Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
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- Jul 30, 2010
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- Jemma
Pokemon update! I am now able to trade Pokemon for the next week or so! Anyone who wants a good ability/nature Pokemon that they don't have (including shadow tag Gothita, speed boost Sharpedo, etc.) can definitely trade with me. If you have something that I can't obtain normally (i.e., female marvel scale Dratini, overcoat Burmy, female unaware Wooper/Quagsire, etc.)
More updating! I got a marvel scale Dratini and an extremespeed Dratini! Both female, but I still got them! Thank you, GTS! I've also caught the vast majority of the hidden ability Pokemon that I wanted.
I still need the following: speed boost Venipede/Whirlipede, swift swim Poliwag/Poliwhirl, unaware Wooper/Quagsire, regenerator Slowpoke/Slowbro, hustle Nidoran (both genders), prankster Purrloin/Liepard, overcoat Burmy, clear body Klink/Klang, and water veil Buizel/Floatzel.
If you can trade me one of them, I'd be eternally grateful. I have HA Pokemon, good natured Pokemon, and eventually, a Yveltal to trade. Thank you.