I'm Done With PFT

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Epic Music Guy
Dec 5, 2014
Eh, to me the drawback with PFT is its secondary/tertiary content -- a lot of PFT's content seems based on someone else's content or is about someone else's content. For example, the White House article is based on Yahoo!/CNBC content. Yes, a lot of sites are like that.

Thankfully, it's easy to find other content sources.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Yeah I agree, but...no one watches that stuff anymore so...

i don't know anyone who ever watched them. it's just funny, they will be judged on what they say. it's like a tree falling in the forest.


Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Yay! Prime joined the No PFT Club!!!

Now that you joined, you will receive other benefits from never going to Pro Football Talk like...

- Avoiding that uncomfortable feeling when you have to "bang it here" for the latest rumors!

- No more awkward moments when Michael David Smith tries to report actual news!

- Gone are those annoying monkeys trying to make controversy over every player quote!

- Say sayonara from those stupid ads to watch Mike Foolio's stupid wormy opinion webshow!

- Revel in the fact that you will be cleansed from a pure cesspool!

Congratulations, again welcome to the no PFT Club!!!!!!! YOUR football talk now begins!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!!

Last edited:


Nov 17, 2014
Beauty of the free market. You don't have to read, buy, consume what you don't want.

Beauty of being in the majority... you don't have to worry about what you read, buy and consume. ;)


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
It is what it is.

Democracy and society require maintenance like anything else and we've all as Americans done a generally poor job of doing that. That's just reality. Doesn't matter where anyone falls on the spectrum.

So stuff is breaking down. The roof that used to protect our avocations, be it sports watching, kayaking or bowling... that roof isn't protecting us from the real world anymore.

We could really do the work to fix the problems and then patch the roof so that our avocations could be purely distractions. We could.

I don't think we will.

Which means... especially in the age of social media... this is the new norm and every day it will be harder to hold back the tide.

I don't much like it, either, but what made me the engineer I was is pattern recognition.

And this pattern is clear as day.

We can complain about our sports watching not being purely about the sport, but those days are over. Finito... Fin... Terminado... all gone bye-bye.

Sorry guys.

A solid consolation is that our Rams are gonna win it all this year and this will be a year to remember.

So we got that going for us...


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Sorry, Train, but we're winning the Super Bowl this year! :p


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I'm just stating the pattern I see.

Nothing I wrote took a stance in any way beyond declaring "hey, here's a pattern".

It's fine. I basically got shouted into a hiatus prior to the 2016 season because I said how bad things looked and that structurally we simply couldn't succeed. The pattern was clear.

Folks were so enamored with Goff that they couldn't see that he couldn't succeed in that offense or behind that OL.

And... after the season, what I said wasn't only not controversial, but was accepted as mild.

You're a mod. How much harder has it been in the last 12 months to deal with the insertion of politics and/or social issues as opposed to when the site launched? I wasn't here at the launch so I would have no idea.

I actually agree with most here (I won't go into where I disagree) with respect to wanting my sports watching time to be focused on the sports I'm watching. Seems simple enough.

Sports is the crucible in which we distill human virtue. I watch sports to see those virtues on display.

But the pattern is the pattern. I can't really go into it much beyond that, but I'm so not wrong that I'll clearly demonstrate what I mean if anyone wants to PM me.

Some, I imagine, will do exactly as you talked about and will totally walk away. Actually, I expect that...and more.

I mean, honestly, do you expect social media to have LESS impact on everything going forward???


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Oh, and to be clear... I can't stand PFT.

Just the look of the site gives me googly eyes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

ya know i never visited pft. not even once. the articles that used be posted were irritating in their smugness of opinion. and knowing florio was behind them was enough to avoid it. everytime i saw his head on tv i wanted to sidekick the screen.


Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Here's how to easily get rid of politics and social justice from sports:



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

you have a sportsbook for the event? seriously?



Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Here's how to easily get rid of politics and social justice from sports:


I honestly wish it were that easy.

In three years, the question will be moot.

It won't be if, but to what degree the various major league sports integrate and address social media. So, unless people decide to stop expressing their opinions, politics, religion and everything else on social media... it's only going to grow as social media becomes even more ubiquitous (I realize that's not correct usage, just as "more perfect" isn't correct)

Not really any way to put this on the Sports Book, but I'd bet all my ROD bucks forever on this.

I know it's about as crappy to hear as "we're gonna have a bad season because our offense is structurally broken", but doesn't make it any less true.

Also, I'm just saying what is.

I AGREE with those that prefer for sports to be separate and distinct. I want that, too.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I honestly wish it were that easy.

In three years, the question will be moot.

It won't be if, but to what degree the various major league sports integrate and address social media. So, unless people decide to stop expressing their opinions, politics, religion and everything else on social media... it's only going to grow as social media becomes even more ubiquitous (I realize that's not correct usage, just as "more perfect" isn't correct)

For me it is. You know what the big "story" is coming out this week, I've gotten notifications from yahoo sports app...swiped away. Because:


What players do or don't do, whether I agree or disagree with their message...




What Chris Long talks about these days...


When I see these NFL reporters talking about politics on twitter, I keep scrolling, because:


When his Highness' movie was made into a political and unoriginal tool to mock others...


And those using King T'Challa's movie to mock others fails to see the ultimate irony: "The wise build bridges, the foolish build barriers."


Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #40
It is what it is.

Not if enough people bail from the NFL because of this. The bottom line of course is money. If owners start hurting enough in their profit margin then they will reverse course. Right now it's not evident but in another ten years from now that may change. I'm real close to shutting off the internet. It won't take much more.

You're a mod. How much harder has it been in the last 12 months to deal with the insertion of politics and/or social issues as opposed to when the site launched? I wasn't here at the launch so I would have no idea.

You've been here longer than me. I wasn't here at the launch. You would have to ask the founder, @-X- what his intent was when he started this site. But I'm guessing it was to have a bunch of friends hang out and talk football without all the other bull crap that people tend to argue about.

We made it through the Rams move from St. Louis to LA. It wasn't easy because emotions were high. That is an issue that needed to be discussed but we contained it as best we could. Politics and social issues don't need to be discussed here. There are tons of sites on the net for that.

What ticks me off personally is when that's ignored by members who know better. So yeah, it hasn't been easy not to post based on emotions in those types of threads. I've seen sports sites disintegrate because they allowed members to fight over non-football issues. It won't happen here.

Sports is the crucible in which we distill human virtue. I watch sports to see those virtues on display.

I watch sports to enjoy the skill and talent of the world's best athletes. I don't give a damn what side of the political aisle their on. I go to a concert to hear good musicians play their music, not to be lectured by them.

I mean, honestly, do you expect social media to have LESS impact on everything going forward???

No, but I have total control over what I allow into my eyes and ears. Not having a cell phone and not watching anything except what I've taped/DVR'd or on Netflix is a good start. I know exactly what's going on in the world because I'm out in it every day. But I refuse to get beaten over the head with it once I'm home.

Btw I hope I won't have to lock my own thread. So let's get back to mocking Mike Foolio and his stupid site. :)