Hurray, dozens of India call scammers arrested

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Whats indias #1 export?
7-11 clerks! :sneak::redcard:( It was a joke, a joke) Actually I think it is petroleum products surprising as that is to me.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Whats indias #1 export?

Top 10 Indian exports to the U.S.

India's exports to the US amounted to
$40.4 billion or 15.3% of its overall exports.

1. Gems, precious metals: $8.2 billion
2. Pharmaceuticals: $4.7 billion
3. Other textiles, worn clothing: $2.3 billion
4. Oil: $2.1 billion
5. Clothing (not knit or crochet): $2.1 billion
6. Machinery: $2 billion
7. Knit or crochet clothing: $1.7 billion
8. Organic chemicals: $1.5 billion
9. Vehicles: $1.4 billion
10. Iron or steel products: $1.4 billion

India doesn't officially export meat from cows as they are considered sacred, although there is a large 'beef mafia' in India which may export as much as $ worth of beef per year to neighboring Bangladesh. 25 of 29 Indian States have banned the sale of beef, and the other 4 are soon expected to follow. India is now considered the 3'rd largest 'beef' exporter in the world, but what they are actually selling is buffalo meat, which is not considered sacred. Going back in history, where Muslims ate beef and Hindus did not, this added to the already existing civil discord which helped lead to the separation of India & Pakistan following British rule.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
India doesn't officially export meat from cows as they are considered sacred, although there is a large 'beef mafia' in India which may export as much as $ worth of beef per year to neighboring Bangladesh. 25 of 29 Indian States have banned the sale of beef, and the other 4 are soon expected to follow. India is now considered the 3'rd largest 'beef' exporter in the world, but what they are actually selling is buffalo meat, which is not considered sacred. Going back in history, where Muslims ate beef and Hindus did not, this added to the already existing civil discord which helped lead to the separation of India & Pakistan following British rule.

Makes sense. Every time I've gone to India all the buffalo were treated as cattle are here. Cows are free to roam. Never saw free roaming buffalo.

Back to OP: glad these guys are caught. Not only were they fucking people over, they were giving Indian immigrants a bad name. Stereotypes or not, from gas station clerks to doctors, Indian immigrants are some of the hardest working people on this planet.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Makes sense. Every time I've gone to India all the buffalo were treated as cattle are here. Cows are free to roam. Never saw free roaming buffalo.

Back to OP: glad these guys are caught. Not only were they freaking people over, they were giving Indian immigrants a bad name. Stereotypes or not, from gas station clerks to doctors, Indian immigrants are some of the hardest working people on this planet.
Usually smart as hell too and more often than not, they come to the US legally and are not like these thieving scum talked about in this thread.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012

With 1.3 billion people to feed they better be producing plenty of food!


Jan 27, 2016
Many times its the elderly they prey on. Sadly scaring some poor blue haired lady to death to the point they pay anything. They are beneath contempt.

Yeah well, fuck the elderly. Their age is the first excuse they use when they get taken by some stupid scam. "They promised us a brand new buick...all we had to do was place $4000 in cash in a brown paper sack and leave it in a bus locker...this type of thing has only happened to us ten or twelve times before...they took advantage of us because we're OLD!"

No, you are fucking stupid.

Yet, get in an argument with an old fuck and their age is the first thing they bring up "When you have been on this planet for as many years as I have, then you can tell me something you goddamn sonofabitch!".

So fuck 'em in their wrinkled ass.

Laff. Just kidding - I'm getting pretty old myself. You do have to be dumb to fall for these scams though.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about it because I am helping some Nigerian banker that randomly found me on the interwebs launder $40M in cash. Generous fellow promised me $20M just for my trouble. I am soon to be independently wealthy though it seems I may have to finance a bit of red tape to get things going, I'm gonna be rich bitch! I just sent over my bank account #, my credit card # and my social security #, so things are well underway!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
What a curry on this is, some people seem to be in a right (lime) pickle over this.


Jun 4, 2013
And I'm not Saudi, or a Fascist. Why the hell would you even say that?

Maybe I was a little over the top...:whistle:

I'm just saying, the punishment should fit the crime. I'd rather the garnished for life so they can help pay it back.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I've got a few of those IRS calls in the past. I know my books are tighter than a gnat's ass so I could tell it was a scam call. But me being an irritable Rams fan I played along. After the guy thought he had a live one on the line I told him I was the DA of my county and the call was being taped and bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I received one of these, and wasn't sure of the guys ethnicity, although I thought he did sound more Hispanic than Indian at the time. What was surprising to me was his cussing, actually yelling at me while using the 'F' word, telling me i'd be jailed if I didn't immediately send payment. It was quite over the top. He gave me a return number which also surprised me, so after hanging up, I tried to get thru to IRS, but they never answered their damn phone. It seemed like a bad prank to me, but I could understand how this might frighten some elderly, recently widowed females who didn't have control over their finances.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Yup, very dumb to fall for this.

But if you want to end it for good give the people doing it the death penalty. Kill them. Cuz then it'll be harder to recruit new help.

Our world is too soft on criminals, too tolerant. IMO we need draconian measures to stop people from preying on others like this, and committing heinous crimes. People who do this don't deserve the opportunity to share the air with good people.

Epipen.......nobody is going to jail when in fact LOTS of those people should. They are getting a big fat fine. Which essentially means they are splitting the ill-gotten profits with our government. That won't STOP this type of thing from happening again.

While I don't believe in the death penalty, I do believe in harsher penalties for serious 'white collar' crime which is so damaging too and aims primarily at our more vulnerable elderly population. I have always believed that very long prison sentences are a true punishment, where death just offers an easy way out. I want them to think about what they have done. I was happy to send a young gang banger murderer to prison for life without the possibility of parole for the one case where I served on a jury trial. It wasn't a death penalty case, and I had already told the court I wouldn't serve on one. It costs the government far more money to prosecute death penalty cases anyway, and that isn't going to change in a nation which believes in due process. Personally, i'd release every person in prison ever convicted of drug possession or personal use, to make room for those who are truly harming others than themselves. jmo.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Usually smart as hell too and more often than not, they come to the US legally and are not like these thieving scum talked about in this thread.

Not only that, but the amount of hoops they jump through to work here on top of the immigration process is daunting.

If you are ever in a big city, especially in Dallas, Houston, Newark, or Toronto (huge Indian populations) scan the radio for Indian stations. I was driving in Dallas once and they have a show dedicated for immigration. I couldn't believe the wide variety of situations and forms for that. It'll def. give you a new appreciation for your native citizenship.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
While I don't believe in the death penalty, I do believe in harsher penalties for serious 'white collar' crime which is so damaging too and aims primarily at our more vulnerable elderly population. I have always believed that very long prison sentences are a true punishment, where death just offers an easy way out. I want them to think about what they have done. I was happy to send a young gang banger murderer to prison for life without the possibility of parole for the one case where I served on a jury trial. It wasn't a death penalty case, and I had already told the court I wouldn't serve on one. It costs the government far more money to prosecute death penalty cases anyway, and that isn't going to change in a nation which believes in due process. Personally, i'd release every person in prison ever convicted of drug possession or personal use, to make room for those who are truly harming others than themselves. jmo.

Depends on the drug for me.........

I wonder about the economics of death versus life in prison. I wonder how much is actually spent fighting the sentence, is it that much more than what is spent on lifers trying to get their sentence overturned.

Interesting topic.

I also think we should have jurors that are professionals, trained properly and that undergo continuing education.

To many fucking idiots get on juries and fuck things all up. I'm not at all saying you are but when I see some big time jury trials I always wonder how many morons are in the box.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
Not only that, but the amount of hoops they jump through to work here on top of the immigration process is daunting.

If you are ever in a big city, especially in Dallas, Houston, Newark, or Toronto (huge Indian populations) scan the radio for Indian stations. I was driving in Dallas once and they have a show dedicated for immigration. I couldn't believe the wide variety of situations and forms for that. It'll def. give you a new appreciation for your native citizenship.

Add to that San Francisco/Silicon Valley. Some cities are nearly 100% Indian. They come into America better educated, equipped and willing to accept lower starting salaries. My sisters both married men from India and China. My recent photo of kid cousins looks like a UN kids conference. (Yes, these are all from me and my lilly white siblings. My brothers kids are 1/4 Japanese. I have the only "white" kids.) :LOL:

Family Cousins.jpg


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
I have these asshole Asians ( no offense if you are of Asian decent) that call me weekly telling me the computer i purchased is sending them messages saying it has been security breached and they want my me fork over money to so they can technically remove it from my computer. I always block they number but they call back with unlimited numbers usually from New York state. They will get pissy when you tell them you had sex with their mother etc.
It's quite annoying.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I had fun with one of these guys again this morning. My wife and I were trying to stream a movie and we got a fake virus infection page. I alt+ctrl+deleted and got the task manager up so I could close it, but not before I wrote the number down so I could call them. My wife was all worried about it, saying, "Don't! Then they'll have your number!" So I said, "Yeah? And?"

"They'll keep calling you back!"
"Nah. I'll star 67 first and it'll say private."
"Hey, it's your phone, do what you want. ... But ... put in on speaker!"

I wish I would have recorded this on video, but it didn't take that long. I'll record the next one. So I called the number and I got a guy with the THICKEST Indian accent I've ever heard, saying, "Hello, Microsoft Security Team, this is John Jones, Hello. I can help you."

I'm in blue.

"Yeah, hi, shit, I can't believe this, I have a virus, and I just bought this thing a couple days ago. SHIT! WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?
"Yes, hello, this is. This is Microsoft Security Team. Can you tell me what virus you have."
"What virus I have? How the fuck do I know? YOU PUT IT ON HERE!"
"No sir, I will help you. We will help you. We will help get rid of Virus. What kind of computer you have, is it laptop or desktop?"
"It's a fucking computer! Wait. It says Lenovo on it. Does the "L" stand for laptop? Shit! Can you get this off of here now!?!?"
"Sir. Sir. Yes we will help you. What version of Windows you have?"
"What? I have bay windows in the living room. What the fuck does that have to do with anything???"
"Are you watching me right now?"
"Honey, look outside. Is there anyone out there?"

"Sir, sir, please calm. I can have your phone number so I can call you back if we can get disconnected."
"Okay, okay. I have to use letters though, because that's the only way I remember it. I have PTSD from my days in the rodeo. JOHN! THE BULL, MAN! THE BULL!"
"Yes, sir, I can have your phone number."
"Okay, write it down. P-L-Z, E-A-T, S-H-I-T. You got all that?"

This went on for about 3 or 4 minutes with him trying to figure out what the hell letters mean on a phone.

"You will eat shit. you motherfucker."
"What? Is this some kind of mind control thing? Why do I have a sudden craving for shit? Honey, can you whip up some shit real quick?"

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
I had fun with one of these guys again this morning. My wife and I were trying to stream a movie and we got a fake virus infection page. I alt+ctrl+deleted and got the task manager up so I could close it, but not before I wrote the number down so I could call them. My wife was all worried about it, saying, "Don't! Then they'll have your number!" So I said, "Yeah? And?"

"They'll keep calling you back!"
"Nah. I'll star 67 first and it'll say private."
"Hey, it's your phone, do what you want. ... But ... put in on speaker!"

I wish I would have recorded this on video, but it didn't take that long. I'll record the next one. So I called the number and I got a guy with the THICKEST Indian accent I've ever heard, saying, "Hello, Microsoft Security Team, this is John Jones, Hello. I can help you."

I'm in blue.

"Yeah, hi, crap, I can't believe this, I have a virus, and I just bought this thing a couple days ago. crap! WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?
"Yes, hello, this is. This is Microsoft Security Team. Can you tell me what virus you have."
"What virus I have? How the freak do I know? YOU PUT IT ON HERE!"
"No sir, I will help you. We will help you. We will help get rid of Virus. What kind of computer you have, is it laptop or desktop?"
"It's a freaking computer! Wait. It says Lenovo on it. Does the "L" stand for laptop? crap! Can you get this off of here now!?!?"
"Sir. Sir. Yes we will help you. What version of Windows you have?"
"What? I have bay windows in the living room. What the freak does that have to do with anything???"
"Are you watching me right now?"
"Honey, look outside. Is there anyone out there?"

"Sir, sir, please calm. I can have your phone number so I can call you back if we can get disconnected."
"Okay, okay. I have to use letters though, because that's the only way I remember it. I have PTSD from my days in the rodeo. JOHN! THE BULL, MAN! THE BULL!"
"Yes, sir, I can have your phone number."
"Okay, write it down. P-L-Z, E-A-T, S-H-I-T. You got all that?"

This went on for about 3 or 4 minutes with him trying to figure out what the hell letters mean on a phone.

"You will eat crap. you motherfreaker."
"What? Is this some kind of mind control thing? Why do I have a sudden craving for crap? Honey, can you whip up some crap real quick?"
You are a vedy vedy bad man. :fighting:




Jan 23, 2013
I get the "lower the interest rate on your credit card" call frequently. Strange since I only have one besides my debit card and I don't ever use it. I never call back.

My poor mom clicks on everything she gets in her email. She has had 5 ransom viruses. Three were fakes that I could bypass. Two had to go to the computer repair service, and the first one she sent the $99.00 to the site that gave her the virus. It took the guy three hours to get it off of her computer. I told her if she is going to pay to have it removed, pay a legitimate business, not the scammers.