It's an interesting addition. I will say I think Winston fits what they want to do, and he's got the arm to unlock the entire field for Nabers. He's not a long term solution and I don't care for his personality, but the dude is like an extreme version of Stafford in that gunslinger equation.
My guess is Daboll is doomed. As things stand he might not get Cam. But even if he does Cam isn't going to get him to the playoffs and save his job. Winston will need to do that.
And what I find more fascinating is the top of the draft and how it's going to go down. Sanders I expect is going to drop because teams don't want an arrogant shit with a mediocre arm that high. So if that is true look what that does to the QBs. I mean it's not like Dart offers a year one starter option. Much as I like him, and with mocks now having him going in the top 10, I don't think that is ideal unless you have a legit bridge QB to allow for redshirting him. Any team that starts him is going to set him up for failure unless they basically run his college system, which is impacting to everyone else on that side of the ball.
The guy who has the best chance to start soon for you is Shough or McCord. Where do they go. Every year we see QBs elevate, question really is how far each one will elevate on team boards. And in projecting I think a big question is which of them can actually play ball for you year one. This is why I hope Dart gets near us. That way if McVay does love him he can jump a bit if necessary. But if Dart ends up slotting high he's out of the discussion.
McShay's recent vid on all this. Dude pushes his bullshit site and whatnot at the beginning but he's got some good thoughts mixed in there even if I think he's missing the warning signs on Sanders: