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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
The Redskins will reportedly lose 36 million in cap space due to front loading contracts. As long as this doesn't cause the Redskins to back out of our deal, it should mean they can't build too much around RG3 and we should have pretty good picks over the next two years.

Oh... AND we get another 1.6 in cap space.

The salary cap is projected to be $120.6 million in 2012, but the Cowboys will lose $10 million, while the Redskins will be docked $36 million in cap space, sources said.

Dallas and Washington can split the cap loss over the 2012 and '13 seasons in whatever form they prefer, with $1.6 million each going to 28 other NFL teams, the sources said. The teams receiving money can also choose to split it over the 2012 and '13 seasons however they see fit, sources said.


Jun 25, 2010
Suck it Snyder!!!!!!!!!
Guess we'll be able to draft Manti Te'o next year as soon as he's done destroying the Trojans, eh 503?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #3
superfan24 said:
Suck it Snyder!!!!!!!!!
Guess we'll be able to draft Manti Te'o next year as soon as he's done destroying the Trojans, eh 503?

I know not of which you speak. :tooth:


Sep 24, 2011
while the Redskins will be docked $36 million in cap space, sources said.

It doesn't make sense that all the sudden they have all this cap room. The redskins always have toxic contracts on the book.

I don't wish ill on the Redskins...well actually I do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

haha, big fat al still has snyder bent over a table with a sock in his mouth letting him feel every inch of him.

has to be the worst FA acquisition in living memory.



Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I love the smell of Redskins tears in the morning.

What a glorious coup. Take that, Snyder!



The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
This really is great for us assuming that the trade still goes through. The Redskins still have holes to fill. With giving up those picks, they can't do it through the draft. I think they were hoping to do it through FA, but can't do that either, and this is a really deep FA pool. This could really hurt the Redskins, and in turn help the Rams.


Sep 24, 2011
brokeu91 said:
This really is great for us assuming that the trade still goes through. The Redskins still have holes to fill. With giving up those picks, they can't do it through the draft. I think they were hoping to do it through FA, but can't do that either, and this is a really deep FA pool. This could really hurt the Redskins, and in turn help the Rams.
I don't think The Redskins can reneg on this one, their fans would have a conniption fit. Apparently season ticket sales drastically increased since the RCII trade. Washington is all about the bottom line, so they can't have that.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
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  • #9
brokeu91 said:
This really is great for us assuming that the trade still goes through. The Redskins still have holes to fill. With giving up those picks, they can't do it through the draft. I think they were hoping to do it through FA, but can't do that either, and this is a really deep FA pool. This could really hurt the Redskins, and in turn help the Rams.

Yep. Exactly what I was thinking.

They can spread the 36 million over the next two seasons but still that's an average of 18 mil that they don't get to spend essentially on FA acquisitions. Looking like those '13 & '14 draft picks could be golden.

I almost feel like this is some sort of make up foul by the NFL for what they are about to do to Williams.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
Penalties send strong signal

by Andrew Brandt

For the second time in two weeks, the NFL has revealed some dishonorable behavior. Following the New Orleans Saints' "bounty" debacle currently awaiting punishment, the NFL has now announced penalties stemming from contract structuring in the uncapped year of 2010.

In issuing the penalties, the NFL took a strong stance against the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins for behavior that was not prohibited in writing.

The league is deducting $36 million from the Redskins' cap and $10 million from the Cowboys', to be split between 2012 and 2013. The subtracted amounts will be pooled to the remaining teams -- except the Saints and Oakland Raiders, who had less egregious violations. The NFLPA agreed to the penalties provided that the deducted cap room was allocated among the other teams.

2010 anomaly

Under the previous NFL collective bargaining agreement, which expired after the 2010 season, the final year of the agreement operated without a salary cap.

During that year, the Redskins and Cowboys -- two teams with reputations for a "pay now, worry later" approach to cap management -- used the uncapped year advantageously to prepare for the return of the cap. Those maneuvers now result in discipline.

The Redskins restructured two bloated contracts that were too onerous to shed yet ripe for "dumping" into the uncapped year.

The contract of Albert Haynesworth -- the Redskins' gift that keeps on giving -- was restructured for cap purposes to allocate a $21 million bonus to 2010 rather than spreading it over the remaining years of the contract. DeAngelo Hall's $15 million bonus was similarly restructured. Thus, $36 million scheduled for cap allocation over several years was now contained entirely in the uncapped year of 2010.

The penalty given to the Redskins for this "abuse" is that exact amount: $36 million in cap space.

The Cowboys have always used signing bonuses, prorated over the contract, to save present cap room. In September 2010, however, the Cowboys strayed from that strategy, rewarding Miles Austin with $17 million in the first year of a contract, designated as salary (not prorated).

In 2011, when the cap returned, most of Austin's $8.5 million salary -- $7.855 million -- was converted into signing bonus, returning to the old Cowboy way. Many NFL owners took note of the Austin deal.

Warnings issued

The NFL announced its reasoning for the discipline in a statement that reads in part: "The Management Council Executive Committee (CEC) determined that the contract practices of a small number of clubs during the 2010 league year created an unacceptable risk to future competitive balance."

The management council approves all NFL contracts; it's curious that these contracts are now questioned. Further, the "Uncapped League Year" article of the previous CBA makes no mention of warnings.

Team officials around the NFL, however, said there were several warnings -- although not in writing -- at the start of 2010 advising teams of (1) potential "retroactive accounting" for the uncapped year, and (2) potential discipline for "abuse" of the uncapped year. These warnings obviously went unheeded by the Cowboys and Redskins -- and, to a lesser extent, the Saints and Raiders -- and were followed by more strident warnings at an NFL owners' meeting.

The lack of written warning or restriction gives the NFL little "hard evidence" in levying penalties. My sense is that the out-of-character structure of these contracts combined with the wanton disregard of repeated warnings was too much for NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to ignore.

Competing owners watched the Redskins and Cowboys operate one way during capped years while attempting to push "file delete" in the unique uncapped year of 2010.

The executive committee pushed for this discipline and used the announcement of the 2012 cap number and the NFLPA blessing as advantageous timing to deliver this punishment. Why wasn't this done coming into the 2011 league year? It was lost in the rush of final CBA negotiations, several officials with other teams said.

I know from my time in the NFL that every team thinks that the NFL office, at some level, favors other teams at its expense. Today the Redskins and Cowboys believe that they have been unfairly targeted for maneuvers that were not against any written rules, and they have issued strong denials. Meanwhile, other teams may be feeling that Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones finally paid the price after being favored sons for some time.

The Redskins and Cowboys will feel this pain. Ironically, however, this penalty may cause a return to their former ways of pushing out cap problems to the future to operate in the present. We won't have to wait long to find out; free agency begins today. ... n-redskins


Sep 24, 2011
I don't have time to read JdashSTL's post, but I heard this is a result of the Redskins and Cowboys dumping bad contracts during the uncapped years.

Apparently they were told not to, but the league approved the contracts. This explains why they had 40 million to spend.

edit: lol RamFan503 mentioned that in the OP.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
And today, they land Pierre Garcon and Josh Morgan??????????? Did they not pay them much???


Jun 23, 2010
I'm anticipating the Redskins to release some players to free up some cap. It's the only thing I can figure out, and seeing as they have signed Morgan and Garcon I think Santana Moss might be getting the pink slip...