Game of Thrones: Season 8

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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
Worst episode ever written... extremely disappointed


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I thought I was going to be an absolute hater when Sam Tarley rose and said there should be a democratic method in deciding a King. THAT would have been totally unrealistic BS and would have ruined it for me. I loved that they all laughed at the idea, but then chose a King who can have no heir.

That's a recipe for instability and revolution in a generation or two. Most likely Bran outlives the wardens of the six kingdoms. I did not see that Bran would become King, but I did see that Sansa would be Queen, but not of an independent Kingdom of the North. I didn't think that Jon or Dani would rule, but I DID think Jon would end up with the Wildings! I also said that Arya would go West.

Someone, pat my back....:LOL:


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
They need to continue...New writers new chapters. New image. There is so much more. Can’t just leave it at that....


Jan 13, 2013
Not a big fan of the Happy ending.

But it's hard to knock what became the highest rated TV series ever.

I Think people got spoiled by what became the new standard for TV greatness.

The Acting, Cinematography, Musical score and Writing before the final episode were in my book unmatched by any thing created before.

I suspect the prequel is going to be pretty awesome as well. I've heard some of the backstory and it is really cool along with a much bigger black dragon that allowed the Targaryans to conquer Westros.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Not a big fan of the Happy ending.

But it's hard to knock what became the highest rated TV series ever.

I Think people got spoiled by what became the new standard for TV greatness.

The Acting, Cinematography, Musical score and Writing before the final episode were in my book unmatched by any thing created before.

I suspect the prequel is going to be pretty awesome as well. I've heard some of the backstory and it is really cool along with a much bigger black dragon that allowed the Targaryans to conquer Westros.
Give Drogon another Century of growth and he will be known as Drogon the Dread!


Jan 13, 2013
Give Drogon another Century of growth and he will be known as Drogon the Dread!

The Black Dragon was named Balerion. Here are a few quotes that describe him..

Balerion's scales[2] and wings[10][11][12] were black, as was the fire he breathed.[2] Balerion's great gouts of black flame,[12] when he was in the fullness of his power, could melt steel and stone,[13] and fuse sand into glass.[14]

Balerion was the largest of all the Targaryen dragons since
Aegon's Conquest. His wingspan was so large that his shadow could engulf entire towns when he passed overhead

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and checked out the spoilers of what happened and got the "throne".Keep in mind I have no idea who's who. OK then.

But it has made some HILARIOUS internet comments. Well worth reading lol.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
That finale was complete and total sea cucumber vomit.

To call it vile excrement would insult vile excrement.

Too many issues to count.

Arya, arguably the best fighter ON THE PLANET... just wanders in the wake of Drogon's ashes and... sails off into the west... wtf?

Jon ends up with the Watch? That level of circuitous writing wouldn't be looked favorably if written by a new comic, let alone seasoned writers of drama.

Dani... seems to have made up her mind SEVERAL TIMES that Jon is a threat. But there she is like in a damned romance novel trying to get him to see things her way. They both KNOW clearly where they stand. Even Jon, who finally has to admit to himself what he's known since she burned the city, knew where they stood.

Brann as king? So I guess we're supposed to ignore the whole damned point of the Three Eyed Raven? M'kay, I guess. I mean, we ignored all the prophecies and character arcs, so why not?

Hell, it would have made more sense for Jon to go north of the wall to join the Wildlings... and be surrounded by the Children of the Forest...and made into the new Night King.

It was 90 minutes that could have been 45...and a really shitty 45 at that.

Drogon blasting the Iron Throne? Why? Are we to believe that the dragons know history and know the importance of the Iron Throne? On sight, never having seen it before, seeing his Queen mother dead...he just...melts what she came to take?

I dunno. I really didn't get to involved with the GoT hate during this season and was letting most of the stuff run off my back. After the penultimate episode, It was clear that they'd completely lost any hold of the story and its many threads.

There have been series that were cancelled and had one 30 or 60 minute episode to wrap everything up and almost to a series, they did a better job than the two bozos who were in charge of essentially taking over for GRR Martin.

I've seen the Sopranos and I'm watching it again. Really enjoying it. There are several HBO/Showtime series that I've seen and am happy to watch again.

I will NEVER watch GoT again...why? Because when you know how it all ends and it's this badly written (the acting throughout has been superb), there's no point. I mean, unless you only plan to watch the first 6 seasons and then sigh and go..."and the rest was crap. What are we binging next?" Honestly, the first six seasons were some of the best content I've ever watched. The last two seasons were among the worst.

The upside is that I REALLY want to read the books.

But thanks to these jackasses, the Star Wars upcoming project is basically dead to me because these asshats couldn't write their way out of a wet paper bag.

I know I'm salty, but we spent 6 years being thrilled with some of the best TV ever. They WANT viewers to connect. Well, we connected. So hearing the bitching, whining and complaining from GoT defenders has gotten old. The alternative is that we become purely transactional and at the first bad episode...dumped.

Pretty sure that's not what they want.

Bottom line: TL;dr... Benioff and Weiss aren't 1/100th the writers that GRR Martin is and they turned sublime into sealshit in record time. Damned shame.

Maybe we should start a thread of the all time greatest wastes of talent/original content. GoT Seasons 7/8 would HAVE to make the top 10.

Edit: I did call it. This episode woulda been 10 times better if they just did a Comic Con style panel and left the series end with the burning of the city. Almost ANYTHING woulda been better than the ending they chose. FREAK. I didn't think it possible to get this worked up about how bad it would be, but.... yeah, totally am.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013

I disagree. Other than the super expected and linear Jon killing Dani moment... When I posted what I thought would happen, I gave the writers WAY too much credit. I should have known that when they ignored the prophecies and let Cersei and Jaime just die in some falling rubble that the end was going to be complete crap. I mean, my wife watches a TON of Hallmark and at their worst, I've not seen them screw up an ending this badly (and there have been some real stinkers)

The episode essentially tried to take us all back to the first season except moving Winterfell to Kings Landing. If GRR Martin was playing 3D chess, Benioff and Weiss were in the corner eating their checkers.

The more I think about the possibilities, the more upset I get at how much potential was squandered.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I'm certainly happy that my investment was only in watching a TV show and not the stock market. After 7 seasons and a rewarding return, season 8 turned it all into an epic market crash.


Jun 11, 2017
I thought I was going to be an absolute hater when Sam Tarley rose and said there should be a democratic method in deciding a King. THAT would have been totally unrealistic BS and would have ruined it for me. I loved that they all laughed at the idea, but then chose a King who can have no heir.

That's a recipe for instability and revolution in a generation or two. Most likely Bran outlives the wardens of the six kingdoms. I did not see that Bran would become King, but I did see that Sansa would be Queen, but not of an independent Kingdom of the North. I didn't think that Jon or Dani would rule, but I DID think Jon would end up with the Wildings! I also said that Arya would go West.

Someone, pat my back....:LOL:
:fighting: or :deadhorse:

Sorry - best I can do with the emogis available


Jan 14, 2013
Writing was weak all season. Can’t deny that. If they had good writing they should have had a season 9. Shot both season 8&9 at same time but split them into 6 or 7 episodes like AMC loves to do. Season 8 would be completely about the night king battle and Cersei putting her pieces in place to fight the winner. Season 9 would be about Dany’s spiral into bitterness (she didnt really go mad queen insane, she was just bitter at the fucking world and didn’t trust anyone except herself cause everyone she trusted was dead). Could have been two epic seasons with good writing.

But instead we got a rushed, watered down version of GoT. The good was that at least Tyrion survived. And the cinematographers were artists the whole season. Holy shit there were some amazing shots this year. None more awesome than the below shot. Overall, not the worst finale I’ve ever seen. But pretty meh.


PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
I am trying very very hard to accept the ending. The characters were some if the best characters ever put on film. The directing and acting was incredible.

If I could describe the last season I would say: rushed into random outcomes.

I have many many problems with it. Too many to list right now.

So I will try to be positive.

Bran is not really king.

Tyrian is.

Tyrian used him and Bran allowed it.

Tyrian really runs things.

That's kind of okay. Not what I wanted but...okay.

Jon is not where he SHOULD be but probably where he wants to be. Good for him.

Dany ended where she had to end. Yes--way too rushed. But she stayed on path.

So that is it.

Game over.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
So it’s settled then, we ALL Loved it!:rockon:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
So I am left with just a couple questions....
1) the Grey worm says Jon Snow stabbed Dani in the heart. So was he there? Jon just up and admitted it? Cmon...
2) Tyrion- guilty of treason, hands over his title of Hand and comes out of prison to decide how a king should be chosen and who it should be? And they all just listen and agree?? Mkay...
3) last we saw Jaime and Cersei they were being buried under an avalanche of rubble, but the imp climbs over a few rocks, sees Jaime hand and unearths them by lifting 2 LEGO bricks from them?? Good grief...
4) lastly, ok so enough time has passed that Jon can grow a full beard but in that same time they can magically repair the freakin wall that the Night King destroyed? “Hey night watch, I know there’s a gaping hole 50 feet to our right that you could drive 20 tractor trailers thru, but let’s just use this gate at the bottom because it’s REALLY cool”
Pull on my other leg and it plays jingle bells...