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Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
That guys mom saw through the pretty wrapper to the rot inside. Too many people (of both sexes) marry based upon physical beauty. Lawyers love them.

It is rare to find, (probably both sexes) a woman who is pretty, even better, sexy, yet acts like she doesn't know it. (Which makes her MORE sexy!)

I find the girls grouded in faith to be the best. Not religion. Faith

If they have the right perspective, they see that life is not just about them.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
It is rare to find, (probably both sexes) a woman who is pretty, even better, sexy, yet acts like she doesn't know it. (Which makes her MORE sexy!)

I find the girls grouded in faith to be the best. Not religion. Faith

If they have the right perspective, they see that life is not just about them.
It seems the concept of time is lost on so many people about marriage. People change. Bodies, interests, outlook, health etc. so many things that can add up to failure if a strong foundation wasn't there from the start. Discounting the shallow idiot and marriage the biggest thing I've noticed is that you really have to like your spouse for who they are first and the rest takes care of itself.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
It seems the concept of time is lost on so many people about marriage. People change. Bodies, interests, outlook, health etc. so many things that can add up to failure if a strong foundation wasn't there from the start. Discounting the shallow idiot and marriage the biggest thing I've noticed is that you really have to like your spouse for who they are first and the rest takes care of itself.

So True. The high school quarterback and the cheerleader soon learn they are playing on a different field, and it is best to surrender to "the enemy" they see in their spouse, to earn a true lover and friend.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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In matters of the heart I try not to judge people to harshly. Lord knows I have made my mistakes. Some I can blame on youth and some on stupidity. And some times the heart just wants what it wants and let the devil take the high road.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
So True. The high school quarterback and the cheerleader soon learn they are playing on a different field, and it is best to surrender to "the enemy" they see in their spouse, to earn a true lover and friend.
Each spouse brings something different to the marriage. The sexes complement each other. Problems arise (from what I've heard and observed) when the superficial takes precedent over the head and the heart.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
This is awesomeness triple distilled. You're one of the VERY few that lucky.

You'll find this funny I bet.

A close friend of mine married the woman he met in 10th grade and started dating. She is the only women he has had sex with, and he is the only man she has had sex with.

His nickname for me is Puddy. As in I thought I saw a Puddy Tat because I was back then getting a lot. We've know each other since 1988. Sometimes he still calls me that.

So one time we were drinking a little and talking about "back in the day" stories and the crazy crap we used to do (swiped his Mom's Cadillac once for a night on the town and that's a great story) and I was getting a bit braggadocios about different sexual experiences and women. He let me go on and on and when I finally wound it down he said.........."Puddy I got to do pretty much almost all of that with the same woman".

I was floored at the enormity of what he said and realized what he had was top of the mountain.

You're pretty much neighbors with him.
Same ballpark , definitely

meet her the summer before my Senior year in high school


I don't actually remember meeting her.......................specifically , :rolleyes:

meet her at a skating rink

early 80's

the biggest town around for miles was like 12,000 people , and this town is surrounded by dozens of smaller towns , (schools)

so on Saturday night , all these kids from all these surrounding schools would head for the skating rink

the place would just be packed , it would be so full , you could hardly even get in the rink it's self

and you know teenagers , we always traveled in packs , so you basically got introduced in groups

one of your friends , would meet a girl from some other school , so all your friends would get introduced to all her friends , and so on and so on and so on

but at the time , I was already dating a girl from a different town ,

that skating rink on Saturday night was PACKED full of cute high school girls , so we got introduced to different groups of girls constantly , but one group was pretty much like the next

so when I got introduced to my wifes group , well , I can't really say , because I don't technically remember meeting her specifically


yadda yadda yadda

thanks to a bunch of nosey friends , on both sides...............

a few months later , we started dating , five years later we were married , and just a few months ago we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary

lifes been good , we have one daughter that is now a Sophomore at Iowa State University

I'll tell ya , I've been lucky , it's been a pretty easy and smooth ride ,

we've made a great team ,



Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
My first real love is still a friend - though very distant. She is the most conservative hippy you'd ever meet. Makes sense as her mom was the same. Still friends with her mom too.

I've been married to my real love and best friend for 32 years and have never lacked for adventures in all areas with her. Take that as you will @LesBaker :ROFLMAO:


May 16, 2019
This happened a long time ago when the world was different. I was working a fulltime job as a warehouseman and going to college carrying 21 units trying to keep the draft and the war from my door. I had just finished my early morning shift and was hurrying to my classes. My windows were down as it was summer in LA and this was the ancient times before AC was common in cars...especially the beaters I could afford. I came to a corner where I turned right to head towards college. Standing at the corner was a very pretty blonde, who looked vaguely familiar and who looked at me and smiled. Without thinking I leaned over and shouted: "You need a ride?".

She smiled broadly and said, "Yes thank you". It turned out we were going to the same place and even shared a class which is why we recognized each other. We never made it to school. It was too nice of a day so we ended up driving PCH through Malibu. We ended up on West Zuma Beach, walking it and sitting in the sand. That began a 4-year love affair of an intensity I've never experienced before or since. To say she was the love of my life doesn't do it justice.

Like almost all combat Vets I was totally messed up when I got home. She healed my mind and helped heal my body. I'm only sure that I would have gone down a terrible path had it not been for her. Her family hated me because I wasn't white and she was and because I was a poor struggling college student and her father was a bigtime attorney and her mother a successful surgeon. She once told me that one of the things she loved about me was that I wouldn't cave to her family.

Her name was Randi, and I owe her a debt I can never really repay. We planned to marry after I got out of the Navy, during the summer of '73. She was killed when a teenager joyriding in a stolen car broadsided us on her side one night 2 months before we planned to elope. Whenever things got tough she would always smile at me and say there was nothing in life that we couldn't overcome or get around. To this day I still hear her voice in my head.

I know there are those that might doubt this story. This is about the last photo I took of her when we went to Knotts Berry Farm. Note the date on the bottom, about 6 months before her death.

Randi jan 73 # 2.jpg


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
My first ever love i met at the ripe old age of 16 .. we met through friends we made out we were together 14.5 years married for 10 and had four beautiful kids. we divorced we both made dumb mistakes and she moved 150 miles away from london to a coastal city.

she (and he kids) were my world . and despite being divorced for 10 years and her reamrrying and having another child with her husband and me having my wild teen years and some adventures of the XXX variety in my 30s and some long term dating .. i still love that goddam woman .. i told her a long time ago when we reminiscing she was my soulmate .. trouble is i wasn't hers