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Felt the same way. Original was a 10, gave the 2nd an 8.Guardians of the Galaxy 2- 8/10 - I can't put my finger on it... but I just didn't like it as much as everyone else. Something was missing for me. The first was better, imo. They pulled a bit of an Empire Strikes Back on us and split the team up. Drax was reduced to comic relief and really didn't do ANY ass-kicking. The baby Groot thing got a little tiring and repetitive after a while too. Rocket and Yondu saved it for me, though.
I really loved that movie. The fight scenes were chaotic and gory. The whole story was dark. The tragedy of the slaughter they brought upon the family who invited them to stay for the night, and the guilt that the deteriorating Xavier carried with him, his insistence on staying there being just an unrealized example of how flawed his decision making had become. Heck, the guilt that Logan must have felt for not standing his ground against the dotard so obviously far fallen from his old professor.Logan - 10/10 - Not a perfect film. But it gets the nod from me for sentimental reasons. Great story and a fitting conclusion to Logan's story. Great idea teaming Logan up with Xavier and a kid on a road trip/exodus. Would have liked to have seen Sabretooth as the big bad in the end... but I'll forgive 'em. The action scenes are just brutal and what we SHOULD have got from Wolvie films from the jump.
My expectations going in were lower than yours....as you said most King books don't translate to the screen very well and I'm not much if a King fan. So, I was pleasantly surprised.IT
I'm not sure how I really felt about the film. First of all, I read the book shortly after it came out which is like 30 years ago so I only vaguely remember the story. And this is not the WHOLE story--just the kids story. I think it's a film I would have enjoyed more if I HAD read the book again. I won't post spoilers but there were some questions I had regarding certain things in the film and I'm sure that the book would have cleared them up. So I had a little confusion with some things.
I am not big on "kid" characters. First of all--films seldom pull that off realistically or effectively. They tend to read better than project better in a film. These characters seem to be kids I would more link to an era like the 50s than the 80s--and I checked wikipedia and the book takes place in the late fifties of their childhood years. Just having kids swear more doesn't really pull them into the 80s---and the town itself is really a town from the fifties. Maybe it would have been better to just let the story take place in that era. But the kids--each a sort of cliche as an outcast, is okay but feels dated.
I thought the child actors were very well cast and very talented. Adults are only peripheral characters in this story and most of them are dysfunctional in their own right. As the film progressed I sort of got used to the feeling that the characters were from a different era and just bought into the story.
As I said--the story itself would have been clearer to me had I read the book recently. If you have no familiarity with the story you'll have to satisfy yourself with the conclusion that , "that's just the way things are or this happens because it just does".
I never really felt the kids were as scared of Pennywise as they should have been. As an adult--I would run in the other direction as fast as I could to the nearest mental ward. But that would be a lousy story.
Pennywise and the actor who portrayed him, Bill Skarrsgard was great. I thought the film got that right. They also added a bit of humor to the character in just the right amount, walking a fine line between comedy and terror. Some of the horror scenes were very well done. And the film was well paced.
But it's really the story of the kids.
I read one review where the reviewer called it a sort of Steven Spielberg horror film and I get that. I thought that was a pretty good description. While there are some very dark scenes there is still a soft edge to it.
I really wanted to love this film.
I just liked it instead.
I really wished I had read the book before seeing it. I just have a feeling that anyone who did that would fall more to the "love" it side. You don't have to read the book. It's not THAT confusing. But I wish I had.
I think the Stephen King adaptation I loved the most, "The Shining" was one that King himself hated. I think most of his books have not translated particularly well to film. And I love his books.
There is a second film coming--the adult story. And I'll be in line to see it. And I hope I'll love it. But I looked at "IT" at a Barnes and Nobles the other day. HUGE book. I probably won't be reading it before seeing the next film.
This is not a bad film. I don't think it's a great film either.
My expectations were probably too high anyway and that's not usually good when you're going to see a film.
If you're a fan of horror I'd say to go check it out. What horror fan doesn't love scary clowns?
And Pennywise is scary.
I'll give it 7/10
Kept hearing about the girl on girl scene in it. Had my hopes up but it was only so so. The movie was pretty good though and Charlize is... well she's fucking Charlize Theron. She's my "free pass".Others have probably seen it already it might be posted in here as well. But I last night after the world series game watched Atomic Blonde. It's about spy games in Berlin around the time of the wall coming down. English, German, French and American spy agency's trying to get a list and trying to figure out who's stabbing who in the back and who somebody really is on the way to getting the list. Charlize Theron is amazing in it and the rest of the cast is good too. Liked this one a lot and I like Charlize with dark hair!
I'm liking the dark hairOthers have probably seen it already it might be posted in here as well. But I last night after the world series game watched Atomic Blonde. It's about spy games in Berlin around the time of the wall coming down. English, German, French and American spy agency's trying to get a list and trying to figure out who's stabbing who in the back and who somebody really is on the way to getting the list. Charlize Theron is amazing in it and the rest of the cast is good too. Liked this one a lot and I like Charlize with dark hair!