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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Your first true love. No not Jane or Joe from 3rd grade. But the first time the love bug bit and bit hard. Did you get it right the first time or did you crash and burn? Do you remember it fondly or can you barely remember it at all? Mine was a Raven hair beauty that I met the first time in Jr. High. We did not get along at all. I was to meet her again a few years later and it was the exact opposite we both fell madly in love. Which was to form an 8 year relationship that came within a razors edge of marriage. Only to end very abruptly and at least for me mysteriously. Tell us about yours.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Your first true love. No not Jane or Joe from 3rd grade. But the first time the love bug bit and bit hard. Did you get it right the first time or did you crash and burn? Do you remember it fondly or can you barely remember it at all? Mine was a Raven hair beauty that I met the first time in Jr. High. We did not get along at all. I was to meet her again a few years later and it was the exact opposite we both fell madly in love. Which was to form an 8 year relationship that came within a razors edge of marriage. Only to end very abruptly and at least for me mysteriously. Tell us about yours.
Mysteriously? So you never found out why? I would have had to find out. For me it was a college senior and I was a sophomore and we got along great until her stepdad found out I'm Roman Catholic. Threatened to cut her off immediately so like yours she ended it abruptly. Received a brief nonsensical excuse that invoked her religion so I took the opportunity to sit down with her preacher and get the official version. Afterwards the phone lines must have been burning between the preacher and stepdad, stepdad and stepdaughter, mother and stepdaughter and who knows who else? Only heard from her once after that and she was livid I discussed our relationship with the preacher. To this day I smile when I think of it.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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Mysteriously? So you never found out why? I would have had to find out. For me it was a college senior and I was a sophomore and we got along great until her stepdad found out I'm Roman Catholic. Threatened to cut her off immediately so like yours she ended it abruptly. Received a brief nonsensical excuse that invoked her religion so I took the opportunity to sit down with her preacher and get the official version. Afterwards the phone lines must have been burning between the preacher and stepdad, stepdad and stepdaughter, mother and stepdaughter and who knows who else? Only heard from her once after that and she was livid I discussed our relationship with the preacher. To this day I smile when I think of it.
Good hook huh? The answer is yes and no. I didnt know anything for about 30 years. Then out of the blue she contacted me, after some reminiscing she gave me her version. Between her version and mine. The truth seems to be she just wanted out. But I had given her no reason and she didnt know how to go about it. So she just walked away.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Good hook huh? The answer is yes and no. I didnt know anything for about 30 years. Then out of the blue she contacted me, after some reminiscing she gave me her version. Between her version and mine. The truth seems to be she just wanted out. But I had given her no reason and she didnt know how to go about it. So she just walked away.
Well it was clumsy but effective. 8 years and that was how she handled it. You dodged that bullet.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #8
Well it was clumsy but effective. 8 years and that was how she handled it. You dodged that bullet.
You too it seems. But yeah. I take some solace in the fact that while she has done well professionally. Her personal life has been a full on train wreck. Not that I would hold a grudge or anything. wink, wink.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
You too it seems. But yeah. I take some solace in the fact that while she has done well professionally. Her personal life has been a full on train wreck. Not that I would hold a grudge or anything. wink, wink.
If her treatment of you is indicative of how she handles her personal life then how could it not be "a full on train wreck"? Cowardice and immaturity are an unstable foundation to build a relationship with someone irrespective of financial success. It is sad and too common.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #10
If her treatment of you is indicative of how she handles her personal life then how could it not be "a full on train wreck"? Cowardice and immaturity are an unstable foundation to build a relationship with someone irrespective of financial success. It is sad and too common.
Agreed. In your case with your first love. I have always found in my life love knows no race or religion it just is. To hinder love or a relationship because of it is beyond my understanding. But I was raised in a rainbow community among many races and religions.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Agreed. In your case with your first love. I have always found in my life love knows no race or religion it just is. To hinder love or a relationship because of it is beyond my understanding. But I was raised in a rainbow community among many races and religions.
Looking back I realize it wasn't love but no one could convince me otherwise at that time. All it took was a talk with the preacher and a bitchfit from her and I was cured. lol


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Agreed. In your case with your first love. I have always found in my life love knows no race or religion it just is. To hinder love or a relationship because of it is beyond my understanding. But I was raised in a rainbow community among many races and religions.

I was raised in a diverse suburb in Cleveland. So I agree with you 100% about race and religion.

When I first moved down here I dated several women that weren't white. One was a really swirly girly. One quarter white, one quarter Jamaican, one quarter Chinese, one quarter Puerto Rican. Quite a mix isn't it!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
married mine

This is awesomeness triple distilled. You're one of the VERY few that lucky.

You'll find this funny I bet.

A close friend of mine married the woman he met in 10th grade and started dating. She is the only women he has had sex with, and he is the only man she has had sex with.

His nickname for me is Puddy. As in I thought I saw a Puddy Tat because I was back then getting a lot. We've know each other since 1988. Sometimes he still calls me that.

So one time we were drinking a little and talking about "back in the day" stories and the crazy shit we used to do (swiped his Mom's Cadillac once for a night on the town and that's a great story) and I was getting a bit braggadocios about different sexual experiences and women. He let me go on and on and when I finally wound it down he said.........."Puddy I got to do pretty much almost all of that with the same woman".

I was floored at the enormity of what he said and realized what he had was top of the mountain.

You're pretty much neighbors with him.


May 28, 2011
That sucks.

Don't worry, she only had me quit my well paying almost impossible to get job before moving to a new city away from all family and friends before bailing.

But I have another good job now at least, and I do like the area even if it's Seahawks country.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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Don't worry, she only had me quit my well paying almost impossible to get job before moving to a new city away from all family and friends before bailing.

But I have another good job now at least, and I do like the area even if it's Seahawks country.
Been there brother. I think most of us have. Except for a lucky few. The only words of wisdom I have is never give it all , always keep a little bit of yourself. That way you can always find your way home.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #18
This was told to me as truth by a gentlemen I worked with for a few years. He was from Fayettville Ark. As a young man he moved to St. Louis and took a job as a roofer. Business was good and he was making money hand over fist. In the down time he liked to party and party hard. He threw money around like it was nothing. In midst of all this he met the most beautiful woman, he had ever seen he pursed her with passion and convinced her to married him. He took her home for a met and greet with the family and to marry there among all his friends. On the day of the wedding he sensed something was wrong with his mother. Whats wrong momma he kept asking. All she would say was "are you sure you want to do this son". Of course momma look at her she is so pretty. So they got married. Back they went. He bought a house, soon she was with child. Then the baby came. Within a year of that she had taken up with another man and left him high and dry with the baby. Not knowing what to do he took his child and ran home. Setting on the couch in his mothers house he wailed and cried and sobbed. The whole time his mother sat with him and listened and patted him on the back. Finally spent he just collapsed sobbing. It was then his mother who had said nothing the whole time looked him in the eyes and said "But son she is sooooo pretty."


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
This was told to me as truth by a gentlemen I worked with for a few years. He was from Fayettville Ark. As a young man he moved to St. Louis and took a job as a roofer. Business was good and he was making money hand over fist. In the down time he liked to party and party hard. He threw money around like it was nothing. In midst of all this he met the most beautiful woman, he had ever seen he pursed her with passion and convinced her to married him. He took her home for a met and greet with the family and to marry there among all his friends. On the day of the wedding he sensed something was wrong with his mother. Whats wrong momma he kept asking. All she would say was "are you sure you want to do this son". Of course momma look at her she is so pretty. So they got married. Back they went. He bought a house, soon she was with child. Then the baby came. Within a year of that she had taken up with another man and left him high and dry with the baby. Not knowing what to do he took his child and ran home. Setting on the couch in his mothers house he wailed and cried and sobbed. The whole time his mother sat with him and listened and patted him on the back. Finally spent he just collapsed sobbing. It was then his mother who had said nothing the whole time looked him in the eyes and said "But son she is sooooo pretty."
That guys mom saw through the pretty wrapper to the rot inside. Too many people (of both sexes) marry based upon physical beauty. Lawyers love them.
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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #20
That guys mom saw through the pretty wrapper to the rot inside. Too many people (of both sexes) marry based upon physical beauty. Lawyers love them.
Right on the button. Women I have found can pretty quickly size up other women. My coworker learned a valuable life lesson the hard way. The kind that sticks with you.