I'm on day 26 of a Water Fast, and I've lost 45 pounds!

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
All my fat has gone to burning energy. One of the side effects of a water fast is zero sex drive. During famines people don't freak. Think about your typical Roman orgy scene...It's all feast and freak. Breasts, food, vagina's, and harem girls feeding grapes to horny Roman Generals. Pass the wine, watch the blonde twins, let's play twister!

PS. In my note above read freak as...sexual intercourse.

Due to the mod gig I have my word censor off so The F word is still the F word, but thanks for looking out for me. (y) What's interesting is that it does censor the words in a quoted reply.

The reason I asked about sex during your fast is because I've been thinking about doing a juice only fast for awhile. Now I may have to rethink that.


Jul 14, 2013
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  • #22
If you get sick your body can shutdown quickly tho.. I don't get why you're not having fruits and veggies. Or even beans. Health is health. I don't know if being malnourished is healthy lol

My body feels great. Please free to read about water fasting. You'll be surprised by the information.

Once I start eating again I plan on eating fish, fruit, and leafy veggies. I have a double degree in biology and nutrition. Your right health is health, but I gained too much weight, and when I was 20 I water fasted, and I loved it. People can water fast upwards of 90 days. I figure I'm at least half way thru my fast. I want to keep my body fat percentage between 9% and 12%. I have a plan for breaking my fast and not yo-yo-ing up and down.

Less than a month from not I will be squarely in your corner AnarchyRam! I will eat exactly the way you illustrated in your note. Thank you for your concern!


Jul 14, 2013
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  • #23
Due to the mod gig I have my word censor off so The F word is still the F word, but thanks for looking out for me. (y) What's interesting is that it does censor the words in a quoted reply.

The reason I asked about sex during your fast is because I've been thinking about doing a juice only fast for awhile. Now I may have to rethink that.

Juice fasts may be different, when it comes down to sex. I know juice fasts are used to heal, but since I've never been on a juice fast I can't comment further.


Jan 23, 2013
Your way is a great way to live. My wife is like you. I'm paying for my sins. I don't have any sugar issues but my wife does, and if she needs to eat, I better get her to a feeding trough fast or I will suffer the consequences!!! I admire your will power to eat small portions.

Well I have always had a high metabolism. In my younger days I ate obscene amounts of food. Ate like I was starved. I read in a weight lifting book about endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs. It said that your physique is determined by the length of your large intestine (something like that). The longer it is the more you absorb from your food...also the less frequently you go #2. Those guys gain weight too easy. The shorter it is the more your body wastes food because it isnt in there long enough to Get all the nutrients from it. The medium length is the best and are usually the physical specimens that can barely lift weights and look great with ease. I had never heard of that before but it made sense.

I too admire your commitment. I know it isn't easy because I am surrounded by dieters. My wife is on a sort of fruit diet because she hates her badonkadonk. I like it! And my in laws are obese and do the dieting yo yo thing a few times a year. They lose 40 lbs in a few months only to put it right back on. They make excuses to eat, like, if it is their vacation they can eat whatever they want and as much of it as they want because the point of vacation is to enjoy yourself. But, the point of vacation isn't to ruin all of your hard work! They will go to bed with a whole bag of chips and a soda. They eat it all too. One rule of thumb is to not eat late. I think they say eat supper at least 3 hours before bed. We follow that pretty closely. Despite what many believe we sleep better on an empty stomach . It is easier to reach REM sleep that way....which I won't do if I don't get to sleep.


Jan 23, 2013
I thought I had hypoglycemia but my blood sugar readings were always normal. But it turns out I have a stomach ulcer and it made my stomach feel tingly and slightly naseaus and a little fidgity. Since I started on nexium it's a LOT better. Also magnesium helps too. Couple of months ago I was having really bad palpitations where my heart would start pounding for no reason. It was scary. Ended up diagnosing it down to gastritis along with an ulcer as all other tests were normal. Long story, short you might try nexium for 2 weeks and see if it helps with those shakes.

I might try that.


May 4, 2014
My body feels great. Please free to read about water fasting. You'll be surprised by the information.

Once I start eating again I plan on eating fish, fruit, and leafy veggies. I have a double degree in biology and nutrition. Your right health is health, but I gained too much weight, and when I was 20 I water fasted, and I loved it. People can water fast upwards of 90 days. I figure I'm at least half way thru my fast. I want to keep my body fat percentage between 9% and 12%. I have a plan for breaking my fast and not yo-yo-ing up and down.

Less than a month from not I will be squarely in your corner AnarchyRam! I will eat exactly the way you illustrated in your note. Thank you for your concern!

Cool. I wish I had the money to eat really healthy. I find it expensive. Here in Oklahoma, seafood was never very big. But I've been really getting into low fat fresh tilapia or shrimp. I try to avoid beef and pork and pasta.


Jul 14, 2013
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  • #27
Cool. I wish I had the money to eat really healthy. I find it expensive. Here in Oklahoma, seafood was never very big. But I've been really getting into low fat fresh tilapia or shrimp. I try to avoid beef and pork and pasta.

Since I've been fasting our food bill has gone from 150 a week to 50 dollars a week. It's obvious I was eating more than my share. I also love white chicken meat, which is good for you. My wife loves beef and pork, but we stay away from the pasta. And I love my tilapia. I've been to Oklahoma, and your right seafood isn't very big, but I found a great sushi place in Tulsa at 1:00 AM in the morning. They even had a live Jazz band. So you never know...


Jul 14, 2013
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  • #28
Well I have always had a high metabolism. In my younger days I ate obscene amounts of food. Ate like I was starved. I read in a weight lifting book about endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs. It said that your physique is determined by the length of your large intestine (something like that). The longer it is the more you absorb from your food...also the less frequently you go #2. Those guys gain weight too easy. The shorter it is the more your body wastes food because it isnt in there long enough to Get all the nutrients from it. The medium length is the best and are usually the physical specimens that can barely lift weights and look great with ease. I had never heard of that before but it made sense.

I too admire your commitment. I know it isn't easy because I am surrounded by dieters. My wife is on a sort of fruit diet because she hates her badonkadonk. I like it! And my in laws are obese and do the dieting yo yo thing a few times a year. They lose 40 lbs in a few months only to put it right back on. They make excuses to eat, like, if it is their vacation they can eat whatever they want and as much of it as they want because the point of vacation is to enjoy yourself. But, the point of vacation isn't to ruin all of your hard work! They will go to bed with a whole bag of chips and a soda. They eat it all too. One rule of thumb is to not eat late. I think they say eat supper at least 3 hours before bed. We follow that pretty closely. Despite what many believe we sleep better on an empty stomach . It is easier to reach REM sleep that way....which I won't do if I don't get to sleep.

I envy people like you and my wife. High metabolisms. You are very blessed. I plan to keep my weight off this time. It's like I have a gun to my head, and I must keep the weight off. I will keep exorcising, perhaps fast 2 days a week, and most of all... allow myself ZERO excuses! Excuse have slowly eaten away at my life.


Jan 23, 2013
I envy people like you and my wife. High metabolisms. You are very blessed. I plan to keep my weight off this time. It's like I have a gun to my head, and I must keep the weight off. I will keep exorcising, perhaps fast 2 days a week, and most of all... allow myself ZERO excuses! Excuse have slowly eaten away at my life.

Everyone has something like that I think. For me it is to stay productive. I have to keep lists and look at them all of the time. I get very stressed when things pile up. I also have a habit of not finishing projects, because I make excuses. I get very close and then if it comes to a part that I am not familiar with I freeze up or get stymied because of the uncomfortableness of starting something new. For instance my dad always dreamt of having a big permanent grill in his yard. We would stop along the road and look at other grills for years. One year he decided to do it. It was a big process with a 4' footer and lots of block and he did most of it himself since I was always working and then got married and had kids and a family. I helped him here and there but he did most of it. There is a barbecue pit on one side a great big griddle in the middle and an old grill bonnet on the other end. It was all assembled and all there was to do was put the stone veneer on and rig up that grill bonnet. I do masonry so last summer and fall I laid the stone on the grill. We would work on Sundays for about 5 hours at a time. We got it all done except for the place in front of the grill bonnet. I had to figure out how to adapt what we built to this old cast grill housing. I was stuck. I found replacement parts but they still needed to be rigged up to fit. I put it off all Spring and Summer and football season is approaching so I thought I best get it done. After all of that hemming and hawing. I worked it out with a guy at the local hardware store and I got it all rigged up and working in about 4 hours! I put of finishing this grill and stressing about the next step for what essentially took a lousy 4 HOURS! That is typical. I need to kick myself in the pants more and just take the bull by the horns instead of making excuses. Maybe then I can finish some of my projects that I stress about everytime I see them. Like putting the trim in the bathroom that we remodeled that.....ONLY NEEDS THE TRIM! Or finish the painting in the laundry room that we remodelled that....only needs the painting finished! ( I hate painting for some reason).

In the end I think it just comes down to more positive thinking. You seem to really have the right attitude about losing weight and seem to be very positive about it. Keep it up and you have won most of the battle just with your mind set. I read a piece on the power of positive thinking and the limitations of negative thinking and it is amazing how just changing your mind set can open all kinds of new doors for us. There is also a book called 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. It does a great job of explaining why we hold ourselves back from change.


Jun 19, 2014
Just saying be careful, a water fast carefully can really jack with your metabolism especially if prolonged.

Also keep in mind some organs (ie the brain) prefer carbs to fats. Might make mental processing a bit harder and hamper rationalizing and reaction times.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
How can you go through the day with just water? Sounds ridiculous to me especially when you mention roman times with feasting and shagging. Now that sounds proper!


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I have co workers that do a version of this annually only with water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. They go anywhere from a few days to about 40 days and boy do they get strange when they get into the 30 day range. The mixture of cayenne and maple syrup gives them nutrients and acts as a master cleansing along with great weight loss I am told.
thanks for the info.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Have been enjoying your posts at your fitnessthroughfasting site. You have a real talent for writing. Humor mixed with keen insights. Hope you are doing well and that you enjoyed your vacation.


Jan 15, 2013
Once this week I went nearly 2 hours and 4 minutes without grabbing a hard candy I keep in my desk drawer at work.


Jul 14, 2013
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  • #37
Day 39- I weighed 173 this morning. One pound lost in 24 hour period. 57 pounds lost in 38 days.

Today is Jack Benny Day! For those of you whose memories don't travel that far back. Jack Benny was a famous radio and TV comedian of the early TV era. Jack had so much fun celebrating his 39th birthday that from that day on...No matter how old Jack Benny was, he always said, " I'm 39!" It was one of the longest running comedy gags in history. Jack Benny was also an accomplished violinist! So many funny people with the initials JB. Sarcastic Jack Black...Leader of comedy rock band Tenacious D. Let us not forget John Belush! Belushi could slice thick subway salami sandwiches in half with a Samurai sword! John Belushi was a true Blues Brother. So today's fast is for you...All you funny guys with the initials JB! If you got a glass of water...drink up!

Seriously. This fast is starting to get scary. I didn't sleep last night. I laid there squeezing what little fat is left on my tummy...thinking, " I'm squeezing fat into my bloodstream...Go away! Leave alone!" My wife woke up at 8:00 AM. I promptly fell fast asleep and slept till 2:30 PM. I woke up feeling like a squashed pickle. My wife drew me a hot bubble bath. Scoop up squashed pickle...Dip pickle in bubble bath. Soak...Rince...repeat.

Last night I read about the 1981 Irish Republican Hunger Strike. 10 Irishmen died. Look at this...

Over the summer of 1981, ten hunger strikers had died. Their names, paramilitary affiliation, dates of death, and length of hunger strike are as follows:

Name Paramilitary affiliationStrike startedDate of deathLength of strikeReason for imprisonment

Bobby SandsIRA1 March5 May66 daysPossession of a handgun
Francis HughesIRA15 March12 May59 daysVarious offences, including the killing of a soldier
Raymond McCreeshIRA22 March21 May61 daysAttempted murder, possession of a rifle, IRA membership
Patsy O'HaraINLA22 March21 May61 days Possession of a hand grenade
Joe McDonnellIRA8 May8 July61 days Possession of a firearm
Martin HursonIRA28 May13 July46 days Attempted murder, involvement in explosions, IRA membership
Kevin LynchINLA23 May1 August71 days Stealing shotguns, taking part in a punishment shooting
Kieran DohertyIRA22 May2 August73 days Possession of firearms and explosives, hijacking
Thomas McElweeIRA8 June8 August62 days Manslaughter
Michael DevineINLA22 June20 August 60 daysTheft and possession of firearms

The original pathologist's report recorded the hunger strikers' cause of death as "self-imposed starvation". This was later amended to simply "starvation", after protests from the dead strikers' families. The coroner recorded verdicts of "starvation, self-imposed".

Other participants in the hunger strike

Although ten men died during the course of the hunger strike, thirteen others began refusing food but were taken off hunger strike, either due to medical reasons or after intervention by their families. Many of them still suffer from the effects of the strike, with problems including digestive, visual, physical and neurological disabilities.

Name Paramilitary affiliationStrike startedStrike endedLength of strikeReason for ending strike

Brendan McLaughlinIRA14 May26 May13 days Suffering from a perforated ulcer and internal bleeding
Paddy QuinnIRA15 June31 July47 days Taken off by his family
Laurence McKeownIRA29 June6 September70 days Taken off by his family
Pat McGeownIRA9 July20 August42 days Taken off by his family
Matt DevlinIRA14 July4 September52 days Taken off by his family
Liam McCloskeyINLA3 August26 September55 days, His family said they would intervene if he became unconscious
Patrick SheehanIRA10 August3 October55 days, End of hunger strike
Jackie McMullanIRA17 August3 October48 days, End of hunger strike
Bernard FoxIRA24 August24 September32 days, Suffering from an obstructed kidney
Hugh CarvilleIRA31 August3 October34 days, End of hunger strike
John PickeringIRA7 September3 October27 days, End of hunger strike
Gerard HodginsIRA14 September3 October20 days, End of hunger strike
James DevineIRA21 September3 October13 days, End of hunger strike

I can understand how they starved themselves to death. Something about these long water fasts begats more fasting. What a great support group! A bunch of rebellious Irishmen. They probably starved and laughed themselves to death. I'm beginning to understand. I can see Starvation Mountain on the horizon. It doesn't scare me enough. I'm loosing it. My wife is scared. Something about the fast makes you want to go further and further into it. Like a Greek Siren, suddenly Death seems pretty and has a great singing voice.
My sleep cycle is completely screwed. I'm not drinking a gallon and a half of cold water anymore... like in the beginning. I'm down to six glasses a day. I'm afraid if I go lift weights in the gym again, I will pass out and go to the emergency room. My wife says, " My personality has changed." Cue Scotty from Star Trek..." I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!" The center will not hold... You know Nikolai Gogol author of "The Overcoat" ( a great story to read before committing suicide), starved himself to death... fascinated with a religious fast he found himself too deep into to extricate himself from.

"What are you doing?" My wife says..
.I say, " I'm reading about all my hero's!
She screams, " All your hero's are dead Ramsey! When will this end?"
I scream back, " Sam Bradford is out for the season! What else is there to do but starve myself! "

I'm falling thru voluminous layers of fat, approaching critical speed, and I can see What's coming up fast to smack me in the face! My Sugar Trampoline! Sounds like a pet name for your lover. But no it's not! It's my pet name for the yoyo effect fasting pupils like me fall into when they Breakfast and start eating again. When I breakfast, I will concrete over my Sugar Trampoline with Powdered Whey Protein and Water. I know it's not the usual way, but it makes me laugh and I want to do it. I will leave an extended water fast only to enter a powdered whey protein diet. Why not? I won't gain any weight. Whey protein is Way better and make you Weigh less....Bwahh-ah-ah-ah

Until then...Damn the Torpedoes! The Fast moves on! Those Greek Sirens are irresistible! Tra-la-la- La- la!

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it I can sing it for you. "

Daisy, Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
Of a bicycle built for two !

Ramsey Glissadevil



Jan 15, 2013
Sounds like things are getting strange. Your wife is saying your personality has changed. Probably some truth to this, even if you are not seeing it..
"You know Nikolai Gogol author of "The Overcoat" ( a great story to read before committing suicide), starved himself to death... fascinated with a religious fast he found himself too deep into to extricate himself from."
This quote made me laugh....a great story to read before committing suicide....anyway, like anything this can become addicting. If the mind really does change it cannot see some things right in front of it sometimes.
Like a hoarder complaining about someone moving a piece of furniture when their entire house is about to be condemned. The idea of not doing something to attain a goal is much more Eastern I think.
It will be interesting to see if your metabolism has been changed once you start eating again.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Sounds like a book about this for you in the future. Hope it has a happy ending. My wife struggled with anorexia for many years. I finally put her in a rehab in LA which brought her out of her nosedive. What you are writing seems eerily familiar. All the best to you on your journey.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I got tired of being over weight, so I started water fasting. I don't feel hungry, and I've been working out. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. I weighed 230 when I started my water fast ( No food, just water and carbonated water), and now I weigh 185. I'll fast for at least 40 days, maybe more.

If you want to read my fasting journal click on the following link...


I've got a biology degree, and I try to share tips to make fasting easier. My Fasting journal is part of a Site dedicated to all things fasting. This water fast has turned my life around. My skin has cleared up, my nails look like they belong to a 20 year old ( I'm over 50), the rough spots on the bottom of my feet are completely gone...Too many great things have happened to mention here. If your interested in fasting, and want to ask me any questions ask away... Or go and read my daily journal where I cover supplements, hormonal changes, weight lifting, aerobics, yoga, and Pilates, among other things.

Once the regular season starts, I will start posting all things Rams...Sam Bradford's performance against
Green Bay encouraged me greatly.
Are you salting regularly? Not the NaCl they sell you, but real salt?

Also, are you filtering your water of flouride & chloramine, otherwise, you're not doing your thyroid any favors?