My Baby Girl Turns 5 Tomorrow.

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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She has been to pre school, and right now she is in summer school for kindergarten and will start in August. I got very lucky with her, she loves school. And again, not to be that dad, but the teacher told me and my wife that she is head and shoulders above the rest and can do stuff that 2nd semester 1st graders are doing. Her pre school teacher said she could do 2nd semester kindergarten things and now she's upgraded. That makes you happy, you always think your kids smart, but to have that validated is awesome. My son....well...he's gonna be real big lol. He just turned 3 and is as big as most the kids in my daughters class of 5 year olds. He is also super fast which is cool. I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed for the next 20 years that he wears horns one day lol.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #22
She has her first field trip today and I thought about going to the bus drivers house and waking him up late last night out of a deep sleep and discuss with him the importance of doing the speed limit and driving safe, also the importance of not living life with a foot in his ass if anything happens.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
A man doesn't truly know what fear is until he has children. My son, my only child, was born a few days after I turned 40. He was a month early and spent time in the incubator because his temperature wasn't right and he was way underweight.

I was there when he popped out of the womb and I was the first to touch him. After they had him wrapped up I went out in the hallway and cried like a baby. My mother was shaken because she thought he didn't make it. She had never seen me cry since I was a child.

Up until then I had lived like a reckless, wild man. But then everything changed. It all became about him. Keeping him safe and setting a good example. I watched over him like a hawk. Wouldn't go to sleep at night until he had fallen asleep first. The first two years neither my wife or I ever slept through the night, not once.

I moved us from San Jose, CA to Maryland the day after he turned three because I felt it wasn't a safe place for him to grow up(ironically a couple of years ago, he and his wife moved to California).

I homeschooled him and we were best friends. Taught him how to play guitar and turned him on to all the music that was out there. Then around age 15 I became the enemy. Someone who stood in his way and didn't understand him. His door was always closed and when I went in to see him he would give me that look. It's normal for teenagers to do that but it broke my heart.

Today he's 24 and has a wife, two dogs and a cat. He has two Bachelor's degrees and is going for a Master's degree because he wants to teach in college. He calls me once a week. It all went by in the blink of an eye and I miss those days when he was a little boy greatly but am grateful for the experience of having raised him.

Thanks for the pics everyone. If you have little children, enjoy every minute of it because it goes by faster than you can imagine.

Hey her this pic and wish her a happy birthday from the folks at ROD. :)


Great story (and great kid/man). ;)

Yeah.. having raised five kids (ranging in age from almost 32 to 20), I always tell younger parents, it's phases.

Phase 1: newborn - they need you so much and not killing them is so fulfilling :) The looks on their faces as they stare in awe of every new thing they see/feel/hear/taste.
Phase 2: ages 3- teenage years. You are their heroes. They hang on your every word... generally obey most of your wishes. One of my favorite phases.
Phase 3: Teenage years. As a general rule, the opposite of phase 2. You are the enemy... the one that is holding them back. They know everything and you are the problem. It can be ugly.
But, it's only a phase.
Phase 4: Adulthood. It starts once they get out on their own (be it going to college or just moving out). They start to understand how scary life can be when you have to make it on your
own. And, they start to see that some of the things you did in phase 3 were for their own good. I've become "friends" with my kids now. No more telling them what to do... them
coming to me asking what they should do. Even going to events (like concerts) and having a few adult beverages.
An example: When my son (the oldest) was young and I watched golf, he'd complain about how boring it was to watch and how could I spend hours watching it?
Now? We play the great game together and have a blast. And, if I watch it on TV, he quietly watches with me.

Each phase has it's challenges and rewards.

Enjoy each one and understand that, no matter how difficult it can get (phase 3, I'm talking to you :)), it's only a phase and better days are to come!!

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
My beautiful daughter turns 23 this month! She'll always be my baby

Her high school graduation: hard to believe it was five years ago already.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014

Wait till she gets her drivers license



Feb 11, 2015
I have a 4 and 6 year old boys and I couldn't be prouder to be a father. Everyday the do something that makes me proud and something that makes me want to kill them. ;) Congrats to your little girl, you, and your wife.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I have a 4 and 6 year old boys and I couldn't be prouder to be a father. Everyday the do something that makes me proud and something that makes me want to kill them. ;) Congrats to your little girl, you, and your wife.

This might be the most succinct and most accurate description of what it's like to be a parent to young children that I've ever read.


Jun 4, 2013
5 going on 15? Yep, probably. Mine turns 14 this September and I don't like it. I want her to be mine forever. But, of course, watching her bloom into the beautiful person she already has become is very rewarding. Sometimes though, I wish I had a pause button. :(

Mine too, 14 in september. I brought her home from the hospital on 9/11. Talk about surreal and scary. They'll be at the memorial game for Rich.

In my mind I see them like this:

Hattie and Callie edited 2010.jpg

I'm already letting my 13 year old drive around empty parking lots. She knows damn well that getting her license is just the first step, she then has to pass my license which is far more stringent. Tire changing, learning to resist the pull of a deep puddle on one side without over steering, drying your brakes after a puddle, ice spin out and recover, never trusting traffic lights to stop people, etc.

I'm thinking I may let a snake lose while she's driving in a parking lot to teach her about safe stopping in an emergency and distracted driving. Maybe a bee? Not sure yet.

When they have a very good year, on their birthday, I always tell them I'm going to miss 5 year old Callie or 7 year old Hattie or whatever age. And it's true. You never see that person again.

The other day I went to pick up my daughter at the skating rink but forgot my phone so I went in to get her. There she was in a booth of friends and a boy had his arm around her. :eek::mad::(

She saw me and jumped up, grabbed her stuff, and told them I was there. When the boy looked up at my face, I think he wet himself.

If I ever meet the person who invented yoga pants, I'm going to knife them in the throat.

Rams Until I Die

Pro Bowler
Oct 21, 2013
Reading your guys stories about your kids is awesome! My little girl will be here any day now and I am beyond excited.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Mine too, 14 in september. I brought her home from the hospital on 9/11. Talk about surreal and scary. They'll be at the memorial game for Rich.

In my mind I see them like this:

View attachment 6495

I'm already letting my 13 year old drive around empty parking lots. She knows damn well that getting her license is just the first step, she then has to pass my license which is far more stringent. Tire changing, learning to resist the pull of a deep puddle on one side without over steering, drying your brakes after a puddle, ice spin out and recover, never trusting traffic lights to stop people, etc.

I'm thinking I may let a snake lose while she's driving in a parking lot to teach her about safe stopping in an emergency and distracted driving. Maybe a bee? Not sure yet.

When they have a very good year, on their birthday, I always tell them I'm going to miss 5 year old Callie or 7 year old Hattie or whatever age. And it's true. You never see that person again.

The other day I went to pick up my daughter at the skating rink but forgot my phone so I went in to get her. There she was in a booth of friends and a boy had his arm around her. :eek::mad::(

She saw me and jumped up, grabbed her stuff, and told them I was there. When the boy looked up at my face, I think he wet himself.

If I ever meet the person who invented yoga pants, I'm going to knife them in the throat.

That's crazy. Born on the 10th? I remember holding my daughter in the hospital room and watching the second tower be struck by the plane. We went home the next day. It was a scary thing.


Jun 4, 2013
That's crazy. Born on the 10th? I remember holding my daughter in the hospital room and watching the second tower be struck by the plane. We went home the next day. It was a scary thing.

No shit?!? WOW, we had the same experience pretty much!

No, she was born on the 7th but by cesarean because she refused to come out. Born a damn conehead from pushing so hard!

I was loading the car in a daze and when I came up the elevator and walked out going for load 2, I saw everyone around the TV. I grabbed the second load and took it to the car, came back up, and they were in a prayer circle which is when I realised what was going on. Both buildings were hit.

I went to our room and turned on the TV. The towers came down soon after. My wife was so stoned she just stared. In our new baby videos, you can hear the TV talking about the attack in the background.