Paris Under Attack

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May 28, 2011
Oh great, this is what I figured would happen after these attacks, more Islamophobia.
My condolences to the people there as well as their family members. I have a former classmate who's studying abroad in Paris right now, hope he's alright.

Facebook has a nifty little feature to mark that you're safe, maybe he used that. I know my friend's did, so that was cool. Worth a check.


Jan 15, 2013
Oh great, this is what I figured would happen after these attacks, more Islamophobia.
My condolences to the people there as well as their family members. I have a former classmate who's studying abroad in Paris right now, hope he's alright.
Defined how?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Oh great, this is what I figured would happen after these attacks, more Islamophobia.
My condolences to the people there as well as their family members. I have a former classmate who's studying abroad in Paris right now, hope he's alright.

It's not at all a phobia. Radical Islamists just senselessly killed more people and they are doing it daily all over the planet in cowardly fashion.

It's a serious issue that has to be addressed, and killing people that want only to kill people who don't want to adhere to their fucked up inaccurate interpretation of a religion is a sensible solution. You cannot change the mind of a militant extremist, it's a foolish waste of time to make any effort towards that.

History has proven that time and time again. You have to beat this type of thing by killing it off.


Mar 17, 2014
Easy man. It's not Islam. It's a group of radicals. WTC, London Bombings, now this. It's all the same group, NOT all of Islam. That's all I'm gonna say about that topic.
We're talking about the radical terrorists here, not a race or religion as a whole.
I agree, it's not fair to insert the good majority with the few bad. But those that are bad, are extremely bad.


Hall of Fame
Aug 15, 2011
The band that was playing at the concert hall, the Eagles of Death Metal, just played at my work a couple weeks ago. Sure brings it home....


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
All extremists need to be wiped off the face of the earth. I don't care if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, atheists, whatever. I don't care if they're conservative or liberal. I don't care if they're black, white, Asian, Hispanic, or whatever. Every extremist needs to die a horrible death and be gone from this earth.

That's how I feel right now. I'm just so completely against humanity right now that I'm not even surprised that something like this happened. I can't even express shock because there is nothing that will shock me at this point.

Also, Jordan is the only Middle-Eastern country that's doing something about ISIS. They're taking in innocent Syrian refugees when they can, they're bombing ISIS bases after one of their pilots was executed. In fact, they're probably the only country that's doing shit right now, so why don't we join them?
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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
It's not at all a phobia.

I think its the exact opposite. In response to 9/11, many innocent Middle Eastern and Indian Americans (like myself) were targeted for hate. Some unnecessarily died simply b/c they "looked" like the terrorists they show on cable news. Remember the Wisconsin Sikh temple? That's what I'm talking about in a nutshell. BTW, I was also a target, albeit it was 7th graders being stupid.

But here's my question, we (as in the west) get so pissed and want to eradicate these extremists (rightly so), but when a small portion does a heinous attack here, they are labeled as insane, stupid, not representative of our culture, etc. Why does that not apply to Muslims?

BTW side note- the sheep on facebook are being annoying as ever. Changing profile pictures with the French flag backdrop to get like, oh and their "hashtag prayers" status updates. Yeah, that'll make the victims feel better.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Until we get to the point as a culture... as in as a western culture where we engage terrorism (and other topics) in a serious and adult manner, meaning the FULL and COMPLETE topic from inception to its complete manifestation and so on, then all of this really becomes an exercise in futility.

Ready for too soon?

Sandy Hook.

Yep. Not enough adults in the room, so nothing can happen.

Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy.

Yep. Not enough adults in the room so things can't be fixed...still.


Yep. Apparently, we still aren't willing to take care of those who literally killed themselves working the smoldering pile of burning rubble to try and rescue people.

And we continue to get into regime change with horrible results (btw, it's NEVER been for the good... look it up, going back to Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 which is where all of this started)

Egypt? Overthrew a worse.
Libya? Overthrew a worse.
Iraq? Overthrew a worse.
Now Syria? Really? And once Assad is gone, who's going to fill that vacuum?

btw, that's not in any way an endorsement of dictators, but rather an acknowledgment of how it's possible for things to be worse. One can't simply shout "dictator" as the sole reason for doing something without a plan for afterwards AND without understanding the history of the region.

I feel terrible for the victims in Paris. I really do. I pray for the victims in each tragedy.

What sucks...REALLY sucks is that I'm praying for the NEXT victims because nothing substantive is going to change due to the fact that we refuse to engage on important topics as adults that need to solve problems.

I've said before that politics is pornography for polite society. It's not a party thing (I really despise them all). At some point, if we want to stop terrorism, stop mass shootings and deal with the issues of the day... we're going to have to get serious and get beyond the bumper sticker sloganeering that dominates the political discourse and worse, our governance.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. This all just feels so damned...unnecessary.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
You have to treat these terrorists like rabid dogs, put them down with extreme prejudice and without rule or warrant.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
What kind of animals kill themselves just to kill people they don't even know? Radical Islam is against the entire world and there is no completely effective way to eliminate them because they hide themselves like cowards among the innocent and prey on the young, weak minded individuals to join in their cause.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Can't we just kill em all let God sort them out? The radicals are like Schwarzeneggar in the first Terminator movie. They can't be reasoned with. You can't bargain with them. You can't talk it out with them. Their mission is to kill until everyone they consider an enemy is dead. Once they're brainwashed there is no going back. They're past the point of no return. The only way to stop them is to take them out.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I think its the exact opposite. In response to 9/11, many innocent Middle Eastern and Indian Americans (like myself) were targeted for hate. Some unnecessarily died simply b/c they "looked" like the terrorists they show on cable news. Remember the Wisconsin Sikh temple? That's what I'm talking about in a nutshell. BTW, I was also a target, albeit it was 7th graders being stupid.

But here's my question, we (as in the west) get so pissed and want to eradicate these extremists (rightly so), but when a small portion does a heinous attack here, they are labeled as insane, stupid, not representative of our culture, etc. Why does that not apply to Muslims?

BTW side note- the sheep on facebook are being annoying as ever. Changing profile pictures with the French flag backdrop to get like, oh and their "hashtag prayers" status updates. Yeah, that'll make the victims feel better.

I'm sorry it happened to you and to others. If it came across that I was condemning an entire religion I'm sorry I didn't communicate well enough.

My ire is directed solely at the human garbage that did this and all of the other fucked up things.

France has allowed radical Islamists to flourish and they have to stop it as fast as possible or this will happen again. Here is a link to an article about it, and further down you can see all of the attacks they have had to deal with recently.

@flv your point about immigration is very true..........and if I were running a nation I'd be limiting who got in my country, right now many nations are just allowing radicals to show up and foment hate.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

hmmmm. i guess it needs to be said. the usa created all of this. they have been funding and supplying radical groups against dictators that they have soured on since forever. and when the usa invades these countries and obliterates everything in sight then leave when they deem the job is done it creates an environment which allows these radicals to flourish. isis was initially funded by the americans. now they will help someone else to fight them.

as long as there is chaos all is good. the arms trade is big business and can't be stopped.



Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010

hmmmm. i guess it needs to be said. the usa created all of this. they have been funding and supplying radical groups against dictators that they have soured on since forever. and when the usa invades these countries and obliterates everything in sight then leave when they deem the job is done it creates an environment which allows these radicals to flourish. isis was initially funded by the americans. now they will help someone else to fight them.

as long as there is chaos all is good. the arms trade is big business and can't be stopped.

Yeah - only America has done this. I'd suggest you end this bit of rhetoric right here. Though the subject is rife with politics, this is not a political board. Aside from that, calling out my country is not a good idea. EVER.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
Yeah - only America has done this. I'd suggest you end this bit of rhetoric right here. Though the subject is rife with politics, this is not a political board. Aside from that, calling out my country is not a good idea. EVER.

Bravo sir!

ISIS...What the hell is wrong with these people?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Yeah - only America has done this. I'd suggest you end this bit of rhetoric right here. Though the subject is rife with politics, this is not a political board. Aside from that, calling out my country is not a good idea. EVER.

yeah, all the major powers are involved but america is a major player.

how is factual information rhetoric?

plus i think the truth hurts. sometimes you have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask some harsh realities about your country.

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