An older grey haired man went into a jewelry store with his much younger girlfriend.
He tells the salesman "I want a special ring for my lady friend here. She deserves the best"
The salesman brings out a ring and says "This is one our finer rings valued at only $4,000 dollars."
The older man says "I said I wanted something special. You have anything better?"
The salesman goes into the back room and brings out a ring with a bigger diamond. "This is our very finest valued at $40,000 dollars"
The older man says "Perfect! I'll take it."
The salesman asks "How will you be paying for this sir?"
The older man says "I'll pay with a check. I know its late Friday and you'll be closed for the weekend. So I will make the check out and you can call the bank to verify funds. After its cleared I will pick it up on Monday".
The following Monday the very irritated salesman called the older man. "Sir, I checked with the bank and you have no money to pay for this check. Did you know you had no money?"
Older man replied "Yeah, I knew it. But I had one hell of a weekend".