Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears while talking about the Killing of Cecil the Lion

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Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
And see, that's another thing. Why do people have to have a long and storied relationship with something in order to be affected by a story like that? If you saw some guy pick up a puppy and slam it against a tree killing it, are you not permitted to be pissed off about it because you didn't actually know the puppy?

Totally. Thought it was funny though nonetheless

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I'm going to apologize for being testy with anyone in this thread. Everyone here in it has different ideas of what is acceptable for sport hunting, or maybe even hunting in general, and what is and isn't OK for public displays of emotions for a guy.

I'm not going to change my mind, and nobody else is either, we each think what we think..........whether it's disgust or nonchalance or support..........we already have those feelings set in stone. There is no changing them, so all that is left is to argue about them, and then finally (and this is the bad part) judge each other on them. Nothing good will come of that and I'm not going to alienate people based on something like this. Especially people I like.

So Ramhusker and Deiter the Brock sorry for getting a bit irritated. And........what you think about this topic isn't going to change my mind about you guys one bit. I've decided not to let it because that would be stupid and rash and nobody deserves to be judged on one thing, or thought, or feeling which another person doesn't agree with even when it's a volatile topic like this one.

I'm not going down that road with you guys. I've posted with you two for a long time and I like and respect you both to much to let that happen.

Thanks man,
like I said before -- I hate the whole killing of the lion. Not a fan of the guy.
And I am an actual conservationist and doing my share day in and day out like someo f you guys are. Any of you are welcome to come down and see my operation and how we both protect wildlife (my ranch is listed as a wildlife refuge in Hays county) and take care of domestic animals that are native to Texas. I actually run a breed called Butler Longhorns who are the closest thing you can get to the real longhorn that was almost extinct in the early 1900's. There are only about 45 Butler breeders in the world keeping this species alive. So when it comes to animals I am what you'd call an Animal Lover. That hasn't been my point of contention in this thread.

I just have a problem with Jimmy Kimmel's self serving routine


Jul 14, 2013
And another thing...Another thing irks me? Places like Zimbabwe view us Americans thru muddy, sphincter lense of an American Asshole...rich, arrogant, coward, want-to-be Big MAN white hunter.

And yet I feel sorry for the man... He's become a Demonic Poster Child roasted in effigy...He is ruined. I'm messed up. Cecil is dead. Dentist is political football. Dieter the Brock is right- Jimmy Kimmel self served... Nobody wins!

Training camp will distract me
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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012

And most of the social media crowd won't give 2 shits about this.

Poaching in Africa is such a huge problem. I read an article a few years ago about how it's grown as poverty has increased. It's a really hard choice for someone living in an area where they can't even grow food let alone buy it so I have a level of sympathy to a degree.

But in order to stop really harmful crime, especially this type, punishments have to be swift and harsh, even draconian and maybe in some cases death. If not people are going to kill these animals for money or help other people kill them by being an illegal guide. When the cost of getting caught is higher than the profit generated poaching will decrease, but the cost is going to have to be almost inhumanely high because thee is so much money in it.

One single rhino horn can make more money for a poacher than they would make in a few years of working, if they had a job. Look at the end costs on this chart. The idiots all over Asia wanting these horns for mythological reasons, or the belief it cures cancer or makes then more virile and the cost keeps going up. Now if you got excecuted for killing a rhino and cutting off it's horn to sell, or for transporting horns, or buying and selling them what do you think would happen to the rhino poaching business?

It would evaporate.


Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Thanks @LesBaker for self-correcting and your apology. (y) It saves me from being Mother Hen and reminding everyone to be respectful of each other's opinions.

Disclaimer: I've been a vegetarian for over 18-years and have a deep respect for life - all life. The other day I had to wipe out a wasp nest and an entire ant colony because they were in my house. It bothers me to kill anything but sometimes it's necessary.

There are monsters in this world, sociopaths, who have no feeling about anyone else but themselves. Those types have always been around but the internet and the 24-hour news cycle has revealed them in greater number. We'll leave them up to the Creator to judge. Back in the day there was a TV show where people would sit in a tower and shoot animals as they walked by. Disgusting and cruel. The story being discussed here is no different.

My Beagle must have killed over a hundred moles in his 8 years with us. I keep telling him it ticks me off, especially when he drags them in the house, but he's genetically programmed to kill. A human being on the other hand has a choice to act like a human being or like a beast(this of course does not include those who hunt for food).

Cumberland, MD is hunting territory but my side of the mountain is protected, so deer, bears, turkeys, and every other varmint you can think of wander around. On the other side of the mountain you can hear gunshots almost every day. I've long ago stopped arguing with hunters and avoid those discussions the same way I avoid arguing about religion and politics. It just gives you a headache.


May 28, 2011
Yeah I get it

But can you go to any of my posts on this thread and point out where I said a man can't cry?

I'm only talking about Kimmel's tears - during his stand up routine, right after making jokes about the situation

He made 3 jokes!!! Nobody caught that - if it's so painful don't be making wise cracks - be mad about it like we all are.

And I've also given my opinion on when a man is cool to cry in public - just my viewpoint, but I've never said men can't cry. Everyone keeps given examples of tears they have shed and I can give examples too - but you're not on National TV crying during your stand up routine - if you were is say the same thing - hold it together

I mean, of course you're gonna cry when a dog goes down - check out "I love my dog" posts - I mention how I broke down when my dog died in front of the vet - but that's a private moment -- it's not pandering on national TV. Is nobody reading what I've written ? Seems like every reaction to my posts have been taken out of context repeatedly.

Kimmel had just read about the lion as he admits in his video - within the 24 hour news cycle and like a puss pleads with the audience to donate to some cause so that the world will know not all Americans are like that whack dentist - and starts choking back the tears - I think that's rather weak

I read your posts, I get what you're saying, I'm just saying I don't see it as a big deal that he did that.

Emotions are a funny thing, people express them differently. When faced with tragedy and death I'm pretty stoic, I have been since the Army, and it's something I can't turn off. If someone dies in combat and we have to stay focused, get down to business and cover his sector of fire, and that attitude has bled into my civilian life. So it's weird to people how just even I remain.

Yet I get misty eyed watching various TV shows and movies if they pluck the right string. Not even necessarily sad movies either, it just happens sometimes. I was talking to some friends about it, and a few of them are the same way, our best guess is that we're trained to keep our emotions in and remain calm in hyper stressful situations, but also not hold them in because it's unhealthy. So we figured that when we're in the moment or dealing with death, we just focus on the task at hand, but when we're relaxed the emotions that we suppressed before come out easily... Who knows though...

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Yet I get misty eyed watching various TV shows and movies if they pluck the right string. Not even necessarily sad movies either, it just happens sometimes.

Good point. At my mom's funeral a few years back I managed to hold it in while giving the eulogy but another time my wife and I were at the movies and I burst into tears because in one scene a couple of hunters drove up with a deer strapped to the hood of their truck. Jeff Bridges comes out and brings that deer back to life. This was in the movie 'Starman.'

My wife gets uncomfortable when she sees me weep but that's too bad, honey. :sneaky: Her father was very controlling of himself and others. But sometimes it's just good to let it out.


Mar 17, 2014
Good point. At my mom's funeral a few years back I managed to hold it in while giving the eulogy but another time my wife and I were at the movies and I burst into tears because in one scene a couple of hunters drove up with a deer strapped to the hood of their truck. Jeff Bridges comes out and brings that deer back to life. This was in the movie 'Starman.'

My wife gets uncomfortable when she sees me weep but that's too bad, honey. :sneaky: Her father was very controlling of himself and others. But sometimes it's just good to let it out.
I can't hold it in like I use to. I don't even try, or care, anymore. If something hits me, I just let go.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This thread is really something.

Let me tell you guys what this subject has made me think about when it comes to hunting/trophies.

You guys know that I'm a fisherman. I have several big fish mounted and I proudly display them in my office at work. I also have at least 200 pictures of fish/crustaceans that my family and I have caught hanging in there too. We don't kill them for sport,,, we eat their asses. The ones that are mounted and displayed in pics are reminders of great times and dinners that I've enjoyed... hell, some of the actual dinners are pictured while on the plate hahaha. Stories behind all of them.

There was a time about 13 years ago or so when I was dying to have a hawksbill sea turtle shell to hang on my wall. Killing any sea turtle is illegal here in the US, but it is not illegal in the Bahamas. They eat green sea turtles over there and I can tell you that they taste incredible. Anyway, you can't eat a hawksbill because they eat poisonous stuff off the reefs... but their shells are the most beautiful. One afternoon over in the Bahamas while I was diving for lobster I came across a hawksbill. It was sitting on the reef perfectly still thinking it was invisible to me and everything else. My eyes almost bugged out of my mask and I caught that sucker with my hands and brought it back to the boat. I had my wife (we weren't married then) and her girlfriend with me at the time. We had a great day of catching lobsters and spearing fish... but I was really overjoyed about this turtle.

When I got back to the dock, it was time to take care of this turtle. His shell was just ridiculously beautiful. I had a Bahamian friend with me and he was going to show me the right way to clean the turtle and all. I wanted to do it myself. Long story short... I had the turtle on the cleaning table with a big knife in my hand. I looked in that turtle's eyes and I simply did not have it in me to end it's life. It totally surprised me. I wanted that shell soooooo bad too,,, no matter how hard I tried to do it... I couldn't. My Bahamian friend and some of the others who were there thought that it was very strange that I wouldn't take the shell that I was lusting for and they gave me a lot of shit about it.

I let the turtle go. Found out something I didn't know about myself in the process. I can't kill anything that breaths air,,, I just don't have it in me.

Since that time... I have managed to get my hands on 3 sea turtle shells that are cleaned and varnished. One is a hawksbill too. They are so beautiful and they are hanging in my house. The shells are admired by everyone who sees them. I also have a cool set of longhorns @Dieter the Brock hanging in my dinning room... I got those in Laredo Mexico (cool story behind those too). I respect their beauty and I'm glad I get to admire all of them everyday.

I can see why this topic has been difficult for everyone. A big Mahalo goes out to those of you who have taken responsibility for posts that were directed at others... there was a point much earlier when I almost locked this entire thread. I'm glad I didn't do it.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010

And now, thanks to those fucking wastes of life, those lion cubs are going to die for no reason other than the fact that some assholes wanted lion heads to mount in their fucking basements.

I'll share a little something about myself: I am a huge animal lover. I mean, I'll swat flies and mosquitos, but overall, one of my favorite pastimes has been going to the St. Louis Zoo to learn about the animals there. I had a giant book of animal pages that had information about everything about that animal in those pages. I really, really believe that they should be preserved in nature.

I can respect hunters a ton, especially when those hunters eat the meat and share the remainder with the hungry. I don't mind hunting. It's what we've done for millennia. Hell, if you gave me a choice between a hamburger and anything else, I'd choose the burger. I love meat.

With that said, I hate cruelty towards animals. Cecil was basically tortured with arrows and suffered for forty hours. No animal should have that kind of suffering. And the "hunter" did this illegally, just like with a black bear he hunted way back. And polar bears? Rhinos? African elephants? What the hell is wrong with this guy?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
While reading this thread again, I heard on the radio that Jericho is alive and well. And the story also stated that Big Game hunting has been suspended in the area of Zimbabwe where Cecil the Lion was killed.

And once again, the class of ROD has risen in this thread. Passion is a good thing but tolerance of opinion rules the day.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
While reading this thread again, I heard on the radio that Jericho is alive and well. And the story also stated that Big Game hunting has been suspended in the area of Zimbabwe where Cecil the Lion was killed.

And once again, the class of ROD has risen in this thread. Passion is a good thing but tolerance of opinion rules the day.

Sadly CNN is reporting that he was killed at 4pm today.


May 28, 2011

That is incredibly disappointing. Its a shame those countries are so cash strapped, because it's unlikely they will change their hunting laws from the money it brings in. It would be nice to just let these animals live on their own in the wild without us hunting them. Unfortunately it's likely that in a few generations a lot of these animals will be long gone and our children's children won't be able to enjoy them.

There's always someone who wants to kill something else. It is a primal sense of power. I've felt it in the military, its thrilling and both terrifying at the same time.

I was talking about that to my girlfriend actually when we watched Jurassic World. She wondered if the park would actually be able to afford to stay open. I said they would have an island designed specifically to hunt the animals, and big game hunters would pay millions to do it. That would help bankroll it.

Man inherently wants to dominate. We dominate the land, we dominate the animal kingdom, we dominate each other. We dominate, destroy, and leave nothing but ashes in our path. We're the alien force that we fight off in movies.


May 28, 2011
Sadly CNN is reporting that he was killed at 4pm today.

The persons tracking his collar said the story is false, and that he's been moving and was seen with a female earlier in the day, likely mating. Said they'll go and take a photograph of him tomorrow morning for proof.


May 19, 2014
Sadly CNN is reporting that he was killed at 4pm today.

Take anything and everything with a grain of salt from CNN, the place that wants to be 1st in everything and winds up last in everything because their coverage sucks, their reporters awful, and their timing dreadful.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Yea, you guys were right. Apparently Jericho has not been killed yet. Hope it all works out.

@Memento I have been applying for jobs in St. Louis area, and if it works out I will be visiting the zoo quite a bit if I end up there. I got to go there once a few years ago, it's really nice.

Also check out what the Empire State Building did (around 1:45)!

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Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
Some thought of mine on this topic and some of the points raised so far...

I have nothing against hunting or eating animals. I grew up on a cattle farm. I also have nothing against guided hunts or trophy hunting, provided it's done legally and with conservation in mind. Meaning you don't shoot 15 big deer even if you can, stuff like that. I don't have a problem with baiting either, legal baiting and again with conservation regulation in mind. This guy was straight up illegal. And where I differ from most hunters is that I won't use a bow. Ill never forget when my dad shot a deer with a bow and I tracked it for miles before we lost it. My dad stopped bowhunting for a long while and I've never done it again. I don't really have to much problem with others doing it, but it's really bullshit when done on something larger than a whitetail deer, IMO.

As for the animal rights issues, to me it's a first world type of crusade. It's a second tier problem, IMO. An example of what I mean is my sister. Spends countless dollars and hours helping, feeding, and caring for dogs. On the one hand I'm proud of her, on the other I can't help but wonder if the time and money wouldn't be better spend by helping that one homeless mentally ill guy who hangs on her street. I saw a guy on my Facebook talking about putting signs in parking lots about the dangers of leaving your dog in a hot car and all I could think was, "maybe first a sign about leaving your BABY in the car before the dog sign, if we have to have a sign."

I do think the dentist and his ilk are the exception in hunting today, not the norm. Some of the biggest advocates for conservation are hunters, so hopefully we don't have yet another good ol fashioned American witch hunt on hunters.