Don't Wish Me A Happy Earth Day

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
"So God created people in His own image. God patterned them after himself. Male and female. He created them. God blessed them, and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish, and the birds, and all the animals.. And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth, and all the fruit trees for your food. And so it was. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way." Genesis 1:27-31

Actually, Gnome, many well meaning people like you see it that way. And that does create good will, and positive results. (y)

But Earth Day was actually founded on Vladimir Lenin's 100th birthday, April 22, 1970, by New York Radicals, using emotionalism of the environment as a springboard to attack Capitalism, and to make a case for Collectivism. (You know Vlad. That hip and edgy butcher of millions.) View attachment 13252

One of those hip and edgy founders, Ira Einhorn, (Seen here, in the Original Earth Day Rally, inspiring thousands!)
View attachment 13253

is still serving a life sentence for killing his girlfriend a few years later, because she dared to break up with him. Oh, but don't worry! Ira respected the earth SO MUCH, that he composted her body in a trunk for 18 months. (n)
After Communism fell to the ash heap of history, many Soviet papers were recovered. A nickname developed for such crowds as above, that railed against America, and Capitalism. They called them, "Useful idiots."

Indeed, my little garden dwelling friend with the plump, bare buttocks, (and pretty cool Ram tattoo.:yess:) Where would we be? Thank the Lord, he made this resilient planet, for us to steward over. Quite the responsibility! That is why I would much rather trust thriving free market nations, such as ours, to innovate cleaner technology, (as we have) feed our populations, (and we selflessly feed many starving, corrupt nations) and be concerned with paper-or-plastic rather than bread-or rice.:grouphug:

Ah, the majestic Polar Bear. Good news, Angry! The population, though it spiked in the mid-nineties around 25,000 worldwide, WAS around 5,000 back in the '50's. Though some areas have reduced, others have increased, and the population has settled out around 22,000. Amazing creatures. The Arctic ice content is constantly changing, (always does) and has nothing to do with human use of fossil fuels. (Though weaning off fossil fuels won't be a bad idea, as technology-not Government mandate- allows.)
View attachment 13257
View attachment 13258

NOT melting. Always shifting. Melting sounds so...panicky. Don't worry. I was duped by Marxists professors, too.

View attachment 13254

"We think they are delicious!"

Yes. The protection clause of the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to worship, as we see fit, without the Government interfering. It doesn't protect you from obnoxious guys like me on internet chat sites. :sneaky: All kidding aside, I am not attacking anyone here. I love you guys. My target, as you may notice, is the farce of "Earth Day" as it was formed. Kinda like Festivus. Fake holiday's that took on a life of their own. (At least Festivus has some comedic value.)

View attachment 13255

I truly respect and appreciate that view, brother. Life is a journey of questions and mysteries. Nature is incredible, and sometimes breathtaking. I would respectfully ask that you consider that there may be a Creator of all that we see around us. The delicate balance of this earth, the miracle of life cry out to you from a loving God, who loves you, and wants you to know Him better.

Good ol' Chief Seattle. (Little did he know he would have a crap-hole team like the Seaturds one day bear his name!:unsure:) Man belongs to the Earth, Chief? Respectfully, Earth was gifted to man. That is a responsibility, more than a priveledge. Plus the other thinking leads to thinking man is not special. Man IS special, above all other species. ( :rant: don't make me prove it!) Plus to think otherwise leads to self-loathing...

Wow, Force. Come on man. I know you don't mean that. You are not a plague. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God. :yess:

Now does mankind do some horrible things? Absolutely. That is why Jesus came to save us from our wretched selves. What a great and loving God.:grouphug:

Happy belated Earth Day, guys...

wait...what? :palm:

That ^, my man, is an epic post. Thank you for that!!!!!(y):nice::yess:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Thanks @Ramhusker My original post may have been a little rude. I was just trying to give a little context. Have a great day brother!
Well, I think the majority of conflict between humans is the inability of being able to express one's feelings and beliefs fully, especially in the form of text. Both the writer and reader are operating from their own experiences in life and tend to be a little protective of their perceptions. You just managed to respectfully voice your stance on several touchy subjects all in the same post without triggering any inflamed responses. That sir was the work of an artisan of the word.


Jan 23, 2013
"So God created people in His own image. God patterned them after himself. Male and female. He created them. God blessed them, and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish, and the birds, and all the animals.. And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth, and all the fruit trees for your food. And so it was. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way." Genesis 1:27-31

Actually, Gnome, many well meaning people like you see it that way. And that does create good will, and positive results. (y)

But Earth Day was actually founded on Vladimir Lenin's 100th birthday, April 22, 1970, by New York Radicals, using emotionalism of the environment as a springboard to attack Capitalism, and to make a case for Collectivism. (You know Vlad. That hip and edgy butcher of millions.) View attachment 13252

One of those hip and edgy founders, Ira Einhorn, (Seen here, in the Original Earth Day Rally, inspiring thousands!)
View attachment 13253

is still serving a life sentence for killing his girlfriend a few years later, because she dared to break up with him. Oh, but don't worry! Ira respected the earth SO MUCH, that he composted her body in a trunk for 18 months. (n)
After Communism fell to the ash heap of history, many Soviet papers were recovered. A nickname developed for such crowds as above, that railed against America, and Capitalism. They called them, "Useful idiots."

Indeed, my little garden dwelling friend with the plump, bare buttocks, (and pretty cool Ram tattoo.:yess:) Where would we be? Thank the Lord, he made this resilient planet, for us to steward over. Quite the responsibility! That is why I would much rather trust thriving free market nations, such as ours, to innovate cleaner technology, (as we have) feed our populations, (and we selflessly feed many starving, corrupt nations) and be concerned with paper-or-plastic rather than bread-or rice.:grouphug:

Ah, the majestic Polar Bear. Good news, Angry! The population, though it spiked in the mid-nineties around 25,000 worldwide, WAS around 5,000 back in the '50's. Though some areas have reduced, others have increased, and the population has settled out around 22,000. Amazing creatures. The Arctic ice content is constantly changing, (always does) and has nothing to do with human use of fossil fuels. (Though weaning off fossil fuels won't be a bad idea, as technology-not Government mandate- allows.)
View attachment 13257
View attachment 13258

NOT melting. Always shifting. Melting sounds so...panicky. Don't worry. I was duped by Marxists professors, too.

View attachment 13254

"We think they are delicious!"

Yes. The protection clause of the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to worship, as we see fit, without the Government interfering. It doesn't protect you from obnoxious guys like me on internet chat sites. :sneaky: All kidding aside, I am not attacking anyone here. I love you guys. My target, as you may notice, is the farce of "Earth Day" as it was formed. Kinda like Festivus. Fake holiday's that took on a life of their own. (At least Festivus has some comedic value.)

View attachment 13255

I truly respect and appreciate that view, brother. Life is a journey of questions and mysteries. Nature is incredible, and sometimes breathtaking. I would respectfully ask that you consider that there may be a Creator of all that we see around us. The delicate balance of this earth, the miracle of life cry out to you from a loving God, who loves you, and wants you to know Him better.

Good ol' Chief Seattle. (Little did he know he would have a crap-hole team like the Seaturds one day bear his name!:unsure:) Man belongs to the Earth, Chief? Respectfully, Earth was gifted to man. That is a responsibility, more than a priveledge. Plus the other thinking leads to thinking man is not special. Man IS special, above all other species. ( :rant: don't make me prove it!) Plus to think otherwise leads to self-loathing...

Wow, Force. Come on man. I know you don't mean that. You are not a plague. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God. :yess:

Now does mankind do some horrible things? Absolutely. That is why Jesus came to save us from our wretched selves. What a great and loving God.:grouphug:

Happy belated Earth Day, guys...

wait...what? :palm:

Wow, now I get it. This was just an ambush thread. You want to argue your religion. I walked right into it. Odd place to find such a thing.

So you have this hang up with why Earth Day was created and won't let go of that notion. Thus refusing to believe that something good can be born of something evil. Earth Day is good. It has become an awareness platform for many valuable environmental issues. Like the Mahoning Creek Watershed cleanup, or the much bigger Chesapeake Bay Watershed program, which is slowly changing farming practices to reduce the constant addition of sediment to bay. Sediment which is killing the flora and fauna soon the bay floor. Sediment that is full of fertilizers that are causing enormous algae blooms thus choking out remaining life in the bay. You see despite what you believe from the bible the Earth isn't as resilient as you think. People can ruin it, and are ruining it. Our beliefs are quite different here because I don't believe everything written in the Bible. God did not give man the Earth to use like a piece of trash. It is our responsibility to take care of it. If we don't will God hand us a new planet? Now, if we all died, or most of us died the Earth would eventually repair itself but it wouldn't happen over night. It would take decades, centuries or even more. After a hundred years of coal mining the North Branch of the Susquehanna was devoid of Fish. The mining practices were eventually cleaned up and mining along the river stopped and the acidity level in the water eventually decreased after plugging the mines or neutralizing the acid flow from them with treatment facilities. Fish returned in the 1960s and 1970s. However the Shad never returned because of the hydro electric dams along the river. What was once the greatest American Shad fishery has a handful of Shad that climb fish ladders, but they don't make it all the way to their native spawning grounds or even half that distance. That is just one example of many ways man has destroyed our great planet and has had to repair it, incompletely to try to restore its bounty.

Now I get that you are a very religious Christian so I won't attack that. Just remember there are many churches and many forms of Christianity, plus many religions. It is easy to offend people on a forum such as this. Even in the off topic section like this. It can create descent on a pretty harmonic forum.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Two major rules here at ROD:

1. No politics
2. No religion

This thread is veering off into both of those topics. You can talk about those topics all you want via pm's but not in the forum because they inevitably lead to division among the members. This thread is locked.

Btw in case anyone here gets offended by that, I've been in Christian ministry since 97 so this is not about anything except following the rules here.
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