Punishment for Penn State

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Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
What are yalls opinion on it?

I would have levied the death penalty. It may take awhile, but I think a school with the tradition of Penn State will eventually overcome the penalties and work its way back into the top tier of football programs.

If there was ever a case to be made for the death penalty, this was it. IMO we will never see it again.


May 28, 2011
libertadrocks said:
What are yalls opinion on it?

I would have levied the death penalty. It may take awhile, but I think a school with the tradition of Penn State will eventually overcome the penalties and work its way back into the top tier of football programs.

If there was ever a case to be made for the death penalty, this was it. IMO we will never see it again.

Yeah, agreed... I mean you look at the punishment to USC a few years ago. Yes the Penn State punishment is "harsher" but it's not that much harsher.. 4 year ban, 40 scholarships lost, 5 years probation, as well as lost victories from 98-2011... USC had a 2 year ban, 30 scholarships lost, and 4 years probation as well as lost championship victories... But Penn State was covering up child molestation, USC just covered up taking money from an agent... I mean those two crimes are worlds apart in terms of how bad they are, and yet the punishment isn't that much worse?

Should have been the death penalty for sure. 98-2011? Okay, 13 year death penalty, at minimum.


Jun 25, 2010
This is just as bad as the death penalty imo. I think it will take at least a decade for them to overcome this if not more. Just don't see many recruits going even after the 4 year sanctions are over considering how awful they will be.
I thought the NCAA got it right (which is rarely the case) with this situation. Would absolutely suck to be a psu fan or alum. They put football ahead of the lives of kids so no sympathy from me.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I've been tryin to decide if this is enough or too much, and I don't agree with it. All the players had nothing to do w/ it, and all of a sudden the Ws they worked their ass off for are just gone? If it were me, those Ws would still be apart of me.

Fine, w/e, they can easily pay that off, a billion dollar university. But why should future coaches and players be punished? Why do they have to go through that? This is a criminal case and should be treated as such, not related to football. SMU paid football players and it was directly related to on field stuff. Penn State had off field stuff and nothing gave them an advantage. I guess what I'm trying to say is erasing Ws, getting rid of scholarships, and banned from bowl games isn't going to erase what Sandusky did and Paterno covered up, allegedly.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
I always feel bad for the players who's season just went to hell. They're free to leave, and I'm sure some of the better ones will, but still.
As for as the penalties on the school....Good for them!!!! For all I care they could have dropped them to Div.III for the next 10 years. I don't know which is more amoral the crime or the cover up.

I sleep better at night knowing Joe Pa is saving a special spot in hell for Sandusky.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
The real problem for the NCAA is that this punishment can and will be compared to other penalties--it already has been in this thread. By not striking down PSU's football program for however many years (min. 7 years), they stand a heinous crime against children right there with petty greed.

They've set a ceiling to boot. 5 years probation? They'll be second-guessed from the Coliseum to South Beach the next time they levy sanctions against the next offender. What college won't cry foul if they receive a 5-year probation?

Not related to football? Because Paterno and Sandusky were involved, men who were supposed to be setting examples of integrity for all their student-athletes, this has everything to do with football. That's one of the reasons why all those W's were vacated (and the NCAA didn't want a disgraced HC owning the record for most wins).


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I guess whether you think the punishment hurts or helps the kids is perspective, cuz IMO players who were trapped there by the NCAA rules and wanted out aren't any more and those who no other program would want still have a place to play, the coaches have jobs.
The loss of scholarships won't come off the top of the talent pool it will be off the bottom.
I have no problem with the ruling and there won't be a lawsuit because the university has agreed.
JMO the school has been punished with less than the worst possible loss of employment for innocent people.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
They deserved every penalty handed down and more.

I am especially pleased with the penalty that erased all of their games from the record books going back to 1998. That is the penalty that I believe truly punishes Paterno's cover-up to protect the program (and himself) the most. His family needs to shut the fuck up already,,, we all know what he really stood for now. This penalty pierced the heart of the demon, even in his grave.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Ram Quixote said:
Not related to football? Because Paterno and Sandusky were involved, men who were supposed to be setting examples of integrity for all their student-athletes, this has everything to do with football. That's one of the reasons why all those W's were vacated (and the NCAA didn't want a disgraced HC owning the record for most wins).

We've got 1 guy who did something disgusting and another who covered it up, they should be treated as criminal cases. Since Paterno is dead, any and everything that has his name on should be removed (statue, library, etc). It makes no sense to have players' Ws stripped. It didn't give them an on field advantage, and I don't think its fair that the players that poured blood, sweat, and tears on the field have their Ws just taken away.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
Selassie I said:
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.
What he said.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
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Selassie I said:
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.

Wow. I never even thought of that till now.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
JdashSTL said:
Selassie I said:
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.

Wow. I never even thought of that till now.
If the people in charge had done the right thing from the start, there still would have been people asking how long they knew about it. The irony is that the coverup was started because they hoped to avoid this, and the coverup made the entire situation exponentially worse.

Paterno might have survived being merely culpable in '98. There was no way he could remain as HC being complicit.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
My question.... will the penalization of PSU curtail this happening elswhere? What programs are being started college-wide to make sure the next Paterno puts the interests of the children-victims ahead of football and the school?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
JdashSTL said:
Selassie I said:
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.

Wow. I never even thought of that till now.

Me neither, but I still don't agree with the players that didn't know about it to be stripped of their Ws.

If it had been exposed earlier, and Paterno came clean, to me he would've been seen as doing the right thing. Meaning he saw it, reported it, and Sandusky would pay the consequence. Covering up just made it bad on Paterno.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
Angry Ram said:
JdashSTL said:
Selassie I said:
An on-field advantage WAS gained by the cover-up...

Don't think for a minute that recruiting wouldn't have been effected negatively if the actions of coach molester had been revealed at the time they were discovered.

Wow. I never even thought of that till now.

Me neither, but I still don't agree with the players that didn't know about it to be stripped of their Ws.

If it had been exposed earlier, and Paterno came clean, to me he would've been seen as doing the right thing. Meaning he saw it, reported it, and Sandusky would pay the consequence. Covering up just made it bad on Paterno.
I don't see it that way. Losing on a technicality doesn't erase the memories of winning. The players know what happened on the field. PSU, the coaching staff and the alumni (sans the student athletes) take that one on the chin. You won't hear any of the teams that were granted the reversal bragging about it either.