Lost Advanced Ancient Global Civilization

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Here is a question for you guys…

Okay, so earth was wiped out. Everyone is killed but a few survivors… they immediately become hunter/gatherers… and the world starts over.

All makes sense.

If these guys were as advanced as we said (via the stonework)… where are the non-earth artifacts?

Satellites, in time, all fall from the sky. So… Those being gone… makes sense.

What about the moon? Where is the evidence they were there? That wasn‘t destroyed. If they were advanced, you got to believe they visited the moon, right?
All the Neanderthal Moon bases are on the Dark Side of the Moon and NASA is hiding those pictures....duh!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I hesitate to jump into this topic because people's beliefs are meshed in with some science and some history. I'm a historian and believe me when I say that those who specialize in Ancient history where written documents are scarce or non-existent compared to more modern history which is where my interests lie, have an inferiority complex. The "racist" word gets thrown around if you value written records more than fossils and pottery shards No matter, ancient era historians will glean so much outs of the fossil evidence and massive rock structures built by ancestors. I won't twist myself into a pretzel with dates, but the facts indicate that peoples in different geographical areas developed at different rates of speed. Europe lost it's Megafauna before the Americas did. Meaning those wooly Mammoths and giant sloths and Beaver the size of cattle, by tens of thousands of years. Easy slow moving mountains of food disappeared and so it spurred the agricultural revolution at different times. Receding glaciers due to global warming (damn humans and their camp fires!) raised the oceans by like 400 feet, eventually cutting off the land bridge in the Bering strait, sealing America off from what happened in Asia ang Europe.

Development of crops, spices, and other technologies circulated naturally from East to West. They communicated through wars and disease as well as trade. Tribal communities rose first, and the hunter gatherers began to stay in one place as they learned when to grow crops and people ate more often and had more children. Leadership emerged in political and religious spheres and began ordering the common folk to do things. Abundant food meant time for contemplation: science, math, art, religion, slavery.. It's amazing what things you can do with almost unlimited labor for religious ends (Gobeki Tepe).

The truth is that when great libraries at Alexandria and elsewhere burned, humanity lost it's written past to a great extent and so we are guessing about what the ancients knew. Polar reversals, ice ages, asteroid strikes, floods surely wiped out much, but we can be pretty sure that what we do know is that ancient man prolly never left earth's orbit in the last 4.5 billion years, aside from the 20th century exploits. I'm a confirmed UFO skeptic and so I don't put much stock into Alien technologies creating the pyramids, etc....
Maybe Elon will get us to Mars with Space X (the rocket landing is pretty impressive) and we'll find evidence that the Denisovans were there first!
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Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
How do we explain the things found in 300 million year old coal?





All Horned Up
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 23, 2016
It's damn near impossible nowadays to date stone though... so the confusion happens.
I dated stone once but she was stone cold because I took her for granite. Then she gave me the cold boulders, so I gave up on dating her. Damn near impossible to date.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
For any of you who are completely unfamiliar with the theory of an Advanced Ancient Civilization, this is an excellent video. Yeah... it's long, but that's because there is a tremendous amount of bullshit that we've been made to believe is our history that is just not true. It takes more than 15 minutes to try and open someone's eyes so that they can see what has been right in front of us... it's easy to have blinders on because of the history we've been told to believe.

View: https://youtu.be/efjgHYibTH8


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
@Selassie I i haven't finished the video yet but it is super interesting. I've been trying to pause and look up things he's claiming as I go. He's mostly on point. There's a couple of things that stand out when I'm doing that. His definition of civilization and what archeologists at large define as civilization don't match. Urbanization and written language are two things archeologists use to define civilization. He's using any group of people with a culture and socialization of skills. So of course he wants to move he date backgiven his alternate definition of the word. But the other thing is that he does misrepresent some of the counter arguments to things like Göbekli Tepe. Does there's an ongoing debate about how many people it takes to build a site like that with the big population side citing certain cultures and the small population side citing other cultures.

So he makes some decent arguments and presents good info, but certainly isn't a completely reliable source. Not knowing shit about shit, I can't argue either for or against him.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
@Selassie I i haven't finished the video yet but it is super interesting. I've been trying to pause and look up things he's claiming as I go. He's mostly on point. There's a couple of things that stand out when I'm doing that. His definition of civilization and what archeologists at large define as civilization don't match. Urbanization and written language are two things archeologists use to define civilization. He's using any group of people with a culture and socialization of skills. So of course he wants to move he date backgiven his alternate definition of the word. But the other thing is that he does misrepresent some of the counter arguments to things like Göbekli Tepe. Does there's an ongoing debate about how many people it takes to build a site like that with the big population side citing certain cultures and the small population side citing other cultures.

So he makes some decent arguments and presents good info, but certainly isn't a completely reliable source. Not knowing shit about shit, I can't argue either for or against him.

Definitions nowadays seem to change when needed...LOL. I hear you though.

Maybe you already are, but keep in mind that the Gobekli Tepe site has only had a tiny portion of it dug out. The ground penetrating radar has revealed that the whole thing is gigantic. I think they've only dug out like 5% of it. The authorities don't want any more of it uncovered which is whack to me. That whole site was buried ON PURPOSE too way back for some unknown reason... it wasn't buried over time, it was intentionally buried.

As for the written language part... I believe the ancient builders must have had that. Building massive sites like Gobekli Tepe and super precise structures that are beyond massive like the polygonal stone walls found all over the planet just couldn't be accomplished without a written language if you ask me. Where's the proof of it though??? Well, it's gone because of the extreme age. All that's really left today are the stones... it's just so old and don't discount the extreme cataclysms that the planet went through as well. Like this guy says... it's hard to believe that there is anything at all left.

It's hard for most to keep an open mind when what you've believed in and been taught is questioned. 2 of my sons and I were trying to talk to my other son about this subject yesterday morning and he just wouldn't even consider it. I've been fascinated by this stuff since I was very young and I am sure that's why I have a more open mind about this. Think about this though... all of the oldest writings all over the planet speak about the people who lived way before them who had much more knowledge and even taught them many things. Why would they write that? They didn't write fantasy... it was what was written about all over the world. So the oldest writings we do have access to do all say that there was a civilization before them. It is also fact that most conquering people through the years would simply destroy the less developed people's beliefs/writings and replace them with theirs. That was the standard practice. History has been written by the victors to suit their needs... not to preserve what was already there.

If we can't build lots of these things today with our technology... how in the f could they do it back then? That's all the proof that should be needed for everyone to take this stuff seriously.

Like I said, I've been ate up with this basically my whole life. So my view is jaded too.
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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Definitions nowadays seem to change when needed...LOL. I hear you though.

Maybe you already are, but keep in mind that the Gobekli Tepe site has only had a tiny portion of it dug out. The ground penetrating radar has revealed that the whole thing is gigantic. I think they've only dug out like 5% of it. The authorities don't want any more of it uncovered which is whack to me. That whole site was buried ON PURPOSE too way back for some unknown reason... it wasn't buried over time, it was intentionally buried.

As for the written language part... I believe the ancient builders must have had that. Building massive sites like Gobekli Tepe and super precise structures that are beyond massive like the polygonal stone walls found all over the planet just couldn't be accomplished without a written language if you ask me. Where's the proof of it though??? Well, it's gone because of the extreme age. All that's really left today are the stones... it's just so old and don't discount the extreme cataclysms that the planet went through as well. Like this guy says... it's hard to believe that there is anything at all left.

It's hard for most to keep an open mind when what you've believed in and been taught is questioned. 2 of my sons and I were trying to talk to my other son about this subject yesterday morning and he just wouldn't even consider it. I've been fascinated by this stuff since I was very young and I am sure that's why I have a more open mind about this. Think about this though... all of the oldest writings all over the planet speak about the people who lived way before them who had much more knowledge and even taught them many things. Why would they write that? They didn't write fantasy... it was what was written about all over the world. So the oldest writings we do have access to do all say that there was a civilization before them. It is also fact that most conquering people through the years would simply destroy the less developed people's beliefs/writings and replace them with theirs. That was the standard practice. History has been written be the victors to suit their needs... not to preserve what was already there.

If we can't build lots of these things today with our technology... how in the f could they do it back then? That's all the proof that should be needed for everyone to take this stuff seriously.

Like I said, I've been ate up with this basically my whole life. So my view is jaded too.

I’m sold, too @Selassie I

Ben’s entire channel, UnchartedX, is loaded with evidence of an advanced civilization. I think I’ve watched them all. The stone boxes and vases are just too precise for the time period tools we associate them.

I think Jimmy Corsetti’s channel, Bright Insight, is awesome too. He’s sold me the lost city of Atlantis could be the eye of the Sahara. He makes a great argument.



Jan 12, 2013
Atlantis is that nation, folklore passed down thru generations. I believe it was comprised of humanoid aliens and Cro-Magnons


Jun 11, 2017
If we can't build lots of these things today with our technology... how in the f could they do it back then? That's all the proof that should be needed for everyone to take this stuff seriously.
The only problem I have with this statement is why was it built in stone. Did they know their civilization was about to collapse and stone fitted together like they did would be the only thing to last?

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
The only problem I have with this statement is why was it built in stone. Did they know their civilization was about to collapse and stone fitted together like they did would be the only thing to last?

Some believe that they used stone so that they could basically send a message to future civilizations if humans survived. The Great Pyramid for example has many different messages (some are mathematical) built into it. It is thought that they used the stone because they knew it was the only thing that could survive the test of time.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I love this channel and find his storytelling style different. I like it.

He provides alternate theories and makes you think. Two minutes into the story shows this and draws you in for more. Give it a watch if you are into that sort of thing. Great channel!

Story starts at 2:55. Start the video there.

Latest episode.

View: https://youtu.be/-jtqMGKaw6c


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man

An Advanced Ancient Civilization Burned Itself To The Ground Before Disappearing 2,500 Years Ago​

Much mystery surrounds the ancient Tartessos civilization that’s believed to have ruled south-western Spain from the 9th to the 6th century BCE. Throughout more modern history, people have suggested that it was a river, a kingdom, or even Atlantis (it’s not, and nobody’s even looking for it), but in reality, it was one of the first cultures to be established in the Iberian Peninsula. There are now more than 20 known Tartessos sites in the region, revealing it was far more expansive than first thought.

The Tartessians left nothing much in the way of written testimonies about life in southern Spain during the Bronze and Iron Ages for us to find. However, thanks to the longevity of certain metals, we do have some clues as to how they lived preserved in curious sites of devastation like Cancho Roano.

Here, at the end of the 5th Century BCE, the Tartessians appear to have tossed animal remains along with prized possessions like jewelry and tools into a giant pit before setting it on fire. They then sealed the flaming pit and moved on. It might seem like a bizarre localized incident, but then a similar story was uncovered at Casas de Turuñuelo.

Considered one of the most well-preserved protohistoric buildings in the region, it was once thought to be Roman but has since been confirmed as Tartessian territory. It too burned many animals inside a large, sealed pit, painting a similar picture to the findings at Cancho Roano.

As for why the Tartessians seemed hell-bent on burning themselves to the ground, it’s a good question to which we don’t yet have firm answers, but researchers are looking into it.

"The most surprising thing for me is the very peculiar habit [the Tartessos] had of destroying their homes, that is, in all the sites found, the same behaviour has been followed: emptying all the vessels and amphorae, burning the building and burying it," said Ana Belén Gallardo Delgado, a historian and guide at La Mata, to Andrew Lofthouse, BBC.

"With the new technologies, I hope that much more can be clarified about the origin of this civilisation and delve a little more into its way of life. The Tartessian presence in the Extremadura area is becoming more and more important thanks to new advances in archaeology. Also, it is believed that another eight burial mounds found in the Badajoz area could be Tartessian buildings like those already excavated.”

The behavior is an eyebrow-raising one for modern historians, but it’s not even the leading mystery surrounding Tartessos culture. It’s thought to have abruptly vanished around 2,5000 years ago, and once again, the cause has so far eluded our understanding.

Given their location along the coastlines of an ancient Andalucía that was partially submerged in the Mediterranean Sea, it’s possible that earthquakes and tsunamis could’ve represented a unique threat to the Tartessians. One false slip of a tectonic plate may have been enough to devastate them, but it’s also possible beef with neighboring Phoenicians could have played a role.

Research continues at Tartessian sites like Casas de Turuñuelo, turning up new insights about their culture, meanwhile, scientists are also working on better understanding their trade networks which – based on the richness of metals discovered in the burned remains – it would appear was very healthy.

When you’re studying lost civilizations many thousands of years old, it gets pretty complicated trying to keep up with the Tartessians.


Jun 11, 2017

An Advanced Ancient Civilization Burned Itself To The Ground Before Disappearing 2,500 Years Ago​

Much mystery surrounds the ancient Tartessos civilization that’s believed to have ruled south-western Spain from the 9th to the 6th century BCE. Throughout more modern history, people have suggested that it was a river, a kingdom, or even Atlantis (it’s not, and nobody’s even looking for it), but in reality, it was one of the first cultures to be established in the Iberian Peninsula. There are now more than 20 known Tartessos sites in the region, revealing it was far more expansive than first thought.

The Tartessians left nothing much in the way of written testimonies about life in southern Spain during the Bronze and Iron Ages for us to find. However, thanks to the longevity of certain metals, we do have some clues as to how they lived preserved in curious sites of devastation like Cancho Roano.

Here, at the end of the 5th Century BCE, the Tartessians appear to have tossed animal remains along with prized possessions like jewelry and tools into a giant pit before setting it on fire. They then sealed the flaming pit and moved on. It might seem like a bizarre localized incident, but then a similar story was uncovered at Casas de Turuñuelo.

Considered one of the most well-preserved protohistoric buildings in the region, it was once thought to be Roman but has since been confirmed as Tartessian territory. It too burned many animals inside a large, sealed pit, painting a similar picture to the findings at Cancho Roano.

As for why the Tartessians seemed hell-bent on burning themselves to the ground, it’s a good question to which we don’t yet have firm answers, but researchers are looking into it.

"The most surprising thing for me is the very peculiar habit [the Tartessos] had of destroying their homes, that is, in all the sites found, the same behaviour has been followed: emptying all the vessels and amphorae, burning the building and burying it," said Ana Belén Gallardo Delgado, a historian and guide at La Mata, to Andrew Lofthouse, BBC.

"With the new technologies, I hope that much more can be clarified about the origin of this civilisation and delve a little more into its way of life. The Tartessian presence in the Extremadura area is becoming more and more important thanks to new advances in archaeology. Also, it is believed that another eight burial mounds found in the Badajoz area could be Tartessian buildings like those already excavated.”

The behavior is an eyebrow-raising one for modern historians, but it’s not even the leading mystery surrounding Tartessos culture. It’s thought to have abruptly vanished around 2,5000 years ago, and once again, the cause has so far eluded our understanding.

Given their location along the coastlines of an ancient Andalucía that was partially submerged in the Mediterranean Sea, it’s possible that earthquakes and tsunamis could’ve represented a unique threat to the Tartessians. One false slip of a tectonic plate may have been enough to devastate them, but it’s also possible beef with neighboring Phoenicians could have played a role.

Research continues at Tartessian sites like Casas de Turuñuelo, turning up new insights about their culture, meanwhile, scientists are also working on better understanding their trade networks which – based on the richness of metals discovered in the burned remains – it would appear was very healthy.

When you’re studying lost civilizations many thousands of years old, it gets pretty complicated trying to keep up with the Tartessians.
Now I don't know if this was serious or not

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
@Ramrasta representing The Ramily at the Mayan pyramid down in Chichen Itza today.

This is the pyramid that casts a shadow down the stairs of a giant snake at certain predetermined times of the year. Amazing engineering even for us today... but back then it's hard to imagine how they were able to do this.
