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Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
Awesome! It's been a rough patch, how are you holding out buddy?

The rough patch is over, so stronger than ever!!! Actually I think I was even more pumped last year. Tavon Austin, Jared Cook Jake Long, Tree'. Never though Sam would blow out his knee, though.


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
I was at my in-laws, trying to control my blood pressure and shout-spitting rage at our d-line. When Dyson went down, I think I said, "He's down, it's total bullshit if they allow it!" It's telling for a Rams fan when a big play is made and the first thing you think of is "How are the refs going to get THAT one back?"


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
On that last drive, I couldn't sit down... I was pacing back in forth in the living room.. yelling, screaming, many obscenities... my wife thought I was crazy. Had a 2 month old baby at home and there was no way she was sleeping with my antics. When the final play happened, I knew Dyson was down and didn't make it and just started screaming, "OH MY GOD - WE JUST WON THE SUPER BOWL!!"... I had to go outside and yell and there were tons of people outside yelling and screaming and people started shooting off fireworks all over the place!! It was awesome... I'll never forget that night.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I was at my in-laws, trying to control my blood pressure and shout-spitting rage at our d-line. When Dyson went down, I think I said, "He's down, it's total bullcrap if they allow it!" It's telling for a Rams fan when a big play is made and the first thing you think of is "How are the refs going to get THAT one back?"
I was worried the refs. would give it to the Titans! THEN I started Dancin'!!


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
In the living room of the apartment I had moved into earlier that year when my first wife and I separated. I had a bunch of buddies over, we grilled steaks, drank beer, and watched the game. When Jones brought down Dyson, I was on my feet but wasn't sure whether he had gotten in. Then the ref came over and said "the game is over". I high-fived one of my buddies and sunk back into my seat and just said "phew". Those last few minutes of the game were seriously tense. It actually took a few minutes for it to sink in that yes, the Rams actually had won the Super Bowl.

The next morning was great, even though I was hung over. I was in the break room at work getting some coffee when another girl who worked there came in and casually asked me "how's it going?" "It's the best Monday morning of my entire life!" was my reply.
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Pro Bowler
Oct 21, 2013
I was 9 watching on my tv on my own eating some crisps, although I do believe you guys call them "chips" over there :)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
In my living room in Vacaville, CA. with only my wife around and no friends or family to distract me. I fell to my knees and said "Thank you God!"


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
There was a bunch of parties going on of my parents friends that we all could've went to, but my family decided to stay home and watch it. We had been through every season/game at the dome together since they moved here. It really was a magical season, and we figured we should all just watch it together undisturbed. I had some really close neighborhood friends (still some of my best friends) and they came over to watch too.

A little before half a girl in our neighborhood called and said her parents left, would be gone all night, and they wanted us to get some beer and watch the rest of the game at their place (I think I was 15). I wasn't in a position to just take some from the rents so, we left to go walk and figure out a plan on the way down to her house. My buddies mom was at a party down the street, and we had a plan to stop by and see what the booze situation was there. We go in... Say hi. Converse about the game a little bit while we're checking scoping the place hahaha. There was nothing in range that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to take. I think the guy that owned the house had some old ass scotch in his garage, but even we weren't that big of little bastards to take that hahahaha. So we leave, say ok it was nice to see you Mr. and Mrs. and gtfo quick. As we're leaving we notice that there's a bunch of 30 cases sitting on the screened in porch that they're keeping cold outside. Jackpot! I boost my buddies tall ass up and he grabs one and we get the hell out. So fast in fact that I slip on ice in the driveway and tear my pants all the way from the ass to the ankle trying to balance myself LOL.

By this time we're RUNNING to this girls house so we don't miss the game. I think we made it there just in time to see the blocked FG and the Rams possession before Torry's TD. The girls laughed their ass off about our little adventure. We were heroes for getting them booze.

At the end of the game I said fuck this I have to go home and watch this with my family chicks or not. It was too much culmination. I called my brother and told him to come swing and pick me up at the next commercial. We all watched the end of the game together and went fucking insane. Tears of joy. My heart about stopped during "the tackle." I said "He was down! NO! He was already FUCKING down!!!" My mom didn't even slap me, so I think we we all in agreeance ha. After the signal we all went nuts.

I think the loudest scream that night was from my Dad though, when McNair broke loose on that last scramble. He said "SOMEONE TACKLE HIM FOR CHRIST SAKES!!!" Literately like everyone in the houses lives depended on it hahahaha. He was so mad I think my Mom made him go outside to cool down.

Went back to the girls later that night, and no... didn't score haha. However, I did a little later when I dated her, and I'm sure that night didn't hurt my chances.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I had just bought a condo after getting divorced from first wife. I had gotten a huge flat screen counsel tv that day off craigs list... tested it and it worked fine before I loaded it into the truck. Got it home about 2:00 or so and got it all hooked up to cable. Went to plug it in and the cord wasnt there. Called the guy I bought it from but no answer. Drove over there and knocked on the door. He told me he put the cord on the bumper of my truck while I was getting his money out of my wallet. By now it is close to dark, but I drove the route real slow looking for that cord but never found it. Down to Circuit City I went, got the right cord for the TV and got home right before kick off.

Now to answer the question, I was alone for the game since the girl I was with at the time wasnt into football. She called me after the game was over and asked if I wanted her to come over.I had a real good buzz going so I told her the only thing she could do to make this night better was to blow me while I watched the post game stuff. She was there in 15 minutes ! What a champ !!!


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Went next door to the bar my GF worked at. Was supposed to watch with 5 or so friends (all Redskin fans), but there was a pretty good snow storm happening that night and most of them stayed home. When MJ made the tackle, I thought there would be time for one more play somehow....couldn't believe it was over. I remember Al Michaels saying "and the Rams, win the Superbowl...by a yard" or something to that effect. When the confetti started to rain down and I saw DV walking onto the field, I literally bellowed.....with the force of a man who had witnessed the 2nd worst decade (The 90's, and we only edged out the Bungles due to success in '99) in football history. A man who had watched his beloved Rams lose over, and over...and FUCKING OVER AGAIN to the 49ers, Giants, Bears and other great teams of the 80's. A BOY who cried at the age of 7, when his Rams lost to those Shittsburg Steelers and their goofy, bald headed QB. I screamed so loud and hard that my throat was toast and my voice was gone for 3 days. 3 words. Not profound ones either.....



Mar 16, 2014
Was in the Phillips Arena next to the Georgia Dome watching it on a big screen in the hallways and was screaming with other Ram's fans while also watching shocked Titans' fans


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
I was at home watching the game with very little fan-fare.

A couple things you need to know about me before I begin. First off, I'm not very demonstrative when we win (when we lose is another story). When a game ends with a Rams win, it's a relief, mostly because I expect wins. So, when I tell you that when McNair avoided the sack and completed that pass with 6 seconds left, my heart was thudding. But when Mike Jones made the tackle, I collapsed on my couch. I might have raised my arms.
Good story. I bet you're a fan of this guy...



The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
This is really a great thread. It's making me remember all of the emotions of that day and how ecstatic everyone was after the game. Good god, I can't wait for the Rams to win the Superbowl


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
in my living room, jumping up and down with my wife. just screaming "yes" and then she immediately turned on QVC and ordered me the superbowl championship t-shirt.
This made me laugh.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
I was 14 years old at a Super Bowl party one of the girls in our groups parents were throwing. Me and a few other kids my age were really into the game...then there was that group of teens that were just the obnoxious kids that were just there because it was a place to be and didn't care about the game at all...and there was one girl that for no reason at all decided she would root for the Titans.

I can remember being very confident at halftime...then very nervous all of a sudden in the second half. When Mike Jones made the tackle I remember just raising my fists into the air, saying nothing, and walking up to the "Titan fan" and staring at her until she turned and walked away...I never said a single word.
Why KNEW you were better!


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
Fast asleep, having never heard of this "football" sport outside of having played Madden once on the old Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and being really bored by it.

Outside of 3 games NFL playoffs are something that other teams play in and I watch as a neutral :(.
We got to get this new memories thing working...stat!


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
watching in the living room still trying to figure out how jay williams and kevin carter didnt sack steve mcnair. then yelling he's down at the TV until the refs signaled the game over. then the 2nd ex wife goes is that why you were so upset when the rams kicker missed the field goal earlier?


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
Watching at my buddy's house (we'd been watching the super bowl together since 1986)... our golfing buddies all there, rooting for Tennessee just to bust my nuts. :mad:

I'm not good during regular games... much less the super bowl... so, by the end, I was physically and emotionally exhausted.

When "The Tackle" happened, I waited to make sure no flags were on the field, then literally collapsed on the floor.

Got back up and told my friends to go F themselves. :ROFLMAO:
This guy is a fan!!!!