Any Type 2 Diabetics here?

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I was diagnosed about a year ago. I still have issues controlling my sugar. Im not insulin dependant. I dont use it at all. I am on Metformin, Invokana and Trulicity. My high ends usually get up to 260-270 with fasting at about 150. But I struggle with crashes. My doctor just told me she thinks I may have become hypoglycemic. Ive had issues falling down over the past couple months.

Just looking for tips to help keep that crash away.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I have family on my dad's side that have a history, and I guess I might be close. I don't know exactly how to judge or any tips.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Yea, it sucks. Ive tried to taken in more protein. Its supposed to slow the drop. But now she has me snacking every few hours and I'm not used to that and keep forgetting. I laid down for a nap and woke up crashing. I was shaking and light headed. And it takes it out of you pretty much the rest of the day....or does me at least.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Yup, diagnosed earlier this year (I think its bullshit tho, like I actually got lab errors which made my levels triple than they normally are). It was a wake up call tho.

I'm also on the met. All I'm doing is reducing my sugar intake and exercising more (tho the last couple weeks I'm slacking a bit). I've reduced soda consumption to once a week, and other sweets in much lower quantity. My A1C has fallen into pre-diabetic range now, sometimes too low. I then have to eat a butterfinger or something and then I'm ok. Whatever tho, if this is the worst of it, I'm fine.

Plus I've lost a lot of weight in the past few months without really changing my diet. So that's good.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Yea, it sucks. Ive tried to taken in more protein. Its supposed to slow the drop. But now she has me snacking every few hours and I'm not used to that and keep forgetting. I laid down for a nap and woke up crashing. I was shaking and light headed. And it takes it out of you pretty much the rest of the day....or does me at least.
well brother, I am type 2 and have been since 1999. I have not taken care of it over the years until recently....very recently because a endocrinologist scared the shit out of me by mentioning that I could be a good candidate for a kidney transplant. My kidney function is at 25%, which is insanely low for someone my age. The other likely option, barring a miracle, is having to go on dialysis. If I have to do that, I'm not sure how good my life will be. *shrugs. The big problem for me is a strong self preservation instinct that wouldn't allow me to spear my finger several times a day to test blood sugar. Last month I received a miracle blood testing meter called the Free Style Libre 2, where I can scan implant as often as I want to check my sugar. I also switched from Metformin and earlier from trulicity because I couldn't tolerate it. I would be nauseous for a couple of days using trulicity and after that I couldn't bear Metformin for the same reason. I now inject myself with Xultophy and use Jardiance (protects kidney function, among other things). My blood sugar used to raerely go below 230. Now? My Free Style Libre 2 often waked me with a low blood sugar warning at 69. If I am bad it can go over 200, but normally my blood sugar doesn't go about 173 after eating and is often at 100 most of the day. Don't be afraid of the injection route. My Xultophy injection doesn't hurt at all and it's just once a day. I wish to God it existed 20 years ago and I wouldn't be in the fix I'm in now.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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@Loyal I'm kinda lucky with the finger pricking. I play guitar so I have thick calluses and don't really feel it. But if its a day I'm struggling, I have to check too many times and I'll still get sore and may not be able to play that day.

Im bad about not checking as often as I should. Sometimes I go days. I'll randomly check and usually only do of I start feeling shitty or moody.

Ive cut back the sugar. Drink one soda a day. And I've finally found a good sugar replacement. Monk Fruit. Shit taste just like least to me it does. I cant stand the taste of those other replacements.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Im a big ole fat fucker too. So the doctor is non stop on my ass. They got me into a special clinic for diabetics and fatties and want me to eat only 75 carbs a day....get real mf. If I could do that I wouldn't be whale-sized. I love Mac and cheese. I cut out chips. Only occasionally I'll get some spicy Takis. Them fuckers are addicting. I've tried cutting back pasta. But im not getting rid of it. I have no desire to eat spiralized veggies as a replacement lol.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Im a big ole fat fucker too. So the doctor is non stop on my ass. They got me into a special clinic for diabetics and fatties and want me to eat only 75 carbs a day....get real mf. If I could do that I wouldn't be whale-sized. I love Mac and cheese. I cut out chips. Only occasionally I'll get some spicy Takis. Them fuckers are addicting. I've tried cutting back pasta. But im not getting rid of it. I have no desire to eat spiralized veggies as a replacement lol.
Early on for me, I was on a big low carb kick. I did Adkins and Protein Power along with exercise and it did lower my blood sugar to normal while I could do it (used to do 45 carbs a day). The problem is that I couldn't bear the smell of bread without going crazy after a few months. I couldn't maintain it and few can over the course of years...

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Yea, my cardiologist was telling me a couple weeks ago not to do the low carb cause its bull shit and nearly impossible to stick with and once you go back you can quickly gain what you lost. He suggested weight watchers. Im just trying to decide if the $20/month is worth it. Lol


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Yea, my cardiologist was telling me a couple weeks ago not to do the low carb cause its bull shit and nearly impossible to stick with and once you go back you can quickly gain what you lost. He suggested weight watchers. Im just trying to decide if the $20/month is worth it. Lol
Yeah, the choice is being full on protein in a low carb diet, or starving on a weight watcher's pigmy diet. Life isn't fair.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I'm actually fine with finger pricking. It's not something I want to do myself, but given all the times I've been in psych wards, I'm fine with it, as they always, always prick your finger, like, twice a day.


Jan 14, 2013
Yea, my cardiologist was telling me a couple weeks ago not to do the low carb cause its bull shit and nearly impossible to stick with and once you go back you can quickly gain what you lost. He suggested weight watchers. Im just trying to decide if the $20/month is worth it. Lol

WW is worth it if you actually use it and don't get relaxed with the commitment of using it. I did it for a couple of years and it does work very well and I ended up losing 50 pounds. It forces you to count your points every day so as long as you are doing that and not cheating you'll lose weight. It bases your daily points total on your height, weight, sex, age, etc. So as a very tall male who had just turned 40 at the time I actually had something like 70 points I could spend every day (I had a female friend the same age whos point plan was like 28 a day which I would starve on lol). You get float points for the week that you can use whenever you wanted plus you can carry over 5 points a day if unused. I'd basically pre plan to only use 65 points a day and come Saturday (last day of my week) I'd basically eat whatever I wanted because I'd have saved up like 150 points or whatever it was.

Tracking points can be a pain and not always exact but the main thing it does that helps you is realize how much over eating you were doing when you'd try and track what you would normally do. Gives you some good ideas for alternate things you could eat that would be "better" for you. For instance, switched from white breads to more whole grains or wheat.

The TLDR for me was to cut out soda, limit alcohol (light beer isn't horrible point wise at 3 points a can), eat less god damn cheese (this was a big one for me as I love cheese), and plan ahead of time a little so you aren't just grabbing shit and shoving it in your mouth lol. It sucks and isn't easy like any diet but I found it manageable once I got going. Planning out a "I get to stuff my fat face on Saturday without guilt if I do this today" worked well for me lol.

I actually need to get back on it as I've gained back about 20 of those 50 that I lost. This covid crap spending so much time inside hasn't helped me this year. $20/mo sucks but I would end up saving money because wife and I did a lot less take out when i was doing it.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
I was diagnosed about a year ago. I still have issues controlling my sugar. Im not insulin dependant. I dont use it at all. I am on Metformin, Invokana and Trulicity. My high ends usually get up to 260-270 with fasting at about 150. But I struggle with crashes. My doctor just told me she thinks I may have become hypoglycemic. Ive had issues falling down over the past couple months.

Just looking for tips to help keep that crash away.
First. Get a continuous glucose monitor if you can. It will help you out tremendously. My 16-year-old is a type 1 and she has been using one for 4 years now. It's a godsend because it tells you every 6 minutes what your sugars are. Then get this book, and read it. But the CGM is the bomb. It can really help you determine what foods mess with you. For example. Ice Cream. Vanilla will shot my kid up 150 points in 20 minutes. Chocolate, 20 points max. Same with milk. Chocolate milk hardly move it, but white milk? Wow, sky-high. The best part is with the CGM you can set alerts to let you know when you are crashing or too high.



Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Imho Gary Null books are Great on a bunch of stuff, Diabetes is one of them..

His books on health stuff are off the charts and very informative.

Heck half of the family suffers from diabetes brother died from it at 45,watched my Grandmother get half her leg cutoff same with an Aunt etc etc.

Too make s long story short, found out had type 2 and with my new tree hugging GF got into mostly holistic diet and that diet came thru Null,it's rigid.

No caffeine, coffee, alcohol, cook nothing over a certain temp like 125 etc etc.

Plus buy no frozen foods,eat buy no certain meats,like beef.
Buy only organic Veggies and if you can,never put in Fridge.

And No Refined Sugar,plus if your gonna buy fish,Cold water fish only and Hell No to any Farmed Fish at All,carry to many issues.

Plus Gary believes eating no more than eating 6oz at a time ,but 5 6 times a day, this helps keep blood sugar levels on check. Plus with the increase of a metabolic rate you'll lose weights.

I could write a book about how Nulls book helped me,followed him got years.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
First. Get a continuous glucose monitor if you can. It will help you out tremendously. My 16-year-old is a type 1 and she has been using one for 4 years now. It's a godsend because it tells you every 6 minutes what your sugars are. Then get this book, and read it. But the CGM is the bomb. It can really help you determine what foods mess with you. For example. Ice Cream. Vanilla will shot my kid up 150 points in 20 minutes. Chocolate, 20 points max. Same with milk. Chocolate milk hardly move it, but white milk? Wow, sky-high. The best part is with the CGM you can set alerts to let you know when you are crashing or too high.

Raptor please check out Gary Null,his diet helped me from going from type 2 to 1 for years.

Warning his diet/even maybe a cure,Cost Money Time and a Knowledge of what to buy and how to cook.


Jun 19, 2014
I was diagnosed about a year ago. I still have issues controlling my sugar. Im not insulin dependant. I dont use it at all. I am on Metformin, Invokana and Trulicity. My high ends usually get up to 260-270 with fasting at about 150. But I struggle with crashes. My doctor just told me she thinks I may have become hypoglycemic. Ive had issues falling down over the past couple months.

Just looking for tips to help keep that crash away.
Space your meals out more evenly, and as the doc suggested snack occasionally. The reason you are having crashes is because the medications you are on are to regulate your blood sugar by lowering it. If you have periods during the day where you aren't eating a lot your blood sugar will be lower, but then those medications take it too low.

This doesn't mean you don't need them. If you are still seeing highs near 300 and a fasting pushing 150 they won't take you off those meds. You may not be insulin dependent now, but their next step if those drugs/diet changes do not work will be to give you a manual monitor and insulin to shoot yourself with when needed after meals, which is in no way fun.

Diabetes itself isn't necessarily deadly, but the host of health issues that it leads to make for a miserable life. You can come back from type 2, but it is a lot of work.

More protein, more fiber, and better carb choices (veggies instead of processed breads and sugars and all the stuff in life that tastes great pretty much). Exercise is also fantastic at regulating blood sugar.


Jun 19, 2014
Raptor please check out Gary Null,his diet helped me from going from type 2 to 1 for years.

Warning his diet/even maybe a cure,Cost Money Time and a Knowledge of what to buy and how to cook.

Are you saying you went from type 2 diabetic to type 1? Because the disease doesn't work that way. Type 1 is a genetic (typically autoimmune) disorder where the body lacks the ability to produce its own insulin. Type 2 is where the body has difficulty sensing/responding to blood sugar spikes so it doesn't know when to produce/release its own insulin.

I haven't read his books and I'm not going to get political, but Gary Null is the equivalent of a flat earther televangelist to the health and nutrition world.

His personal beliefs aside, he is also a snake oil salesman who is mainly interested in hocking his own crap supplements.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Are you saying you went from type 2 diabetic to type 1? Because the disease doesn't work that way. Type 1 is a genetic (typically autoimmune) disorder where the body lacks the ability to produce its own insulin. Type 2 is where the body has difficulty sensing/responding to blood sugar spikes so it doesn't know when to produce/release its own insulin.

I haven't read his books and I'm not going to get political, but Gary Null is the equivalent of a flat earther televangelist to the health and nutrition world.

His personal beliefs aside, he is also a snake oil salesman who is mainly interested in hocking his own crap supplements.
I did go from type 2 to 1 from 1000mg of met to 30mg twice a day of Lantus ,you know insulin.

Think a person knows when they go from 150 200 to 5 even 600 plus, at times.

I know my medical history.

As far as Null,when I was on his diet, Best I Ever Felt all around and I also suffer from depression.

Never bought any supplements etc etc , just ate cooked the food's he suggested .Like I posted when on his diet Best I Ever Felt.

Like I posted, the diet is rigid ,No more than 6oz at a time,No caffeine, refined sugars etc etc and the diet cost more than normal because it uses organics and certain meats fish.

I'm in no way a Null salesmen and would not recommend it to My Ram Bros if I didn't Personally have used it for over 10 years.
BTW I also used it on my step kids.They suffered from ADD school wanted to put them on meds,I told the Old Lady F$@k that.

They went from basically straight D's Fs to A's,without those B.S. meds.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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So, I've been diabetic for a little over a year and have never taken care of it outside of medicine. I've finally started making the push to eat right.

One of the first things I did was replace my 10 cans of mountain dew a day and swapped that with diet doctor pepper. And only two bottles a day. Hoping to give it all up. But it was a step in the right direction.

The dr wants me under 75 carbs a day and I've struggled with that part. But I'm getting better.

I've started walking. And trying to get over 5k steps a day. I know that's not a lot for a lot of folks, but it is for me.

I'm not sure what changed it my head, but here is hoping I can make the right changes and get off these meds.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
@Juggs I don’t, although I pray all of you stay healthy and upright. Well @Loyal is a knuckle dragger, so he’ll always kinda have a lean to him :)