NFL report critical of Incognito

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The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
I still understand why some here want him as a G on our team..... He is obviously a sh*tty teammate and a retard on the field hurting you when you can least afford it, hence the name, Incognitard
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I still understand why some here want him as a G on our team..... He is obviously a sh*tty teammate and a retard on the field hurting you when you can afford it the least hence the name, Incognitard

You dont have to censor yourself dude. But thanks for a variation I didnt think of.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Easy to act hard on an anonymous internet board. Reality is that people don't deserve to be treated like Martin was, and the people involved are going to pay the price.

A lot of posters here said that they were going to wait until they had all the information before they came to a conclusion, and now we have it, all 144 pages of it. The reality is pretty damning, and anyone who denies it for the sake of "standing up against PC" or whatever is just being ridiculous. Let's have your coworkers treat you like crap for a while and see how you like it.

One of the former players I saw this morning said something along the lines of this "this isn't an investigation now that its done its a conviction".

Evidently Incognito said on his Twitter account "I guess I am as dumb as I look".

Yup Ritchie you are. Maybe dumber LOL.


Jan 21, 2013
I still understand why some here want him as a G on our team..... He is obviously a sh*tty teammate and a retard on the field hurting you when you can afford it the least hence the name, Incognitard
We don't have to go back to the Four Pillars, but we just don't need that kind of shit in our locker room. There's a reason why Fisher doesn't allow any kind of hazing whatsoever and I doubt he would want anything to do with that asshole. I'll allow that we might go over the edge a little on the field or have a couple guys on our team with the potential to brush up against the law if they don't control themselves, but from everything I've seen the guys in that locker room have each other's backs. Incognito has made it pretty damn clear that he has no place and doesn't belong in that type of environment.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I still understand why some here want him as a G on our team..... He is obviously a sh*tty teammate and a retard on the field hurting you when you can least afford it, hence the name, Incognitard

Three former players all said they would not want him in their locker room after reading the report, but would be OK with Martin if someone in the locker room would be there to help him get back on his feet. One said he supported him until he read the report and then couldn't support him after learning everything that he did. I think a big part of the reason that some people are OK with what he did is that they don't know about anything other than a couple of text messages, they don't know all of the other things that happened.

The OP said Incognito was going to have to answer for this and boy oh boy is he ever.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
We don't have to go back to the Four Pillars, but we just don't need that kind of crap in our locker room. There's a reason why Fisher doesn't allow any kind of hazing whatsoever and I doubt he would want anything to do with that asshole. I'll allow that we might go over the edge a little on the field or have a couple guys on our team with the potential to brush up against the law if they don't control themselves, but from everything I've seen the guys in that locker room have each other's backs. Incognito has made it pretty damn clear that he has no place and doesn't belong in that type of environment.

Three former players all said they would not want him in their locker room after reading the report, but would be OK with Martin if someone in the locker room would be there to help him get back on his feet. One said he supported him until he read the report and then couldn't support him after learning everything that he did. I think a big part of the reason that some people are OK with what he did is that they don't know about anything other than a couple of text messages, they don't know all of the other things that happened.

The OP said Incognito was going to have to answer for this and boy oh boy is he ever.

Hmmm for some reason me typing on a phone is a FAIL for me today lol .... I meant to say * I still don't understand why*....

I agree with you both... he's somebody we DON"T need in our locker room!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Hmmm for some reason me typing on a phone is a FAIL for me today lol .... I meant to say * I still don't understand why*....

I agree with you both... he's somebody we DON"T need in our locker room!

The dreaded fatfinger incidents.....we all have them LOL.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I find it interesting that the only people so far that have come out and said this is typical locker room behavior or that these guys didn't cross the line or that they are OK with what happened are guys on the internet.

Every player, every talking head, guys who talked to players, guys who talked to GM's and so on have all said they went over the line, what they did was out of control. I saw several of them say it themselves on TV at the gym today. Not one said it's normal, typical locker room stuff.

So the posters who are saying that these are big tough guys and do this kind of thing all the time are being directly opposed by......the big tough guys who actually don't do these types of things.

Many of them said that Martin will probably not have an issue finding a team but that Incognito will have to show contrition before a team will consider him because his Twitter remarks leave no doubt that he doesn't think he is in the wrong here.......this was from Mort who said he spoke with some front office guys and that's what they pretty much all said.
do u really think the media will present an unbiased account?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
Does anyone thing the NFL is going to come out and say Martin was a bad team mate and that he should have brought the problem to the team instead of being a whinny bitch and running to a lawyer?

Does anyone think the NFL is going to tell people pro football is a man's sport and general public isn't ready to know what it takes to build a team of young testosterone filled rich young men.

How about a group of guys stepping up and telling how things were when they played and that harassing rookies has always been a part of the earning your stripes in the league?

It doesn't take any more to take one side or the other in this discussion it takes voicing your opinion and values and experiences. Thinking someone with a different opinion is wrong is ridiculous as is believing everything the media puts out


Jan 23, 2013
That's funny because Mike Golics stands up for Incognito and so do many of the former football players that he has had on his show. Last I looked it was radio, not the Internet.

Most of the people on television are against it for a few reasons. They never have been in a locker room or basic training. They don't want to cross the line of political correctness. And they cherish their cushy jobs too much to take a risk.

Too many people are worried about hurting everyone's feelings. Martin was too soft on and off the field and instead of it being his fault it is the systems fault. Sounds like welfare and disability to me. Makes me want to puke.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
The two posts above mine here are funny......neither of you guys have been in a locker room in the NFL but your going against the grain of a ton of people who actually have.

The nice thing about being able to bloviate on the Internet is that you don't have to have any facts or knowledge backing you up. You can just run off at the mouth even though facts prove you wrong.

And how you can manage to inject welfare and disability into this is astoundingly in you are a simpleton for thinking anyone is buying that steaming load.

It's always the Internet nobodies that think the game is being "pussified" and ruined and is too soft and that things like this crap in Miami are fine.

Well guess what.....the guys who actually fucking play the game, manage the game, work in the NFL, comment on the game and all the rest totally disagree with your Neanderthal lowbrow opinions.

Sorry but that's just how it is. You're on the wrong end of this.


Jan 23, 2013
Neither have you yet you like to ignore that ESPN just reported that the locker room supports Incognito. Besides that you ignore that many former players do too.

I have been in a locker room and have worked construction for years. It can be brutal if you are not tough enough to take it, dish it and to shut it down when need be. There is a reason for the mental abuse. Tough guys want to know that you are tough enough to handle anything. If you arent mentally tough you aren't likely to gut it out when things are not going your way.

The only one I see bloviating around here is you.


Jan 15, 2013
That is the real rub. The investigator is looking at it (I am assuming) from the only perspective he could. Is this acceptable behavior (legally) in a work place? Clearly no. He could never say it is not acceptable anywhere but here because its football. I'm pretty everyone knew what the conclusion would be before the report was released.
As for as Incognito being out of work long I just don't buy it. He plays is position very well. If they want some phony b.s. apology they will get it. He will conditions on his contract and that will be it.
If anyone questions his ability to work again I give you Leonard Little and Vick. The biggest concern is signing him may be possible legal action if he makes an ass out of himself again.
As for Martin I would have many more concerns. A guy that left the team due to depression and was hospitalized due to depression and as a possible suicide risks has issues bigger than football


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Andrew McDonald says he is ‘Player A’ in Incognito report, has “no problem” with Dolphin organization


Panthers’ T Andrew McDonald has yet to play in an NFL game. (Joel Auerbach/Getty Images)

Former Miami Dolphins tackle Andrew McDonald has released a statement confirming that he is the unnamed ‘Player A’ in Ted Wells’ report on harassment in the Dolphins’ locker room, and that he holds the Miami organization in high regard.

ProFootballTalk’s Mike Florio reports McDonald released the statement because he felt it was already being leaked that he was the unnamed player who had been subjected to homophobic taunts not only from his fellow offensive lineman, but also from offensive line coach Jim Turner in 2012.

The statement, which came through McDonald’s agent, stresses that he spoke with Wells at the end of his investigation, after all information had been gathered, and harbors no ill will against his former coach.

“While Andrew can’t speak for any other players involved in the report, he personally has no problem with the Miami Dolphins organization and has the highest opinion of Coach [Jim] Turner both personally and professionally and feels terrible about the way their relationship has been portrayed in the report.”

McDonald joined Miami as an undrafted free agent out of Indiana University in 2012 and spent the season on the team’s practice squad. He was a member of the Carolina Panthers’ practice team last season before signing a free-agent contract with them in January.

does he really feel that way or is he covering his arse so teams will still sign him up to play for them?



Jan 5, 2014
Martin is a biatch who played along with richie.

Yes richie is an idiot but if you're stupid enough to play must also be an idiot and a coward. Martin is no freaking victim. What I got from the report was that Martin was a two faced coward pretending to be something he is not while richie is just an idiot stuck in his high school days.
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Here is an article from ESPN 3 hours ago saying the locker room supports Incognito not Martin.

LaBatard, whom I like by the way, actually wrote that article days before the report came out. It was reposted afterwords, who knows why but ESPN does recycle articles.

I haven't heard a single person come out and say that what happened is OK and it's just locker room stuff since the investigation was released. Not one. Except for posters on message boards who haven't read what is in the report, or even just skimmed it. Some guys have actually changed their tune and were supportive of Incognito but after reading the report could be in his corner because of what he said and did.

It has nothing to do with your idea of "being talked mean to" and if you'd take just 10 minutes to go through the report you'd see it was a lot more than that and some f it was borderline vile.

I don't agree with how Martin handled it, I would have done it differently. But there is a feeling that he was singled out because of his demeanor and the fact that he wouldn't strike back.

One of my many thoughts is that there would have come a point where I would have told him to shut his fucking mouth and if he didn't at that point I'd have grabbed a crowbar and shut it for him.

Read the report........


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
First I've seen and heard most of the sort of thing being said back and forth in frat houses and locker rooms,it's juvenile to say the least, but after all is said and done a culture exists ,so Richie is a dullard but not the instigator of the culture ,but every crusade can always profit from a poster child and Richie is doing a bang up job of that and FWIW should IMO have quit talking until the report came out.
There are a lot of opinions on this and from people with pre determined attitudes about it,but none of us were there and with all the conflicting accounts of whether what occurred is or isn't common place I can't see where admitting to it being commonplace has an upside,in fact I think it has a downside so I don't expect people to admit to it unless they are being truthful ,but I expect a wholesale denial just to protect ones own image.
I'd bet if you dug deep into the league Darren Sharper isn't alone in his carnal practices,in fact I'd bet there are a lot of chemically enhanced trists,good luck getting anyone to admit they did the same thing though,again NOT comparing the behaviors just the motivation to admit is absent in both.
So as far as taking testimony ,numbers to me don't matter.
I think we have only to look to our coaching staff how quickly the league reinstated it's poster boy for the "bounty" problem and surmise that the public sentiment is on Martins side here and the league knows it,just like they did in the "bounty" scandal,I'm not using the "gate " term cuz FWIW it's a political reference to keep a political scandal alive well after it's time.
So take whatever side you choose here,I NEVER expected the league to come down on Richie's side here,the culture is embarrassing,it's crude and doesn't fit the leagues desire to look bright , shiny and civilized ,even though they maim human bodies weekly.
The NFL has to conform to or defy the public's sentiment here ,and their report will always be for me an effort to establish their deniability that it was going on and that they never have and do not now condone nor allow Richies appalling behavior ( there description). I promise if you were to get a pass key and could get into the audio library of NFL films and hear the unedited versions ,you certainly wouldn't buy the commissioners "who knew?" position.

So while some scream for Richie's scalp ,I don't ,I think if he was so far out of line/the norm someone in that locker room would have stopped him and the others,that those who witnessed it ,Jake Long who I have heard no accounts of him intervening ,acted cowardly if they weren't used to such behavior,that the league is wanting to wrap this all up in a neat fat package and get past it so we can all go back to imagining the world is a nicer place than it is.

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