Fmr Browns coach Rutigliano: "relaxing NFL rules on marijuana would be a 'catastrophe"

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Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Well hell any freedom that doesn't deny you your's of course. I think "we hold that truth to be self evident".

Can you explain the rest of the post cuz your composition leaves me uncertain what you are saying.

Yeah, that was pretty poorly stated. I was trying to say that the adult use of recreational or medicinal marijuana is not the sort of thing that should be criminalized.
I believe in freedom and the personal responsibility that comes along with it.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Yeah, that was pretty poorly stated. I was trying to say that the adult use of recreational or medicinal marijuana is not the sort of thing that should be criminalized.
I believe in freedom and the personal responsibility that comes along with it.
Thanks ,I was hoping that was what you were saying,cuz that's exactly where I stand,there are behaviors that people can engage in when using drugs that are inherently criminal and I am wholeheartedly in favor of penalizing them , but if you can use and maintain, ain't nobody else's business

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Video games do not. Some people claim they do. They are wrong.

Weak willed people and their white knights (particularly ones who get paid for doing so) throw out the "addiction" label in order to blame the media rather than the person when the person doesn't know when to turn off the game and go do real life stuff for a while.

A bit of a rant, but it's a huge pet peeve of mine.
What happens when they don't know how to put down the remote/keyboard? Addiction you say?


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
What happens when they don't know how to put down the remote/keyboard? Addiction you say?
Nope. Weak will.

And blaming the media rather than the person just enables that weak will.

Things you actually take that introduce external chemicals to your system can cause addiction. You don't smoke, drink or snort a video game.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
Nope. Weak will.

And blaming the media rather than the person just enables that weak will.

Things you actually take that introduce external chemicals to your system can cause addiction. You don't smoke, drink or snort a video game.
Then what's the argument for a sex addict?
You don't smoke drink or snort sex do you?


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Then what's the argument for a sex addict?
You don't smoke drink or snort sex do you?
I'd call that weak will as well... as well as a "gambling addict".

It's just that we have people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions, and "professionals" who make money by enabling them.

The Rammer

ESPN Draft Guru
Sep 15, 2011
I'd call that weak will as well... as well as a "gambling addict".

It's just that we have people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions, and "professionals" who make money by enabling them.
Unfortunately that is classified as addiction sir, regardless of the device.
Go ask Jefferey Dahmer ;)


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Unfortunately that is classified as addiction sir, regardless of the device.
Go ask Jefferey Dahmer ;)
Wrongfully so.

But, at this point, it's down to "Nuh uh!" "Uh huh!". Agree to disagree on this one? :)


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
I will agree to disagree if you post a nice booty pic in the pirate booty thread ;) lol
After further reflection, I am using my non-existent power to make this the official way to settle any and all otherwise unresolvable debates on this board.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Except of course this is not an unresolvable debate ,certainly unanimity of opine is something which can not ever be achieved,but the idea that no opinions have moved one way or another due to this civil discourse I say is erroneous.

That we have branched out into some subjects afield of the original is possibly unfortunate ,but in view of the growing number of legislatures recognizing pot for it's medicinal benefits along with the clear media bias against it ( each time they report an "overdose" and the report nothing about alcohol overdose it's apparent there is an agenda or why single it out)BTW according to this sight none eventuated in death
while 25,000 alcohol ODs resulting in death occur each year.
If pot use doubled and the overdoes fatality rate for it doubled along with it that'd still be zero!

This may be my final post in this thread ,dunno but I'd like to say the one good thing that may come from Bob Irsay and his drug issues is the realization by the owners that they are as human and as vulnerable to their hypocritical drug policy as the players and if they don't get their heads out of their asses soon they could just have themselves a wildcat strike ,I'd bet if the NFLPA held a wildcat strike NOW and demanded that the owners take all the same drug tests the players do the owners would quickly move to have the CBA opened and amended.

I'll bet anything there are several owners who indulge in a lil herb from time to time. Why wouldn't they ?
I'd go a million ROD bucks on that.

BTW if ya smoked in your youth and eventually achieved remarkable success in your life later on and you oppose legalizing it ,doesn't that demonstrate how much superior to others you consider yourself ,how little faith you have in the judgement of others,I know of a very powerful accomplished man who brags about his drug exploits as a teen and beyond yet steadfastly opposes legalization.
I suppose the idea that his experience was an anomaly because he ,of course , is special ,anointed, elite somehow,nah ,he's hypocrite. He shall go unnamed but anyone who wants to know who I'm talking about can ask in a PM.
Last edited:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I don't agree with the addictive personality theory, I do agree with the passionate personality that goes all in on things even self destructive ones

They could possibly be one and the same. It's just a matter of definition.

Video games do not. Some people claim they do. They are wrong.

Weak willed people and their white knights (particularly ones who get paid for doing so) throw out the "addiction" label in order to blame the media rather than the person when the person doesn't know when to turn off the game and go do real life stuff for a while.

A bit of a rant, but it's a huge pet peeve of mine.

While I attended AA meetings and observed the people there over a period of 13 years, I noticed that the addiction to alcohol had morphed into cigarette smoking, coffee drinking, and sex(no they didn't have sex during the meetings, wiseass :sneaky:). The point is that those with addictive personalities, or as Thor put it "passionate personalities," found other ways to be addicted. That's what addicts do.

In my own case, video games become yet another addiction because it was an escape from reality. If someone can't drink just one beer, smoke just one doobie, or play video games for only a couple of hours a week without binging and going over the deep end, that person has a problem - label it whatever you want.

I'm not offended by the "weak will" comment but I would like to point out that not everyone has a will of iron. Some people are not able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and therefore need help because they're screwed up, whether it's genetically, chemically, emotionally, mentally, or a combination thereof.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
BTW if ya smoked in your youth and eventually achieved remarkable success in your life later on and you oppose legalizing it ,doesn't that demonstrate how much superior to others you consider yourself ,how little faith you have in the judgement of others,I know of a very powerful accomplished man who brags about his drug exploits as a teen and beyond yet steadfastly opposes legalization.
I suppose the idea that his experience was an anomaly because he ,of course , is special ,anointed, elite somehow,nah ,he's hypocrite. He shall go unnamed but anyone who wants to know who I'm talking about can ask in a PM.

Those people are the worst. Total hypocrites as you say.

I wouldn't say I'm a remarkable success, but I haven't done too badly for myself. During my college years, I smoked very regularly. I worked a full time job during those years, so it took me a bit longer to get through school (7 years total) because I could only handle a part time load. My typical day was getting up in the morning, going to class, and then coming home to do homework. Electrical engineering homework. Mid-afternoon I would leave home and go to work at an IBM plant where I did debugging on printed circuit assemblies that failed final test before going out the door and into computer systems made by IBM. Worked until around midnight, and went home. Usually by then I was so tired, but also so geeked up so to speak that I would have had trouble sleeping if I had tried to go straight to bed. Instead I'd sit on my couch and burn one. It relaxed me, calmed me down, and when it was time to go to bed, helped me get to sleep. Far from being a net harm, it was therapeutic, and it probably actually helped me make it through those years.

Even if I hadn't had that experience, I'd probably still favor legalization, as I come down strongly on the side of freedom and letting people make their own choices. Still, with that experience in my life, it's impossible for me to believe that it is always harmful, has no benefits, leads to harder drugs, makes people lazy, blah blah blah blah blah. The point in my life where I worked the hardest and secured my future was the point when I smoked on a very regular basis.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
They could possibly be one and the same. It's just a matter of definition.

While I attended AA meetings and observed the people there over a period of 13 years, I noticed that the addiction to alcohol had morphed into cigarette smoking, coffee drinking, and sex(no they didn't have sex during the meetings, wiseass :sneaky:). The point is that those with addictive personalities, or as Thor put it "passionate personalities," found other ways to be addicted. That's what addicts do.

In my own case, video games become yet another addiction because it was an escape from reality. If someone can't drink just one beer, smoke just one doobie, or play video games for only a couple of hours a week without binging and going over the deep end, that person has a problem - label it whatever you want.

I'm not offended by the "weak will" comment but I would like to point out that not everyone has a will of iron. Some people are not able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and therefore need help because they're screwed up, whether it's genetically, chemically, emotionally, mentally, or a combination thereof.
I can't eat just one Lays potato chip,in fact once the bag is open it's never far from hand until it's empty


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
They could possibly be one and the same. It's just a matter of definition.

While I attended AA meetings and observed the people there over a period of 13 years, I noticed that the addiction to alcohol had morphed into cigarette smoking, coffee drinking, and sex(no they didn't have sex during the meetings, wiseass :sneaky:). The point is that those with addictive personalities, or as Thor put it "passionate personalities," found other ways to be addicted. That's what addicts do.

In my own case, video games become yet another addiction because it was an escape from reality. If someone can't drink just one beer, smoke just one doobie, or play video games for only a couple of hours a week without binging and going over the deep end, that person has a problem - label it whatever you want.

I'm not offended by the "weak will" comment but I would like to point out that not everyone has a will of iron. Some people are not able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and therefore need help because they're screwed up, whether it's genetically, chemically, emotionally, mentally, or a combination thereof.
I've got no problem with someone admitting they have a problem and I'm glad you weren't offended. I just don't like how "video game addiction" gets used at times to let the person who has a problem not have any responsibility for said problem while a form of entertainment I enjoy is demonized, and thus I am to an extent along with it.

Of course, it's even worse when it's determined that some shooter somewhere played video games. All the millions of people who play video games and DON'T go on any real life shooting rampages are ignored. (As well, look at how many of those shooters DRANK MILK! MILK IS EVIL!!)

But, I am dragging us further and further off topic here.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I can't eat just one Lays potato chip,in fact once the bag is open it's never far from hand until it's empty

Lousy addict! :cool:

I used to love smoking cigars. Never cared much for cigarettes. So I quit smoking in November of 99. To this day I keep a box of cigars in the house and chew on one whenever the stress gets to me. My wife suggested I get a binky. Oral fixation maybe? Nah, I don't have a problem.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I've got no problem with someone admitting they have a problem and I'm glad you weren't offended. I just don't like how "video game addiction" gets used at times to let the person have a problem not have any responsibility for said problem while a form of entertainment I enjoy is demonized, and thus I am to an extent along with it.

Of course, it's even worse when it's determined that some shooter somewhere played video games. All the millions of people who play video games and DON'T go on any real life shooting rampages are ignored. (As well, look at how many of those shooters DRANK MILK! MILK IS EVIL!!)

But, I am dragging us further and further off topic here.

Understood. The only games I regularly played were Mario Kart and Medal of Honor but I must have averaged 4 hours a night, 7 days a week for many years. I quit because of seizure symptoms. Once I stopped the seizures did also.

As far as the negative effects on a person's mind and personality due to playing video games goes, no one truly knows what's to blame for someone going off the rails and killing or harming others. I suspect it's a combination of defective genetic wiring, a pill happy society along with the TV, movie, and music industry - that and a poor upbringing. There's enough blame to go around. Singling in on one cause is unprovable.


Jan 23, 2013
I've got no problem with someone admitting they have a problem and I'm glad you weren't offended. I just don't like how "video game addiction" gets used at times to let the person who has a problem not have any responsibility for said problem while a form of entertainment I enjoy is demonized, and thus I am to an extent along with it.

Of course, it's even worse when it's determined that some shooter somewhere played video games. All the millions of people who play video games and DON'T go on any real life shooting rampages are ignored. (As well, look at how many of those shooters DRANK MILK! MILK IS EVIL!!)

But, I am dragging us further and further off topic here.

I think video game addiction is very real. I experienced it. In most cases it is a matter of mental health or feeling helpless or being depressed maybe? When I was faced with closing my business and my neck was hurting 24/7 and I had no idea what to do, the game Dark Age of Camelot became my only source of happiness, much like a drug can become an addicts only source of happiness. The game took my mind off of the pain and the problems of what my life was looking like it would become if I had change careers and try to do it with constant pain like that. I had no answers and was really down in the dumps. You develop friendships through those games and they become very real, especially since you can relate to many of the people you play with who are similarly trying to escape reality. It sucks you in. I recall not feeling at ease all day until I had a chance to log on. Similar to what a cigarette does to a smoker. I felt at home in the game. A year later when my neck pain finally subsided with the use of Celebrex, that I obtained on my own, because the Doctors just kept sending me home with no cure, I still played the game. But then as I was able to live my life more and it once again became more fulfilling I found that I lost interest in the game.

So, was the game the same as a drug? I think so. I can take percosets and not become addicted. But if someone is down in the dumps and finds happiness in a drug they can take the same percosets and become addicted. Every drug addict that I worked with had a story of discontent with their lives of some sort. Almost all of it came from being part of a dysfunctional or broken family. Unfortunately for them those issues never get resolved.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
I think video game addiction is very real. I experienced it. In most cases it is a matter of mental health or feeling helpless or being depressed maybe? When I was faced with closing my business and my neck was hurting 24/7 and I had no idea what to do, the game Dark Age of Camelot became my only source of happiness, much like a drug can become an addicts only source of happiness. The game took my mind off of the pain and the problems of what my life was looking like it would become if I had change careers and try to do it with constant pain like that. I had no answers and was really down in the dumps. You develop friendships through those games and they become very real, especially since you can relate to many of the people you play with who are similarly trying to escape reality. It sucks you in. I recall not feeling at ease all day until I had a chance to log on. Similar to what a cigarette does to a smoker. I felt at home in the game. A year later when my neck pain finally subsided with the use of Celebrex, that I obtained on my own, because the Doctors just kept sending me home with no cure, I still played the game. But then as I was able to live my life more and it once again became more fulfilling I found that I lost interest in the game.

So, was the game the same as a drug? I think so. I can take percosets and not become addicted. But if someone is down in the dumps and finds happiness in a drug they can take the same percosets and become addicted. Every drug addict that I worked with had a story of discontent with their lives of some sort. Almost all of it came from being part of a dysfunctional or broken family. Unfortunately for them those issues never get resolved.
I honestly don't mean to disrespect you or your situation, but I just don't see that kind of thing as addiction. Addiction, to me, is when the body becomes dependent on some external chemical and begins to react badly when that chemical is withheld (which is why going "cold turkey" is so hard.) Your experience above indicates that there was no bad reaction when you removed yourself from the game once your temporary situation that caused you to seek escapism eased.

Yes, the body can release certain chemicals in response to pleasurable stimuli, but since anything can provide pleasure, anything could become "addicting" under said circumstances, especially if it allows escapism from unpleasant circumstances. Indeed, many of us find pleasure in posting on this board, but if someone claimed they had developed literal addiction to it, most of us would laugh at them. And possibly -X- would post funny Photoshopped graphics comparing Phx to a pusher or something. ;)

Maybe it's a semantics thing, but it's a pet peeve of mine because there's nothing intrinsic about video games that cause "addiction". Yes, if it gets out of hand, it becomes a problem, as can ANY hobby. It's just that with video games' boogeyman status, it's easy for those who let it get out of hand pass the buck onto the media rather than take responsibility for letting it get out of hand, this solidifying its boogeyman status in a vicious cycle. The millions who don't get "addicted" (as well as the millions who don't go on a real life shooting rampage to go into a tangent from our tangent) are ignored.