The EU, along with Social Media sites, getting ready to combat "Hate Speech" online within 24 hours

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
24 hour time out for speaking facts and the truth? Not a world I like living in tbh.

It's supposition and innuendo.......not fact. If anyone thinks stopping Muslims from coming into the country will halt attacks they are IMO not paying attention to what's happening globally. And how do you tell a Muslim from a Jewish guy or a Christian guy? It's folly to even attempt this. That said curbing immigration from all points isn't a terrible idea..........

It's as misguided and silly as his talk about building a fence along the border.........because Mexicans don't know how to dig tunnels right? Except they already do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
It's supposition and innuendo.......not fact. If anyone thinks stopping Muslims from coming into the country will halt attacks they are IMO not paying attention to what's happening globally. And how do you tell a Muslim from a Jewish guy or a Christian guy? It's folly to even attempt this. That said curbing immigration from all points isn't a terrible idea..........

It's as misguided and silly as his talk about building a fence along the border.........because Mexicans don't know how to dig tunnels right? Except they already do.
A sticky wicket isn't it? Is the fence working at the southern border of Mexico? I have no idea, but when there is a problem, you have to try and do something even if it may seem wrong to some. I disagree with a time out for someone speaking their mind but of course I don't own a social media outlet. I'm just an American who is used to having the freedom to speak freely. It's kind of like when we were growing up and playing a ball game. Whomever owned the ball could quit and go home any time they pleased if they didn't like the way things were going but we were taught to never do that and ruin it for everybody else. I'd love to go on and on about all kinds of hot-button items here but we can't and probably for good reason. You know it would escalate to something ugly because some people just can't debate nice. Just look at the result of people being paid to protest things these days and how ugly that is becoming around the country. GO RAMS!!!!!

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
It's as misguided and silly as his talk about building a fence along the border.........because Mexicans don't know how to dig tunnels right? Except they already do.

They won't dig if they know they can't dig into the tax payers wallet once they get here. Dig?


Jan 15, 2013
I don't any reasonable person has delusions of 100% enforcement of the border.
Having some enforcement would be good....having a border that is just not wide open and letting people do their jobs in enforcing the laws would be good.
Chasing out a lot of the fraud in social entitlements (the largest part of the budget) would be nice as well.
A little reality back into the picture would be nice.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #65

Elitists seek to eviscerate online anonymity, chill free speech
Paul Joseph Watson

The secretive Bilderberg Group is set to discuss plans to implement an Internet ID to eviscerate anonymity on the web according to an inside source who spoke to Infowars.

The clandestine organization is set to begin its annual meeting tomorrow at the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski hotel in Dresden, Germany.

According to our source, the creation of a virtual passport that web users will need to obtain before they can use many Internet services is high on the agenda.

The Internet ID will be justified under the guise of “cybersecurity” and creating a convenient method for citizens to access government services, but free speech advocates will view the proposal with deep suspicion as it would threaten online anonymity and possibly chill dissent.

Services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could also use the online passport to revoke posting permission if a user violates terms of agreement, another obvious threat to the free flow of information that has made the web what it is today.

As we reported last week, a project by the European Union Commission which is being spearheaded by former communist official Andrus Ansi is pushing an Internet ID system that will track what people buy and what they say online.

Last year, it also emerged that the Communist Chinese government was involved in setting up a huge “social credit” database that would rank citizens based on their “trustworthiness.” A pilot project called Sesame Credit, run by Chinese corporate giant Alibaba, is already monitoring social media activity to give citizens a social credit score based on their buying history and, according to come critics, their political views.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Why don't we just give everyone a tattoo at birth? You know a number or a mark maybe with some sort of chip in it. You would need this for everything to buy and sell for food,medical care ,to go on the internet, etc, etc. Then we would know where everyone was and what they are doing. Where have I heard this before? :shocking:

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
Why don't we just give everyone a tattoo at birth? You know a number or a mark maybe with some sort of chip in it. You would need this for everything to buy and sell for food,medical care ,to go on the internet, etc, etc. Then we would know where everyone was and what they are doing. Where have I heard this before? :shocking:
The Bible


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
The Bible

Not trying to start some deep religious discussion. Just pointing out the similarities between the present day and some things I was taught as a child out of a book that was ancient even then.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
Not trying to start some deep religious discussion. Just pointing out the similarities between the present day and some things I was taught as a child out of a book that was ancient even then.
So true. Some truths don't change with the passing of time.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
It's supposition and innuendo.......not fact. If anyone thinks stopping Muslims from coming into the country will halt attacks they are IMO not paying attention to what's happening globally. And how do you tell a Muslim from a Jewish guy or a Christian guy? It's folly to even attempt this. That said curbing immigration from all points isn't a terrible idea..........

It's as misguided and silly as his talk about building a fence along the border.........because Mexicans don't know how to dig tunnels right? Except they already do.
No one ever said we need to stop all Muslims from coming into America. Trump said we need a pause until we can get a handle on the refugee situation caused by Mrs. Clinton and president Obama by the way imo. Trump pointed to what is taking place in Europe and said it is not a workable situation. These words he spoke a day after a terror attack in California and two in France. I don't see what is wrong with what he said if he is quoted correctly. I'm not necessarily voting for the man, I'm more of a mainstream or right leaning Democrat but to misquote him is not proper.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
The refugee situation in Europe was cause by Obama and Hillary?


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
The refugee situation in Europe was cause by Obama and Hillary?
Yes in part...I believe President Obama was eager to see a change in leadership across the middle east from Egypt to Syria. I believe they felt the Muslim brotherhood would be the new way in the middle east. I think they were playing with fire and the outcome would suggest I was correct. I praise the Egyptian military for chasing the Muslim brotherhood out of their government. It was the right thing to do.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Yes in part...I believe President Obama was eager to see a change in leadership across the middle east from Egypt to Syria. I believe they felt the Muslim brotherhood would be the new way in the middle east. I think they were playing with fire and the outcome would suggest I was correct. I praise the Egyptian military for chasing the Muslim brotherhood out of their government. It was the right thing to do.

Yes he was in a hurry, and Hillary advocated patience. Independent of anything the US did I'm not sure how different things would have turned out over this short of a time. It's going to be a long, long process but there will be more democratic nations in areas that have never seen it or haven't for so many years nobody living there remembers. And sadly many will die because of Islamic nutjobs who say it's OK to lightly beat your wife.

As the idiots in Afghanistan just recently did.

More reasons I should be King of the World. Shit would be different.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #75

US agency endorses plan to cede Internet oversight
By Glenn Chapman

San Francisco (AFP) - The US administration on Thursday endorsed a plan to cede its oversight of the gatekeeper of Internet addresses to the broader online community.

Commerce Department assistant secretary for communications and information Lawrence Strickling told AFP that the proposal from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meets the criteria set by the US administration.

The plan aims to maintain Internet governance under a "multi-stakeholder" model which avoids control of the online ecosystem by any single governmental body.

"The Internet's multi-stakeholder community has risen to the challenge we gave them to develop a transition proposal that would ensure the Internet's domain name system will continue to operate as seamlessly as it currently does," Strickling said.

US oversight of ICANN had "irritated" some governments, which used what was Strickling depicted as a mainly clerical responsibility to vie for greater control of the Internet.

The plan comes in response to the US government's March 2014 announcement that it would transition "stewardship" of online domain name system technical functions from the Commerce Department to a body that would fairly represent all parties with interests in a vibrant and healthy Internet.

Motivation behind the transition is to "preserve a free and open Internet," according to Strickling.

- Avoiding fragmentation -

Concern has been expressed over the years that a perception that the United States is holding the reins of the Internet could prompt other countries to form their regional "domains," creating a potential for fragmentation.

The proposal crafted over the course of two years with input from businesses, academia, governments and others was endorsed by ICANN in March.

Strickling declined to call his agency's report endorsing the plan an "approval," referring to it instead as a favorable "assessment."

The proposed new system is being tested in parallel with the existing one to see if it works on a practical level.

The plan will not affect how users interact online, but will turn over the technical supervision of the online address system to ICANN itself, with a system of checks and balances so no single entity can exert control over the Internet, according to officials involved in the process.

Officials say the US government supervision is symbolic and dates back to the creation of the Internet. Yet ICANN officials maintain the new governance model will instill confidence around the world in the Internet's independence.

If the US government formally approves the plan, then a contract between ICANN and the US government will be allowed to naturally expire on September 30.

ICANN board chairman Stephen Crocker told AFP in an earlier interview that he did not expect Internet users to notice any change.

But some US lawmakers have been less than enthusiastic about the plan.

Last year, Republican Senator John Thune warned at a hearing that a privatized ICANN could become "accountable to no one."

Strickling said his agency is prepared for discussions with lawmakers to get them comfortable with the plan.

"To the extent that people think the US has been the guardian of the free and open Internet, I think, overall, we have relied on the community," Strickling said.