Game of Thrones

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As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
Bran isn't going to be back until next season. They're skipping him entirely this season so they can catch up on everything else.

Did you see what he did when the Night's King lifted his arms up? Methinks you need your own monster with the ability to make cool crap happen...

Clearly the counter to the Night's King.

Kane was precisely who came to my mind as well.

I'd like to see the Night's King kick out of a tombstone pile driver.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
I wish they would have taken their time and included more book content. They still have some content from FFC and DWD to use for next season, and the 6th book might be out by then, but then what?

It takes him so long to write these books, they'd have to either take a 3 year break, or finish it before the books (most likely option). Had they just stuck closer to the story line, they'd get a few more seasons out of it and wouldn't have to pass the books. But alas....

The things that REALLY irk me...

Sansa's storyline - she has replaced Jeyne Poole, and I kind of get that. But now Sansa isn't a virgin, which is actually kind of a big deal back on those times. In the books she didn't leave the Vale after getting there.

No Aegon - I loved his addition, and from where it left off, he joins Danny, Stannis, and the Lannisters as major players. Maybe they know something we don't, but it appears he will have a major impact on the outcome of this thing.

Margery and Tommen - so they had sex. Again, that's a pretty big deal. Legitimizes the marriage and all that. In the books, Margery is actually thrown into a cell because Cersei has her virginity questioned. Cersei makes up a bunch of accusations, but upon examination, her maidenhood has been broken. Again, this is a pretty big deal. She's awaiting trial, but assuming they declare she is not a virgin, her status as queen would be revoked. Also in the books, Loras isn't even gay. But they've been running with that one for a loooooooong time now.

Cutting out the Iron Born - they are a close 5th IMO, and will likely make a lot of noise.

One cool thing was the white walkers attacking. That hasn't happened in the book yet, but I'm sure it will soon.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
Not really. Who are the people going to be more likely to fight for: the guys who are literally giving them the shoes off their feet or the king whom everyone feels is an abomination and the Queen Regent whom everyone believes has been screwing her brother?

And they can't take away the power anymore. Cersei's locked up in prison (and will be going for a little walk sooner rather than later), and Tommen is a weak king who can't do anything to save his queen or her brother. The Faith Militant have every person in King's Landing on their side, save for the ones in power, and they aren't going to be in power for long. Cue the French Revolution...GoT style.

On a different note, I worry a lot about who is best for Westeros as a king.

Tommen isn't even close to being an option with sycophants like Pycelle and Qyburn at his side. And him taking advice from his mother automatically makes him the least attractive option.

Stannis is too harsh and unyielding to be an effective king, and he's fighting the Boltons right now and losing a ton of men because of the winter - and he also has to fight Euron Greyjoy whenever he comes into the picture. And then he has to try to capture King's Landing again. And after all of that, he's going to have massive problems with the Iron Bank. Great military mind and will be very helpful in the war against the White Walkers, but a very poor king.

Daenerys has made far too many mistakes to be a ruler that I'd trust (banishing Jorah for a crime that he was truly remorseful for, executing Mossador - another strong ally - for a crime that was very understandable, and locking up the other two dragons for Drogon's crime being the prime reasons). That's not even mentioning the fact that she's never even been in Westeros. How can she rule a large country like Westeros if she doesn't even know what it's like?

If I had to pick anyone right would probably be Stannis, but in the long run...I don't see any good options on the horizon.

I would say at this point it is Stannis as well. Of all of the people he seems to be the most fair. He may be harsh, but he follows the rule of law. The scene with his daughter showed that he does have compassion even though he hides it deep down. I think this season has only made him more like able.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
A question for you book readers here. Do we ever get an explanation, concerning the Whitewalkers? Who/what are they? Where do they come from? Do they serve a god/being/demon etc..

I'm into the fifth book now and they are pretty much a mystery to everyone, including the nights watch. But there are two more books coming so I'm sure it'll be addressed at some point.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
I understand where everyone is coming from that this is a disappointing season but I still am enjoying it. I think they should have more than 10 episodes in a season. It would help them get more in as it seems Bran and what is going on with the Iron Islands is not going to be in this season at all. Not to mention how Griff is not in the show at all. The next book is supposed to be released before season 6 so that'll give more insight into what is coming.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
How can she rule a large country like Westeros if she doesn't even know what it's like?
She can with Tyrion as her adviser.
And she should listen to Daario more often as well.
Slaughtering all of the most prestigious masters would be my advice too.
"All rulers are either butchers or meat". That was a great line.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
She can with Tyrion as her adviser.
And she should listen to Daario more often as well.
Slaughtering all of the most prestigious masters would be my advice too.
"All rulers are either butchers or meat". That was a great line.

Yeah she is still trying to not get her hands dirty as much as possible. At some point she's going to have to realize that you can't conquer the world basically and not have to do terrible things. But watch out if she starts doing what needs to be done.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Yeah she is still trying to not get her hands dirty as much as possible. At some point she's going to have to realize that you can't conquer the world basically and not have to do terrible things. But watch out if she starts doing what needs to be done.
Exactly. When they started revealing her weaknesses, I told my wife that it was a bad, bad sign. Up to that point, it was clear she was the most prepared to take the Iron Throne. But once she lost control of her dragon, and started making bad decisions, and started getting wishy-washy, she just didn't appear strong enough anymore. You can have 500,000 men, but that doesn't mean anything if you yourself are weak. I'm looking forward to a few displays of power from her in the near future.


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I cant get enough of this freaking show, I hope they make more seasons then the Simpsons. :D

They'd have to do a clips show sooner or later. I normally hate clips shows but that would be an entertaining hour of TV.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
I love Game of Thrones. Like others, I was a bit disappointed in this season but the battle was fantastic. I haven't read any of the books so I don't have the problem of comparing the two stories. I just enjoy the show. I believe the showrunners only want to do seven seasons which only leaves 2 seasons to wrap this epic story up. They have no choice but to narrow and focus the story to get to a conclusion in that timeframe.

And as a side note, WTF is this:

Tormand Giantsbane can't use his magical wizard powers to defeat the Night's King? At least get him a good hotel--maybe after a good nights sleep he isn't so nasty.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking getting insane lol


RamStalk Refugee
Oct 6, 2012
I'm done with this shit. Martin has become the worst type of Hollywood whore. I've kept my peace as they've gotten further and further from the books, figuring that each medium, even with different plotlines, would have it's own merits. No more. Having Stannis break out of character like he did tonight would be like Tolkein letting some hack writer turn Bilbo into a pedophile. Martin's busy cashin checks while his "friends" (who I'm sure all laugh at him behind his back) turn his magnum opus into a huge pile of shit.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I'm done with this crap. Martin has become the worst type of Hollywood whore. I've kept my peace as they've gotten further and further from the books, figuring that each medium, even with different plotlines, would have it's own merits. No more. Having Stannis break out of character like he did tonight would be like Tolkein letting some hack writer turn Bilbo into a pedophile. Martin's busy cashin checks while his "friends" (who I'm sure all laugh at him behind his back) turn his magnum opus into a huge pile of crap.

For this reason I'm kind of glad I stopped reading at book 4. He did little deviations from the books in previous seasons but I keep hearing this season has gone way off script. I'm enjoying it solely because I haven't read book 5.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I understand where everyone is coming from that this is a disappointing season but I still am enjoying it. I think they should have more than 10 episodes in a season. It would help them get more in as it seems Bran and what is going on with the Iron Islands is not going to be in this season at all. Not to mention how Griff is not in the show at all. The next book is supposed to be released before season 6 so that'll give more insight into what is coming.

Yea, it bothered me that they dumped the Griff/Young Griff story. Tells me that it's meaningless except for the greyscale which is disappointing.