TV Trivia

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Nov 11, 2014
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  • #61
I don't think I've ever actually sat through an entire episode of Bonanza

It is assumed that anyone shot down during a gun battle is dead unless otherwise shown or indicated in subsequent conversation.

104 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one with a thrown knife.
105 - Joe: 1, All Four: 1 - The four Cartwrights kill one in a gunfight on the street. Little Joe shoots one as he enters the print shop.
111 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one with a farm implement in a fight in a barn.
113 - Ben: 3, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills three - one during a bank robbery, one during a street shootout and one during a showdown. Hoss kills two during the street shootout.
114 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - the bad sheriff when he goes for his gun.
116 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe shoots and kills one at a campsite holdup. Hoss kills one with a punch at the same holdup.
117 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one - the outlaw when he goes for a hidden gun.
120 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a gunman who is part of a mob.
121 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills a man during a fist fight by knocking him into a horse stall where he is trampled to death.
122 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam shoots and kills a trespasser. Ben kills an ambusher.
124 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben killed Simon Laroche in New Orleans 20 years earlier. Little Joe kills a police inspector's aide in a hotel room.
126 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe and Hoss each kill one at a shootout at the gallows.
127 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a renegade white man at a campsite fight.
129 - Adam: 1, Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of an ambush crew. Adam kills one in an open range showdown.
130 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two - one escaped convict when he goes for a gun and in a separate encounter another escaped convict in a hand-to-hand struggle over a gun.
131 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Gypsy by turning his own knife on him during a fight at the Gypsy camp.
132 - Joe: 1, The Boys: 1 - Little Joe kills the man who shot the sheriff. Adam, Hoss and Joe all shoot and kill the single outlaw gunman at the gallows.

Season 1 totals: Ben: 6, Adam: 7, Hoss: 6, Joe: 8 (Includes Ben's admission in 124 to killing someone 20 years earlier), Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1. Total = 27 + 2 group kills.

201 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two at the outlaw campsite where he was being held.
202 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two ambushers at a water hole.
203 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the renegade marshall at a shootout in a mine.
204 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the evil hired hand during a struggle in a friend's house.
205 - Adam: 3 - Adam kills three - two durnig an attack on a wagon train and one in a showdown in town.
206 - Joe: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe kills an outlaw during a showdown. Ben kills Denver McKee in a draw showdown.
209 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who were holding him and Hoss prisoner.
210 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the Comanchero who killed his uncle.
211 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the leader of the trail hands.
212 - Adam: 3 - Adam shoots two Indians to save Ruth and later he kills a third with his own knife during a hand-to-hand struggle.
215 - Ben: 2 - Ben kills a drunkard during an altercation in the general store. Ben kills a gunman when he draws on Ben in a bar.
217 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills a man setting an uncontrolled fire to clear land. Joe kills another in a separate confrontation.
218 - Adam: 2 - Adam kills the accomplice in a plot against Ben by turning his own gun on him during a hand to hand fight. Later Adam kills the crooked sheriff during a street confrontation.
220 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the wayward son of the Ponderosa's retired foreman.
221 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss unintentionally kills a drunkard by pushing him into a pillar while trying to disarm him.
223 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the man who tried to ambush him.
224 - Hoss: 1, Adam: 1 - Hoss kills an outlaw during a shootout. Adam kills his frend who has gone insane and killed several people.
226 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam kills an outlaw during a street shootout. Ben kills a renegade stageline enforcer in a warehouse chase. Three men are shot during a street fight against all four Cartwrights but Ben indicates that they probably weren't killed.
227 - Joe: 2, Adam: 2, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1, Joe with another man: 1 - Little Joe unintentionally kills a man he is fighting by knocking him under a rampaging horse. Later Joe kills a man during a canyon shootout. During the same shootout he and his friend fire simultaneously and kill another man. Adam kills a man in another canyon shootout then he and Hoss are firing at another man and Adam gets off the last shot before the man goes down. Hoss kills a man during another segment of the canyon shootout. Ben kills the man who has hog-tied Little Joe.
230 - Ben: 1, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills one during a gunfight in the mine. Hoss fans his gun and kills two in another gunfight in the mine. Little Joe is also firing with Hoss but the hits appear to be Hoss'.
232 - Adam: 1 - Adam shoots the bank robber soldier out of the hydrogen balloon.

Season 2 totals: Ben: 8, Adam: 15, Hoss: 9, Joe 9. Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 41 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 14, Adam 22, Hoss: 15, Joe: 172. Total = 68 + 3 group kills.

301 - Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Hoss kills a cowhand who is accosting a lady on the street by turning his gun on him during a hand-to-hand struggle. Ben kills the man's brother who has been taking vengeance on Hoss.
303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills an Apache when he and the boys are pinned down by a raiding party.
311 - Ben: 1, Joe: 3 - Ben kills a Chinese man who broke into the house to kidnap Su Ling. Little Joe kills three Chinese when he and Su Ling are attacked on the road.
313 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two hired guns who are after a passenger on the stage coach.
318 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a man who tries to ambush him and Adam.
325 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a renegade sheriff. He says it is the first time he has shot a man with a badge.
332 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the escaped convict who stole his horse and clothes.

Season 3 totals: Ben: 4, Adam: 1, Hoss: 2, Joe 5. Total = 12.
Series totals: Ben: 18, Adam 23, Hoss: 17, Joe: 22. Total = 80 + 3 group kills.

410 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the mercenary who shot little Joe in the back.
428 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one of the men who are attacking the house.
430 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a bank robber trying to get back stolen money in the Ponderosa barn.
431 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills the murderer who preys on women.
433 - Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss, Adam and Little Joe each kill one of the freight handlers who are ambushing them.

Season 4 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 2. Total = 7.
Series totals: Ben: 19, Adam 25, Hoss: 19, Joe: 24. Total = 87 + 3 group kills.

504 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the man who stole his horse and left him stranded in the desert.
505 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the villain's gunman.
507 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Paiute in a hand-to-hand fight by turning the Indian's own knife on him.
514 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills a man who is seeking vengeance on the girl who killed his brother.
516 - Ben: 1 - Ben's fiancee's son is a murderer who Ben kills during a shootout.
525 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe, Hoss and Ben each kill one of the outlaws attacking the Ponderosa. Adam shoots one and Cousin Will finishes him off.
527 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who are holed up at a stage station.
531 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the outlaw the bounty hunter is tracking.

Season 5 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe 7. Total = 11.
Series totals: Ben: 21, Adam 26, Hoss: 20, Joe: 31. Total = 98 + 3 group kills.

607 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Ben and Adam each kill one of the bandits attacking the stage.
612 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Harry the horse thief by sending him over a cliff during a hand-to-hand struggle.
616 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the renegade Indians.
624 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the corrupt businessman who is trying to avoid exposure.
626 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Burk Shannon.
627 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the singing outlaw.
634 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the henchmen who are attacking him.

Season 6 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 3. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 22, Joe: 34. Total = 106 + 3 group kills.

703 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the men who are tormenting his Mexican friend.
712 - Joe: 2, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe kills two of the outlaw gang and Hoss kills one.
717 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two Indians while under attack at a way station.

Season 7 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 5. Total = 6.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 23, Joe: 39. Total = 112 + 3 group kills.

802 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the gambler who is fixing the horse race.
804 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the henchmen tormenting the Mormons. In a later raid, Joe shoots two men off their horses but subsequent dialogue indicates that they were probably only wounded.
805 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the leader of the group tormenting the Mormons.
807 - Joe: 2, Joe with another man: 1 - Joe and another man shoot simultaneously at a horse thief and he is killed by one of their bullets. The dead man's three brothers come for revenge and Joe kills two of them when they try to ambush him; the sheriff kills the third.
809 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a thief when he punches him and the thief falls on his own knife.
819 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a gunslinger in a showdown on the street.
822 - Ben: 2 - The Ponderosa is under attack and Ben kills two with a shotgun blast.
831 - Joe: 1 - The story opens with an inquest having found Joe's killing of Zack Crenshaw a matter of self defence.

Season 8 totals: Ben: 3, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 6. (Includes Joe having killed someone before the story opens in 831.) Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 10 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 25, Adam 28, Hoss: 24, Joe: 45. Total = 122 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

901 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss kills a renegade Indian in the desert. In a subsequent Indian attack, Ben kills two and Joe kills one.
902 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 2 - Hoss kills an attacking Indian during a chase. When the Indians later ambush the troops, Ben kills two and Joe kills two.
905 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the men who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
906 - Hoss: 1, Joe: 3 - Joe kills a man during a hold up. He kills another when his group is attacked on the street and a third who tries a sneak attack in the hotel room. Hoss kills the head outlaw who has taken Joe and the judge hostage.
908 - Hoss: 2, Joe: 3 - Joe kills an Indian scout who jumps him (kills the Indian with his own knife during hand to hand fighting); he kills another when a party of Indians attack the Cartwright's traveling group; he kills a third when the Cartwright group attacks the Indian camp (knifes a guard in the back). Hoss kills one when the Cartwrights are attacked and another during the raid on the Indian camp.
909 - Hoss:1 - Hoss kills one and wounds one in a shootout in the saloon.
910 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two of the men who hijacked the steamboat on Lake Tahoe.
912 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben and Joe each kill one in a shootout at a ranch.
913 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a serial rapist/murderer.
920 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the robbers who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
930 - Hoss: 1 - Conversation reveals that as a posse member Hoss killed Tom McKay.

Season 9 totals: Ben: 5, Adam: 0, Hoss: 8, Joe: 14. (Includes Hoss having killed someone before the story opens in 930.) Total = 27.
Series totals: Ben: 30, Adam 28, Hoss: 32, Joe: 59. Total = 149 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1003 - Hoss: 3 - Hoss kills three outlaws during an attack on an Army column.
1004 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the leader of the outlaws.
1014 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills one outlaw when escaping from them. He kills the leader of the gang during a shootout at a way station.
1018 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the men attacking the Indians but it looks like he only wings the man who killed his fiancee.
1020 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the corrupt judge who is trying to take over the newspaper.

Season 10 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 4, Joe: 2. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 32, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 61. Total = 157 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1102 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the men who invade the Ponderosa home to get to a witness in hiding there.
1124 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills John White, the boss of the town Los Robles.

Season 11 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 62. Total = 159 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1223 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the maniac Gatling gun assassin.
1227 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the guards at the slave labor prison.

Season 12 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 64. Total = 161 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one of the men who bushwhacked Little Joe.
1318 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a Serb who has gone crazy and is trying yo kill his wife and son.
1320 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills one of the renegade Confederate soldiers who have taken over the Ponderosa house; he later kills their leader.

Season 13 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 4.
Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 66. Total = 165 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1401 (part 2) - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a member of the gang that was involved in his wife's murder.

Season 14 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 1.

Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 67. Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Joe with another man: 2.

Total = 166 + 4 group kills
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Mar 17, 2014
I don't think I've ever actually sat through an entire episode of Bonanza

It is assumed that anyone shot down during a gun battle is dead unless otherwise shown or indicated in subsequent conversation.

104 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one with a thrown knife.
105 - Joe: 1, All Four: 1 - The four Cartwrights kill one in a gunfight on the street. Little Joe shoots one as he enters the print shop.
111 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one with a farm implement in a fight in a barn.
113 - Ben: 3, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills three - one during a bank robbery, one during a street shootout and one during a showdown. Hoss kills two during the street shootout.
114 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - the bad sheriff when he goes for his gun.
116 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe shoots and kills one at a campsite holdup. Hoss kills one with a punch at the same holdup.
117 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one - the outlaw when he goes for a hidden gun.
120 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a gunman who is part of a mob.
121 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills a man during a fist fight by knocking him into a horse stall where he is trampled to death.
122 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam shoots and kills a trespasser. Ben kills an ambusher.
124 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben killed Simon Laroche in New Orleans 20 years earlier. Little Joe kills a police inspector's aide in a hotel room.
126 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe and Hoss each kill one at a shootout at the gallows.
127 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a renegade white man at a campsite fight.
129 - Adam: 1, Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of an ambush crew. Adam kills one in an open range showdown.
130 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two - one escaped convict when he goes for a gun and in a separate encounter another escaped convict in a hand-to-hand struggle over a gun.
131 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Gypsy by turning his own knife on him during a fight at the Gypsy camp.
132 - Joe: 1, The Boys: 1 - Little Joe kills the man who shot the sheriff. Adam, Hoss and Joe all shoot and kill the single outlaw gunman at the gallows.

Season 1 totals: Ben: 6, Adam: 7, Hoss: 6, Joe: 8 (Includes Ben's admission in 124 to killing someone 20 years earlier), Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1. Total = 27 + 2 group kills.

201 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two at the outlaw campsite where he was being held.
202 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two ambushers at a water hole.
203 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the renegade marshall at a shootout in a mine.
204 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the evil hired hand during a struggle in a friend's house.
205 - Adam: 3 - Adam kills three - two durnig an attack on a wagon train and one in a showdown in town.
206 - Joe: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe kills an outlaw during a showdown. Ben kills Denver McKee in a draw showdown.
209 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who were holding him and Hoss prisoner.
210 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the Comanchero who killed his uncle.
211 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the leader of the trail hands.
212 - Adam: 3 - Adam shoots two Indians to save Ruth and later he kills a third with his own knife during a hand-to-hand struggle.
215 - Ben: 2 - Ben kills a drunkard during an altercation in the general store. Ben kills a gunman when he draws on Ben in a bar.
217 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills a man setting an uncontrolled fire to clear land. Joe kills another in a separate confrontation.
218 - Adam: 2 - Adam kills the accomplice in a plot against Ben by turning his own gun on him during a hand to hand fight. Later Adam kills the crooked sheriff during a street confrontation.
220 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the wayward son of the Ponderosa's retired foreman.
221 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss unintentionally kills a drunkard by pushing him into a pillar while trying to disarm him.
223 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the man who tried to ambush him.
224 - Hoss: 1, Adam: 1 - Hoss kills an outlaw during a shootout. Adam kills his frend who has gone insane and killed several people.
226 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam kills an outlaw during a street shootout. Ben kills a renegade stageline enforcer in a warehouse chase. Three men are shot during a street fight against all four Cartwrights but Ben indicates that they probably weren't killed.
227 - Joe: 2, Adam: 2, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1, Joe with another man: 1 - Little Joe unintentionally kills a man he is fighting by knocking him under a rampaging horse. Later Joe kills a man during a canyon shootout. During the same shootout he and his friend fire simultaneously and kill another man. Adam kills a man in another canyon shootout then he and Hoss are firing at another man and Adam gets off the last shot before the man goes down. Hoss kills a man during another segment of the canyon shootout. Ben kills the man who has hog-tied Little Joe.
230 - Ben: 1, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills one during a gunfight in the mine. Hoss fans his gun and kills two in another gunfight in the mine. Little Joe is also firing with Hoss but the hits appear to be Hoss'.
232 - Adam: 1 - Adam shoots the bank robber soldier out of the hydrogen balloon.

Season 2 totals: Ben: 8, Adam: 15, Hoss: 9, Joe 9. Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 41 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 14, Adam 22, Hoss: 15, Joe: 172. Total = 68 + 3 group kills.

301 - Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Hoss kills a cowhand who is accosting a lady on the street by turning his gun on him during a hand-to-hand struggle. Ben kills the man's brother who has been taking vengeance on Hoss.
303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills an Apache when he and the boys are pinned down by a raiding party.
311 - Ben: 1, Joe: 3 - Ben kills a Chinese man who broke into the house to kidnap Su Ling. Little Joe kills three Chinese when he and Su Ling are attacked on the road.
313 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two hired guns who are after a passenger on the stage coach.
318 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a man who tries to ambush him and Adam.
325 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a renegade sheriff. He says it is the first time he has shot a man with a badge.
332 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the escaped convict who stole his horse and clothes.

Season 3 totals: Ben: 4, Adam: 1, Hoss: 2, Joe 5. Total = 12.
Series totals: Ben: 18, Adam 23, Hoss: 17, Joe: 22. Total = 80 + 3 group kills.

410 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the mercenary who shot little Joe in the back.
428 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one of the men who are attacking the house.
430 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a bank robber trying to get back stolen money in the Ponderosa barn.
431 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills the murderer who preys on women.
433 - Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss, Adam and Little Joe each kill one of the freight handlers who are ambushing them.

Season 4 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 2. Total = 7.
Series totals: Ben: 19, Adam 25, Hoss: 19, Joe: 24. Total = 87 + 3 group kills.

504 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the man who stole his horse and left him stranded in the desert.
505 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the villain's gunman.
507 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Paiute in a hand-to-hand fight by turning the Indian's own knife on him.
514 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills a man who is seeking vengeance on the girl who killed his brother.
516 - Ben: 1 - Ben's fiancee's son is a murderer who Ben kills during a shootout.
525 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe, Hoss and Ben each kill one of the outlaws attacking the Ponderosa. Adam shoots one and Cousin Will finishes him off.
527 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who are holed up at a stage station.
531 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the outlaw the bounty hunter is tracking.

Season 5 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe 7. Total = 11.
Series totals: Ben: 21, Adam 26, Hoss: 20, Joe: 31. Total = 98 + 3 group kills.

607 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Ben and Adam each kill one of the bandits attacking the stage.
612 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Harry the horse thief by sending him over a cliff during a hand-to-hand struggle.
616 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the renegade Indians.
624 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the corrupt businessman who is trying to avoid exposure.
626 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Burk Shannon.
627 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the singing outlaw.
634 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the henchmen who are attacking him.

Season 6 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 3. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 22, Joe: 34. Total = 106 + 3 group kills.

703 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the men who are tormenting his Mexican friend.
712 - Joe: 2, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe kills two of the outlaw gang and Hoss kills one.
717 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two Indians while under attack at a way station.

Season 7 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 5. Total = 6.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 23, Joe: 39. Total = 112 + 3 group kills.

802 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the gambler who is fixing the horse race.
804 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the henchmen tormenting the Mormons. In a later raid, Joe shoots two men off their horses but subsequent dialogue indicates that they were probably only wounded.
805 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the leader of the group tormenting the Mormons.
807 - Joe: 2, Joe with another man: 1 - Joe and another man shoot simultaneously at a horse thief and he is killed by one of their bullets. The dead man's three brothers come for revenge and Joe kills two of them when they try to ambush him; the sheriff kills the third.
809 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a thief when he punches him and the thief falls on his own knife.
819 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a gunslinger in a showdown on the street.
822 - Ben: 2 - The Ponderosa is under attack and Ben kills two with a shotgun blast.
831 - Joe: 1 - The story opens with an inquest having found Joe's killing of Zack Crenshaw a matter of self defence.

Season 8 totals: Ben: 3, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 6. (Includes Joe having killed someone before the story opens in 831.) Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 10 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 25, Adam 28, Hoss: 24, Joe: 45. Total = 122 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

901 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss kills a renegade Indian in the desert. In a subsequent Indian attack, Ben kills two and Joe kills one.
902 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 2 - Hoss kills an attacking Indian during a chase. When the Indians later ambush the troops, Ben kills two and Joe kills two.
905 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the men who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
906 - Hoss: 1, Joe: 3 - Joe kills a man during a hold up. He kills another when his group is attacked on the street and a third who tries a sneak attack in the hotel room. Hoss kills the head outlaw who has taken Joe and the judge hostage.
908 - Hoss: 2, Joe: 3 - Joe kills an Indian scout who jumps him (kills the Indian with his own knife during hand to hand fighting); he kills another when a party of Indians attack the Cartwright's traveling group; he kills a third when the Cartwright group attacks the Indian camp (knifes a guard in the back). Hoss kills one when the Cartwrights are attacked and another during the raid on the Indian camp.
909 - Hoss:1 - Hoss kills one and wounds one in a shootout in the saloon.
910 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two of the men who hijacked the steamboat on Lake Tahoe.
912 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben and Joe each kill one in a shootout at a ranch.
913 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a serial rapist/murderer.
920 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the robbers who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
930 - Hoss: 1 - Conversation reveals that as a posse member Hoss killed Tom McKay.

Season 9 totals: Ben: 5, Adam: 0, Hoss: 8, Joe: 14. (Includes Hoss having killed someone before the story opens in 930.) Total = 27.
Series totals: Ben: 30, Adam 28, Hoss: 32, Joe: 59. Total = 149 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1003 - Hoss: 3 - Hoss kills three outlaws during an attack on an Army column.
1004 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the leader of the outlaws.
1014 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills one outlaw when escaping from them. He kills the leader of the gang during a shootout at a way station.
1018 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the men attacking the Indians but it looks like he only wings the man who killed his fiancee.
1020 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the corrupt judge who is trying to take over the newspaper.

Season 10 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 4, Joe: 2. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 32, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 61. Total = 157 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1102 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the men who invade the Ponderosa home to get to a witness in hiding there.
1124 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills John White, the boss of the town Los Robles.

Season 11 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 62. Total = 159 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1223 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the maniac Gatling gun assassin.
1227 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the guards at the slave labor prison.

Season 12 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 64. Total = 161 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one of the men who bushwhacked Little Joe.
1318 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a Serb who has gone crazy and is trying yo kill his wife and son.
1320 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills one of the renegade Confederate soldiers who have taken over the Ponderosa house; he later kills their leader.

Season 13 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 4.
Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 66. Total = 165 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1401 (part 2) - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a member of the gang that was involved in his wife's murder.

Season 14 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 1.
Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 67. Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Joe with another man: 2. Total = 166 + 4 group kills
I was off by one.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I don't think I've ever actually sat through an entire episode of Bonanza

It is assumed that anyone shot down during a gun battle is dead unless otherwise shown or indicated in subsequent conversation.

104 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one with a thrown knife.
105 - Joe: 1, All Four: 1 - The four Cartwrights kill one in a gunfight on the street. Little Joe shoots one as he enters the print shop.
111 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one with a farm implement in a fight in a barn.
113 - Ben: 3, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills three - one during a bank robbery, one during a street shootout and one during a showdown. Hoss kills two during the street shootout.
114 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - the bad sheriff when he goes for his gun.
116 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe shoots and kills one at a campsite holdup. Hoss kills one with a punch at the same holdup.
117 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one - the outlaw when he goes for a hidden gun.
120 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a gunman who is part of a mob.
121 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills a man during a fist fight by knocking him into a horse stall where he is trampled to death.
122 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam shoots and kills a trespasser. Ben kills an ambusher.
124 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben killed Simon Laroche in New Orleans 20 years earlier. Little Joe kills a police inspector's aide in a hotel room.
126 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe and Hoss each kill one at a shootout at the gallows.
127 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a renegade white man at a campsite fight.
129 - Adam: 1, Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of an ambush crew. Adam kills one in an open range showdown.
130 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two - one escaped convict when he goes for a gun and in a separate encounter another escaped convict in a hand-to-hand struggle over a gun.
131 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Gypsy by turning his own knife on him during a fight at the Gypsy camp.
132 - Joe: 1, The Boys: 1 - Little Joe kills the man who shot the sheriff. Adam, Hoss and Joe all shoot and kill the single outlaw gunman at the gallows.

Season 1 totals: Ben: 6, Adam: 7, Hoss: 6, Joe: 8 (Includes Ben's admission in 124 to killing someone 20 years earlier), Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1. Total = 27 + 2 group kills.

201 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two at the outlaw campsite where he was being held.
202 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two ambushers at a water hole.
203 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the renegade marshall at a shootout in a mine.
204 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the evil hired hand during a struggle in a friend's house.
205 - Adam: 3 - Adam kills three - two durnig an attack on a wagon train and one in a showdown in town.
206 - Joe: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe kills an outlaw during a showdown. Ben kills Denver McKee in a draw showdown.
209 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who were holding him and Hoss prisoner.
210 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the Comanchero who killed his uncle.
211 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the leader of the trail hands.
212 - Adam: 3 - Adam shoots two Indians to save Ruth and later he kills a third with his own knife during a hand-to-hand struggle.
215 - Ben: 2 - Ben kills a drunkard during an altercation in the general store. Ben kills a gunman when he draws on Ben in a bar.
217 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills a man setting an uncontrolled fire to clear land. Joe kills another in a separate confrontation.
218 - Adam: 2 - Adam kills the accomplice in a plot against Ben by turning his own gun on him during a hand to hand fight. Later Adam kills the crooked sheriff during a street confrontation.
220 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the wayward son of the Ponderosa's retired foreman.
221 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss unintentionally kills a drunkard by pushing him into a pillar while trying to disarm him.
223 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the man who tried to ambush him.
224 - Hoss: 1, Adam: 1 - Hoss kills an outlaw during a shootout. Adam kills his frend who has gone insane and killed several people.
226 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam kills an outlaw during a street shootout. Ben kills a renegade stageline enforcer in a warehouse chase. Three men are shot during a street fight against all four Cartwrights but Ben indicates that they probably weren't killed.
227 - Joe: 2, Adam: 2, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1, Joe with another man: 1 - Little Joe unintentionally kills a man he is fighting by knocking him under a rampaging horse. Later Joe kills a man during a canyon shootout. During the same shootout he and his friend fire simultaneously and kill another man. Adam kills a man in another canyon shootout then he and Hoss are firing at another man and Adam gets off the last shot before the man goes down. Hoss kills a man during another segment of the canyon shootout. Ben kills the man who has hog-tied Little Joe.
230 - Ben: 1, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills one during a gunfight in the mine. Hoss fans his gun and kills two in another gunfight in the mine. Little Joe is also firing with Hoss but the hits appear to be Hoss'.
232 - Adam: 1 - Adam shoots the bank robber soldier out of the hydrogen balloon.

Season 2 totals: Ben: 8, Adam: 15, Hoss: 9, Joe 9. Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 41 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 14, Adam 22, Hoss: 15, Joe: 172. Total = 68 + 3 group kills.

301 - Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Hoss kills a cowhand who is accosting a lady on the street by turning his gun on him during a hand-to-hand struggle. Ben kills the man's brother who has been taking vengeance on Hoss.
303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills an Apache when he and the boys are pinned down by a raiding party.
311 - Ben: 1, Joe: 3 - Ben kills a Chinese man who broke into the house to kidnap Su Ling. Little Joe kills three Chinese when he and Su Ling are attacked on the road.
313 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two hired guns who are after a passenger on the stage coach.
318 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a man who tries to ambush him and Adam.
325 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a renegade sheriff. He says it is the first time he has shot a man with a badge.
332 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the escaped convict who stole his horse and clothes.

Season 3 totals: Ben: 4, Adam: 1, Hoss: 2, Joe 5. Total = 12.
Series totals: Ben: 18, Adam 23, Hoss: 17, Joe: 22. Total = 80 + 3 group kills.

410 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the mercenary who shot little Joe in the back.
428 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one of the men who are attacking the house.
430 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a bank robber trying to get back stolen money in the Ponderosa barn.
431 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills the murderer who preys on women.
433 - Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss, Adam and Little Joe each kill one of the freight handlers who are ambushing them.

Season 4 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 2. Total = 7.
Series totals: Ben: 19, Adam 25, Hoss: 19, Joe: 24. Total = 87 + 3 group kills.

504 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the man who stole his horse and left him stranded in the desert.
505 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the villain's gunman.
507 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Paiute in a hand-to-hand fight by turning the Indian's own knife on him.
514 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills a man who is seeking vengeance on the girl who killed his brother.
516 - Ben: 1 - Ben's fiancee's son is a murderer who Ben kills during a shootout.
525 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe, Hoss and Ben each kill one of the outlaws attacking the Ponderosa. Adam shoots one and Cousin Will finishes him off.
527 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who are holed up at a stage station.
531 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the outlaw the bounty hunter is tracking.

Season 5 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe 7. Total = 11.
Series totals: Ben: 21, Adam 26, Hoss: 20, Joe: 31. Total = 98 + 3 group kills.

607 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Ben and Adam each kill one of the bandits attacking the stage.
612 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Harry the horse thief by sending him over a cliff during a hand-to-hand struggle.
616 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the renegade Indians.
624 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the corrupt businessman who is trying to avoid exposure.
626 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Burk Shannon.
627 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the singing outlaw.
634 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the henchmen who are attacking him.

Season 6 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 3. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 22, Joe: 34. Total = 106 + 3 group kills.

703 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the men who are tormenting his Mexican friend.
712 - Joe: 2, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe kills two of the outlaw gang and Hoss kills one.
717 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two Indians while under attack at a way station.

Season 7 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 5. Total = 6.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 23, Joe: 39. Total = 112 + 3 group kills.

802 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the gambler who is fixing the horse race.
804 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the henchmen tormenting the Mormons. In a later raid, Joe shoots two men off their horses but subsequent dialogue indicates that they were probably only wounded.
805 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the leader of the group tormenting the Mormons.
807 - Joe: 2, Joe with another man: 1 - Joe and another man shoot simultaneously at a horse thief and he is killed by one of their bullets. The dead man's three brothers come for revenge and Joe kills two of them when they try to ambush him; the sheriff kills the third.
809 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a thief when he punches him and the thief falls on his own knife.
819 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a gunslinger in a showdown on the street.
822 - Ben: 2 - The Ponderosa is under attack and Ben kills two with a shotgun blast.
831 - Joe: 1 - The story opens with an inquest having found Joe's killing of Zack Crenshaw a matter of self defence.

Season 8 totals: Ben: 3, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 6. (Includes Joe having killed someone before the story opens in 831.) Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 10 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 25, Adam 28, Hoss: 24, Joe: 45. Total = 122 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

901 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss kills a renegade Indian in the desert. In a subsequent Indian attack, Ben kills two and Joe kills one.
902 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 2 - Hoss kills an attacking Indian during a chase. When the Indians later ambush the troops, Ben kills two and Joe kills two.
905 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the men who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
906 - Hoss: 1, Joe: 3 - Joe kills a man during a hold up. He kills another when his group is attacked on the street and a third who tries a sneak attack in the hotel room. Hoss kills the head outlaw who has taken Joe and the judge hostage.
908 - Hoss: 2, Joe: 3 - Joe kills an Indian scout who jumps him (kills the Indian with his own knife during hand to hand fighting); he kills another when a party of Indians attack the Cartwright's traveling group; he kills a third when the Cartwright group attacks the Indian camp (knifes a guard in the back). Hoss kills one when the Cartwrights are attacked and another during the raid on the Indian camp.
909 - Hoss:1 - Hoss kills one and wounds one in a shootout in the saloon.
910 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two of the men who hijacked the steamboat on Lake Tahoe.
912 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben and Joe each kill one in a shootout at a ranch.
913 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a serial rapist/murderer.
920 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the robbers who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
930 - Hoss: 1 - Conversation reveals that as a posse member Hoss killed Tom McKay.

Season 9 totals: Ben: 5, Adam: 0, Hoss: 8, Joe: 14. (Includes Hoss having killed someone before the story opens in 930.) Total = 27.
Series totals: Ben: 30, Adam 28, Hoss: 32, Joe: 59. Total = 149 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1003 - Hoss: 3 - Hoss kills three outlaws during an attack on an Army column.
1004 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the leader of the outlaws.
1014 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills one outlaw when escaping from them. He kills the leader of the gang during a shootout at a way station.
1018 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the men attacking the Indians but it looks like he only wings the man who killed his fiancee.
1020 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the corrupt judge who is trying to take over the newspaper.

Season 10 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 4, Joe: 2. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 32, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 61. Total = 157 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1102 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the men who invade the Ponderosa home to get to a witness in hiding there.
1124 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills John White, the boss of the town Los Robles.

Season 11 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 62. Total = 159 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1223 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the maniac Gatling gun assassin.
1227 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the guards at the slave labor prison.

Season 12 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 64. Total = 161 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one of the men who bushwhacked Little Joe.
1318 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a Serb who has gone crazy and is trying yo kill his wife and son.
1320 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills one of the renegade Confederate soldiers who have taken over the Ponderosa house; he later kills their leader.

Season 13 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 4.
Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 66. Total = 165 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1401 (part 2) - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a member of the gang that was involved in his wife's murder.

Season 14 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 1.

Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 67. Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Joe with another man: 2.

Total = 166 + 4 group kills
So in all that, you're telling me I'm slightly off with zero?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I don't think I've ever actually sat through an entire episode of Bonanza

It is assumed that anyone shot down during a gun battle is dead unless otherwise shown or indicated in subsequent conversation.

104 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one with a thrown knife.
105 - Joe: 1, All Four: 1 - The four Cartwrights kill one in a gunfight on the street. Little Joe shoots one as he enters the print shop.
111 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one with a farm implement in a fight in a barn.
113 - Ben: 3, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills three - one during a bank robbery, one during a street shootout and one during a showdown. Hoss kills two during the street shootout.
114 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - the bad sheriff when he goes for his gun.
116 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe shoots and kills one at a campsite holdup. Hoss kills one with a punch at the same holdup.
117 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one - the outlaw when he goes for a hidden gun.
120 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a gunman who is part of a mob.
121 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills a man during a fist fight by knocking him into a horse stall where he is trampled to death.
122 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam shoots and kills a trespasser. Ben kills an ambusher.
124 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben killed Simon Laroche in New Orleans 20 years earlier. Little Joe kills a police inspector's aide in a hotel room.
126 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe and Hoss each kill one at a shootout at the gallows.
127 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one - a renegade white man at a campsite fight.
129 - Adam: 1, Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of an ambush crew. Adam kills one in an open range showdown.
130 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two - one escaped convict when he goes for a gun and in a separate encounter another escaped convict in a hand-to-hand struggle over a gun.
131 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Gypsy by turning his own knife on him during a fight at the Gypsy camp.
132 - Joe: 1, The Boys: 1 - Little Joe kills the man who shot the sheriff. Adam, Hoss and Joe all shoot and kill the single outlaw gunman at the gallows.

Season 1 totals: Ben: 6, Adam: 7, Hoss: 6, Joe: 8 (Includes Ben's admission in 124 to killing someone 20 years earlier), Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1. Total = 27 + 2 group kills.

201 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two at the outlaw campsite where he was being held.
202 - Hoss: 2 - Hoss kills two ambushers at a water hole.
203 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the renegade marshall at a shootout in a mine.
204 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the evil hired hand during a struggle in a friend's house.
205 - Adam: 3 - Adam kills three - two durnig an attack on a wagon train and one in a showdown in town.
206 - Joe: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe kills an outlaw during a showdown. Ben kills Denver McKee in a draw showdown.
209 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who were holding him and Hoss prisoner.
210 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the Comanchero who killed his uncle.
211 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the leader of the trail hands.
212 - Adam: 3 - Adam shoots two Indians to save Ruth and later he kills a third with his own knife during a hand-to-hand struggle.
215 - Ben: 2 - Ben kills a drunkard during an altercation in the general store. Ben kills a gunman when he draws on Ben in a bar.
217 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills a man setting an uncontrolled fire to clear land. Joe kills another in a separate confrontation.
218 - Adam: 2 - Adam kills the accomplice in a plot against Ben by turning his own gun on him during a hand to hand fight. Later Adam kills the crooked sheriff during a street confrontation.
220 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the wayward son of the Ponderosa's retired foreman.
221 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss unintentionally kills a drunkard by pushing him into a pillar while trying to disarm him.
223 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the man who tried to ambush him.
224 - Hoss: 1, Adam: 1 - Hoss kills an outlaw during a shootout. Adam kills his frend who has gone insane and killed several people.
226 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Adam kills an outlaw during a street shootout. Ben kills a renegade stageline enforcer in a warehouse chase. Three men are shot during a street fight against all four Cartwrights but Ben indicates that they probably weren't killed.
227 - Joe: 2, Adam: 2, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1, Joe with another man: 1 - Little Joe unintentionally kills a man he is fighting by knocking him under a rampaging horse. Later Joe kills a man during a canyon shootout. During the same shootout he and his friend fire simultaneously and kill another man. Adam kills a man in another canyon shootout then he and Hoss are firing at another man and Adam gets off the last shot before the man goes down. Hoss kills a man during another segment of the canyon shootout. Ben kills the man who has hog-tied Little Joe.
230 - Ben: 1, Hoss: 2 - Ben kills one during a gunfight in the mine. Hoss fans his gun and kills two in another gunfight in the mine. Little Joe is also firing with Hoss but the hits appear to be Hoss'.
232 - Adam: 1 - Adam shoots the bank robber soldier out of the hydrogen balloon.

Season 2 totals: Ben: 8, Adam: 15, Hoss: 9, Joe 9. Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 41 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 14, Adam 22, Hoss: 15, Joe: 172. Total = 68 + 3 group kills.

301 - Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Hoss kills a cowhand who is accosting a lady on the street by turning his gun on him during a hand-to-hand struggle. Ben kills the man's brother who has been taking vengeance on Hoss.
303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills an Apache when he and the boys are pinned down by a raiding party.
311 - Ben: 1, Joe: 3 - Ben kills a Chinese man who broke into the house to kidnap Su Ling. Little Joe kills three Chinese when he and Su Ling are attacked on the road.
313 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two hired guns who are after a passenger on the stage coach.
318 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a man who tries to ambush him and Adam.
325 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a renegade sheriff. He says it is the first time he has shot a man with a badge.
332 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the escaped convict who stole his horse and clothes.

Season 3 totals: Ben: 4, Adam: 1, Hoss: 2, Joe 5. Total = 12.
Series totals: Ben: 18, Adam 23, Hoss: 17, Joe: 22. Total = 80 + 3 group kills.

410 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the mercenary who shot little Joe in the back.
428 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills one of the men who are attacking the house.
430 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a bank robber trying to get back stolen money in the Ponderosa barn.
431 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills the murderer who preys on women.
433 - Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss, Adam and Little Joe each kill one of the freight handlers who are ambushing them.

Season 4 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 2. Total = 7.
Series totals: Ben: 19, Adam 25, Hoss: 19, Joe: 24. Total = 87 + 3 group kills.

504 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the man who stole his horse and left him stranded in the desert.
505 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the villain's gunman.
507 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a Paiute in a hand-to-hand fight by turning the Indian's own knife on him.
514 - Joe:1 - Little Joe kills a man who is seeking vengeance on the girl who killed his brother.
516 - Ben: 1 - Ben's fiancee's son is a murderer who Ben kills during a shootout.
525 - Joe: 1, Hoss: 1, Ben: 1 - Little Joe, Hoss and Ben each kill one of the outlaws attacking the Ponderosa. Adam shoots one and Cousin Will finishes him off.
527 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two outlaws who are holed up at a stage station.
531 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the outlaw the bounty hunter is tracking.

Season 5 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 1, Hoss: 1, Joe 7. Total = 11.
Series totals: Ben: 21, Adam 26, Hoss: 20, Joe: 31. Total = 98 + 3 group kills.

607 - Adam: 1, Ben: 1 - Ben and Adam each kill one of the bandits attacking the stage.
612 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Harry the horse thief by sending him over a cliff during a hand-to-hand struggle.
616 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the renegade Indians.
624 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills the corrupt businessman who is trying to avoid exposure.
626 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills Burk Shannon.
627 - Adam: 1 - Adam kills the singing outlaw.
634 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the henchmen who are attacking him.

Season 6 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 2, Hoss: 2, Joe 3. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 22, Joe: 34. Total = 106 + 3 group kills.

703 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the leader of the men who are tormenting his Mexican friend.
712 - Joe: 2, Hoss: 1 - Little Joe kills two of the outlaw gang and Hoss kills one.
717 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills two Indians while under attack at a way station.

Season 7 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 5. Total = 6.
Series totals: Ben: 22, Adam 28, Hoss: 23, Joe: 39. Total = 112 + 3 group kills.

802 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the gambler who is fixing the horse race.
804 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the henchmen tormenting the Mormons. In a later raid, Joe shoots two men off their horses but subsequent dialogue indicates that they were probably only wounded.
805 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills the leader of the group tormenting the Mormons.
807 - Joe: 2, Joe with another man: 1 - Joe and another man shoot simultaneously at a horse thief and he is killed by one of their bullets. The dead man's three brothers come for revenge and Joe kills two of them when they try to ambush him; the sheriff kills the third.
809 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a thief when he punches him and the thief falls on his own knife.
819 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a gunslinger in a showdown on the street.
822 - Ben: 2 - The Ponderosa is under attack and Ben kills two with a shotgun blast.
831 - Joe: 1 - The story opens with an inquest having found Joe's killing of Zack Crenshaw a matter of self defence.

Season 8 totals: Ben: 3, Adam: 0, Hoss: 1, Joe: 6. (Includes Joe having killed someone before the story opens in 831.) Group kills: Joe and another man: 1. Total = 10 + 1 group kill.
Series totals: Ben: 25, Adam 28, Hoss: 24, Joe: 45. Total = 122 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

901 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 1 - Hoss kills a renegade Indian in the desert. In a subsequent Indian attack, Ben kills two and Joe kills one.
902 - Ben: 2, Hoss: 1, Joe: 2 - Hoss kills an attacking Indian during a chase. When the Indians later ambush the troops, Ben kills two and Joe kills two.
905 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the men who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
906 - Hoss: 1, Joe: 3 - Joe kills a man during a hold up. He kills another when his group is attacked on the street and a third who tries a sneak attack in the hotel room. Hoss kills the head outlaw who has taken Joe and the judge hostage.
908 - Hoss: 2, Joe: 3 - Joe kills an Indian scout who jumps him (kills the Indian with his own knife during hand to hand fighting); he kills another when a party of Indians attack the Cartwright's traveling group; he kills a third when the Cartwright group attacks the Indian camp (knifes a guard in the back). Hoss kills one when the Cartwrights are attacked and another during the raid on the Indian camp.
909 - Hoss:1 - Hoss kills one and wounds one in a shootout in the saloon.
910 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills two of the men who hijacked the steamboat on Lake Tahoe.
912 - Ben: 1, Joe: 1 - Ben and Joe each kill one in a shootout at a ranch.
913 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills a serial rapist/murderer.
920 - Joe: 1 - Joe kills one of the robbers who have invaded the Ponderosa house.
930 - Hoss: 1 - Conversation reveals that as a posse member Hoss killed Tom McKay.

Season 9 totals: Ben: 5, Adam: 0, Hoss: 8, Joe: 14. (Includes Hoss having killed someone before the story opens in 930.) Total = 27.
Series totals: Ben: 30, Adam 28, Hoss: 32, Joe: 59. Total = 149 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1003 - Hoss: 3 - Hoss kills three outlaws during an attack on an Army column.
1004 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the leader of the outlaws.
1014 - Joe: 2 - Joe kills one outlaw when escaping from them. He kills the leader of the gang during a shootout at a way station.
1018 - Hoss: 1 - Hoss kills one of the men attacking the Indians but it looks like he only wings the man who killed his fiancee.
1020 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills the corrupt judge who is trying to take over the newspaper.

Season 10 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 4, Joe: 2. Total = 8.
Series totals: Ben: 32, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 61. Total = 157 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1102 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the men who invade the Ponderosa home to get to a witness in hiding there.
1124 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills John White, the boss of the town Los Robles.

Season 11 totals: Ben: 1, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 62. Total = 159 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1223 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills the maniac Gatling gun assassin.
1227 - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills one of the guards at the slave labor prison.

Season 12 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 2.
Series totals: Ben: 33, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 64. Total = 161 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1303 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills one of the men who bushwhacked Little Joe.
1318 - Ben: 1 - Ben kills a Serb who has gone crazy and is trying yo kill his wife and son.
1320 - Joe: 2 - Little Joe kills one of the renegade Confederate soldiers who have taken over the Ponderosa house; he later kills their leader.

Season 13 totals: Ben: 2, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 2. Total = 4.
Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 66. Total = 165 + 4 group kills (two group kills involve non-Cartwrights).

1401 (part 2) - Joe: 1 - Little Joe kills a member of the gang that was involved in his wife's murder.

Season 14 totals: Ben: 0, Adam: 0, Hoss: 0, Joe: 1. Total = 1.

Series totals: Ben: 35, Adam 28, Hoss: 36, Joe: 67. Group kills: Ben, Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Adam, Hoss, Joe: 1; Joe with another man: 2.

Total = 166 + 4 group kills
And eyes glazed over about line 27.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 15, 2015
Back in the early/mid 80's, I think we visited some place near Reno/Carson City and it was billed as the Bonanza location of the Ponderosa Ranch. Presumably they filmed there, which as as I recall seemed to make sense, as there were buildings that had doorways that led to nowhere...


Mar 17, 2014
Back in the early/mid 80's, I think we visited some place near Reno/Carson City and it was billed as the Bonanza location of the Ponderosa Ranch. Presumably they filmed there, which as as I recall seemed to make sense, as there were buildings that had doorways that led to nowhere...
That was up the mountain by Lake Tahoe.
They use to have pancake breakfasts up there and you could walk around the areas where they filmed.

I was up there and visited it about 20 years ago


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
That was up the mountain by Lake Tahoe.
They use to have pancake breakfasts up there and you could walk around the areas where they filmed.

I was up there and visited it about 20 years ago
They also did a fair amount of filming at the Spahn ranch (of Manson fame). That ranch was right next to the Rocking H ranch where my parents kept their horses in the 60s and early 70s. I used to collect flowers to give to my mom right next to that ranch as a 6 or 7 year old kid. Kinda spooky. No one knew what the hippies were up to at the time of course.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #68
First TV show to appear in reruns ?


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
First TV show to appear in reruns ?
Question GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy