Lost Advanced Ancient Global Civilization

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Maybe you've heard all of the stories about the Smithsonian taking possession of actual physical evidence of the previous existence of Giants. The are so many claims of this that have timestamped evidence - like dated articles from newspapers. The sheer number of the newspaper articles from first had witnesses alone adds credence to me... and it's hard to deny when you also see that these reports happened all over the county.

But this video puts together some courtroom worthy actual evidence of this that I have ever scene on this.

Also, some pics and vids of some of the best ancient architecture evidence here in the US Midwest from a previous advanced human civilization... but the proof that the evidence has been kept a secret from the masses.

View: https://youtu.be/RC0_F5-_jQs?si=i3bsE7rEeh0Lb7P_
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I haven’t watched this one yet, but this channel is so good.

View: https://youtu.be/cPNgGnUrCKM?si=XDoonpZmKND4xKKZ

I saw this yesterday.

Very very weird. Apparently the site is controlled by some kind of world economic group who will not allow further exploration of the 22 acre site at this time. ONLY 5% of the site has been allowed to be dug out since it's discovery. The "gateholders" are saying that they want to save the future discoveries in the site for Future Generations. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They appear to want to hide something.

It's as if they feel what is under the sand would be too much for people today to be able to understand/cope with. As if we can't handle the real truth of our ancient past.


Mar 28, 2016
I love this stuff. If you guys haven't read Gram Hancocks books please do yourself a favor and read them. They are fascinating


Jun 11, 2017
Maybe you've heard all of the stories about the Smithsonian taking possession of actual physical evidence of the previous existence of Giants. The are so many claims of this that have timestamped evidence - like dated articles from newspapers. The sheer number of the newspaper articles from first had witnesses alone adds credence to me... and it's hard to deny when you also see that these reports happened all over the county.

But this video puts together some courtroom worthy actual evidence of this that I have ever scene on this.

Also, some pics and vids of some of the best ancient architecture evidence here in the US Midwest from a previous advanced human civilization... but the proof that the evidence has been kept a secret from the masses.

View: https://youtu.be/RC0_F5-_jQs?si=i3bsE7rEeh0Lb7P_

My theory about giants is that the average height in ancient times was about 4 10 or so (maybe 5 ft).

And that once in awhile like in today, they would see a 7 foot tall or even taller person walk by

That would look like a giant to me if I saw that.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
My theory about giants is that the average height in ancient times was about 4 10 or so (maybe 5 ft).

And that once in awhile like in today, they would see a 7 foot tall or even taller person walk by

That would look like a giant to me if I saw that.

They claim to have found skeletons that were 8' - 10'+ on the regular.


Jun 11, 2017
They claim to have found skeletons that were 8' - 10'+ on the regular.
Not what I consider a Giant but definitely an abnormal height for that age.

They could have been an outlying human species that had slightly different genetics

Do they still exist today? Maybe but they would have to exist below ground since someone 8 to 10 feet tall would stand out.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Not what I consider a Giant but definitely an abnormal height for that age.

They could have been an outlying human species that had slightly different genetics

Do they still exist today? Maybe but they would have to exist below ground since someone 8 to 10 feet tall would stand out.

Many times the graves contained multiple skeletons that were all over 8'.

There are stories about this outside of North America too. Especially with graves containing multiple giant skeletons. Many times, some of the hair may have still been there with the bones and it was red... not a common color for someone to have in north and south America. There are stories from all over the globe about the red haired giants of the past. Not to mention the stories of giants in the bible. Most Native American people has stories of giants in their histories.

Many people believe the ancient mounds found all over North America were created by a race of giants.

I have seen some of the giant bones from the past with my own eyes. I was very lucky to have been given a private tour of the Olmec museum in Xalapa Mexico. These bones are not on display for the masses... they keep them locked up in a private area and only display them on private tours like I had. They also showed me elongated skulls (that were not created through head binding) and they had red hair. Those skulls were dug up in Mexico. Not many redheads found in Mexico.
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This has some fascinating stuff connecting Easter Island to the super ancient sites in Turkey that I have never seen before. Really well done.

View: https://youtu.be/T3qVH7YWcxU?si=ElLj-Z4ZFlrMhr7N


I don't know if you watched the video in my above quote of myself in this post. But it shares some incredible info one the T shaped pillars found at Gobekli Tepe.

If you look at the carvings on them... they are giving you a time stamp from way back using the constellations (represented by animals). It's a time stamp of when that comet or pieces of the comet rained down and caused total destruction and probably a world wide flood. The statues on Easter Island have the same time stamp and stories carved on them too. Wild shit.


Jun 11, 2017
Many times the graves contained multiple skeletons that were all over 8'.

There are stories about this outside of North America too. Especially with graves containing multiple giant skeletons. Many times, some of the hair may have still been there with the bones and it was red... not a common color for someone to have in north and south America. There are stories from all over the globe about the red haired giants of the past. Not to mention the stories of giants in the bible. Most Native American people has stories of giants in their histories.

Many people believe the ancient mounds found all over North America were created by a race of giants.

I have seen some of the giant bones from the past with my own eyes. I was very lucky to have been given a private tour of the Olmec museum in Xalapa Mexico. These bones are not on display for the masses... they keep them locked up in a private area and only display them on private tours like I had. They also showed me elongated skulls (that were not created through head binding) and they had red hair. Those skulls were dug up in Mexico. Not many redheads found in Mexico.
I wasn't actually really disagreeing with you on the bones they found.

Just that I think this may have been a really tall set of humans with a slightly different genetic makeup that made them taller than everyone along with the elongated head.

IMHO - a giant should be classified as a Giant if they are over 15 feet tall.

That would be 3 times the height of the average man in those days

2 times - that's just a really tall human (with red hair).

But in keeping in mind with this possibility, I would really like someone to do a DNA analysis on these bones.

Then we would know for sure if they are an outlying species of human or a completely different species altogether.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I wasn't actually really disagreeing with you on the bones they found.

Just that I think this may have been a really tall set of humans with a slightly different genetic makeup that made them taller than everyone along with the elongated head.

IMHO - a giant should be classified as a Giant if they are over 15 feet tall.

That would be 3 times the height of the average man in those days

2 times - that's just a really tall human (with red hair).

But in keeping in mind with this possibility, I would really like someone to do a DNA analysis on these bones.

Then we would know for sure if they are an outlying species of human or a completely different species altogether.

Oh... hell yeah.

The only problem is getting one from the Smithsonian to do the testing on. They seem to have conveniently lost them along with the ark of the covenant.


Jun 11, 2017
Oh... hell yeah.

The only problem is getting one from the Smithsonian to do the testing on. They seem to have conveniently lost them along with the ark of the covenant.
Didn't you know that they have TOP MEN working on the Ark of the Covenant



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2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014

Love me some Randall Carlson. Dude is legit asf, would love to go spend some time with him and some of his classes etc. he has.
Doesn’t seem fair does it? Our lifespans are too short to figure it all out. But there is overwhelming evidence of cycles in just about everything.
I think the point with our short lifespans is to pass down the knowledge to future generations to continue the advancement.

IMO I guess it could be true with breeding tall people generationally like they do animals to make huge fuckers with all the tall fuckers I've heard of they have serious physical ailments and out bodies aren't meant to be that big.

Probably some slaver at something like a mine that thought breeding some big fuckers would improve production back in the day.

I find the potential of giants very faulty however as there is no evidence like Bigfoot or Aliens. That being said I always wanted to live in a world like the Hercules series or Clash of the Titans. lol

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ejsh9tn9Lo

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Love me some Randall Carlson. Dude is legit asf, would love to go spend some time with him and some of his classes etc. he has.

I think the point with our short lifespans is to pass down the knowledge to future generations to continue the advancement.

IMO I guess it could be true with breeding tall people generationally like they do animals to make huge fuckers with all the tall fuckers I've heard of they have serious physical ailments and out bodies aren't meant to be that big.

Probably some slaver at something like a mine that thought breeding some big fuckers would improve production back in the day.

I find the potential of giants very faulty however as there is no evidence like Bigfoot or Aliens. That being said I always wanted to live in a world like the Hercules series or Clash of the Titans. lol

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ejsh9tn9Lo

This might help you with the whole giant thing some. @Tano Should check it out too...



Jun 11, 2017
This might help you with the whole giant thing some. @Tano Should check it out too...

Maybe there were Giants but I would like the Smithsonian to open their underground vaults.

I know that is not going to happen.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Maybe there were Giants but I would like the Smithsonian to open their underground vaults.

I know that is not going to happen.

It's absolutely ridiculous though. It should piss off the entire population of our country.

Especially when you consider that 2/3 of the Smithsonian's annual $1.25 Billion budget comes directly from our Federal government. The rest comes from private and corporate contributions. This year, our Federal government gave the Smithsonian $1.09 Billion.

That should make every US Citizen sick/angry/disgusted. That fucking place is supposed to work for us, not the other way around. But... we fund their existence so that we can be lied to and kept from our rightful truths concerning our histories. That's about as fucked up as Chinese money.