Your Traditions

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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Stuff you do, because “it’s what you do!”... Traditions!

We all have them.

Many of them around the holidays, but perhaps all over.

Do you have any interesting ones?


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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I can probably add more than one.

One looooong standing tradition I have... an eggs dish, baked with ham or bacon gravy, every Christmas morning. Plus English muffins.

It was made for me every year as a kid growing up and... I have made it every year in my adult life.

In fact, I might have to go back to when I was taking a bottle to have eaten something different Christmas morning. Crazy huh? I am going back into the 70’s here. Seriously... Every Christmas.

And... I don’t remember a time I’ve made that breakfast, other than Christmas. It’s only for then. 1 time a year.

Now that borders on sick, huh?


Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
Since our son was about 11, so over 20 years, my wife and I have a sit-down Saturday night steak dinner.

When he was growing up he loved it, and now that he’s grown and in San Diego, we still observe Saturday steak night.

Our granddaughter loves it when she can come over for a steak, so the tradition continues!

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
My Grandmother made this a requirement since before I was even born...

Our family's New Year's day dinner had to be pork, collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread. If you eat that on New Years, you'll have good luck all year.

I always make everyone watch Christmas Vacation together during the Christmas holidays. I pull out my vintage DVD and force all of us to sit down together and watch.

If you're on my boat and you catch your 1st conch. You'll be REQUIRED to eat it's pistol when we clean it. No exceptions. The pistol is also known as Bahamian Viagra.

We say a prayer to the fish gods every time we are on our way out to fish. It needs to be done right as you're leaving the dock or at least within the first 10 - 15 minutes of leaving it.

NEVER claim that your team has secured the win until AFTER the clock says double zeros and the fucking refs have officially ended the game. Don't do it verbally... and don't even think it in your head before the game's end. If you accidentally think it in your head... you can save yourself by verbally claiming that the GAME ISN'T OVER YET. But if you verbally say it BEFORE the end of the game... your team WILL LOSE. So never do that shit in my house.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
My in-laws are from Pennsylvania Dutch country and every New Years day, like @Selassie I Its pork for good luck. No collards or BEP's though, its sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.
Been going to the inlaws on Christmas morning for as long as I can remember. Not allowed downstairs until Grandpa says so. So my wife and her two older sisters and their husbands (maybe even a year or two of just boyfriend) all gather on the 5 steps which head down to the lower level for a photo. Its funny how the picture was just the 6 of us 25-26 years ago, but now its 12 of us with all the kids.
Part II of Christmas morning, after the kids open their gifts, we head back upstairs for breakfast sandwiches when I make them for all. Bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwiches. But the funny part of the tradition is that my mother in law every year forgets to make sure she has enough of ingredients, so one year there wont be enough eggs, another no cheese etc. Its comical. And my deadbeat brother in law insists on getting the bagels but refuses to request what we need and just gets them mixed. So it may be heavy on the everything bagels, or egg bagels and even cinnamon raisin... Oh the joy of making THAT work....


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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Saturday steak night
My Grandmother made this a requirement since before I was even born...

Our family's New Year's day dinner had to be pork, collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread. If you eat that on New Years, you'll have good luck all year.
My in-laws are from Pennsylvania Dutch country and every New Years day, like @Selassie I Its pork for good luck. No collards or BEP's though, its sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.
Been going to the inlaws on Christmas morning for as long as I can remember. Not allowed downstairs until Grandpa says so. So my wife and her two older sisters and their husbands (maybe even a year or two of just boyfriend) all gather on the 5 steps which head down to the lower level for a photo. Its funny how the picture was just the 6 of us 25-26 years ago, but now its 12 of us with all the kids.
Part II of Christmas morning, after the kids open their gifts, we head back upstairs for breakfast sandwiches when I make them for all. Bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwiches. But the funny part of the tradition is that my mother in law every year forgets to make sure she has enough of ingredients, so one year there wont be enough eggs, another no cheese etc. Its comical. And my deadbeat brother in law insists on getting the bagels but refuses to request what we need and just gets them mixed. So it may be heavy on the everything bagels, or egg bagels and even cinnamon raisin... Oh the joy of making THAT work....

These all make me feel a little better. i.e. not so crazy with mine. :D

These are really good family ones. Lots of memories in those.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Hahaha! Well, at least it’s small. A person could choke it down. :D

It's somewhere between a jelly and a gummy bear texture wise. Not much of a taste other than salt.

Conchs have more testosterone than a bull elephant. So it's not a wives tale when they call the pistol Bahamian Viagra. It actually has a real effect on you. Especially if you eat a bunch of them.
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Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I always had a nice Christmas morning through afternoon with my family: my parents, their parents, and my siblings.

Now with real life being the way it is, and with me being disabled and stuck at my house...I can’t do it this year...and that makes me want to cry because all I’ve wanted this year is to do what I haven’t been able to do since last season’s Super Bowl: spend real quality time with my family.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
It's not holiday related..It's probably illegal nowadays..... "Pinch, Punch, 1st day of the month, no returns.."

My Dad passed this on to us as kids, but I don't know if anyone remembers this type of familial hazing?


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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It's not holiday related..It's probably illegal nowadays..... "Pinch, Punch, 1st day of the month, no returns.."

My Dad passed this on to us as kids, but I don't know if anyone remembers this type of familial hazing?

I have never heard that one. What does it mean?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
tradition or habits

every Monday night I have a steak for dinner with baked potato and green beans. It all started when the wife used to work Monday nights and I was on my own for dinner. Since she doesnt eat meat it worked out great. dinner, then sit down and do payroll and invoices etc while watching football.
Fire up the CIS and spirnkle some course sea salt. When that starts to pop drop the steak in a couple minutes each side with a dollop of horseradish and butter. yummy

Thanksgiving varies where and what we do, but I always have to make the cranberry sauce from scratch and the stuffing (dressing, whatever)

Christmas Eve is always the Feast of the Seven Fishes since i was a kid. Scallops, deep fried smelts, crab legs , linguine with anchovies, are the mainstays.

Christmas Morning is always fried dough with cinnamon and sugar

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I don't know if this should be called a tradition or a rule... but it's one that I follow religiously. So let me throw this one out there too.

Bananas are never allowed on my boat. It's bad luck for fishing. Truth.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
We had a tradition for about a decade before the kids grew up and moved out. Every Friday was ice cream night. We’d get the ice cream maker and make it ourselves, but the kids got to pick out the stuff to drop in there as the churning was wrapping up. Brownie bits, chocolate chips, pieces of candy bars, peanuts, snow caps, whatever they wanted. Those are good memories.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Growing up, eating Italian or Mexican food was a treat, basically eating Indian food every night for dinner. And not the mainstream food you get at restaurants, like the everyday, common-man type food. Looking back, it wasn't bad but as a kid you just wanted some freakin pizza. Like I'd get jealous watching tv and seeing commercials for restaurants and other western food stuff.

So I convinced my mom that every Wednesday (for some reason) should be non-Indian night. Pasta, pizza, enchiladas, tacos, etc. Grew up and stopped caring, didn't really matter. Then when I got into football I said, ok we have to make something fun, especially if the Rams win. That has still stuck until I moved out.

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving/Christmas as hardcore as American families do, unless you count sleeping in and doing absolutely nothing every year.

Oooh, does Halloween count? Like we always had my friends over and we'd go trick or treating! But then again, don't most families do that?


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Sorry to be a Debbie downer,arter my mom passed, it all went to Hell.

But on the kids Bday order what you want.

Old Lady,ah what restaurant and our we taking the kids or babysitting lol

O and how I'm I making you happy satisfied lol,has long as it doesn't include anything you know where lol.

Me I always gather my boy and girl wife at the dinner table on my bday,asked what, we doing ?

I loved my wife,lasted 14 years,have had more than a few girls doing the right stuff,but.

For some reason what ever my Mother did,is the Bomb.