Vent Thread: 49ers @ Rams

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Jan 21, 2013
It also seems like we aren't stunting him much, if at all this year. He wreaked havoc last year on LGs with his inside stunts
Williams is too busy trying to all out blitz every single play than using what actually worked for us last year.


when Fisher first took over, that first season we came out playing like we had a chip on our shoulder. We were not a complete team, but we played with a purpose and it made up for our loose ends. Something has changed these last 3 seasons. We are a much better team than when Snisher and company first came in, but we are mentally weaker somehow.
I am not sure we are better, but we are younger. Being the youngest team is not a positive attribute.


Sep 20, 2013
The average age of Seattle is 26.4. Yes we are younger, but by what, two years? I don't buy that crap anymore. It worked the first two seasons but how many years are we going to use that excuse? Until the average age is 35?


"Yes we are younger, but by what, two years? I don't buy that crap anymore. It worked the first two seasons but how many years are we going to use that excuse? Until the average age is 35?"-Fancent86

If HGH is still a factor that still might be a possibility. lol

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
I'm not sure I'm sold on the 2014 Fisher anymore.... Maybe the 1999 Fisher but he's just so stuck in his ways now that he can't get past himself to fix what's hurting him, this team, and this franchise along with the fan base. His coordinators are utter trash and I think it all starts with looking at G Williams. I can't stand Schotty never have but he's light years better than Williams. I'm serious call Walton up right now and fire the other bum.


Daniel Leu
Jun 20, 2014
On the 1st two drives of the game we used Tavon in the backfield and on end arounds and we went up 14-0.
Then for some f***ing reason they quit putting him in the backfield and eliminated the home run threat he presents with every f***ing play. I just don't understand why they fail to use someone as talented as TA to their full potential. Hell I thought this was going to be another of his breakout games the way he got the ball all over the field in the first quarter, but once the whiners put points on the board, Schotty shoved his head in his (butt) and became unimaginative again. I'm so done with Schotty, he needs to go the instant this season is over. I have no idea what Fisher did over the offseason, but this (mentally) isn't the same Rams team we had the past 2 seasons. I'm still giving him another year after this season, but I am not impressed with his team. Now let's get our (crap) together Rams and beat Seattle.

Also... F**k G Williams. He has ruined this defense. Don't get me started.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I think this is worth pointing out. In the last 3 games, the Rams have managed to put together 56 unanswered points. Fifty freaking six unanswered points. That's nearly 19 points per game on average UNANSWERED. I will say this again, we have put up on average 19 points in each of these 3 games WITHOUT THE OTHER TEAM SCORING. How in the hell are we 0-3 in that stretch?
I am sure glad you didn't point out the opponents unanswered scoring stretches, if you do therein lies the answer to the how are we 0-3 question.
It's Maddening Jrry and the reason for widespread apathy.
" Apathy is your Sanity playing Defense"


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
The average age of Seattle is 26.4. Yes we are younger, but by what, two years? I don't buy that crap anymore. It worked the first two seasons but how many years are we going to use that excuse? Until the average age is 35?
I agree it's not an excuse. It's not the young age, it's the lack of football IQ. The Rams look like a bunch of guys that have never played pop warner, high school or college, they are just raw athletic freaks that the Rams plop on the field to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. They are told "do this" and that's the extent of what they do because they don't know how to do anything else -- they don't understand that you win football games not just by doing your job or doing what you are supposed to do, but doing that something extra that decides a football game.

I still go back to that punt where the Ram tried to "save" it from going out of bounds and pinning the opponent inside the 5 yard line. Huh? How do you not know how downing a punt works if you've played football your whole life?

The answer is some guys play football because it's their job, they were the most talented kid growing up, the fastest, strongest, etc. and that's all there is to it. There's no love to it, no deep understanding, they just go play and don't really care what happens other than what's directly in front of them. Others play football because on top of their talent they love the game and watch it 24/7 and know every in and out to it, and those are the leaders that win games that the Rams lack.

You can be in the huddle in a key situation and see the guys that are connected to the game, know the down and distance, know what their opponent has been doing all game, what they are likely to try, and how to best play it the next play. They'll move a couple steps back or forward, on their own, because they know the game. Then you see guys that have no clue that a football game is happening, they are just on the field to do what they are told against the guy in front of them, with zero big picture context to it. Every play is just the same to them inside their own little box.

The Rams players have no big picture concept and play within their own personal box. JJ is in the NFL because he has raw talent, can run a 4.4 or whatever, and not because he knows or cares about the game. Nobody that understands the game would be so idiotic to let someone behind him with 15 seconds left, that's why it's never happened in NFL history, not because of talent or age, but football IQ. But JJ had no clue about the context, he was just doing his own thing inside his own little box, and that's why the Rams lose. They have no football IQ.


Feb 6, 2013
Since Fisher and Snead took over, three years ago, the Rams have had five first round picks, and four second round picks. NINE high draft picks. We can talk about how talented the team is, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters are W's. This is the NFL, they don't give out trophies just for showing up to the awards banquet at the end of the year.

This was supposed to be the year. Yeah, losing Bradford really hurt, but if I were to make a list of our problems QB would be pretty far down it. On it, for sure, but not at the top of the list. Fisher and Snead have THEIR coaches in place, they have their players, their free agents, their team. And we're 1-4. At some point you just have to win, no matter how good your organization looks on paper.

I thought last night's game was super-important not just for the season, but for the fate of the franchise. A chance to make a statement, to tell the world that not only is there a football team in St. Louis, but that it's a good one. For the people of St. Louis to rally around something they would be proud of. Now? What can you say? Why would people fork out good money to see this train wreck, AGAIN? If we thought it was bad listening to 49'er fans in the Dome last night how bad will it be if and when we're sitting at 3-10, or some other numerical demonstration of mediocrity? Why would, why SHOULD anybody care? I've been a Rams fan since 79, when I picked the Rams to beat the Steelers because I liked their uniforms better. I have never felt this apathetic or resigned about the team before. And perhaps that's the worst thing that can happen to franchise.


Jan 14, 2013
I thought last night's game was super-important not just for the season, but for the fate of the franchise. A chance to make a statement, to tell the world that not only is there a football team in St. Louis, but that it's a good one. For the people of St. Louis to rally around something they would be proud of. Now? What can you say? Why would people fork out good money to see this train wreck, AGAIN? If we thought it was bad listening to 49'er fans in the Dome last night how bad will it be if and when we're sitting at 3-10, or some other numerical demonstration of mediocrity? Why would, why SHOULD anybody care? I've been a Rams fan since 79, when I picked the Rams to beat the Steelers because I liked their uniforms better. I have never felt this apathetic or resigned about the team before. And perhaps that's the worst thing that can happen to franchise.

Agreed, I was there and when I left the stadium all I could think was "this isn't worth it anymore." Driving two and a half hours just to watch this mess of a franchise. Paying money to an owner that is never seen or heard from. Driving to the game I drove through some tornado warning areas and nasty weather. It's almost like someone higher up was telling me "this isn't worth it turn around and go home!!!" But I continued and by the time I got to St. Louis the sky had parted and it was calm once again. But by the time I left after Davis threw the int for a td I thought why spend this much time and effort not to mention money on players, coaches, and owners that have millions of dollars to look that lousy all the time. 4 winning seasons in 25 years I think I saw.... just pathetic.

On my long drive home down I-55 so that I could go to bed around 2AM and get up in four hours and go to work to make my measly salary I made a conscious decision that I'm not spending another dime on this team until they either get over .500 football (I don't care if that's 2-1 to begin next season or 9-7 to end a season) or Stan Kroenke commits to St. Louis. Before that he doesn't deserve another one of my hard earned dimes.


Oct 4, 2010
The home opener loss to a bad team was an omen for me. I didn't want to admit it, because you'd like to believe this team is ready to take the next step. But think about have all off season to prepare for a below average team at home, and to lose the way they did was indeed a sign.

I like Fisher. But I'm really starting to believe that maybe he's not the guy to lead such a young team. The lack of urgency the team had in that opener spoke volumes to me. I said they needed to go 3-0 or 2-1 over the first three to have a shot. Hopefully these guys won't quit. Because it could get ugly real fast.


Apr 24, 2013
I have never felt this apathetic or resigned about the team before. And perhaps that's the worst thing that can happen to franchise.

That is absolutely the worst feeling a sports franchise can instill in its fanbase. Better to have folks angru. But apathetic? Then people stop caring. And in a business perspective, they stop spending money.

Your not the only one feeling that, either. Far from it.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
No mas at least for me. It is hard to even imagine but it is something I need to do. I am exhausted and will find more productive stuff to do on Sundays that's for damn sure.

I am not giving up or throwing in the towel, I am choosing to do other things. Last night sealed my decision. I hope to still participate on this board but following this team right now is over.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
starting to have my doubts about fisher's future here -can't keep playing undisciplined, partial games week in,week out...and the defense, which is supposed to be his specialty, has clearly regressed.. if we land a top 5 pick i'd bet 60/40 that we may get a new coach too


I just hope we don't overdraft a guy because of need. That's going to be very tempting, but won't solve anything.
I agree. The Rams need a QB and we have to trust that the FO will do a good job drafting one - I am increasingly having trouble with trusting this group.