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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #41
Well, I'm gonna catch a nap before I get up in 3 hours and totally avoid ESPN and the radio. Again.

Thanks for keeping it real, guys. You're good peeps. :cheers:


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
You know what? I think I'll vent one more time just because I can't fucking sleep and I'm feeling rather mean. Warning: this is going to be fairly long and not for kids.

I honestly don't get this fucking coaching staff. I feel betrayed by them right now. They keep doing the same fucking things, keep making the same fucking mistakes, keep repeating history when they say that they won't. Right now, I don't know what to think about them. Quixote, X, and bluecoconuts have convinced me that Fisher deserves at least one year. If Spags and Linehan got three years, Fisher should get the same treatment. But his coordinators should be gone immediately if things don't turn around.

Finnegan, I know you're a nice guy, but you're going to have to go after this year. Langford, Wells, Dahl, Williams, Shelley Smith, Pead (seriously, Pead, you fucking screwed us tonight by getting yourself in trouble with Fisher), Saffold, Witherspoon, Giordano, and Stewart should also be gone/not resigned after this year. I mean, my fucking fate, with McDonald's injury, we're going to have to go with Giordano/Stewart and McLeod for an entire year. McLeod's a good special teams player, but I don't ever want to see him start another game. I can't believe Giordano made the team over Cody Davis when the former didn't play one fucking game in the preseason.

I'm fucking sick of seeing us sign stopgaps for "veteran leadership". Look at a team like the Ravens. Look at the Bengals, at the Broncos, at the Packers, at the Falcons; for fuck's sake, look at the fucking Whiners and the fucking Seahags even. What do all of those teams have in common? They rarely, if ever, use veterans as stopgaps. They draft well, they promote from within, they make smart acquisitions, and when they do spend money, it's to lock up core players, not to sign expensive free agents who rarely make an impact throughout their entire contract. This is why I'm in favor of trading down with both of our picks and trading into next year's draft.

And that brings me to my next point. I honestly think that they should trade Sam Bradford to the highest bidder - and it's not because he's bad. I just don't get the feeling that he's ever going to succeed here. Not with this over-hyped coaching staff (look at fucking Joe Philbin in Miami and what he's done with less). Not with underachieving receivers (seriously, when Austin Pettis leads your team in catches and yards, you know that your entire receiving core needs serious work. Givens, Quick, Kendricks, Austin, and Cook were just about invisible today). Not with this pathetic offensive line (seriously, a terrible Chris Williams? An aging Wells and Dahl? An offensive tackle who just can't stay healthy in Long as well as mediocre career backup offensive tackles starting? Fucking lawl.)

So trade him. Get the best offer you can for him. I'm fucking sick and tired of seeing this kid's talents get wasted on this team, and this is coming from a die-hard Mizzou fan whose team kept getting shredded by Bradford when he was in college. Seriously, he has way too much talent to continuously be put in a position to fail. He may bounce back, he may not...but if he does, it won't be with us. If I'm Sam Bradford, I'd be asking if the team would trade me so that my career isn't ruined further. Seriously, I'm not fucking kidding about this. Peyton fucking Manning couldn't have succeeded with the hand that Bradford was dealt.

If this post makes no sense whatsoever, it's because it's late at night, I'm utterly depressed, and because I want to fucking vent about this. And I apologize profusely if it offends any of you or if it's too negative. I'm just so damned sick of seeing Bradford get killed like this, and I honestly feel that the guy needs a fresh start if he's ever going to succeed.

And now - and I'm sorry if this isn't welcome at the time - I'm going to be making a mock draft with a potential Bradford trade because that's about the only thing I have to look forward to right now. FML. F - M - L.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
At least my 40 years of fandom has Fully Prepared me for this. There have been some good times, but mostly bad and extremely bad. I'm conditioned.

Fish has enough experience to have known full well what he was going to trot out onto the field. Or maybe he no longer has a real grasp on this. ?

I mean,,, the simplest things are apparently impossible for this group.


Will this team beat the jags at home next week. I can honestly say that I have strong doubts. At this point I will consider 3 - 13 a lofty goal, probably unattainable.

Man I'm glad that I didn't waste my time and money flying up for this one... I was on the verge of pulling the trigger on that. So there's my only positive.

All of the former players who were in attendance last night must have been very impressed.


I can hardly wait for the Jeff Fisher Show next week.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I just woke up here on the west coast and to my hearts dismay it wasn't only a bad dream. For the first time in a long time and certainly the first time during the Fisher era I feel their are way more concerns than promising factors. I suddenly am troubled about the potential of units and players on our team I used to believe in. I just can't wrap my head around any optimism and it's only week 4.


Aug 14, 2012
I have been off the discussion board for over a year because I didn't want to jump to hasty conclusions regarding the Fisher era. But after letting all of last year go by as ramp up time, last night's game tipped the scales and I am back...and very disheartened. Fisher is not getting the job done. Granted he can't be held directly responsible for all facets of the game but it is HIS staff handling the facets and ispso facto it is on him.

I like Daryl Richardson as an unlikely success story and feel he can be successful as a role player in a multi-back attack. Pead has now officially become a bust in my book and should be dropped to find another, veteran back while we figure out how to fill the gaping hole created by Jackson's departure. Banking on a Pead miracle and Richardson blossoming into a big time back was a HUGE mistake. It is time to shake up the running back personnel strategy and maybe find a seasoned, NFL caliber RB coach? This guy Sirmans was at BC and had NO NFL experience and was asked to develop talent to fill the shoes of SJ??????????? It probably wasn't his fault but he was in way over his head from day one.

Bradford and the passing game get a C from me and although Bradford will never be an elite QB I think we can limp by for now....but there were no adjustments made during the game to protect better, get rid of the ball faster or run. So we're back to the coaching staff and Fisher needs to clean some stuff up or he'll be (and should be) gone after his three year stint. This team will maybe go 5-11 this year and if Fisher doesn't swing that to an 11-5 next year it will be time to rebuild....again. :sick:


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
After sleeping on it and sobering up, this is how i feel now

Schotty=Shit! not a regular shit, but the kind that burns and paints the walls and takes 3 rolls to clear.

Bradford needs to step up.....havent heard that one before right?

Walton actually didnt do to bad IMO.

The players on defense though made some huge ass dumbshit mistakes.

Fisher needs to do something cause what is going on is not working worth shit.

*We have no fucking running game!!! none!!!! This is a huge fucking issue!!! Each week we have less and less rushing yards. By the time week 8 comes around we will be lucky to get -50 yards rushing!!!

What the fuck happened to our run defense that was so good at the beginning of the year?

This team is absolute trash right now, we are like the 2012 Cardinals except they got off to 4-0 before going into total suckage and we only got to 1-0.

Totally pathetic shitty ass mistake filled garbage is what we were subjected to.

Jags are giving beer to fans if they watch them, Rams fans should be given a cocktail of Morphine, Oxi's, valium and whiskey so we can go into a coma cause thats the nicest thing this ram team could do to us right now. Hell, let them take us out to the shed like the rabid dogs we are becoming.

I still love this team and will root for them week in and week out, but right now they are a truly shitty and pathetic team in most facets of the game.

FUCK YOU RAMS!! Fuck you for not being even decent and fielding such a shitty team. Worst team in the NFL right now.

GO RAMS!!!!!!!

p.s.(might not be completely sober yet but close enough)


Hall of Fame
Apr 23, 2013
HometownBoy said:
BigCiX said:
The only thing that can make me happier then another losing season is for the Rams to come back to LA

Hey look a troll, icing on the shyte cake of a crummy day.

I think we can all agree on this one. That's worthy of some action, IMO. That's not venting. That's pure trolling.

Napa Jack

Sep 4, 2013
9ers 219 yards rushing and Kaepernick with a 115 pass rating. Rams 18 yards rushing, Bradford rating around 50.

I think it's safe to say that without a run game, nothing else is really going to work. Especially against the better teams. One dimensional teams are easy to scheme. And the vaunted defense played with spirit, but got pushed around all night.

I don't know what the answer is, but they probably won't find it this year. Bradford will continue to pass 40+ times a game and defensive lines are going to be teeing off. Sure hope the offensive line holds up.

Attendance - 56,640. That ain't gonna get it either.


Jun 4, 2013
Selassie I said:
I can hardly wait for the Jeff Fisher Show next week.

He had plenty of time to be on Niners' shows but hid from his own last week so don't hold your breath.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
It's a mentality


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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #52
Pretty sure nobody is accepting this loss, T.


Jun 4, 2013
Tron said:
After sleeping on it and sobering up, this is how i feel now

Schotty=shyte! not a regular shyte, but the kind that burns and paints the walls and takes 3 rolls to clear.



Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I want someone fired; Schotty or Walton.

If I had my choice; Schotty.

There! I feel better! :lmao:


Jun 4, 2013
OH, and thanks Tron for the GIF. Sorry I didn't ask, my brain just started captioning. :bg:


Jun 4, 2013
I propose a drinking game:

We gather all of Fishers' quotes this week of what he's going to "fix" or "work on", like blocking or penalties. Then next game, every time that part fails again, we drink!

Special Team illegal block on a punt return, drink!

Sam Bradford checks down unnecessarily, drink!

Whatever he says he gonna fix.

Should make the chat room veeeeeery interesting.