What the gang over at PFT are saying(Seahawks@Rams)

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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Here are some more comments. A lot of 49ers vs Seahawks trolls going at it but it's good for a laugh. And lately Rams fans haven't had much to laugh about so enjoy.


Nice to see Seattle get screwed by a ref call for once!
The Rams actually didn’t recover that fumble. Oh and you scared 49er fans are funny, don’t you have the Broncos to worry about? The oline and dline are Seattles problem this season. Those of you mocking the L.O.B. Obviously don’t watch the games. Sherman plays great, Kam and Earl and fine, it’s the other corners who are struggling. Two practice squad guys, a guy we traded a 6th for, and a rookie. At least get your facts straight, being stupid is no way to go through life. Plus 49er fans, we are still the champs and we beat you to get there, fact!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!! Just the look at the face of a classless coach who go way out coached by Jeff Fisher. Haha you shechicken fans. Cant be busting your buttons and blowing up this site with your moronic comments about how good your team is. You were a one and done organization. Couldn’t happen to greater classless goup..hahaha
SeaHawks got robbed on the fumble but karma gets you from last year end zone fiasco.
And as for Sherman, looks like he “doesn’t matter in this league”
It gave me great pleasure to see the Seahawks lose today in St. Louis. It took big brass ones to call that fake punt by Fischer, but when you are coaching for your job and have no confidence in your D, you do that. But like others have said, not sure why the refs didn’t review that final fumble play. Sure looked like Seattle ball. As a 49er fan even I would expect Harbaugh to have a stroke over that call.
I think I hear some “whining” coming on “whine” about the refs kinda like the seattle fans are “whiners”
We’ll see who’s laughing when the playoffs begin…we will be there, bet on it. And revenge is oh so sweet in the post season.
Cmon seahawk fans, don’t use up all your excuses yet. It’s going to be a loooong season. HAHAHAHA!
But…we’re supposed to be a dynasty…
-12th woman
What a great week of football. Back to back great weekend of games as the NFL has finally found it’s stride again after the month of September.
I don’t want to hear the whining, even if they reviewed it they never would have overturned it. No matter what boomer and cbs says Sherman never controlled that ball. He was on fours on top of it with out possession. After he got flattened out the ball squirted between his legs and then the view was blocked. That is not possession. So then it’s up to the refs to dig through the pile and see who has the ball. They said the Rams so that is who keeps it. Replay or not.
Wow – the ‘Hawks could really use some help against the run.

That’s not a Percy issue either – Seattle had that problem against the Cowboys last week too.
They didn’t rule that St. Louis recovered. They ruled Mason down by contact. Review clearly showed it was a fumble and it appeared to me that Sherman recovered it. They never did say who had the ball since it was ruled no fumble.

Terrible officiating, but great play for the most part by the Rams.
And if you watch the replay, he was nowhere near down.

Same refs that let the Rams yank Russell Wilson down by his neck without calling it.
Seahawks fans, just because you see Seahawks hands on the ball when the camera shows the beginning of the fumble pile doesn’t mean they recovered it.

Funny how all that matters is who comes out of the pile with the ball until your team might have had the ball at the beginning…lol Hawks…
For you haters, won a Super Bowl lately? Didn’t think so, because that would be us. Didn’t your momma tell you, jealousy is ugly? Don’t hate the playa’s, hate the game if you can’t hang.
The league comes to an agreement on hgh testing a couple weeks ago and now seattle cant beat anyone. Not suprised i actually saw this coming. #Cheats
Legion of Gloom.
It doesn’t look like the NFC will be going through Seattle this postseason.
Rams beat the Seahawks? Wow that’s gotta be a kick to the gonads for Seattle right?
Seattle has the whiniest fans in the league.
No, actually when people wake up tomorrow they’ll talk about how the Seahawks lost to a one win team playing a 4th string QB. No one will still be calling them Champs
The reason Wilson had all those passing yards was because of the Rams prevent defense.
Also, Kam Chancellor needs surgery for bone spurs in his ankles. Injuries are piling up on offense and defense. With that early bye, no time to get healthy and everyone has gotten better. Tip of hat to St. Louis. We’ll be back

Love the Seahawk fans complaining about officiating. When Niner fans do they’re apparently “complainers” and a bunch of “Harbaughs”….yet it’s okay for Seattle to do? Yeah right.

Not very fun when karma comes back to kick ya eh? Enjoy .500
I thought this season was pointless and they should’ve just handed the Seahawks the trophy before the season started.
Legion of Laundry
Legion of Gloom
Legion of Third Place and fading faster than Kobe
Legion of 12th Bags
Legion of Desperation
Legion of Losers
Legion of HGH
Legion of Adderall
Legion of the newest fan base in the league – the show’s over now, you can go back to watching soccer games and sell those tickets to some real fans
1-2 since PED testing and that win was against a 2-5 Washington team, at that.
Cue the legions of Seachicken fans spewing their mindless drivel about the hawks. The season is over and we are still a bunch of clowns. Glad to see the hawks battle themselves and the poor play of the defense was just too much. The refs were also feeling sorry for us. We will never get this ship righted this or any week and will give up.
Other teams fans laugh at our teams players. Other teams players laugh at our teams fans.
Can’t whine about the Refs after the Fail Mary and the NFC Title Game…

Seeing Pete leaping for joy after those horrific calls from the refs – now he’s whining about the refs.

You know you’re a class less coach when Jim Harbaugh reacts to awful officiating better than you do.
I believe next week, the game planning will be better. So many plays have been designed with Harvin on the field. Too short of a recovery to game plan without him, plus player’s heads and hearts are still in shock. Obviously, with loyalties, Harvin created a lot of division in the locker room and for a young quarterback, that ain’t good. Hopefully we can get this team back together, or it WILL be a long season.
The Seattle Whiners. WAH WAH WAH. They should have reviewed the fumble. WAH WAH WAH.

Just like they should have reviewed the fumble and recovery by Novarro Bowman in the NFC Championship game. can’t have it both ways Seattle fans.
All you Santa Clara Clowns… they just found your 6th Superbowl trophy. It was found on a dig site in Egypt next to your other 5. Appears to be ancient history… like all your other ones.

#search for 6#

#Kaepernik pees sitting down#

#as Harbaugh watches#

GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I KNEW when I read this post that the multitudes of seahawk trolls were going to use refs as an excuse. When other teams do that they come out in droves and laugh and criticize, yet that is their ONLY excuse for losing and of course being at .500 for the fist half of the season. LOL
couldnt have happened to a more deserving group of fans
Hey whiners fans, congrats on the winning the NFC west. How are the whiners going to blow it in the playoffs this year?
Udub, by definition of being the DEFENDING SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS, you are still called the champs. Also, how many teams have repeated? The children on this board act as if we are an exception to the rule. That’s what we are trying for, to be the exception like the Steelers, Cowboys, Patriots, 49ers, Dolphins, etc.
You obviously don’t get Seahawks fans.

Stop with the grouping us into the category of a select few idiots. We are a blue-collar (Boeing assembly, Lumberjacks, apple-picking,) rooted community, not the 80s-90s yuppies with the money. We identify with Pittsburgh more than SF.
6-games into the season and we’re even. I’ll run with that and wager that we WILL be the team to beat in the playoffs. The cold and bitter winter is coming. Time for those southern teams to fall a part when they come north.

Seahawks fans can blame the refs all they want, but the fact of the matter is, they put themselves in that spot. If they had performed better in the first half and if the defense was better throughout the game they never would have had to worry about that play. Also, Sherman had as much control of that ball as the Rams player who jumped on it first, and as Pete Carrol said Sherman wasn’t able to hold onto it in the pile and lost it.

That’s why the refs called it that way on the field, and with the lack of change of possession I’m guessing that’s why it wasn’t reviewed. I’m not a Rams fan at all, but really, the refs didn’t put the Seahawks in the position, the Seahawks did, so complain away all you want, but it doesn’t change anything. The best you can do now is look to next week, which is exactly what the players should be doing, don’t focus on this loss, focus on the next game and winning it.
49ers are going get crushed tonight to a team the hawks have beat handily beat twice in the last year.
Did any of you incessant seahawk haters actually watch the game? Do us a favor, go pull up the box score. The seahawks lost due to a fake punt, and a punt return that shouldnt have counted due to the deek punt returning calling a fair catch.
38 years in the league. Lifetime losing record. 1-1 in super bowls. Multiple ped suspensions. 12-12 playoff record. 3-3 this year. The bandwagon fans scream dynasty. History screams mediocre.
The Legion of Making Boom-Booms is just fine, …sniffle…
Looks like the World Champion Seattle Seahawks are going to have to win a playoff game on the road this year.

Richard Sherman had a fantastic game, and if you don’t think so, you just don’t know football.
Nothing to that Madden Curse. Nothing at all.

First, who beat all of your teams last year and have the current Lombardi?

Second, Hawks started to click in the second half. Better hope we’re out of it before getting healthy.

Finally kudos to St Louis. That fake punt was ice.
Seriously the PED jokes never were funny, yet you trolls still think it’s comedy gold…reading countless stupid comments is more irritating than this loss..continue on


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
Wilson should thank his lucky stars teams rush him aggressively, if he had to throw from the pocket every play he'd be sunk.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Uh, you're allowed to tackle by the neck.
That was cracking me up too. Of course in today's game I wouldn't be surprised if Goodell is sitting there thinking, "hey... we should do something about that too. Someone might bruise a larynx"


Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
Did any of you incessant seahawk haters actually watch the game? Do us a favor, go pull up the box score. The seahawks lost due to a fake punt, and a punt return that shouldnt have counted due to the deek punt returning calling a fair catch.


They didn’t rule that St. Louis recovered. They ruled Mason down by contact. Review clearly showed it was a fumble and it appeared to me that Sherman recovered it. They never did say who had the ball since it was ruled no fumble.



As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
"I was cheering for the Rams. But it looked like the Seahawks were robbed on that fumble near the end of the game. It looked like Richard Sherman was on top of the ball."

Does this guy have x-ray vision? There's no way anyone could tell what was going on under there. Mike Pereira said as much on Fox when talking about the non-review.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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Jeff Fisher on fake punt: We were having a hard time stopping Russell Wilson
Posted by Josh Alper on October 20, 2014


Rams coach Jeff Fisher has never shied away from fake punts and other such trickery, but punterJohnny Hekker was still surprised to hear that the coach wanted him to throw the ball from his own 18-yard line with just under three minutes to play in Sunday’s game against the Seahawks.

Hekker said his response was to ask if the coach was serious before heading onto the field to throw a pass to Benny Cunningham, who said he thought the team would have cut him if he didn’t reel in the pass. We’ll never have to find out because Cunningham did catch the ball and the Rams did hold on for the 28-26 victory. After the game, Fisher explained that he didn’t think his defense would have been able to stop Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who accounted for more than 400 yards of offense, before Seattle moved back into the lead.

“You guys saw the flow of the game, we were having a hard time stopping Russell,” Fisher said, via the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “There was too much time left on the clock right there, and I didn’t want to give the ball back to them. I thought it was our best chance to get a first down.”

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said the team was prepared for Fisher to pull some stuff out of his hat, but that they didn’t think the fake would come in that situation. He called it a “very gutsy” call, which sounds about right for a decision that would have left Fisher to be hoisted up by his own mustache for handing the Seahawks a win if things had backfired.

As he said, though, Fisher thought his team would lose if they gave the Seahawks the ball with a conventional punt so he chose to go out fighting.
Seattle and S.F. are not the teams they were in the past year or two. This division is up for grabs.
That really was a high-risk/high reward situation…. That’s a decision very few coaches have the guts to make, that’s for sure.
With under four minutes left it puts the Rams in a real tough spot. Even with a good punt, the Seahawks probably get the ball somewhat close to fieldgoal range, and they have more than enough time to keep the running game in play. They could easily kick the game winner with a few seconds left. Conversely, even if the fake punt fails, at least the Rams are likely to get one more possession, possibly with the two minute warning in play.
Wow! If there was ever a day for any given Sunday, this was it.
Two recent SB losing yet contending teams meet while Peyton breaks a record beating them.
The SB champ SeaHawks lose to one of the worst teams right now with a losing record and in last place.
And yet both losing teams are rivals.
Any team can win or lose at any time to anyone.
There are maybe four head coaches in this league who could call this play and not being risked getting fired over it. Jeff Fisher is one of them.
Fisher owns Carroll. He sucks @$$ vs everyone else. Scratching out trick play victories on his way to 5-11 records each season? How does he even have a job still?

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #31

Earl Thomas: Refs need to stay out of it and let us dominate
Posted by Josh Alper on October 20, 2014

Getty Images

The Seahawks had several special teams breakdowns against the Rams on Sunday, their offense was a non-factor until they were already down 18 points and their defense let the Rams go 80 yards in four minutes in the fourth quarter to slow down Seattle’s comeback attempt.

Despite all of that, safety Earl Thomas thinks something else is to blame for the team’s second straight loss. Thomas looked in the direction of the officials, who ruled that the Rams should retain possession after a late fumble by Rams running back Tre Mason on a play that the Seahawks felt was judged incorrectly. The ruling on the field was that the Rams recovered and NFL officiating head Dean Blandino explained that all angles were reviewed and there was no clear visual evidence of who came up with the ball.

“Player coming out of pile w/loose ball is not a clear recovery. Need video evidence of him gaining possession. Play was reviewed in NY,” Blandino wrote on Twitter.

Thomas saw something more nefarious at play, however, and said that the team is “battling the officials” in addition to the opposing team right now.

“Yeah. At least give us a shot. But you know what? I’m not surprised with the referees this season. If you really look at some plays, we’re playing more than our opponents. We’re playing the referees too. I don’t care what anybody is saying. Something is wrong. That needs to be brought up,” Thomas said, via the Seattle Times. “It’s kind of crazy how football is turning out now. You give a guy, just because he wears a white and black shirt, he has authority of the game. Man, they need to stay out of it — that’s my key — and let us dominate.”

If the Seahawks were truly dominating the Rams on Sunday, there wouldn’t have been a place for the officials to impact the outcome of the game. For the second straight week, though, the Seahawks struggled for stretches in all areas of the game and that explains the 28-26 loss a lot more easily than the ruling on a disputed fumble recovery or anything else.
Awwwww, I like Earl. He was always the quiet one whoo would go about his business on the field. Guess losing is beginning to show some true colors.

Moving forward, I’ll refer to him as Earl Sherman III
Translation: we’re not as good when we can’t cheat
While I don’t think the refs are tilting the games against the Seahawks, I do think he has a point about the refs this year.There are too many tick-tak calls on the defense. How many times have we heard announcers say, hey that’s a good, no call. Think about it? Good, no call. In other words, these refs are killing the game. I know it’s the league doing this and they have to re-think this emphasis.

The defensive holding calls are too numerous and it seems like the refs have taken over. Actually, I’m watching less nfl games and that’s a good thing. The last 2 weeks I’ve discovered it’s pretty good having this free time. Never thought that would happen.
Can the Seahawks ever lose without blaming the officials? Why didn’t they credit the referees for last season, when the refs barely ever called defensive holding or pass interference on them?
He’s right. Just because a guy is wearing a black and white shirt and has a whistle and a penalty flag doesn’t mean he has any authority during the game.

They should change their name to the ExcuseHawks. Nothing is ever their fault.
Ego gets you every time. Coach, players etc.

I still think they have a good team and can win the SB but not acting like this.
Oh, how the rest of the NL fanbase is loving the Seahawks demise! They rode an awesome (but unsustainable) defensive effort to a championship and thought they were greatest thing in the history of sports. Now, they’re acting like spoiled children which makes them laughing stock. Love it!
Dont get me wrong. Im jealous that we dont have Earl Thomas, and we have Brandon Graham instead…but shut the heck up.

Your secondary only “dominated” because the referees only called a small percentage of the penalties your corners committed.

“Man, they need to stay out of it — that’s my key — and let us dominate.”

Thats just dumb. Are they supposed to not officiate your teams penalties? Are they just supposed to give your team the ball because you think they should? Dont complain. Just dont give the refs a reason to “lose the game for you”.
LOL. “Let us dominate?” You’re 3-3 Earl. What exactly are you dominating? You and Sherman need to stop letting your egos talk for you.
At the end of the day Seattle didn’t play well enough to win. All the excuses in the world won’t excuse poor execution against a 4th string QB.

Man up
Better yet, don’t get totally schooled on a high school level punt return play. Don’t give up a first down on a fourth down pass on a fake punt, make a stop when it counts instead of the total failure by the D two weeks in a row. Stop whining about a call that never should have impacted the game and look at the men in the mirror as the true problem.
I seemed to remember a call similar last year with Green Bay where the call was brilliant, but the replay showed differently. Its good when it goes your way and everybody elses fault when you lose.
I thought Earl Thomas was more reasonable. Until Seattle realize they need to get better and blame only themselves they will continue to struggle. It’s not like they haven’t received favourable calls before. Bad calls go both ways.

Right now Arizona is pretty primed to make a run at the playoffs and the second place team in the division is no longer guaranteed a playoff spot as the WC could go to the NFC North and NFC East. Seattle better wake up.
Dominating would have been stopping Tre Mason before he made the first down instead of trying to recover the fumble after he blew through your defense. Stupid.
Accountability check in Seattle.
I know people think the Rams aren’t tough, but they are. They were dark horses for the playoffs before the Bradford injury.
That being said, I watched that play and couldn’t figure out how the Rams kept the ball. Strange play? sure. Even if you would have got that call Earl, your team would have needed a furious charge late to beat STL, and your team was not dominating.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
Earl Thomas sure dominated when he had a chance to keep Tre Mason out of the endzone... NOT!!!!!


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
OMG... everybody is making fun of then LOL!!! We totally stole their mojo.

General rule of thums: If you lose to The Rams, you get made fun of or thrown in the garbage can.

Can't wait to beat the Chiefs.lol


Jul 25, 2010
The complaining about officiating is funny. Welcome to our world Seattle fans. You have NO idea.


Jan 15, 2013
On Fox Boomer said Rams won because of 2trick plays and a blown call at the end of the game.. #nocredit
Davis 18-21 2 TDs 0 Pics.
Could you imagine the involuntary gleeful orgasms or joy if Manning, Brady or Kaperdoodle put up that stat line vs Seattle.


Jan 15, 2013
Fans claiming a tackle around the neck is penalty are just showing their ignorance.
The call at the end of the game could have gone against the Rams. Truth is they see it the best they can and make their call. I'm sure the Rams had the ball. That said watching several games yesterday it seemed there were fewer calls in all the games....maybe the NFL is letting them play a little more. Hopefully.
The irony of people here making fun of them for thinking the refs stole the game is too ironic to comprehend.
If that end of game situation was reversed there would be Rams fans claiming proof positive of it being fixed.