UFO Conspiracy Thread

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Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
The safest thing for us to do is be the first. There's a chance that we've never found alien life because we are among the most advanced species in the Milky Way. When you put it that way, instead of arms races amongst ourselves, we should think of us as being in an arms race with the other planets in our galaxy to develop technology to the point of being able to travel between star systems.

That way you are the top dog, and you are the ones initiating contact with alien life, which means that you are safe. If you find alien life that is hostile, you have better technology. If you find alien life that is friendly, you can begin trade and see even greater technological improvements.

Thus you have ensured the survival of the human race.

Or we can leave it into the hands of other species and hope that the friendly ones arrive before the hostile ones do. Assuming that they ever do before the Sun kills us all anyway, which will happen much sooner than people think (well before the 5 billion years that our Sun has left before it dies).

Humanity is likely doomed.
I think if we throw everything into space travel we won't really have weapons that outclass another civilization's to the extent that warring with them won't work is out too. I guess we could just leave, but that would motivate them to follow.

There must be a balance between peaceful exploration and planet-scale extermination (preferably while saving their previous resources).

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I think if we throw everything into space travel we won't really have weapons that outclass another civilization's to the extent that warring with them won't work is out too. I guess we could just leave, but that would motivate them to follow.

There must be a balance between peaceful exploration and planet-scale extermination (preferably while saving their previous resources).

There's another way to think about this.

Look at the Kardashev Civilization types. This says that there are 3 possible civilization types in the universe.

Kardashev Civilization Type I is a civilization that can manage the entire energy and material resources of a planet. (We aren't quite there just yet, but are close).

Kardashev Civilization Type II is a civilization capable of harnessing the entire energy and material resources of a star and it's planetary system.

Kardashev Civilization Type III is a civilization that is able to marshall the entire energy and material resources of an entire galaxy.

The stupid conflicts that happen throughout our tiny little (human) civilization would easily come to an end if we could actually get to Civilization Type I. We aren't really there yet... but imagine a Type II Civilization. Their mindset would be well beyond war like barbarians I would guess... but if it weren't... there wouldn't be jack shit a Type I Civilization could do against them.

We need to focus on becoming an actual Kardashev Civilization. A true Type I. Then we could finally grow out of our barbaric nature... that would allow us to really become civilized. "Civilized" being the key word there. A civilization that has reached beyond Type I would probably be well beyond "civilized"... I picture a civilization like that as being more of a care giver.

Just imagine a Type III. They would be better than mothers. At least that is what my caveman mind imagines.

But if I'm wrong... there ain't jack shit we can do about stopping a higher Type civilization anyway.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
There's another way to think about this.

Look at the Kardashev Civilization types. This says that there are 3 possible civilization types in the universe.

Kardashev Civilization Type I is a civilization that can manage the entire energy and material resources of a planet. (We aren't quite there just yet, but are close).

Kardashev Civilization Type II is a civilization capable of harnessing the entire energy and material resources of a star and it's planetary system.

Kardashev Civilization Type III is a civilization that is able to marshall the entire energy and material resources of an entire galaxy.

The stupid conflicts that happen throughout our tiny little (human) civilization would easily come to an end if we could actually get to Civilization Type I. We aren't really there yet... but imagine a Type II Civilization. Their mindset would be well beyond war like barbarians I would guess... but if it weren't... there wouldn't be jack crap a Type I Civilization could do against them.

We need to focus on becoming an actual Kardashev Civilization. A true Type I. Then we could finally grow out of our barbaric nature... that would allow us to really become civilized. "Civilized" being the key word there. A civilization that has reached beyond Type I would probably be well beyond "civilized"... I picture a civilization like that as being more of a care giver.

Just imagine a Type III. They would be better than mothers. At least that is what my caveman mind imagines.

But if I'm wrong... there ain't jack crap we can do about stopping a higher Type civilization anyway.
If we can use an energy doesn't dictate how we use that energy. We could figure out how to use everything and still be petty, greedy, shortsighted, warring Nations.

Unless there's more to those definitions, the problem is people not the tech.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
If we can use an energy doesn't dictate how we use that energy. We could figure out how to use everything and still be petty, greedy, shortsighted, warring Nations.

Unless there's more to those definitions, the problem is people not the tech.

Not if the energy was free.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Not if the energy was free.
I don't see how we'll get to free energy, because there's no money it offering that. Free energy would disrupt the economy of the entire planet. No small feat and not something governments will allow easily.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I don't see how we'll get to free energy, because there's no money it offering that. Free energy would disrupt the economy of the entire planet. No small feat and not something governments will allow easily.

Very true.

Hopefully we'll get there some day.

Conspiracy Theory... Some believe that all Tesla's findings and writings were confiscated by the government upon his death to make sure that he wasn't going to be able to show the world free energy.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #67

‘I saw a UFO’ Buzz Aldrin PASSES lie detector test revealing truth about aliens
By Mike Parker



The space travellers’ accounts of strange space sightings were examined under laboratory conditions.

All four astronauts taking part passed the test, carried out using the latest technology.

Experts say the results prove they were “completely convinced” signs of alien life they claimed to have witnessed during historic missions were genuine.

Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper all took part in the study.

The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, Ohio, carried out complex computer analyses of the astronauts’ voice patterns as they told of their close encounters.

Although the technology is still top-secret, these studies are claimed to be more reliable than current lie detector tests and could soon replace those used by the FBI and police.

One of the first tested was Apollo 11 pilot Buzz Aldrin, now 88 – the second human to set foot on the lunar surface in 1969.

Aldrin has always maintained he spotted a UFO on the way to the moon, saying: “There was something out there that was close enough to be observed, sort of L-shaped.”

BioAcoustic’s Sharry Edwards said tests reveal Aldrin is sure he saw the UFO even though his logical mind “cannot explain it”.

Apollo 15 pilot Al Worden, 86, stunned Good Morning Britain viewers when he claimed to have seen extra-terrestrials.

He believes we are all descended from ancient aliens. Voice recordings of fellow Nasa pioneers Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, both now dead, were also analysed.

Apollo 14’s Mitchell claimed to have seen several UFOs, while Cooper actually described trying to chase a cluster of objects. The tests revealed both men believed they were telling the whole truth.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014

‘I saw a UFO’ Buzz Aldrin PASSES lie detector test revealing truth about aliens
By Mike Parker



The space travellers’ accounts of strange space sightings were examined under laboratory conditions.

All four astronauts taking part passed the test, carried out using the latest technology.

Experts say the results prove they were “completely convinced” signs of alien life they claimed to have witnessed during historic missions were genuine.

Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper all took part in the study.

The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, Ohio, carried out complex computer analyses of the astronauts’ voice patterns as they told of their close encounters.

Although the technology is still top-secret, these studies are claimed to be more reliable than current lie detector tests and could soon replace those used by the FBI and police.

One of the first tested was Apollo 11 pilot Buzz Aldrin, now 88 – the second human to set foot on the lunar surface in 1969.

Aldrin has always maintained he spotted a UFO on the way to the moon, saying: “There was something out there that was close enough to be observed, sort of L-shaped.”

BioAcoustic’s Sharry Edwards said tests reveal Aldrin is sure he saw the UFO even though his logical mind “cannot explain it”.

Apollo 15 pilot Al Worden, 86, stunned Good Morning Britain viewers when he claimed to have seen extra-terrestrials.

He believes we are all descended from ancient aliens. Voice recordings of fellow Nasa pioneers Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, both now dead, were also analysed.

Apollo 14’s Mitchell claimed to have seen several UFOs, while Cooper actually described trying to chase a cluster of objects. The tests revealed both men believed they were telling the whole truth.

Haha funny how a UFO is automatically tied into it being 'aliens'.
SMH. People will force themselves into a certain train of thought convincing themselves of a certain conclusion no matter what.

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object with the word and I have to stress the word Unidentified.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #69
Haha funny how a UFO is automatically tied into it being 'aliens'.
SMH. People will force themselves into a certain train of thought convincing themselves of a certain conclusion no matter what.


A skeptic, eh?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014

A skeptic, eh?
Just a bit. Also a realist. I personally feel there is life out there in multiple places in the universe because the odds alone dictate that is the case with the staggeringly amount of stars/planets etc. out there. It just bothers me when something is 'unidentified' and someone names it's 100% as fact it's ET life in a space ship.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #71
It just bothers me when something is 'unidentified' and someone names it's 100% as fact it's ET life in a space ship.

The HaHa I gave you was for the creepy pic.


Ever get the feeling the human race is being slowly conditioned for some massive disclosure? OTOH there could be technology invented by humans that enables these UFO's to fly around the way they do and we just haven't been told about it yet.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
The HaHa I gave you was for the creepy pic.


Ever get the feeling the human race is being slowly conditioned for some massive disclosure? OTOH there could be technology invented by humans that enables these UFO's to fly around the way they do and we just haven't been told about it yet.
Honestly I feel it's plausible in this day and age there is at least a handful of technologies that isn't released to the public. Being a former government employee myself I have no doubts. Especially over the last 50 years there has to be things out there that has developed and evolved.

I think the percentages are overwhelmingly in the favor of this being a solution to sightings etc. than ET's.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #73
Honestly I feel it's plausible in this day and age there is at least a handful of technologies that isn't released to the public. Being a former government employee myself I have no doubts. Especially over the last 50 years there has to be things out there that has developed and evolved.

I think the percentages are overwhelmingly in the favor of this being a solution to sightings etc. than ET's.

Or as movies have hinted at - they got that technology when a UFO crashed and they reverse engineered it. And so on and on it goes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
Or as movies have hinted at - they got that technology when a UFO crashed and they reverse engineered it. And so on and on it goes.
Not saying it’s not that but just looking back through history of technological advances tells me % wise that if there are actually spacecraft is more than likely from our own design. A few examples:
Around 1903ish the first successful self loading Mondragón rifle becomes widely used. 1915ish first machine guns become widespread.
From 1914- 45WW1 to WW2 the inventions as far as aerial combat (bi plane to uni- prop plane) are a huge jump.
The atomic bomb in 1945.
This brings us to the space age skipping some inventions to the late 60’s.

If you look almost 80-90% of all innovation ever is because of war. Moore’s Law which states transistors double every 1.5 years since the 60’s will end at about 2012-2013. Throughout all that time with major innovations coming every 15-25 years it’s entirely plausible we could have developed technology very similar to this without ET’s help.

Hell the U-2, Blackhawk, B2 were all created in the 50-70’s and tested and how long did it take for some of these to come out after refining or leaks etc?? What has been developed in the 80's, 90's, 2000's we don't know about?

I also find it very hard to believe than an ET intelligence flys or warps space time from across the universe or solar system and crashes in the New Mexican desert.
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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I also find it very hard to believe than an ET intelligence flys or warps space time from across the universe or solar system and crashes in the New Mexican desert.
Female alien.


Jan 15, 2013
Not saying it’s not that but just looking back through history of technological advances tells me % wise that if there are actually spacecraft is more than likely from our own design. A few examples:
Around 1903ish the first successful self loading Mondragón rifle becomes widely used. 1915ish first machine guns become widespread.
From 1914- 45WW1 to WW2 the inventions as far as aerial combat (bi plane to uni- prop plane) are a huge jump.
The atomic bomb in 1945.
This brings us to the space age skipping some inventions to the late 60’s.

If you look almost 80-90% of all innovation ever is because of war. Moore’s Law which states transistors double every 1.5 years since the 60’s will end at about 2012-2013. Throughout all that time with major innovations coming every 15-25 years it’s entirely plausible we could have developed technology very similar to this without ET’s help.

Hell the U-2, Blackhawk, B2 were all created in the 50-70’s and tested and how long did it take for some of these to come out after refining or leaks etc?? What has been developed in the 80's, 90's, 2000's we don't know about?

I also find it very hard to believe than an ET intelligence flys or warps space time from across the universe or solar system and crashes in the New Mexican desert.
You didn't mention the antigravity work tbe Nazis were doing.
A lot of those scientists came to work for the US after WW 2.
Anti gravity is the way to go.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
You didn't mention the antigravity work tbe Nazis were doing.
A lot of those scientists came to work for the US after WW 2.
Anti gravity is the way to go.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Very true.

Hopefully we'll get there some day.

Conspiracy Theory... Some believe that all Tesla's findings and writings were confiscated by the government upon his death to make sure that he wasn't going to be able to show the world free energy.
Little known fact: those shorts @LesBaker was showing in that other thread are actually Tesla shorts. They hold energy in and only expel clean air. We will all soon produce our own energy and transport ourselves thereby putting all energy companies out of business.

However this new technology will ensure women will always be subservient to men due to their lack of highly productive energy plants.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Little known fact: those shorts @LesBaker was showing in that other thread are actually Tesla shorts. They hold energy in and only expel clean air. We will all soon produce our own energy and transport ourselves thereby putting all energy companies out of business.

However this new technology will ensure women will always be subservient to men due to their lack of highly productive energy plants.

Well... not for nothing... but I have found that most women make sure that they are not seen as highly "productive" farters.


Their farts are at least 25% more potent than men's. So,,, we may STILL be in trouble.