Worst Physical Pain

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Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
Damn dude sorry to hear that. That's a real life threatening illness right there. Rest up and I hope you get better. :cheers2:


Dec 3, 2013
Most pain I had ever been in was after a bad four wheeler wreck when I cracked or broke damn near every rib. Cracked a Vertebra in my mid back and punctured both my lungs with my broken ribs.. Damn near died but then 2 months into my recovery I have my first kidney stone (first of several) and that pain topped all the other pain I had from the wreck. Of course I was in shock for a few days and don't remember anything from the wreck. First thing I remember was coming off the ventilator and they had me on so many drugs I was tripping balls. I couldn't figure out why there were clowns and WTF was I doing in a kitchen getting operated on lol. I have no Idea what kind of drugs I was on but man I have never been on a trip like that.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I had been a vegetarian for about 3 years at the time and was told my diet likely led to my condition, so needless to say, that changed the very moment I checked out. Never had a medical issue since ...

Hang on. I realize this happened to you in the early 70s but I find it hard to believe that's the reason why. Yes there are certain leafy and ground vegetables that can cause it, but you would have to be eating a ton of them every single day for years and years.

I'm a veggie myself, as is the majority of my family and no one has these issues. The main thing that I know is to keep your system hydrated with plenty of water and reduce sodium, sugar, and other super acidic foods.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Hang on. I realize this happened to you in the early 70s but I find it hard to believe that's the reason why. Yes there are certain leafy and ground vegetables that can cause it, but you would have to be eating a ton of them every single day for years and years.

I'm a veggie myself, as is the majority of my family and no one has these issues. The main thing that I know is to keep your system hydrated with plenty of water and reduce sodium, sugar, and other super acidic foods.

To be honest, at 20 years old and single, I wasn't practicing the best nutrition. The doctor who suggested my diet may have been a contributing factor told me that Kidney Stones are basically calcium deposits, and I was likely consuming too much calcium for my body to properly handle.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
To be honest, at 20 years old and single, I wasn't practicing the best nutrition. The doctor who suggested my diet may have been a contributing factor told me that Kidney Stones are basically calcium deposits, and I was likely consuming too much calcium for my body to properly handle.

Next time you go to the doctor, I'd ask him about that. There really isn't a set culprit, there's always a lot of factors. If you didn't have a good diet, and being a veg at the same time and still got stones, something doesn't add up. Just strikes me at odd when so many people are vegetarians.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Next time you go to the doctor, I'd ask him about that. There really isn't a set culprit, there's always a lot of factors. If you didn't have a good diet, and being a veg at the same time and still got stones, something doesn't add up. Just strikes me at odd when so many people are vegetarians.

I don't know if i'll ever see a doctor again, although being 68 now might suggest the chances are high. It's been 15 years since I last saw a doctor, that for a colonoscopy, and prior to that it had been nearly another 15 years. I'm in pretty reasonable health for my age, but no longer have any living relatives, so i'm not interested in or seeking to extend life into infirmity. jmo.


Jun 11, 2017
I have been pretty lucky in my life.

No real pain to really speak of other than when the doctor cut right into my behind removing a cyst that had grown without any numbing.

But C-Diff is a pain in the ass (literally).

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Mine came with the herniated discs I had in my neck. It wasn't from an injury. According to my doc, it just came because of time/degeneration.

My wife trapped me into going on a long cruise with some friends. I fucking hate cruises, but she was able to rope me into this one. A few days before we were to leave, I woke up with what I thought was just a bad kink in my neck. I figured it would go away like they normally do. It wasn't getting better though. So I went to the ER the day before we left to see if I could get something for the pain. They basically didn't do shit for me.

I decided to go on the cruise anyway figuring this pain would pass like a kinked neck normally does. I planned on just getting shit faced on the cruise anyway and hopefully not feel any pain. That's not what happened though.

A couple of days into this damn cruise... guess what... my pain was just getting worse. I've got a high pain tolerance... but this pain was becoming unbelievable. The only way I could get any tiny bit of relief was to raise my right hand and arm straight into the air like a student wanted to get the teacher to call on them in class. I sat with my hand up like that through a whole dinner one night. It was ridiculous. The pain was overwhelming.

I went to the ship's doc and he gave me some super strong pain pills. He was from South Africa and was much more willing to provide pain meds to me compared to the docs in the ER that I went to back home.

The pain pills didn't get me through though. That night my pain was so extreme that I couldn't sleep or even lay still on the bed. It was nonstop burning pain at a level 10. I was literally unable to get even a slight bit of relief... the pain just got worse all night long. Agonizing nonstop pain. I can't properly describe the intensity. Over the top brutal pain.

The next morning I was back down at the ship's doc. He could see how bad of shape I was in. He was going to give me a shot that was supposed to knock me completely the fuck out so that I could get some relief. I couldn't believe that the shot would have an immediate effect on me... but he assured me that he would have to give it to me in my cabin while I laid down on the bed because I would be out like a light.

He sent the smoking hot Russian nurse up to my cabin with me to give me the shot. My wife was there on the bed when I said something to her and the hot nurse about how excited I was to have these two hot women in the cabin with me on the bed. I was laughing for about 3 seconds after she stuck the needle in and then I was completely knocked out. Thank God. So the magic never happened LOL. But my pain was now gone... as was my consciousness.

My wife then arranged for us to fly out of Jamaica (our next stop) as soon as we were to arrive the next day. I didn't wake up until that next morning. Unbelievably... I woke up to alarms and people screaming like maniacs....

The fucking cruise ship was on FIRE! We were only a few miles offshore... but it was a fucking disaster. We all had to go to our muster stations. Luckily I had set ours up ahead of time to be inside. Most of the people on board were outside lined up on the decks in hot ass Jamaican sunshine with flames blowing straight up out of the ship's stacks.

Because my wife had arranged for us to fly out the night before... we were able to leave the ship and go to the airport. Everyone else on that fucking ship from hell were forced to stay on that thing for 4 more days of cruising on a ship that smelled like burning wires and smoke.

I flew back home and had to have fusion surgery on 3 disks in my neck.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
“My wife then arranged for us to fly out of Jamaica (our next stop)”

I took the wife to the Caribbean last year.


No she wanted to go.

Sorry I couldn’t resist.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #31
I was skeptical about sharing this one because...well...its kinda embarrassing.

When I was in my late teens...17-19 I was big as hell...muscle wise, not fat like I am today. I was into power lifting. As much as somebody that age could be I guess. Nothing like Strongman.

But, while doing this...the pressure got to me. And I found myself with my first hemorrhoid. It came and went. Quite literally a pain in the ass. But then it was gone. So, over the years they would come and go.

Fast forward to a little over two years ago. It has progressed to just severe fucking pain. Like can't sleep, can't sit. Can lay or stand...thats all. But certainly not sleep. It was a few days of the worst pain in my life...yes....this was worse than my original post. Keep in mind, I've broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons and muscles over the years. And nothing even came close to this pain.

Finally I go to the doctor and tell him my ass was killing me. He, of course had a sexy ass nurse who had to help him spread my cheeks. Lol and then came a problem. Usually hemorrhoids are external, but in my case there was nothing visible. He went ahead and dug in and found a small one which he cut right then and there...that was so nice...

It felt okay for about 12 hrs then shit got real. And I went back the next day, he referred me to a surgeon who took a look and said I needed surgery asap. This was a Friday so they set it up for Monday and gave me some perks.

Monday came and they kept warning me about the post op. Said patients claim its much worse than before. I was scared to death trying to imagine what the fuck could possibly make this worse.

I go in, surgery is over and my wife tells me that the surgeon came to her and said every year he has 4-5 surgeries that makes him feel terrible for the person. And said mine was the worst he had seen in some time and he had no clue how I was functioning at all. He said there were two massive clusters inside and he couldn't imaging the pain I was in.

The doctor has a strict No Refills policy on pain meds. But told me I could get refills if needed. Lol

The crazy part. The post op was a piece of fucking cake in comparison to what I had been dealing with and I only took about 4-5 pills.

But...you wanna know fear....taking your first shit after such a surgery on ur freshly stitched up ass....wow


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I was skeptical about sharing this one because...well...its kinda embarrassing.

When I was in my late teens...17-19 I was big as hell...muscle wise, not fat like I am today. I was into power lifting. As much as somebody that age could be I guess. Nothing like Strongman.

But, while doing this...the pressure got to me. And I found myself with my first hemorrhoid. It came and went. Quite literally a pain in the ass. But then it was gone. So, over the years they would come and go.

Fast forward to a little over two years ago. It has progressed to just severe fucking pain. Like can't sleep, can't sit. Can lay or stand...thats all. But certainly not sleep. It was a few days of the worst pain in my life...yes....this was worse than my original post. Keep in mind, I've broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons and muscles over the years. And nothing even came close to this pain.

Finally I go to the doctor and tell him my ass was killing me. He, of course had a sexy ass nurse who had to help him spread my cheeks. Lol and then came a problem. Usually hemorrhoids are external, but in my case there was nothing visible. He went ahead and dug in and found a small one which he cut right then and there...that was so nice...

It felt okay for about 12 hrs then shit got real. And I went back the next day, he referred me to a surgeon who took a look and said I needed surgery asap. This was a Friday so they set it up for Monday and gave me some perks.

Monday came and they kept warning me about the post op. Said patients claim its much worse than before. I was scared to death trying to imagine what the fuck could possibly make this worse.

I go in, surgery is over and my wife tells me that the surgeon came to her and said every year he has 4-5 surgeries that makes him feel terrible for the person. And said mine was the worst he had seen in some time and he had no clue how I was functioning at all. He said there were two massive clusters inside and he couldn't imaging the pain I was in.

The doctor has a strict No Refills policy on pain meds. But told me I could get refills if needed. Lol

The crazy part. The post op was a piece of fucking cake in comparison to what I had been dealing with and I only took about 4-5 pills.

But...you wanna know fear....taking your first shit after such a surgery on ur freshly stitched up ass....wow
I've also had hemorrhoids removed. Mine was in Germany though, so I couldn't read any part of paperwork and duck me if they were going to translate it. My pain wasn't as bad as yours and post op was similarly easy.

Any time someone asks me why it takes me so long to shit I say, "Have you ever had hemorrhoid surgery? Have you ever had a 70 year old german man dry shave your asshole with a single blade razor?" That usually ends every conversation within speaking distance for a couple minutes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
I was skeptical about sharing this one because...well...its kinda embarrassing.

When I was in my late teens...17-19 I was big as hell...muscle wise, not fat like I am today. I was into power lifting. As much as somebody that age could be I guess. Nothing like Strongman.

But, while doing this...the pressure got to me. And I found myself with my first hemorrhoid. It came and went. Quite literally a pain in the ass. But then it was gone. So, over the years they would come and go.

Fast forward to a little over two years ago. It has progressed to just severe fucking pain. Like can't sleep, can't sit. Can lay or stand...thats all. But certainly not sleep. It was a few days of the worst pain in my life...yes....this was worse than my original post. Keep in mind, I've broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons and muscles over the years. And nothing even came close to this pain.

Finally I go to the doctor and tell him my ass was killing me. He, of course had a sexy ass nurse who had to help him spread my cheeks. Lol and then came a problem. Usually hemorrhoids are external, but in my case there was nothing visible. He went ahead and dug in and found a small one which he cut right then and there...that was so nice...

It felt okay for about 12 hrs then shit got real. And I went back the next day, he referred me to a surgeon who took a look and said I needed surgery asap. This was a Friday so they set it up for Monday and gave me some perks.

Monday came and they kept warning me about the post op. Said patients claim its much worse than before. I was scared to death trying to imagine what the fuck could possibly make this worse.

I go in, surgery is over and my wife tells me that the surgeon came to her and said every year he has 4-5 surgeries that makes him feel terrible for the person. And said mine was the worst he had seen in some time and he had no clue how I was functioning at all. He said there were two massive clusters inside and he couldn't imaging the pain I was in.

The doctor has a strict No Refills policy on pain meds. But told me I could get refills if needed. Lol

The crazy part. The post op was a piece of fucking cake in comparison to what I had been dealing with and I only took about 4-5 pills.

But...you wanna know fear....taking your first shit after such a surgery on ur freshly stitched up ass....wow

Haha, oh man.

I once had a bad case of hemorrhoids. The pain that day was intense. Had to go to emergency. When the doctor came to have a look he went outside to make a call. I heard him say the words nobody wants to hear from a doctor, "I've never seen anything like this before". I was put straight on the morphine, and boy that was like I was in heaven. It ended up that I had strangulated hemorrhoids.

Agree about the first bowel movement after surgery. Even though they prep you for a couple of days with products to soften your stool you're still sweating bullets when you sit on the toilet. Wasn't too bad though.

Now every time I have to wipe myself I use baby wipes to finish things up. I will never put my arsehole under any type of unnecessary stress ever again.

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

Definitely the worst pain I've ever had was a fractured rib. Breathing normally was fine, daily tasks were fine, but my disease makes me have intense coughing fits. Mix the intense coughing fits with the fractured rib and that's when you get intense pain.

Once you get pain killers in you it takes the edge off the pain but in the time before you go to the doctor for a script and then chemist to get the pills you have to live with that intense pain. The foreboding your brain goes through when you feel a coughing fit coming, man, the misery.



Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
I tore my acl about 8 years ago(still not repaired), that was not fun, especially when walking up stairs.

Tried walking to bathroom day after getting my tibula and fibia cut in half and external fixator implanted into them. Collapsed right away and that was dumb on my part.

Broken plenty of bones and tore many tendons and shit in hands and arms and elbows and ribs and have taken years to heal to not hurt anymore but...

Worst pain was getting a culture done that turned into a debridement(removing all contaminated tissue) with a scalpel on my leg down to the bone because it had spread so bad but was given no anesthesia or sedative nor numbed as they tried to dig out as much of the puss/ruined tissue from my staph infection. Combination of mental stress(7 surgeries into what was supposed to be 2) and pain of the scalpel tearing into me broke/changed me mentally forever. Still a day I remember perfectly 19 years later(was 17 at the time) and will never forget.
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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #37
I'll mention another painful injury here. When I was about 22, I was playing football with some friends and I got an interception and was headed back and tried to jump over a guy and he flipped me. I landed with my shoulder in a hole. The pain was pretty bad and was lingering. I didn't have insurance so I had to pay to go see the doctor. Did their tests deals and said I had torn my rotator cuff in my left shoulder.

Without insurance I wasn't going to get the surgery. I was young and didn't realize there were assistance programs and shit like that out there. So, I let it heal on it own....and wow.

I sleep with one arm above my head under the pillow. I shit you not, it was at least 3 years before I could do that again without pain. It's been about 15 years now and I will still aggravate it now and then and not be able to sleep on my left side.

I've been considering asking my doctor if there is anything I can do at this point.

Moral of the story. Don't be a dipshit kid. If you tear your rotator cuff and it requires surgery. Get the damn surgery.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I broke both bones in my arm in a HS football game when I was a freshman. One of the bones was sticking out of my skin a little and my hand was snapped down in a 90° angle away from where it was supposed to be. I didn't know it was snapped like that until I looked down at it. I was trying to push myself up from the ground... I had just been tackled and I was going to head back to huddle up for the next play. Something didn't feel right when I tried to push myself up.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at when I looked down. It was like I was having an out of body experience. Obviously I knew that my arm was completely fucked... but the crazy thing about it was... I DIDN'T FEEL ANYTHING IN THAT ARM OR HAND. No real pain... just nothing. They told me that I was in shock and that it happens like that to people sometimes. So weird.

The pain came at the hospital when they had to set my arm. Talk about a fucking horror scene. My Dad almost passed out as he watched. I was still in some kind of strange mind fuck though and my brain had somehow turned off the pain. The pain did present itself in full force though when the doctor manually set my arm back... it was extremely sharp pain... but it was over pretty fast. They had me literally strapped down on what looked like a big surfboard with seat belts all the way up it every few feet or so. I think I actually passed out.

I still think of how weird it was that I wasn't in excruciating pain though right after it happened. I didn't really have any pain until the doctor started moving the bones back where they were supposed to be. That was hours after it happened too. The brain is fascinating.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I remember breaking my nose while playing hide-and-seek with my then-seven-year-old brother (I was nine.) We had this toy wheelbarrow that was basically as big as a regular wheelbarrow, but mostly plastic. I decided to be an idiot and scare my brother while I was hiding under it. He dropped it right on my nose. It's still kind of crooked to this day, although most people can't really tell.

Oh, and the scar I got on my right hand from punching a glass calendar. Bled like an absolute bitch, and I had to basically get it stitched and then glued. It's still very much visible.


Pro Bowler
Apr 18, 2014
Had my road rash scrubbed with a plastic brush at the hospital after a motorcycle accident. That was VERY intense.
Shingles last year wasn't as intense but very painful and never let up for weeks...