Covid 19 thread

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May 28, 2011
Wearing a mask just causes my glasses to fog

You can get a better mask that wont do that, or you can actually rub a tiny bit of dish soap on your lenses and it'll keep your glasses from fogging. Little tip I picked up in the military so our eye pro wouldn't fog up when we had masks on. Basically just get a few drops on a towel, rub it on both sides of the lens, let it dry for a second and then buff them clear again. It'll last a pretty good while.

That technique works to keep any glass from fogging, including your bathroom mirror in a shower, or swimming goggles.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Mitigation is an important word to understand in this context. Masks don’t stop COVID, they mitigate the spread. Seatbelts don’t stop deaths from car accidents, they mitigate. Mitigation matters.

Covid is a sobering test of society. It takes cooperation. You don’t wear the mask for you. It really isnt meant to help you. You wear the mask for others. You may have COVID and not know it - a lot of people do - and if you wear a mask, the chance you spread it goes way down. And you can spread it even without coughing in someone’s face - it could be the cashier checking you out at the grocery store, it could be someone in the next aisle.

Smoking in public has been banned in most places and so many more people wouldnt have been killed had they instituted those bans earlier.

% Positive is on the rise in many places - specifically places that have not mandated masks (or just recently did). There is data on this - its easy enough to find if you are interested.

I know everyone dies - and I know that we take a certain amount of risk in every day life. But society requires a certain level of togetherness - a certain level of care for your fellow man.

The mask is uncomfortable for me too. But I want to do my part. America hasn’t asked nearly as much of me as it has previous generations. I have been pretty spoiled, really. Now that I do have a part to play in keeping my country safe, I sure don’t want to fail because its too uncomfortable. I hope you will come around and play your part too.

If covid is even remotely contagious, most of America has already had it. Telling people to wear a mask months after telling us not to wear a mask is like telling someone to wear a condom after their wife is pregnant. My dad believes he and my mom both had covid back in January. They are both in their 70's and were sick for 2-3 weeks. Neither required hospitalization and I spent many of my lunches at their home with them. If they had it and its easily transmitted I already had it and never knew it just like most of America. If we hadnt shut down everything and left it up to the individual if they want to isolate, we would probably have been done with this conversation a month or more ago. And everyone would be moving on with their lives. I'm not going to be scared into doing something that we were told did no good and at least 80% of the people that are wearing masks dont even wear it over their nose and/or have big gaps on the sides. My no mask is just as effective as at least 80% of those that wear a mask. Probably more effective because I dont have a false sense of security, so I minimize the situations where I may be likely to catch the virus.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011

I just want it to be gone, we know it wont kill near as many people as it was thought to. Dragging it out til we have a vaccine that will probably be as deadly as the virus seems counter productive to me. Wearing masks doesnt prevent the spread so whats the point in wearing a mask? Just to keep the virus around longer? Why would we want it to stick around longer, unless there is some motive other than our health?


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
I just want it to be gone, we know it wont kill near as many people as it was thought to. Dragging it out til we have a vaccine that will probably be as deadly as the virus seems counter productive to me. Wearing masks doesnt prevent the spread so whats the point in wearing a mask? Just to keep the virus around longer? Why would we want it to stick around longer, unless there is some motive other than our health?

Actually wearing a mask does prevent the spread.

Many studies prove that fact.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Nope, if they arent paying me to perform a task, there is no reason. I wont cough on anyone and wont put myself in a position they could cough on me. I dont buy into the claims that covid particles are just floating around waiting for an unsuspecting person to walk by and inhale them.

Sorry, but that’s exactly how not just airborne pathogens work, but clouds and humidity.

So yes, a water droplet with COVID can remain in the air for 3 hours.

If what you believed were true, airborne pathogens wouldn’t exist...and they do.


Agent Provocateur
Nov 24, 2012
Annnnnd are any of you guys gonna touch on the indoor vs outdoor thing, cuz ”shirley” you understand the relevance?

with that I’m done with this thread, it has literally become an echo chamber at this point



Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
If covid is even remotely contagious, most of America has already had it. Telling people to wear a mask months after telling us not to wear a mask is like telling someone to wear a condom after their wife is pregnant. My dad believes he and my mom both had covid back in January. They are both in their 70's and were sick for 2-3 weeks. Neither required hospitalization and I spent many of my lunches at their home with them. If they had it and its easily transmitted I already had it and never knew it just like most of America. If we hadnt shut down everything and left it up to the individual if they want to isolate, we would probably have been done with this conversation a month or more ago. And everyone would be moving on with their lives. I'm not going to be scared into doing something that we were told did no good and at least 80% of the people that are wearing masks dont even wear it over their nose and/or have big gaps on the sides. My no mask is just as effective as at least 80% of those that wear a mask. Probably more effective because I dont have a false sense of security, so I minimize the situations where I may be likely to catch the virus.

Anecdotes aren’t evidence.

The reason they didn’t think masks were effective is that they hadn’t found an airborne vector. Once they did, they altered the guidance in light of new facts.

And this is what upsets me.Your opinion and/or anecdote is not a substitute for science.

I had a child of mine die as a result of an extremely rare reaction to a pneumonia vaccine. Does that mean they aren’t safe? Should I tour the country telling people to not get vaccines because of my one instance?

Anecdotes aren’t evidence and the mask isn’t for you, it’s to protect others from you. YOU may have had no symptoms, but do you know for sure you didn’t infect a downstream of hundreds or thousands of people? Why take that risk?

See, this is what I was talking about. The mask isn’t for you, it’s to protect others from you.

And...thanks to a bunch of people thinking like you, we won’t have football this year.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I just want it to be gone, we know it wont kill near as many people as it was thought to. Dragging it out til we have a vaccine that will probably be as deadly as the virus seems counter productive to me. Wearing masks doesnt prevent the spread so whats the point in wearing a mask? Just to keep the virus around longer? Why would we want it to stick around longer, unless there is some motive other than our health?

Im sorry you don’t understand science, but your frustration doesn’t change reality nor how this virus actually spreads.

So...when we have no football... everyone who didn’t wear masks can declare victory.

I mean, I have personal reasons to hate this way of thinking, but just confining it to this board, not wearing masks has cancelled football. And it seems the virus had already mutated once from the original Wuhan strain and it’s more contagious and deadly. We also don’t know if someone had the original strain if that would prevent infection from the second strain.

We could argue or everyone can just wear a mask and we could see the end of this sooner.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
Annnnnd are any of you guys gonna touch on the indoor vs outdoor thing, cuz ”shirley” you understand the relevance?

with that I’m done with this thread, it has literally become an echo chamber at this point

From what I’ve read, it seems that the risk indoors is far greater than the risk outdoors. By a lot. Haven’t seen really good studies on this, but OTOH I haven’t looked very hard, either.

Please don’t leave this thread OC.. (I’m hooked and can’t stop checking in here, apparently.) Your even handedness is much appreciated and sorely needed (here and everywhere)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.

We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.

We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.

Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.

Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.

Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.

Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.

credit to@libbyjones715
Of course the regulations in the food service industry are requirements enforced by the board of health, and if audited and not followed the establishment will be fined and potentially shut down.
It’s not a freedom decision, it’s a requirement.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
Of course the regulations in the food service industry are requirements enforced by the board of health, and if audited and not followed the establishment will be fined and potentially shut down.
It’s not a freedom decision, it’s a requirement.

That’s IF the requirements are enforced....




Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I traveled a bit yesterday and in my stops everywhere I'd say 90%+were wearing a mask, not including staff.

Sooo id like to think the internet is not representative of the real world.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
I traveled a bit yesterday and in my stops everywhere I'd say 90%+were wearing a mask, not including staff.

Sooo id like to think the internet is not representative of the real world.

it is certainly getting better. I’d say I see around 90% myself - and I live in a state where it’s mandatory.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
I traveled a bit yesterday and in my stops everywhere I'd say 90%+were wearing a mask, not including staff.

Sooo id like to think the internet is not representative of the real world.

Here in New York most have been compliant, more do then don't, however, the ones that do not, I really have to wonder about. Again it's one thing to not care about yourself, but you should care about others IMO.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I traveled a bit yesterday and in my stops everywhere I'd say 90%+were wearing a mask, not including staff.

Sooo id like to think the internet is not representative of the real world.
The internet is absolutely not representative of reality.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
The internet is absolutely not representative of reality.

Bullseye. In a country with 320 million people that makes 320 million different personalities. Most are reasonable. The ones who are not are a small minority but recordings of them go viral making everyone think its rampant behavior.


Jan 15, 2013
If y'all don't have cool masks, that's your own problem.

I have a dope Boba Fett mask and another Phoenix Rising crest from the Rebel Alliance unit that Luke Skywalker served with.

Just cause y'all are a bunch of dorks with your regular or medical masks on don't mean the rest of us don't look good.

A buddy of mine who knows the artist who did all of Iron Maiden’s art for years got a cool Maiden mask made.....with a rubber head mask to go with it.


Jan 15, 2013
A guy I know where I live got tested for his work.
When he received his paperwork showing a negative result he was given other papers......guess what the one with CDC recommendations said.....??


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Idk if someone brought this up before, but had anyone read What If...? by Randall Monroe? He answered a question in there on eliminating the common cold by isolating or using hazmat suits for several weeks. Very interesting, especially considering it was written in 2014.
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