Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
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Next gen consoles look like they're going to be able to pull off some impressive stuff as game developers learn to take full advantage of the tech.
I think especially with how the PS5's going architecturally, I think we're going to see IN GAME conversations that look like full language articulation like you see Senua (I think that's her) in the Hellblade 2 trailer.
I dunno how well Mesh shading will do with respect to facial gestures. We'll see.
They still haven't addressed that people aren't solid. We're sacks of liquid with a bone frame. As such, we're opaque. You can see that they still haven't addressed this in the Unreal Engine 5 demo at about the 5:30 mark. The young woman creates a light and shapes her hand to focus the light forward. We SHOULD be able to see some orange through her fingers, but her fingers are treated as solid and we only see some light bouncing between the small spaces of the fingers, which actually further darkens the hands.
This is a bit of an artistic take on what a very bright light would look like shone through a cow (as part of a Mercedes ad campaign)

A person can see that effect with a simple flashlight in the dark, but it occurs all the time. I mentioned the opacity of cheeks and teeth because as someone with auditory processing disorder (like listening dyslexia), I have to sort of lip read to ensure what I'm hearing is correct. Sidenote: a LOT of girls in HS liked me because I was an intent listener and wasn't constantly staring at their boobs. Not that a goodly number of them didn't have spectacular boobs, but I had to focus on their mouths since otherwise, it was hard to understand. That may be why I notice this one thing more than others, I spend a lot of time when I'm with people looking at their mouths. /shrug.
Anyway, yeah, the next gen consoles look to be pretty amazing.
The more I look into consoles, the happier I am that I didn't build that Hackintosh...even though the wife gave the green light.