GOT Season6

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
I imagine I'll get flack for this, but I thought the episode was meh
Totally predictable, and cliché which is not what I would expect out of GOT

Nah I agree with you....but they backed themselves into a corner. They couldn't have Jon die at this point, which kind of tells us what will happen in this battle - the cool thing about this episode was the Lord of the Rings style battle scene, and seeing the dragons in action - those were a bit unusual for GoT.

But because everything was so predictable, I think some crazy shit is going down next week. They are setting it up for Cersei to activate/release the Wildfire, which she would likely be driven to if Tommen were to die.

So my prediction for next week is that somehow, Tommen dies and Cersei flies completely off the handle (not that she was really on the handle, so to speak..) - the siege at Riverrun is over, so maybe Jamie comes back and is forced to kill her just like he was Aerys.

Also, I think Varys finally goes to do what he does at the end of book 5, which I like.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I think I held my breath the whole time wondering how he was going to survive... IF he was going to survive.
Haha being very claustrophobic I watched him getting run over and buried through my hands covering my eyes.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Haha being very claustrophobic I watched him getting run over and buried through my hands covering my eyes.

I was in a scary situation once that reminded me of that sort of thing. In 1980 some friends and I went down to the Vet in Philly to get tickets to the world series. There was no organization to the thing so when the ticket windows opened there was just a huge mob that pushed toward the building. No lines--just a blob--a mass of humans. My two friends and I got separated as this mass shoved and squeezed.

It was so tight(and this is not an exaggeration) that I could literally lift my legs off the ground and would not fall--I was wedged in between people. People were passing out from the heat of all these bodies together and some got sick and we would take people and lift them above our heads and let them ride an ocean of arms to get out of the middle.

Then the real pushing started and the whole ocean just went forward and the people in the front were getting crushed against the ticket windows.You felt yourself sway and knew you could go down any time and if you did--good luck getting up. Totally helpless feeling.

One of my friends was a few people in front of me and the other guy and said if he got to the window he'd get all the tickets. Well, finally they opened the windows and people had to get their tickets and fight their way out. As it loosened up a bit I just made my way out little by little. Finally got out of it.

But man--what a horrible, helpless feeling.

One oddly humorous thing stuck with me though. In the midst of all this congestion there was a huge overweight dude(maybe 380) who had this thermos of coffee or something and as this thing was moving back and forth he would be trying to pour himself a drink. Stuff was spilling everywhere. I kept thinking to myself: seriously?

I'll never forget it.


Jan 14, 2013
I liked the way they showed the total chaos and complete luck of a battle like that. People didn't survive those kinds of battles because they were better or stronger it was just pure damn luck... well unless your a pussy like Ramsay and sit in the back at least. Was probably one of the better depicted battles of that kind I've seen on screen, tv or theatre.

Having said that, I really don't like how they kinda made Jon look like a gullible idiot. Ramsay played him completely and his complete luck is the only reason he survived. Also, zig zag Rickon you dumbass.

Secondly, I'm not sure what to make of Sansa now. I liked her getting to listen to Ramsay get torn apart and that she finally won one. But she also basically used Jon as a pawn which she shouldn't have had any reason to believe he'd survive. She's also naive still if she doesn't think Littlefinger doesn't want her hand in marriage after this. I know there was a brief scene where she tells Jon that he should listen to her advice but she could have like... I don't know... told him she had a gigantic army of the best badasses in Westeros coming to the battle also. After Jon tried to save Rickon he could have simply ran back to his lines and had a proper fight with archer support while the Vale jammed it up their rears and they would have saved a ton of the wildlings lives probably.

But I know that wouldn't have been dramatic enough. I'm just curious where they'll take Sansa after this because it'll be a shame if she turns back into the victim again.


Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Psycho, I was shouting exactly the same thing. Duck and weave, zig zag. Whatever it takes.
Yeah, and to make matters worse, Jon was looking right at him and saw the arrows coming. How about a "Break left Rickon!!!" "Break right Rickon!!"
So dumb, he just sat there and did nothing more than to run to him.


Jan 14, 2013
Ok this is hillarious if you know the whole history of the Leroy Jenkins joke. NSFW language.



Jan 23, 2013
I dunno that Cersei is a great character lol. Lena Headley plays her to perfection but she has been pretty static, never growing or learning from her mistakes. Just getting crazier. If it wasn't for the mountain zombie always being around, she'd be a bit of a bore. Easy to see where Goeffrey, besides the incest factoring into his genes, got his childish pettiness from.

Grandma Tyrell? Now she's a beast.

Anyway, who else keeps finding it ironic that Jamies kids are the biggest weakling pushovers over? One of the greatest swordsman in the story... Sires whimps.

If the Starks weren't loyal to a terrible fault, I can't see how they wouldn't demolish the Lannisters quite easily. The only one of the brood not a badass or grew to be pretty clever, was Rickon and he turned into arrow fodder.

Jaime is intelligent but always seemed to be a bit of a wimp to me. He was his father's and Cersei's bitch. No surprise that his boys were mommy boys.


May 19, 2014
I enjoyed it, despite the predictable parts. I do wish Wun Wun had survived though. Last of his kind and all you know.

Imagine WunWun with a Valyrian Steel Sword made for his size.

WhiteWalker bitch slap after WhiteWalker bitch slap.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Yes the episode was predictable, but still was amazing. Both the Denerys storyline and especially the Battle of the Bastards. We all figured how the Battle of the Bastards was gonna go, and thats the issue, 90% of the time what we all think will happen, wont. This episode it did. But episode 10 now, that one is gonna be a total mind fuck(I predict at least). They give us an episode that goes how we expect and ends in happy ever after, and now we will get an episode where shit hits the fan and goes in ways we never thought it could. Its gonna be a mind fuck!!
Last edited:


May 19, 2014
Have to say. Hope Margery survives. She knows quite well how to play the game. She's got Tommen under thumb. And the religious wankers under thumb.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Have to say. Hope Margery survives. She knows quite well how to play the game. She's got Tommen under thumb. And the religious wankers under thumb.
In the end I think she'll die. Seems like the honest good hearted folk are set to take over the 7 kingdoms, and if you aren't honest your gonna die.

I see Jaime, sander, brienne, Davos, and many others surviving because they are honest people, regardless of them being good or not.

Marbury though....she lies and does what she needs to. She's basically a young Cercei. Both will die.