I Have Cancer

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Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
I meant to give an update yesterday but was more focused on puppy news.

As suspected, the blood work came back and my hematocrit is back up as is my RBC count. It is back. But it's still in the low zone. At this point, no real action needs to be taken.

This is a very slow progressing cancer that simply makes my bone marrow create too many red blood cells. Once I get so much, they perform phlabotomy and relieve me of that extra.

My spleen is fine. It is bigger. But it's doing as it should. Nothing surprising or worrisome there.

Overall, not what I wanted to hear but better than expected. Will check back in three months.

I want to remind people that may read and wonder. People can live completely normal lives with this as long as they are being treated. 20-25 years is often reached in older patients. And someone my age may very well live a very long normal life.

My issue comes in that I went a very long time without treatment to start. They assume a year to a year and a half and it took its tole on my body. But, I shouldn't get any worse.

I appreciate the positive thoughts. It's common for this to fluctuate up and down for some people. It may never get terrible for me.
Just when I was wondering how it was going and post something you come down with this. Hope it works out for you.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #82
Just when I was wondering how it was going and post something you come down with this. Hope it works out for you.
I was actually relieved. I have been suspecting for months that it was back. But, you never know the level. When I first posted this post. I was still very freaked out. It was still fairly new. I was still processing. And was more freaked out than I should have been. Sharing really helped me. I joined fb groups and that helped a lot. Seeing other people sharing the same struggle helped a lot.

You guys made it a lot easier for me. The road is bumpy, but it's passable.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #83
This is what is important.

The Red Blood Cells, the Hemoglobin and the Hematocrit. But the Hematocrit is #1. Then the thing at the end with the arrow. They follow that because it's an indicator for them for leukemia. I dont remember exact but I think it's 20% of people with this get leukemia. I'm not sure what the number needs to be for it to be worrisome but they ain't said shit yet. So i guess I'm still good. Lol


I like Rams

Hall of Fame
Aug 15, 2017
We're about the same age brother and my good friend was just diagnosed 6 months ago with stage 4 liver cancer. That Irish son of a bitch is still kicking and improving from what should be a death sentence. Wishing nothing but the best for you, bud. Keep your head up and do the work to get yourself better. We'll be here for you for the moral support.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
I was actually relieved. I have been suspecting for months that it was back. But, you never know the level. When I first posted this post. I was still very freaked out. It was still fairly new. I was still processing. And was more freaked out than I should have been. Sharing really helped me. I joined fb groups and that helped a lot. Seeing other people sharing the same struggle helped a lot.

You guys made it a lot easier for me. The road is bumpy, but it's passable.
Back when I turned 50 my wife set up a colonoscopy appointment. So they went in and looked and found a 2.5 CM growth at the top of my large intestine. The next goal was to take it out. And the Doctors were very adamant that we do it right away. So about 2 weeks later I went in. They took 14 inches of intestine, large and small. And the part they took had the appendix, that was a bonus. After the surgery and before I knew the results of the test on the said 2.5 cm growth, I found out that 65% of them that size are cancerous. Needless to say, until I got the results I was stressed. Turns out it was benign. But, here we are 10 years and 4 colonoscopies later and I'm still fine. My next one is due in 3 years. Cancer is the one way I don't want to go.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #86
I also want to add to this.

If someone is going through something. Idgaf what it is. Health issues, mental, depression, financial worries. Anything that is weighing on you. And you don't feel you can post it in the open. Feel free to PM me. I dont even have to respond if you don't want. Sometimes it just helps to type that shit out to someone who can see completely what you're feeling, and I promise you. I'm here for each and ever one of you for that if it's ever needed. DO NOT HESITATE.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
I also want to add to this.

If someone is going through something. Idgaf what it is. Health issues, mental, depression, financial worries. Anything that is weighing on you. And you don't feel you can post it in the open. Feel free to PM me. I dont even have to respond if you don't want. Sometimes it just helps to type that shit out to someone who can see completely what you're feeling, and I promise you. I'm here for each and ever one of you for that if it's ever needed. DO NOT HESITATE.
This is true. I have had a lot of stress the past week. One of my neighbors fell off a ladder getting off my roof and broke his arm and back. My wife won't be home until this Sunday. I was stressing big time because this is going to be a huge claim on my homeowner's insurance. So I called one of my sisters and just unloaded on her. She had nothing earth-shattering to tell me. But it helped. I actually slept last night for 6 hours straight. Some of the older guys have seen a lot of crap in our lives. And even though we may not be able to help, we can listen, that that in itself can help. NEVER be afraid to ask for help.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 22, 2014
Juggs... never saw this thread before. Live, laugh, and love, every day brother. Life is too short. Good luck, and God bless. Here's to 20 more years!