to insert a tube down my nose to get to me lung. apparently it doesn't feel as bad that way. naturally they couldn't get it through my nose so they had to go through my throat. fuck me, that's something you don't want to go through while being conscious. so after that ordeal was over they slid the catcher thingy through the tube and he had to start grabbing pieces of the build up on my lungs to do analysis on them. every time he snatched a piece off my lung, fuck me, i let out the biggest cough in the history of my life. the poor nurse who was holding my hand for reassurance, i must have almost broken it as i was squeezing so hard.

needless to say, as you can guess from my description, the amnesia drug didn't work and i remember every second of that ordeal.

the next time i had to do one a few years later the doctor was coming in to give me the amnesia drug again and i told him he's not getting that needle anywhere near me. the butcher.



Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Had my road rash scrubbed with a plastic brush at the hospital after a motorcycle accident. That was VERY intense.
Shingles last year wasn't as intense but very painful and never let up for weeks...

This didn't happen to me, but to a friend I rode with. He was cruising his Harley late one night on an isolated canyon road and was struck in the face by a Hawk and knocked off his ride, fortunately he was wearing his leathers, although his jeans were shredded and his face was a mess for several days. This was in the days when helmets weren't required in Cali and few of us wore them, and for a pretty poor guy, it cost a pretty penny to get his bike back up, ... he refused to go to the hospital after somehow walking a couple miles to my home, but he had no problem with a bottle of J&B and several joints provided by Mr. River.
Damn, after reading this thread, shit surely is happening, and not just on the news.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Damn, I know as Rams fans we are gluttons for punishment. But some of the injuries/ailments you all have shared make me feel like I'm just whining about my knee that I recently learned has no cartilage, 2 destroyed meniscus and severe arthritis. I've broken a few bones in my hand but that was nothing like my current knee pain. For 2 years Dr has been telling me its just mild arthritis and giving me cortisone injections. Had an MRI last month and now the Dr tells me I need a knee replacement. The worst part about the pain is that it is pretty much constant and at times nears a 10 on a scale of 1-10. I can feel the bones moving around when I move my foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, this was what prompted the Dr to order an MRI. The bright side is I no longer have to run during my workouts at the gym, but I am becoming very familiar with the stationary bike, rowing and ski machines.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Damn, I know as Rams fans we are gluttons for punishment. But some of the injuries/ailments you all have shared make me feel like I'm just whining about my knee that I recently learned has no cartilage, 2 destroyed meniscus and severe arthritis. I've broken a few bones in my hand but that was nothing like my current knee pain. For 2 years Dr has been telling me its just mild arthritis and giving me cortisone injections. Had an MRI last month and now the Dr tells me I need a knee replacement. The worst part about the pain is that it is pretty much constant and at times nears a 10 on a scale of 1-10. I can feel the bones moving around when I move my foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, this was what prompted the Dr to order an MRI. The bright side is I no longer have to run during my workouts at the gym, but I am becoming very familiar with the stationary bike, rowing and ski machines.

From what I've learned in life? All pain is valid. There's not a need for competition; your pain is as valid as everyone else's.


May 16, 2019
I have a pretty damn high pain tolerance. I've been shot, got shrapnel wounds all over both legs from a mine, and chest and rib injuries from the helo crash. But none of that compares to the pain from shingles. I had a very bad case of it and the ER doc took one look at me and said I was going to have residual nerve pain and he has been right. I've been in pain therapy since 2013. But it was at the height of the infection all over my back and around to my chest that the pain was worst. I have never felt such pain and class 3 narcotics simply took the edge off. I couldn't sleep I could only doze from exhaustion sitting and leaning to my side without leaning back.

Yeah, I have the scars all over my torso if the residual nerve pain isn't enough of a reminder. I maxed out on the dosage of gabapentin until a Chinese American doctor convinced me to try acupuncture. I have always been a skeptic of acupuncture. He sent me to a Chinese clinic where the old guy spent 30 minutes on intensive massage therapy then 30 minutes of needles (15 minutes back then front). I was convinced after two sessions a week apart. I started that in 2017 and now I've cut my gabapentin by 1/3 and the rest of the time the pain is mild to occasionally moderate which I can control with Tylenol.

Not all acupuncturists are the same any more than all doctors are the same. I found what works for me.

My GF broke her nose as a child and she said that was pretty bad. She still has a slight deviation that is only noticeable if the light on her face is right.


What, we're all thinking it...
Feb 6, 2019
I had a kidney stone at age 20, my doctor told me for a man the pain was the equivalent to a woman giving birth. Obviously I can't say whether that is true or not, but it was intense enough to drop me to the floor doubled up at the hospital door before nurses arrived. This was back in 1972 and my stone was too large to pass, requiring surgery, and before going under I asked the doctor to save it for me so I could mount it in a ring. The doctor who operated was the same guy who removed LBJ's kidney stone, and was a bit of a butcher based on the scar he left me, and no, I didn't get the stone back. This was the only operation i've ever had thank goodness, and other than the pain, the only thing I remember was being asked to count backwards from 10 for the anesthesiologist, ... I think I made it to 8.
I had been a vegetarian for about 3 years at the time and was told my diet likely led to my condition, so needless to say, that changed the very moment I checked out. Never had a medical issue since ...

I remember distinctly as an 11 year old about to go under the knife for a thyroidectomy as the doctor says you're gonna taste the anesthesia in the back or your throat and then we're gonna count down from 10.

"Yeah, I can taste it! 10..."


Next thing I know I feel like I'm about to puke in the recovery room.