I'm freakin sick of shootings

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The latest one happened yesterday at a Best Buy I go to often. I was actually there a few days ago. Dude drives by it, yells at another guy and just fires like 9 rounds at the store. It was gang related. IDK I'm just tired of it, seems like every week there is a new shooting. Hell there was also another wild west shoot out at an apartment complex only about half a mile from my house. Then that one that happened behind my house. Oh and don't forget about that string that made national news. And of course, the north part of town that no one goes to unless they live there. Pretty much all gang related.


May 28, 2011
Man, where do you live? We don't even have that many shootings here in LA. At least not close to me...

I'm with you though, I hate how everyone in America wants to resort to guns first and foremost. I know people who think a gun should be the first thing you go for in a time of trouble, that's downright scary. I carry, and I'll do anything I can not to use it, I don't even want them to know I have it.

Just a shame really. I'm all for the second amendment, I just wish that people would be smarter about them.. It seems anytime you want to educate someone though they start screaming about their rights instead of just listening though.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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Tulsa, OK. It's pathetic and for some reason there have been a lot more this year. I'm with you on the 2nd amendment, except these people aren't smart. No matter who is the victim (like the grandfather with his 4 year old daughter at Best Buy), they don't care. If I ever get one (and I probably will when I own my house) it'll be for home protection only.

Speakin of the 2nd amendment, Oklahoma's wonderful government is allowing open conceal at the end of the year. That's gonna be fun. :neh:


Jun 25, 2010
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.


May 28, 2011
Yeah, having a firearm for home protection isn't a bad thing. I usually don't carry, because I'm in a pretty safe area. But I do have to carry for work, and technically I'm supposed to even around home.. But I just don't think I need to pack when getting ice cream from the grocery store.

One of the things I liked about Europe. Sure there's crime and violence, but generally speaking you don't see it like you do here. Last year in Germany the police shot 85 bullets (not including training, or putting down animals), 49 warning, 36 on persons (15 suspects were wounded, 6 killed).... Even though Germany's population is much smaller than the US (about 80 million) that number is insanely low. Especially when you think about that Arizona SWAT team that killed that former Marine when they shot over 70 bullets at him, hitting him over 20 times... Which is disturbing because SWAT is supposed to be elite Police Forces, and they shot at him 70 times down a hallway and only hit him 20 times... Plus the guy didn't even shoot at them, one just had a misfire, causing them all to panic.

Sad really. Priorities are all messed up it seems, everyone is shoot first, figure it out later.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Angry Ram said:
Speakin of the 2nd amendment, Oklahoma's wonderful government is allowing open conceal at the end of the year. That's gonna be fun. :neh:

Please tell me that's not what they're calling it. That's like Jumbo Shrimp. I'll be interested to see how it works out though. I'm not sure you will really see any problems from the people carrying the gun in the open. They are not allowed to be menacing with it after all. You might have some people reacting poorly - not sure.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
superfan24 said:
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.

Doesn't your state and Chicago in general have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation?


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
RamFan503 said:
superfan24 said:
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.

Doesn't your state and Chicago in general have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation?
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Thordaddy said:
RamFan503 said:
superfan24 said:
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.

Doesn't your state and Chicago in general have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation?
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.

Drug prohibition for what? I can understand making marijuana legal, and I can certainly understand lowering the legal limit for alcohol to eighteen, but there's no way in hell I could get behind making anything else legal.


Jun 25, 2010
Thordaddy said:
RamFan503 said:
superfan24 said:
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.

Doesn't your state and Chicago in general have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation?
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.

Ironic isn't it. Rahm Emmanuel claims to be all over the violence, but it only continues to get worse and worse with 8-12 year old's being the most likely victims.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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But that is Chicago, a city 10X the population of Tulsa (obviously exaggerating). Hey how many of those happen at that hot dog joint, the one where the employees talk trash to you? You know the one where they offer a "chocolate milkshake."

Tulsa used to be such a safe city (relatively speakin of course) now it is just gettin worse by the day.

And it's the open carry law. Gotta have a state license, only then you can be packin. Like that's gonna stop anybody. :nono:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Thordaddy said:
RamFan503 said:
superfan24 said:
Welcome to Chicago where you can be assured to wake up to headlines EVERY SINGLE MORNING to how many people where wounded/killed in overnight shootings. It does seem to be way up this summer and year. The victims, as you said, are rarely the targets of the shootings either.
Absolutely pathetic that some people just don't get it shootings do not solve anything.

Doesn't your state and Chicago in general have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation?
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.

Yeah - the drug prohibition thing is a tough one. Some of that shit is just too destructive to society for me to be behind legalizing it. We spend billions each year on the war on drugs with virtually no signs of success. We create crime in the streets by making drugs so damn valuable. I think there is little doubt of that. But do we let meth run its course for example? That is such a quickly destructive drug that I can't see making it legal for one second.

And with that said, I am not into the gov't regulating it and taxing weed. Anyone who thinks that is really going to net the country great gains in revenue must either work for the gov't or get paid by it in some other fashion. Pot is called weed for a reason. Any idiot can grow it. The government will spend more regulating it and develop yet more expensive agencies than they could ever hope to recoup with taxes from the sweet leafy green.

As to the gun issue. I have several guns including some that that idiot Rockefeller would have termed "assault weapons". People can say what they will about the 2nd Amendment partly because they have the 1st Amendment. But when people use the argument that it is only there to maintain a militia, they ignore not only the beliefs and writings of most of the Crafters but the fact that every Amendment deals with individual rights. Are we to believe that the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY Amendment that is a group right?

Bye the way, I have never used my guns to assault anyone and have only raised ONE to protect my home. Oddly enough, that was my 30-30 lever action because I knew that for that situation, loudly racking that shell was likely all the deterrent I needed. It was.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Thordaddy said:
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.
Kinda hard to do when it's the gov't who is running the drugs.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
interference said:
Thordaddy said:
Yes they do,I love the declaw the cat and expect him to survive in the jungle mentality.
I Love the fact that Jay Rockefeller one of our nations biggest gun control advocates owns "assault weapons" and artfully crafted term dontchathink?

End drug prohibition and the shootings will diminish exponentially.
Kinda hard to do when it's the gov't who is running the drugs.

Thank you. That needed saying.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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So update...the Best Buy person got caught today.

Meanwhile, another shooting happened this morning and that whole area (near a library I sometimes go) was blocked, about a square mile. Luckily they caught the guy quickly. Oh and a toddler was grazed in a seperate shooting yesterday.



Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
Angry Ram said:
So update...the Best Buy person got caught today.

Meanwhile, another shooting happened this morning and that whole area (near a library I sometimes go) was blocked, about a square mile. Luckily they caught the guy quickly. Oh and a toddler was grazed in a seperate shooting yesterday.


So I'm considering Tulsa U for my masters degree. You kinda have me possibly reprioritizing my options. lol

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #17
libertadrocks said:
Angry Ram said:
So update...the Best Buy person got caught today.

Meanwhile, another shooting happened this morning and that whole area (near a library I sometimes go) was blocked, about a square mile. Luckily they caught the guy quickly. Oh and a toddler was grazed in a seperate shooting yesterday.


So I'm considering Tulsa U for my masters degree. You kinda have me possibly reprioritizing my options. lol

TU is in a secluded (for a college) and good area. Hardly anyone that isn't a student goes there, unless its a Jenks/Union football game. The majority of these shootings happen in north Tulsa where all low income people live.