Covid 19 thread

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
Guessing this is like most viri and they don't do well during periods of warmth. It appears Wuhan is parallel to the Pacific Northwest. Let's see what happens around June.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I’m trying to profit. I made 600 bucks on IBIO stock Thursday. IBIO has a process where they can produce 50 million doses of vaccine every 3 weeks. They don’t have a vaccine yet, but whatever. I bought at 45 cents a share and sold at 66 cents a share. It then proceed to run up to $3.50 a share after I sold. So clearly I suck at stocks.

oh said prepare, not profit.

I’m not Prepared at all. Driving Lyft on my off days for side money has certainly taken a whole new perspective though. The airport in Atlanta feels like a weak link to me.

I bought 100 shares of VIR..a biomed company ready to test antidote for virus.. opened at $35..bought in at $42...sold at over $60 right before closing bell Thurday....1700 profit


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
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And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
Oh good lord.

We get vaccinated for a guess on a flu virus thats kills many thousands and now one has a name two people have passed and its a panic.

Real info in you are thinking of wearing a mask. Think about why surgeons wear a mask. So they avoid receiving an infection? NO! So they don't spread an infection! A mask does shit for protection. No matter how much money you spend. Even gas masks are a joke except for the eyes.

But wear one if it makes you feel better.

I live in ground zero for the first non-travel related coronavirus patient and am personal friends with the executive of the hospital that the patient went to with their initial symptoms. She knows it is all hype. No fear.

We don't live in the early 20th century people.

But prep if it makes you feels better.


Jan 26, 2013


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
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Jan 26, 2013
I bought 100 shares of VIR..a biomed company ready to test antidote for virus.. opened at $35..bought in at $42...sold at over $60 right before closing bell Thurday....1700 profit
Not to hijack the thread but @RhodyRams put CODX on your watch list.

current price at pre market -20.57

look for the dip buy
then....Price target 32 today
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Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
Not to hijack the thread but @RhodyRams put CODX on your watch list.

current price at pre market -20.57

look for the dip buy
then....Price target 32 today

Was going to tell you the same lol


Jan 26, 2013
Was going to tell you the same lol
Yeah so.....obviously more lucky than good because I sounded real confident yet here we are, hovering around 15 :censored:

A bunch of panicky pre market hype or just a studder step to 32 ? We shall see. Need to remember we are playing the hype and not the stock on this one. The hype got jitters lol

So instead I got back into IBIO on a dip to $2.00 for 500 shares. Currently up 8% and hoping power hour surprises me. Sell order in at 2.90 in case I’m busy. Conservative I know...
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Jul 6, 2018
She knows it is all hype. No fear.

We don't live in the early 20th century people.

But prep if it makes you feels better.

There's a difference between prepping to get the virus and prepping for society's reaction to the virus.

I just talked to a guy in LA this morning who with a wife and three kids and not enough food in the house for more than a few days. That's downright irresponsible, IMHO.

Don't prep for the reaction to the hype if it makes you feel better, I'm sure it will pass.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
There's a difference between prepping to get the virus and prepping for society's reaction to the virus.

I just talked to a guy in LA this morning who with a wife and three kids and not enough food in the house for more than a few days. That's downright irresponsible, IMHO.

Yeah. I'm not Mormon, but they are very big on prepping - just in case. I had a friend whose husband lost his job and was a bit of a spendthrift anyway. She had enough food in the house to feed people for a year, so they were able to get through the crisis.

Things happen - maybe it'll be a pandemic, maybe it will be another disaster, maybe it's just a personal financial issue that means having inexpensive and nutritious food saved up makes a huge difference.

When I lived in New Orleans whenever there was a hurricane in the gulf people would freak and stores would run out of things. OTOH, I had more than enough supplies to weather the crisis handily - and the storage I had I would just eat when convenient.

I'm not sure why people are acting like the idea that having emergency supplies is a bad thing


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
Oh, and the first US death was Saturday, February 29. As of the middle of the day on Monday, March 2 it is now up to 6 deaths. Yeah, let's not worry about precautions.

Or maybe take reasonable precautions before it becomes a huge tragedy. Especially since many of the precautions will prevent flu deaths too.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I'm not sure why people are acting like the idea that having emergency supplies is a bad thing

Because the image portrays is some paranoid weirdo living in a bunker.

Nothing wrong with having emergency supplies. I have a lot of bottled water, canned foods, etc. Plus batteries, flashlights, med kits. I grew up in tornado alley and now live in hurricane harbor. So in used to it.

I'm not going to rush out and buy ammo, clear the aisles of all the bread and milk in a panic, though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
I'm not going to rush out and buy ammo, clear the aisles of all the bread and milk in a panic, though.

Yeah, rushing out to buy too much stuff that goes bad in a short while just shows poor planning.

Buying cans of soup when they're on sale, that you take to work so you have quick lunches when you are busy - and which also gives you stored food for emergencies, is something different.

Having grown up in earthquake territory, and having lived in New Orleans for years, I believe prudent stockpiling - with food you will eat even if it's not an emergency - is the way to go. Buying quantities when they're on sale is cheaper and easier than shopping 3 times a week because you don't think of stockpiling.

While coronavirus likely won't be a global catastrophe - reasonable prepping makes sense in case of a number of events. Including not wanting to go to the market because of sick people, whether coronavirus, the seasonal flu, or whatever - or just being tired or sick yourself.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
pretty close to a 1 year supply of food under emergency conditions.

How many cans of tuna and pretzels is that LOL.

This already way beyond ebola.

Ebola got fenced up quickly.

I booked a trip for May, but made it fully refundable if the schedules get out of whack... I expect route adjustments if people slow travel habits.

Global travel is going to be all fucked up for a few months.

I have not prblem with that.

Zip this shit down and in a couple of months it'll be fine.

99% of coronavirus deaths are people with poor health before infection. Most people recover. Deaths in the US is under 50.

400,000 people died from overdoses of opiods last year. Doctors in Tennessee wrote over 8 million perscriptions for opiods ast year. The population of Tenn. is only 6 mil.

Which pandemic is worse?

The difference is people dont get an opiod addiction from touching a doorknob, or riding in an elevator or higing someone or whatever.

It;s differentthan that

But yeah the opiod shit needs to be closed up by jailing Drswho are abusing it to make shit tons of money.

We don't live in the early 20th century people.

You and I don't. We are rocking the best the world has to offer.

But large parts of China do and that's where some of these issues stem from. It's fucking filthy, they have no real version of the FDA, and sanitation is bad.

And Ebola was born in a part of Africa that is STILL a century behind.

You have to look at these things not from your front porch but from where they evolved and started.

And the opiod issue is proof that if one of these fucked up issues landed here it could be bad.

People are stupid.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
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How many cans of tuna and pretzels is that LOL.

I don't keep an active inventory on my pantry, it's more of an estimate, but likely pretty close to a years supply, perhaps even a bit more.
I had a home for 27 years which was largely destroyed by the 1994 Northridge earthquake, also survived a couple major forest fires in this same residence until it finally did burn down in the early 00's. I learned early to maintain a fairly large supply of food, and these items are mostly everyday super-market products, although it is balanced with some dehydrated and freeze dried items. I also have a large first-aid supply which I brought with me after selling my business. The freeze dried products have a 30 year life span, the dehydrated vegetables are used often in soups, and they are great to have around if short on fresh.
Pretzels go stale, toilet paper doesn't, ... and most canned/bottled goods have a decent shelf life, so turning over stock isn't difficult if you purchase what you already like. While others shop in panic and see empty shelves, the only thing i've needed to add has been a few extra bottles of hand sanitizer.
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