Fun With Millennials!

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
What about my World View is "outdated and inaccurate"? The truth is never "outdated". And change, in and of itself, is not always "progress". My mind is always open to positive changes, just not suicidal ones.

But what you see as the truth isn't what I see.

So not elitist, just different.

What you see as a different opinion, as elitist and an attack I simply see as a potential discussion. You just want things to be something else or different=======.

Many facets. I think you miss that.

And yes truth can become outdated.

The world used to be flat.

Slavery was the law and acceptable.

Women didn't have the right to vote.

Separate but equal was acceptable.

Times change.

A crap ton of tax credits? Try tens of Billions, while Solar City and Tesla consistently operate in the red.

If it is a great idea, invest in it yourself. I think the guy does have some merit, but he is also the biggest Welfare Queen on the planet.

He's not a welfare queen, you just don't understand what is developing I'm guessing.

Have you done much research into cobalt mining?

No, but as Perot once said "I'm all ears!" so give me info

How many $billions in subsidies have gone into oil, coal, milk farmers, the FAA, aircraft, military & space research, automobile, chemical, ... even Wal-Mart ?

Good point.

The difference with EM is that he is a guy who can effect change, and the rocket program is already proof of that..........and people don't like change because they just don't understand the two rules of change.

1. Nobody likes change but a wet baby.

2. Change is inevitable.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Have you done much research into cobalt mining?

Are you referring to the politics of the Congo as being able to supply enough product for Lithium batteries and how Apple had to change suppliers due to child labor & working conditions ?

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
How many $billions in subsidies have gone into oil, coal, milk farmers, the FAA, aircraft, military & space research, automobile, chemical, ... even Wal-Mart ?
I agree, man. I am consistent. I will add the ridiculous game of ethanol subsides, (even mandates) that drives up the cost of corn that could go to feed those in poor countries. I am against picking winners and losers in industry, selling 20% of our uranium to foreign interests unfriendly to ours. (Ahem, the REAL Russia scandal)


Jan 15, 2013
A crap ton of tax credits? Try tens of Billions, while Solar City and Tesla consistently operate in the red.

If it is a great idea, invest in it yourself. I think the guy does have some merit, but he is also the biggest Welfare Queen on the planet.
It did sort of crack me up when Musk was doing the tour of states competing for the Tesla Gigafactory. He played California, Nevada and another state against one another. But seeing as how the only working lithium mine in the U.S. is close by his factory location in Nevada, did the other states really have a chance?


Jan 15, 2013
I agree, man. I am consistent. I will add the ridiculous game of ethanol subsides, (even mandates) that drives up the cost of corn that could go to feed those in poor countries. I am against picking winners and losers in industry, selling 20% of our uranium to foreign interests unfriendly to ours. (Ahem, the REAL Russia scandal)
Every politician loves a free market until they don't, or so it seems. Market controls, price controls, offsets and subsidies....all part of the big machine.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Every politician loves a free market until they don't, or so it seems. Market controls, price controls, offsets and subsidies....all part of the big machine.

Don't forget all that pro-monopolist legislation that time and again donkey punches the actual small businesses.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I know that EM has built the Gigafactory.

What's going to propel him is that he will have the infrastructure to take advantage of the "next big thing" in battery tech.

So when whomever discovers the latest battery, he will have the infrastructure to license the tech and introduce items to market that no one else can due to the scale.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I agree, man. I am consistent. I will add the ridiculous game of ethanol subsides, (even mandates) that drives up the cost of corn that could go to feed those in poor countries. I am against picking winners and losers in industry, selling 20% of our uranium to foreign interests unfriendly to ours. (Ahem, the REAL Russia scandal)

OK, you're making it too easy to determine which side of the FOX News aisle you stand on, so i'm not going to go deep into this subject or others which might seem divisive and against the rules of this forum. I will only will say that many don't buy into the curious theory that a certain former high administration official engaged in selling uranium to Russia. And while many wish to obfuscate the 'real' Russia scandal at hand today with a more current administration, we aren't going to fix the divide in the here and now.
As for the subject of picking winners & losers in the government subsidy lotto, I believe government should make intelligent, scientifically based decisions regarding the needs of the American people, ... the problem is that these decisions are being made by corporations, plutocrats and lobbyists who purchase politicians to do their biding, not acting in the interest of the American people as a whole, but to maintain a corrupt & imbalanced system only they control. Take the money out of political campaigns, shut down the lobbyists, then you will see what a real democracy should look like. The system itself isn't all bad if allowed to work, but we've been played by the corrupt and no longer work towards our own best interests, only those who control the strings. Kill the corrupt Citizens United ruling and make elections publicly paid for, stop idiot politicians from begging money from corporations with an agenda, it's just that easy . jmo.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
What you see as a different opinion, as elitist and an attack I simply see as a potential discussion.
Well, if true, you would not have said my "World View is outdated and inaccurate." See, Les. That isn't an attempt at a "potential discussion", but an attempt to shut down discussion, and yes, dismissive. You still didn't elaborate on what, (that I have revealed to you about my world view), is outdated and inaccurate.

The world used to be flat
Never was flat. I know this is just semantics, and that you are aware of this fact, but it is a perfect example of my point. The earth was always round, it's just that the consensus used to be that it was flat. The truth of that never changed. That was my point. Just the perception. Which then brings up....

Slavery was the law and acceptable.

Women didn't have the right to vote.

Separate but equal was acceptable.

Three very good examples of moral wrongs that were made right. It was never right to enslave another man. It was a different culture that did these things as well. These are all good advances. But not examples of TRUTH changing.

He's not a welfare queen, you just don't understand what is developing I'm guessing.
Not a horrible guess, but not entirely true, either.

It's funny, I actually went through an experience a few years ago, similar to the Millennial interview of the boomer at the beginning of this thread. (Though I am Gen X) I was given an assignment to learn about Elon Musk between my first and second interview, by the young manager that was to interview me. So I did. Musk is a pretty impressive guy, overall, but I don't see eye to eye with all of his views. And I don't believe I have a moral obligation to defer to him, or any other person "consensus" deems to be a genius. I just don't buy into the energy views of many.

For example, the same people that demonize coal, worship at the alter of electric vehicles. But much of the energy necessary for these glorious batteries results in lithium mining pollution, coal pollution, etc. - You see, there are trade offs. As a matter of fact, this brief video makes a great case of the moral superiority of fossil fuels. I post it because it is brief, and yes, simplified. But nevertheless points to the fact that it is not a simple case of good fuel/bad fuel.


Study all alternative fuels. When the technology is ready to take over, awesome! Not when it is highly subsidized (solar) forced own our throat despite it's ineffectiveness (bird-killing windmills) or just not ready yet (electric)

Nobody likes change but a wet baby.

2. Change is inevitable.
Ha. Funny. We were watching our grandkids tonight, and I just changed my grandson prior to reading your post. Good kid. We certainly didn't like the change in our life when our millennial son decided to pump out 2 kids with a girl he never intended to marry. ugh. Again, though the kids are a blessing, and we are making our best of it.

Same with technology. Some of it I embrace. Some of it (much of social media, and some of the new societal norms) I don't embrace. That doesn't make me bad. Or close minded. I am discerning. I care about all people. If you see a kid pick up a crack pipe, do you embrace it as "progress, and open-mindedness."? Not if you give a rip about the kid.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Bird killing windmills...



Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
you're making it too easy to determine which side of the FOX News aisle you stand on
It's funny how the only mainstream network that actually gives strait news, and not from a leftist perspective gets attacked as being biased. Their news is straight, and offers both sides, their political shows don't operate under the pretext of being unbiased. They admit it, unlike CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS ABC, tax payer funded PBS and NPR. Yeah, Chris Wallace, Juan Williams and Shep Smith are Right Wingers! :love:

And now, proceed with your "fair and balanced points..."

many don't buy into the curious theory that a certain former high administration official engaged in selling uranium to Russia.
Not a curious theory. Just facts in evidence, man. There truly is a blind spot for this criminal. Even her party has disowned her, finally. Who are the "many" by the way? Usually a phrase to distance yourself from saying "me".

while many wish to obfuscate the 'real' Russia scandal at hand today with a more current administration
No scandal, actually. Quite the Witch Hunt, with zero proof, by an investigator that actually should have recused himself, as he is a player in the Clinton defense team. The only indictment has been on a peripheral official, for a technicality having nothing to do Russia or Trump. Sad

then you will see what a real democracy should look like
Looks like this:

Which is why our Founders were wise enough to create a Constitutional Republic.

Kill the corrupt Citizens United ruling and make elections publicly paid for
Wow. showing which side of the CNN isle you stand on... so trust government to fund elections. Got it. What could go wrong?

stop idiot politicians from begging money from corporations with an agenda,
NOW, we are in agreement, said the Libertarian in me. Politicians come into office, and leave filthy rich. How is that possible? We need to get them out of these industries, if you don't want them to have power over them. This is where picking winners and losers comes into play. You cannot have it both ways. You have to allow for freedom of speech, and association. Allow for citizens to lobby for their interests, but don't give GOVERNMENT the power over the industries. That is how you stop the corruption. I realize you cannot unscramble eggs. there is no going back on much of this, but those who believe that one more law, one more curtailing of that guys rights, taxing that rich guy over there, is going to make your life better, are on a fools errand.
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Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
Don't forget all that pro-monopolist legislation that time and again donkey punches the actual small businesses.
True. We have to stop thinking left and right. They both are corrupt. We need to think more in terms of liberty vs. tyranny. It sounds like many on this board are resigned to being subjects, rather than citizens, as long as they get get into a comfortable situation. Scary.

Bird killing windmills...



That was freaking hilarious Mack. Thanks for the good laugh.

Actually, it's true, sadly,
"The result is a green industry that's allowed to do not-so-green things. More than 573,000 birds are killed by the country's wind farms each year, including 83,000 hunting birds such as hawks, falcons and eagles, according to an estimate published in March in the peer-reviewed Wildlife Society Bulletin"

The Dutch can stand down from attack, though. It's these guys that need to stopped:


Rat bastards. I'm going to send my pal Don Quixote after them.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
What's funny is your acceptance of FOX as "the only mainstream network that actually gives strait news" while asserting that the other 7 stations you mentioned are biased by the left and can't possibly offer a fair assessment. Only yours is right. I'll give you credit for this statement, that "their political shows don't operate under the pretext of being unbiased." No doubt about that. They know how to manipulate their viewers by letting them hear only what they want to hear, to re-enforce what they believe is right without question.
I no longer get much 'news' from television as i'm disgusted that they have all succumbed to using such partisan talking heads or commentators who are loud, obnoxious and talk over each other. I can say this, MSNBC is not a news station, it is a station delivering commentary about previously published news, although they have on occasion 'broken a story'. I get the bulk of my news from various sources on the net and do my own fact checking/cross referencing. I haven't watched CNN in several years and will only rarely catch a network station news program, FOX is banned in my home as it's basically all propaganda all the time, Pravda West if you will. Shep Smith was about the only person I could stomach. There are too many good writers for me to only stick to a single news source.

Since you insist on having 'evidence' on your side over the uranium 'scandal', perhaps then you can speak to this : Where is the Quid Pro Quo ?

"What's the evidence in Clinton's favor? Even if Clinton had wanted to make sure the sale was approved, it wouldn't have been possible for her to do it on her own. CFIUS is made up of not only the Secretary of State, but also the secretaries of Treasury, Justice, Homeland Security, Commerce, Defense, and Energy, as well as the heads of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting members, and CFIUS's work is also observed by representatives of other agencies like the National Security Council and the Office of Management and Budget. The idea that Clinton could have convinced all those officials and all those departments to change their position on the sale, even if she had wanted to, borders on the absurd.

Furthermore, the official who was the State Department's representative on CFIUS at the time, Jose Hernandez, told Time magazine that Clinton did not participate in the evaluation of this deal: "Secretary Clinton never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter," he said.

So in this case, we have no evidence of a quid pro quo, and we don't have evidence that Hillary Clinton took any action at all with regard to this sale, in favor of the interests of the donors or otherwise. In interviews, Schweitzer has referred repeated to "dozens of examples" and "a pattern" in which donations are made to the foundation and official action by Hillary Clinton occurs thereafter. His book hasn't come out, so we don't yet know what he's referring to, but in the uranium case, there doesn't appear to be any official action Hillary Clinton took one way or another.

Schweitzer was pressed on that point yesterday by both Chris Wallace and George Stephanopoulos, and he gave essentially the same answer both times. Here's what he said on Fox News Sunday:

Well, here's what's important to keep in mind: it was one of nine agencies, but any one of those agencies had veto power. So, she could have stopped the deal. So, what's interesting about this, of all those nine agencies, who was the most hawkish on these types of issues? Hillary Clinton.

So the alleged wrongdoing isn't that Clinton helped the people who gave donations to the foundation, it's that she failed to oppose them, something that the secretaries of defense, treasury, and all the other agencies also failed to do, with or without donations to foundations controlled by members of their families."

I'd also like to ask you to explain WHY you support 'Citizen United', and the theory that corporations are people ?


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
True. We have to stop thinking left and right. They both are corrupt. We need to think more in terms of liberty vs. tyranny. It sounds like many on this board are resigned to being subjects, rather than citizens, as long as they get get into a comfortable situation. Scary.

That was freaking hilarious Mack. Thanks for the good laugh.

Actually, it's true, sadly,
"The result is a green industry that's allowed to do not-so-green things. More than 573,000 birds are killed by the country's wind farms each year, including 83,000 hunting birds such as hawks, falcons and eagles, according to an estimate published in March in the peer-reviewed Wildlife Society Bulletin"

The Dutch can stand down from attack, though. It's these guys that need to stopped:

View attachment 23483 View attachment 23484

Rat bastards. I'm going to send my pal Don Quixote after them.

Not that 2 wrongs make a right, but how many birds, fish and ocean eco systems have been killed or wrecked by oil pollution ?
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