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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I guess I am a weirdo in some respects. When browsing YouTube, there are channels that focus on math. They will display a math problem thumbnail that I will automatically start trying to solve. Even working with fractions, which I try to do in my head without using pencil and paper, I learned a method of adding/subtracting fractions called the bowtie method, which was never taught in school where I went. I also click to hear explanations beyond my mechanical ability to work the problem.

I love Sudoku and will get wrapped in a hard puzzle and refuse to let it beat me!

Some are captivated by the boobs and buns threads, ya horn toads! (lookin' at you @OldSchool !)

For some, it might be running across a favorite movie in progress and you can't turn the channel until you watch it all.

post a subject that so fascinates you that you get lost in it....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Old Photgraphs

all old photographs , I could get pretty long winded ,

but most likely the depression era photos , I could spend hours just thumbing through old photographs

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
download (16).jpeg

But I also can't get enough of history older than 12,500 years ago. Specifically... human civilizations that I believe existed then. I cannot get enough of it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
The ocean. I can walk on the beach and listen to the waves for ours. Watching the surf, and listening to the gulls.

Jazz music. Miles, Coltrane, and the lot.

Fog on the mountain.

My wife.

Not in that order, of course.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
WWII. I love watching the documentaries that tell us all the things we they didn't teach us in school. We were not obviously the biggest, baddest nation in the world like we are now. That war coulda easily gone a different way had there been different decisions made. Luck had a hand in it too.


Pro Bowler
Apr 6, 2016
I like to study theology and Scriptural doctrine as I am the teaching minister at my Assembly.
I also like to play a game called Stratego online for entertainment.



Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I like history.

But maybe more so on the alternative history side… the earth is old… that DEEP history fascinates me.

Are the pyramids really Egyptian? In the alternative way back thought machine, maybe not? The technology SO DOESN’T match the Egyptian period. Especially the boxes of Saqqara.

THAT mind trip, fascinates me. It sounds whack to challenge that, but logically, does it really? Research it.

And the universe? How can you not imagine wild things possible?


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Most every Mexican food item you can name, great lasagna, pesto penne, Chicken Alfredo, Chinese food, Cheeseburgers & onion rings, Porterhouse or NY Strip Steaks, grilled onions, asparagus, Brussel sprouts & mushrooms, beef & lamb kababs, Fish & Chips, fried catfish, Fried Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Baked potatoes, corn on the cob... Cobb, Chef's & Caesar salads, loaded omelets, garlic bread, ... turkey clubs, fried egg & tuna sandwiches, Philly cheesesteaks, Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the fixins, ... pumpkin, pecan pies & chocolate cheesecake, ... Polynesian style cocktails, Margaritas & Stella Artois suds.
Wait, do I see a theme developing here ?


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018

What I’ll do to add a rare bird to my life list and snap a photograph…

Just this year, by way of example, I traveled to Ecuador, hiked into the Amazon, and braved clouds of mosquitoes (with my very patient wife) at a nesting site to add the amazing harpy eagle to my list. For me, that’s a day when I feel particularly alive.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13

What I’ll do to add a rare bird to my life list and snap a photograph…

Just this year, by way of example, I traveled to Ecuador, hiked into the Amazon, and braved clouds of mosquitoes (with my very patient wife) at a nesting site to add the amazing harpy eagle to my list. For me, that’s a day when I feel particularly alive.
View attachment 61514
I knew you were a Hawk fan!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
I like history.

But maybe more so on the alternative history side… the earth is old… that DEEP history fascinates me.

Are the pyramids really Egyptian? In the alternative way back thought machine, maybe not? The technology SO DOESN’T match the Egyptian period. Especially the boxes of Saqqara.

THAT mind trip, fascinates me. It sounds whack to challenge that, but logically, does it really? Research it.

And the universe? How can you not imagine wild things possible?
I studied and received degrees in history, but I was never a huge fan of history before the written word. I was a TA for a professor who taught Ancient Civilizations/History at university. The professor would get visibly disturbed when I disagreed with her on the comparative value of her era of history and when written records started. My point being that a written history from around the time being written about, was an insight provided by those in power (mostly) at the time.. Connecting the written record with artifacts/evidence seems to be so much stronger. The records provide historical accounts, science, math, boring accounting and even graffiti! The one place I'd like to visit if I became more physically able, would be Pompei. You can actually walk and feel what an ancient Roman city was like. They even have graffiti on the walls, complaining about individuals or life itself, which I think is freakin' cool!

Before the written record, historians have to rely on theories of how civilizations arose from hunter gatherers to tribes to a more sedentary society that learns to cultivate crops and to develop religions and a ruling elite.

As for evidence, they rely on hunting and cooking artifacts, as well as wall art. It has always seemed to me that understanding a society without the written word is just educated guessing.. My thinking is considered Eurocentric and not acceptable by some....


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
i'm a youtube shorts addict. i hit the "dont recommend channel" button like it matters........


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I guess I am a weirdo in some respects. When browsing YouTube, there are channels that focus on math. They will display a math problem thumbnail that I will automatically start trying to solve. Even working with fractions, which I try to do in my head without using pencil and paper, I learned a method of adding/subtracting fractions called the bowtie method, which was never taught in school where I went. I also click to hear explanations beyond my mechanical ability to work the problem.

I love Sudoku and will get wrapped in a hard puzzle and refuse to let it beat me!

Some are captivated by the boobs and buns threads, ya horn toads! (lookin' at you @OldSchool !)

For some, it might be running across a favorite movie in progress and you can't turn the channel until you watch it all.

post a subject that so fascinates you that you get lost in it....


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I like @Riverumbbq 's reply.

Aside from food food food, my thing is hunting.

I don't get to go near often enough anymore but I used to spend every spare day either hunting or fishing.

I bow hunt both traditional and compound. I rifle, pistol, and shotgun hunt.

With the exception of coyotes and ground squirrels, I eat everything I hunt. Deer, elk, bear, antelope, dove, quail, chucker, etc...

I load all my and my family's rifle rounds very precisely, I have several firearms for pretty much every kind of hunt short of big African animals (which I have no desire to hunt unless I did a picture safari hunt) I make arrows, my father in law made my long bows and recurve.

I practice for hours and hours before going on a hunt so I make the proper shot. I've worked as a range master during sight ins so that others make the proper shot (if possible - some shouldn't be out there).

I never use a stand or blind. I get out there and hike for miles through some pretty nasty brush. But we always say the fun all ends when they hit the ground. Hiking in for miles means packing out for miles (usually anyway). And if you have a big elk or bear, that can mean a full day of tracking and packing out.

My wife used to comment that I would lose too much weight during elk season. But I love tracking too much to just sit around and hope an animal comes to me.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Almost everything! I’m a curious focker. That’s probably why I never really try and master anything. I just like seeing, doing, learning about everything. Our lives are just too short.