Nick Scott to Bengals

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Jan 14, 2013
Gratz to Scott, turned a position switch late in college to a likely special teams only player into a $12 million contract. Always good to hear stories of someone working from the bottom up.

Rams drafted several safeties last year with the knowledge that we would lose several this offseason. Rapp will likely go to New England it sounds like... thankfully.


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
Rapp will likely go to New England it sounds like... thankfully.


Probably the best news I heard thus far.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Mar 17, 2014
We don't know what the Rams offered him. Could be we offered as much but he wanted a change.


Jan 12, 2013
Like I said look at him first half vs second he was a different player. Trust me I was not a fan until I saw him turn it around. He's also a FA btw. Which might explain his better late play. So that is something to take into consideration.
The Horns need to move Rapp to LB. He is not a cover guy, but he can hit & tackle.


Jan 21, 2013
Only $4M/yr? We couldn't pay that? To re-sign a starting caliber safety? Seriously????

I've kept quiet all offseason but this is getting absolutely ridiculous...


Apr 30, 2015
Granted he had some big-time physical hits but, those were more isolated plays.

Like it or not his PFF grade was 54.2. He had a 79% completion rate against him.

He is not listed in the top 32 safeties here.

Not in the top 25 safeties here.

The Rams can replace Scott at a less expensive price.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Granted he had some big-time physical hits but, those were more isolated plays.

Like it or not his PFF grade was 54.2. He had a 79% completion rate against him.

He is not listed in the top 32 safeties here.

Not in the top 25 safeties here.

The Rams can replace Scott at a less expensive price.
He's a good dude and made a huge play for us that really shit all over the Niners and their fans. But he's far from irreplaceable like you point out.


May 16, 2019
What i hate is developing an UDFA into one of the better DBs only to allow him to walk while we keep slow Kendrick and undersized and not fast Jolly. Why? Because Morris likes slow unathletic DBs. Why do you think Durant and Rochell were benched in favor of Hill who can only play short or mid range zone and only passively.

I absolutely abhor how the DBs play under Morris. They stand in their zones like mannequins. Most receptions aren't contested. Yep let's get rid of any DB that would contest a reception like Ramsey and Scott the two best DBs on the field. What does that say about Morris?

If you watched Rapp at UW and under Phillips you saw him played correctly. Morris was clueless playing Rapp the way he did. Rapp isn't a safety you play 15-20 yds off the LOS. He's an in the box SS type of player. Phillips knew that and played him that way as a rookie and he excelled. Then along comes Morris and suddenly he's trash? All I can do is shake my head at all the criticism. If Morris wants to play a true two deep shell, then Rapp would fit that 10 yd mid field coverage DB. Too many times Morris had Rapp deep and that proved beyond all doubt that Morris doesn't know his roster. Not knowing his roster means he can't play to their strengths. Why didn't Morris know? The only reason is he never bothered to study the film of how his predecessor used players. That is pure ego nothing more. Coaches need film study as much as players.

It's not just scheme. It's how it's played. I don't care what scheme a DC uses if it's played aggressively it's better than anything played soft, i.e. passively. Morris plays waiting for an offensive mistake. That is just wrong. He should be playing to force that mistake. Staley did and it's why his defense with the Rams was #1 overall in the NFL. He waits until the opposition to be in FG range before he gets aggressive which is beyond belief. Think of how many more 3 and outs they would have. Morris is costing the offense possessions. He's allowing the opposition to control the clock. What a complete fool.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
What i hate is developing an UDFA into one of the better DBs only to allow him to walk while we keep slow Kendrick and undersized and not fast Jolly. Why? Because Morris likes slow unathletic DBs. Why do you think Durant and Rochell were benched in favor of Hill who can only play short or mid range zone and only passively.

I absolutely abhor how the DBs play under Morris. They stand in their zones like mannequins. Most receptions aren't contested. Yep let's get rid of any DB that would contest a reception like Ramsey and Scott the two best DBs on the field. What does that say about Morris?

If you watched Rapp at UW and under Phillips you saw him played correctly. Morris was clueless playing Rapp the way he did. Rapp isn't a safety you play 15-20 yds off the LOS. He's an in the box SS type of player. Phillips knew that and played him that way as a rookie and he excelled. Then along comes Morris and suddenly he's trash? All I can do is shake my head at all the criticism. If Morris wants to play a true two deep shell, then Rapp would fit that 10 yd mid field coverage DB. Too many times Morris had Rapp deep and that proved beyond all doubt that Morris doesn't know his roster. Not knowing his roster means he can't play to their strengths. Why didn't Morris know? The only reason is he never bothered to study the film of how his predecessor used players. That is pure ego nothing more. Coaches need film study as much as players.

It's not just scheme. It's how it's played. I don't care what scheme a DC uses if it's played aggressively it's better than anything played soft, i.e. passively. Morris plays waiting for an offensive mistake. That is just wrong. He should be playing to force that mistake. Staley did and it's why his defense with the Rams was #1 overall in the NFL. He waits until the opposition to be in FG range before he gets aggressive which is beyond belief. Think of how many more 3 and outs they would have. Morris is costing the offense possessions. He's allowing the opposition to control the clock. What a complete fool.
Scott was a 7th round pick not a UDFA.


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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Camp Reporter
Aug 16, 2014
I want to trust you so much, I really do. Because I like you a lot. But after seeing him boch 2 games against SF damn near single handedly at the end, and constantly be a liability for 85% of his career. I can't get on board with any kind of prioritizing of him.

I believe you 100% that he improved perhaps at the end, but his body of work doesn't justify anything pro-Rapp.
Yeah, I guess the Patriots and the Bengals don't know what they're doing by bringing him in......


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Camp Reporter
Aug 16, 2014
Only $4M/yr? We couldn't pay that? To re-sign a starting caliber safety? Seriously????

I've kept quiet all offseason but this is getting absolutely ridiculous...
Based on his performance last season? I think the Rams can do better in the Draft and with Fuller and Lake already on the roster.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
3yr, $12mil.


We can't even afford that shit for a damn nice safety.
Our safeties were shit and he was one of them. I don't think paying him would have been wise, even that contract. Rams have shown they can draft the position quite well and you can get them deep into every draft.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Morris likes slow unathletic DBs
FLASHBACK to Morris’ Job interview:

McVay - “So Raheem, what traits do you look for in your defensive backs?”.

Morris - “Slow and unathletic ones”.

McVay - “You’re hired!”.

Sounds about right.