Angry Rant....Cell Phone Thief

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May 28, 2011
So I'm just going to hijack this dead thread to have a rant of my own. It's cellphone related so it works.

My girlfriend was being harassed at her old job, so I was able to hook her up at my current job in the archery department. She loves the job, she's good at the job, everybody is happy.

However a month ago her coworker broke her cellphone while assembling an arrow. I guess when making them they slam down the head to seat them, and her phone was on the counter, a little over a foot away from the edge where they usually slam it. Well somehow this jackass slammed the arrow right onto her phone's screen and destroyed it. Claimed it was an accident, but I don't know how anyone's aim is that bad, and I get the feeling he was probably trying to scare her by slamming it right next to her phone but missed and hit instead.

Of course this stupid mother fucker doesn't have money because he's buying other shit, but since my girlfriend needed a phone she bought one and he said he would pay her back. No big deal right? Wrong. This fucker has been avoiding paying her back now, so finally when I bumped into him on my lunch break I decided to ask him about it.

Wanting to avoid awkwardness between he and my girlfriend, I was nice about it. Asked him if he was able to pay back for the phone. He just said it would be difficult so I told him he didn't need to pay it back all at once, just pay it off over time, 50 bucks from each paycheck or something similar and that was it. I didn't think he was going to listen so I was preparing to ask him next week and see if he'll start doing something.

Apparently that was too fucking much. He goes to the Archery manager and says that I made him uncomfortable for asking him about the money he owes us and wants me to not ask him at work.

That's right, this fucking pussy ass mother fucker is such a goddamn coward he went to his boss like a little crybaby bitch to ask me not to talk to him at work because it makes him 'uncomfortable'. He's not man enough to honor his debts or even fucking look me in the eye, and yet he wants to make me the bad guy? Fuck that.

So now I'm debating between just finding that fuck outside of work and beating his face in, going to our owner (because his fucking manager isn't even in my fucking food chain, I don't give two shits about him) and forcing all three of us to have a chat under the guise of "Well he said it made him uncomfortable so I wanted to just make sure it was all professional with a third party involved" to really make it uncomfortable on him, or just flat out let it slip how much he's stolen from the company to build his bow (over a grand so far)... The only issue is that he's so far up his managers ass if I start playing that game, it might end up that my girlfriend gets fucked over... I know I can take that pussy down with her (doesn't matter how much dick he sucks, the owner wont put up with stealing) but I don't want her job to get worse.

So I'm just going to rant here while I figure out my options. I'm already assuming the money wont be coming back. Fucking coward.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
So I'm just going to rant here while I figure out my options. I'm already assuming the money wont be coming back. freaking coward.
My advice, let it go. He, or the money for the cell phone, isn't worth the aggravation. Just move on. Some people just aren't worth the trouble.

Does your girlfriend still work with him? If so, she should see if she can work different shifts, or move to another gig, so she doesn't have to deal with him anymore.

And, my prediction that this numbnuts will eventually do himself in and get himself fired. Just let it play out.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
So I'm just going to hijack this dead thread to have a rant of my own. It's cellphone related so it works.

My girlfriend was being harassed at her old job, so I was able to hook her up at my current job in the archery department. She loves the job, she's good at the job, everybody is happy.

However a month ago her coworker broke her cellphone while assembling an arrow. I guess when making them they slam down the head to seat them, and her phone was on the counter, a little over a foot away from the edge where they usually slam it. Well somehow this jackass slammed the arrow right onto her phone's screen and destroyed it. Claimed it was an accident, but I don't know how anyone's aim is that bad, and I get the feeling he was probably trying to scare her by slamming it right next to her phone but missed and hit instead.

Of course this stupid mother freaker doesn't have money because he's buying other crap, but since my girlfriend needed a phone she bought one and he said he would pay her back. No big deal right? Wrong. This freaker has been avoiding paying her back now, so finally when I bumped into him on my lunch break I decided to ask him about it.

Wanting to avoid awkwardness between he and my girlfriend, I was nice about it. Asked him if he was able to pay back for the phone. He just said it would be difficult so I told him he didn't need to pay it back all at once, just pay it off over time, 50 bucks from each paycheck or something similar and that was it. I didn't think he was going to listen so I was preparing to ask him next week and see if he'll start doing something.

Apparently that was too freaking much. He goes to the Archery manager and says that I made him uncomfortable for asking him about the money he owes us and wants me to not ask him at work.

That's right, this freaking wuss ass mother freaker is such a goddamn coward he went to his boss like a little crybaby bitch to ask me not to talk to him at work because it makes him 'uncomfortable'. He's not man enough to honor his debts or even freaking look me in the eye, and yet he wants to make me the bad guy? freak that.

So now I'm debating between just finding that freak outside of work and beating his face in, going to our owner (because his freaking manager isn't even in my freaking food chain, I don't give two shits about him) and forcing all three of us to have a chat under the guise of "Well he said it made him uncomfortable so I wanted to just make sure it was all professional with a third party involved" to really make it uncomfortable on him, or just flat out let it slip how much he's stolen from the company to build his bow (over a grand so far)... The only issue is that he's so far up his managers ass if I start playing that game, it might end up that my girlfriend gets fucked over... I know I can take that wuss down with her (doesn't matter how much dick he sucks, the owner wont put up with stealing) but I don't want her job to get worse.

So I'm just going to rant here while I figure out my options. I'm already assuming the money wont be coming back. freaking coward.

I can understand the feeling of wanting to beat his ass. I have a hot temper and I have to be very careful with it at times. The times that are hardest for me to control it are when I see one of my family members being wronged. Believe me,,, it can be almost impossible for me to control when that happens.

Beating his ass is going to be a problem in this one obviously. Too bad, because it would probably be the most satisfying way for you to feel better about it in the short term.

Take his punk ass to small claims court instead. I bet the guy pays up before the court date in order to avoid going through the major hassle that would cause him. Your employer will be kept completely out of the loop this way as well.

I hope you find his phone left unattended at some point soon. :sneaky:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
So I'm just going to hijack this dead thread to have a rant of my own. It's cellphone related so it works.

My girlfriend was being harassed at her old job, so I was able to hook her up at my current job in the archery department. She loves the job, she's good at the job, everybody is happy.

However a month ago her coworker broke her cellphone while assembling an arrow. I guess when making them they slam down the head to seat them, and her phone was on the counter, a little over a foot away from the edge where they usually slam it. Well somehow this jackass slammed the arrow right onto her phone's screen and destroyed it. Claimed it was an accident, but I don't know how anyone's aim is that bad, and I get the feeling he was probably trying to scare her by slamming it right next to her phone but missed and hit instead.

Of course this stupid mother freaker doesn't have money because he's buying other crap, but since my girlfriend needed a phone she bought one and he said he would pay her back. No big deal right? Wrong. This freaker has been avoiding paying her back now, so finally when I bumped into him on my lunch break I decided to ask him about it.

Wanting to avoid awkwardness between he and my girlfriend, I was nice about it. Asked him if he was able to pay back for the phone. He just said it would be difficult so I told him he didn't need to pay it back all at once, just pay it off over time, 50 bucks from each paycheck or something similar and that was it. I didn't think he was going to listen so I was preparing to ask him next week and see if he'll start doing something.

Apparently that was too freaking much. He goes to the Archery manager and says that I made him uncomfortable for asking him about the money he owes us and wants me to not ask him at work.

That's right, this freaking wuss ass mother freaker is such a goddamn coward he went to his boss like a little crybaby bitch to ask me not to talk to him at work because it makes him 'uncomfortable'. He's not man enough to honor his debts or even freaking look me in the eye, and yet he wants to make me the bad guy? freak that.

So now I'm debating between just finding that freak outside of work and beating his face in, going to our owner (because his freaking manager isn't even in my freaking food chain, I don't give two shits about him) and forcing all three of us to have a chat under the guise of "Well he said it made him uncomfortable so I wanted to just make sure it was all professional with a third party involved" to really make it uncomfortable on him, or just flat out let it slip how much he's stolen from the company to build his bow (over a grand so far)... The only issue is that he's so far up his managers ass if I start playing that game, it might end up that my girlfriend gets fucked over... I know I can take that wuss down with her (doesn't matter how much dick he sucks, the owner wont put up with stealing) but I don't want her job to get worse.

So I'm just going to rant here while I figure out my options. I'm already assuming the money wont be coming back. freaking coward.
Then, there's always the option that a stray bolt finds its way into the sidewall of this dude's tire. It won't pay for a new phone but it will grant thee much satisfaction. Of course two tires is even better since no one has two spares.


May 28, 2011
My advice, let it go. He, or the money for the cell phone, isn't worth the aggravation. Just move on. Some people just aren't worth the trouble.

Does your girlfriend still work with him? If so, she should see if she can work different shifts, or move to another gig, so she doesn't have to deal with him anymore.

And, my prediction that this numbnuts will eventually do himself in and get himself fired. Just let it play out.

That's what I did, I was angry, I ranted, and I got over it. Luckily I save my money pretty well so it wont kill me to not get it back... 500 bucks is always nice though.

A lot of it is just how cowardly about it he went, I can't stand that type of behavior. At least be a man about it.

I hope you find his phone left unattended at some point soon. :sneaky:

Oh yeah, if that happens I may have a new target for my range. Bullets go faster than arrows.;)


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
have your GF report him for sexual harassment !!!!


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Believe me,,, it can be almost impossible for me to control when that happens.
OMG, me too. I got into a nose-to-nose altercation with a nanny who repeatedly let the toddler she was looking after hit other kids. When her kid punched my son in the back of his head when my 2.5 yr old son knelt down to pick up a toy, all I could see was red. I can't recall being so outraged.
Take his punk ass to small claims court instead.
A really good idea. I once took a mechanic to small claims - guy tried to rip me off for $1,500. I completely embarrassed him in front of the judge and bailiff. They were laughing outloud it was so bad.