Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears while talking about the Killing of Cecil the Lion

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Jun 17, 2014
Just because one is upset over this doesn't mean they can't be upset over other issues. One doesn't trump the other.
I would definitely agree with the bold part.

have you seen a lot of outrage on the main networks about the Dalieden videos? Have you seen Jimmy Kimmel or other talk show hosts outraged over it?

Did you know that instead of CNN, NPR, and the NY times trying to uncover the truth about PP, they tried to dig up dirt on David Dalieden they called him an extremist.

yesterday when PETA said they wanted the dentist executed. did you hear anyone call them extremists?

in fact 3 major networks ignored the story for the first 48 hours. And yesterday the LA superior court put a gag order on David Daleiden forbidding him to release more videos, which I would think would cause a lot of people to scream "FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS!" but there doesn't seem to be any outrage over that either. The ACLU hasn't made a single comment about that.

And this story is about Humans. not Lions. Humans.


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2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Not sure why some are trying to play devils advocate with this story. I agree it is over blown, but it is still sickening and that douchenozzle dentist deserves all the crap he gets for it.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
The issue is bigger than just Cecil. He was part of a pride that was protected by two males. The research group that had the collar on him said the one male probably wouldn't be able to protect the pride against other prides now. He said the most likely outcome is infanticide. The pride will now have to kill off the cubs to survive.

This doesn't even get into the issue that he hunted the animal illegally. But, he's claiming that he put all his trust in the guides to do it the right way, but if you're dragging an animal carcass to lure predators out of a sanctuary, you have to wonder if something fishy is up. The two locals are being charged with poaching, and I hope this dentist is too.

As far as comparing this to PP and selling embryos. GTFO, it's a separate issue and there's no reason to combine the two. They are both wrong, and saying that one is more important than the other just belittles the fact that what happened to Cecil was not justified. There's a time and a place to talk about Planned Parenthood, and this isn't it.


Jun 17, 2014
The issue is bigger than just Cecil. He was part of a pride that was protected by two males. The research group that had the collar on him said the one male probably wouldn't be able to protect the pride against other prides now. He said the most likely outcome is infanticide. The pride will now have to kill off the cubs to survive.

This doesn't even get into the issue that he hunted the animal illegally. But, he's claiming that he put all his trust in the guides to do it the right way, but if you're dragging an animal carcass to lure predators out of a sanctuary, you have to wonder if something fishy is up. The two locals are being charged with poaching, and I hope this dentist is too.

As far as comparing this to PP and selling embryos. GTFO, it's a separate issue and there's no reason to combine the two. They are both wrong, and saying that one is more important than the other just belittles the fact that what happened to Cecil was not justified. There's a time and a place to talk about Planned Parenthood, and this isn't it.
I don't know what GTFO means, I'll just assume it's bad. ;)

as far connecting the 2, I'm sorry but I can't help but connect them. And I can tell you why I connect them. It boils down to "willful ignorance". there is no way that guy didn't know what was going on, when he killed that lion. He chose to ignore what he knew. but he is just one guy. our country as a whole is doing the same thing. We are ignoring what we know about human life.

but I'll shut up about it now and GTFO what ever that is.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
I don't know what GTFO means, I'll just assume it's bad. ;)

as far connecting the 2, I'm sorry but I can't help but connect them. And I can tell you why I connect them. It boils down to "willful ignorance". there is no way that guy didn't know what was going on, when he killed that lion. He chose to ignore what he knew. but he is just one guy. our country as a whole is doing the same thing. We are ignoring what we know about human life.

but I'll shut up about it now and GTFO what ever that is.

It stands for "get the fudge out", in other words, STOP. lol, I know why you're connecting them. Because you feel that one atrocity is greater than the other and people should worry about it more than the lesser. Which I feel that it's wrong to belittle one problem because of another.


Give your dog a hug.
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Sep 7, 2011
CW - maybe, but I think the main point he was making was the comparative Media reaction to both incidents, and he's 100% correct.

I just hope it's a case of giving us what we want to hear as opposed to deciding what we need to hear, (which I lean towards).


May 19, 2014
man tears of victory in public GOOD
Man tears of sadness in public WEAK

Sorry, but no. I don't agree with that line of thinking. If Kimmels tears were fake sure.

Real tears? Only assholes gonna judge a man crying in public and calling him weak.

Especially related to injuries or real traumatic emotions. Leave the " man card" judgment of tears at the door


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
This is not hunting. As has been alluded to here, this is just rich man games. As far as the guy not knowing well thats bull. He knew. If you can get close enough to put and arrow in a lion you can see a collar. Also a crossbow is not the ideal weapon for a 400 pound male lion. In any event there should have been two guides there with rifles ready to put the cat down hard in case of a bad shot. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. And I am sure it was party time till they got caught. Now if you want to impress me try shooting the same lion with your crossbow at 20 paces in a full on charge. Then we can see how big your balls are. Thats not gonna happen. Fine the guy put him in jail what ever the law requires and move on.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I don't know what GTFO means, I'll just assume it's bad. ;)

as far connecting the 2, I'm sorry but I can't help but connect them. And I can tell you why I connect them. It boils down to "willful ignorance". there is no way that guy didn't know what was going on, when he killed that lion. He chose to ignore what he knew. but he is just one guy. our country as a whole is doing the same thing. We are ignoring what we know about human life.

but I'll shut up about it now and GTFO what ever that is.
Some people call this line of thinking, juxta-progressivism.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
The issue is bigger than just Cecil. He was part of a pride that was protected by two males. The research group that had the collar on him said the one male probably wouldn't be able to protect the pride against other prides now. He said the most likely outcome is infanticide. The pride will now have to kill off the cubs to survive.

This doesn't even get into the issue that he hunted the animal illegally. But, he's claiming that he put all his trust in the guides to do it the right way, but if you're dragging an animal carcass to lure predators out of a sanctuary, you have to wonder if something fishy is up. The two locals are being charged with poaching, and I hope this dentist is too.

As far as comparing this to PP and selling embryos. GTFO, it's a separate issue and there's no reason to combine the two. They are both wrong, and saying that one is more important than the other just belittles the fact that what happened to Cecil was not justified. There's a time and a place to talk about Planned Parenthood, and this isn't it.
So the research group should rush in and sweep the pride to safety now if they know that is what is going to happen and they are passionate for Lion life. Isn't multiple young lions as valuable as one old one? I'd think that would be priority #1 right now for them. Maybe carry the dentist along for the ride on his dime?


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
CW - maybe, but I think the main point he was making was the comparative Media reaction to both incidents, and he's 100% correct.

I just hope it's a case of giving us what we want to hear as opposed to deciding what we need to hear, (which I lean towards).

Yea, I get the whole media reaction thing. I just can't wrap my head around comparing these. I'm trying to think through it now, but I can't without getting into the whole abortion thing, and I'm not going to do that here or now.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
So the research group should rush in and sweep the pride to safety now if they know that is what is going to happen and they are passionate for Lion life. Isn't multiple young lions as valuable as one old one? I'd think that would be priority #1 right now for them. Maybe carry the dentist along for the ride on his dime?

They could sweep in and save them, but to what end? Do you put them in a zoo? I'm not sure what the goals of this group is (I think it's Cambridge University), but I'm not sure if they are in the business of interfering.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Sorry, but no. I don't agree with that line of thinking. If Kimmels tears were fake sure.

Real tears? Only assholes gonna judge a man crying in public and calling him weak.

Especially related to injuries or real traumatic emotions. Leave the " man card" judgment of tears at the door

I will do my best for you and to try and look Jimmy Kimmel as a man's man, tears of the man-waif and all
So right now I am going to close my eyes and think of Jimmy Kimmel the same way I think of John Huston or William Holden or Sean Connery

Sorry, i tried. Can't do it.
Kimmel is a puss :LOL:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I will do my best for you and to try and look Jimmy Kimmel as a man's man, tears of the man-waif and all
So right now I am going to close my eyes and think of Jimmy Kimmel the same way I think of John Huston or William Holden or Sean Connery

Sorry, i tried. Can't do it.
Kimmel is a puss :LOL:
:snicker: That cracked me up.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
They could sweep in and save them, but to what end? Do you put them in a zoo? I'm not sure what the goals of this group is (I think it's Cambridge University), but I'm not sure if they are in the business of interfering.
You're probably right. That whole "wildlife management" effort is a joke. Man has always managed to "screw the pooch" when it tries to control nature. Best to just observe, learn, and stay the hell out of the way.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
@Dieter the Brock I think it's sad that you are calling someone a puss because of his reaction to this. I'm amused that you mention actors, who are acting with manliness and bravado. One of whom is on record in real life saying it's OK to hit women and has actually done it. I'm not sure you really look up to that, I'd hope not. But hey, he's a man's man right?

@ozarkram you summed this up nicely and kudos to you.

@beej why, in your opinion, does someone have to be outraged about what you bring up AND the lion being stalked and killed (not hunted, killed). Can you see that some people may be against both things, or perfectly OK and not really care too much about both things, or be horrified by one and not the other? By the way, the USA is still split down the middle about abortion. What do you suppose that split is about taking advantage of an animal then shooting him and tracking him for 40 hours while he bleeds out then shooting it is.........you think is halfsies?

Humans are the highest primates and have the most reasoning power. But sometimes it seems like they still slip, especially when it's guys and they are talking about "manliness". Which by the way women laugh at for the most part, their definition of what a good "man" is doesn't have in common with not crying, shooting animals like this, and some of the other things that guys would define that term with. This guy probably thought he was "cool", but he isn't. Hitting an animal with an arrow then shooting it to death gives him, and the other people who do this, a chance to brag to other barely evolved friends that he "took it down with a bow and arrow" when that's not how it went. Sometimes animals are tied to trees and shot at a distance in "hunts". At least at a turkey shoot the birds are eaten. This guy just wanted something to hang on the wall. That's pretty weak. In fact I can make a way better argument that he is a bigger wuss than Jimmy Kimmel and would be comfortable that I could fairly easily beat you in that debate.

He's getting what he deserves. And it gives me faith that the consciousness of the species continues to rise up and fewer people think this type of thing is "OK". Because it isn't OK. It's just not.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
You're probably right. That whole "wildlife management" effort is a joke. Man has always managed to "screw the pooch" when it tries to control nature. Best to just observe, learn, and stay the hell out of the way.

I think it's a fine line, and sometimes you have to let nature run it's course to correct the wrong doings of man. It's just a shame that this pride is going to go through this because one man wanted a lion's head for his game room in his private neighborhood.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
@Dieter the Brock I think it's sad that you are calling someone a puss because of his reaction to this. I'm amused that you mention actors, who are acting with manliness and bravado. One of whom is on record in real life saying it's OK to hit women and has actually done it. I'm not sure you really look up to that, I'd hope not. But hey, he's a man's man right? .

I'm amused like you. Not really taking this whole thing too seriously. There are actually serious things happening in the world right now - like you mentioned with domestic abuse --But back on point:

I agree with you Jimmy Kimmel, like Holden, Huston, and Connery, is 100% entertainer
But whereas Holden, Huston, and Connery chose to act with manliness and bravado, Jimmy Kimmel has chosen to act the role of a pussy.

So I agree 100% that they are all fake. I just prefer a different kind of performance.

Here is what I mean -- If you watch that clip again you will see it is still a Jimmy Kimmel stand up routine. Nothing more or nothing less. Kimmel not only gets one joke in there about the dead lion situation but THREE good jokes - the crowd laughs and is entertained -- then Kimmel himself admits that he has only recently read up on the story, and says he had to Google deeper to find out more facts, which he then told to the nationwide audience. For someone who has only read about the story in the 24 hour news cycle, he sure has a deep vested interest in it to the point of getting all emotional.

Like I said before I think that hunter is a douche. I don't think people should hunt lions or endangered or threatened species.

But I also think Kimmel is weak for faking the weep. That's it. Won't mention it again - just like I bet that Kimmel will never mention it again. Cause tonight he'll be on to other topical topics and entertaining $ the people.
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Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
I have never seen the fun in hunting. My family have hunted for generations but I've never taken to it. The only hunting I do these days is to hunt for that last brewskie in the fridge...o_O
I do know if they stopped all big game hunting in Africa the good folks that maintain the sanctuary would not have the funds to do so. It's not cheep to take a Lion.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
And for the other side of the story. This whole "Cecil the Lion" story got me to reading. It turns out people do eat lion meat. A long standing tradition of these hunts is the local village gets the meat, about 200lbs when it's a lion. Being tough and not as tasty as some other meats, it still is a source of protein for these often less than fortunate souls. And, often times, these hunts are conducted in areas that have a problem cat. When too many predators start populating one area, they have to be thinned out lest they start feeding on the villagers. Reminds me of the old Tarzan movies. It's still not for me but at least the meat is getting consumed and a lot of the money paid for these hunts does go into the local economy.