Fish tank enthusiasts

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

Selassie I said:
LesBaker said:
Selassie I said:
This is weird , but I can get Rasta to shit on command.

I have to know how that works.

Mostly because I wanna try it on myself. What a benefit that would be right?


Rasta figured out what I meant when I would tell him "Go Potty". When he was a baby I used to tell him that when I would place him on one of his safe spots. I say it now and he will almost immediately let it fly.

Rasta's vocabulary is seemingly unlimited. We are no longer surprised when we hear him say anything new. What amazes us is the fact that he seems to know exactly when to say things . Its almost unbelievable.

Not to go on too much about him ,,, but we have recently discovered that he is self aware. Not unheard of, but not very common to see real clearly like it is with Rasta.

Your bird is smarter than some guys I have posted with over the years.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
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  • #42
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

Hahaha amen to that


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

An evening at the Selassie household:

Selassie: Rasta how was your day

Rasta: Fuck the Patriots and the Forty Niners too and ya know fuck those Seahawks too they shit wherever they go like stupid fucking cows.

Selassie : Wheew was that a god like thing to say Mr. bird?

Rasta : Sorry man it's that time of year and I'm molting and well you know, gotta spare cracker dude?

Selassie : I feel ya brudda,have a Ritz

Rasta : Aight den

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
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  • #44
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

Lmao i want that bird

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

No matter how much I cuss (and I cuss way too much),,, Rasta simply will not repeat any cuss words. I want him to... the wife doesn't. I'm gonna keep up my end of the cursing though .

Good stuff Thor.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

Selassie I said:
No matter how much I cuss (and I cuss way too much),,, Rasta simply will not repeat any cuss words. I want him to... the wife doesn't. I'm gonna keep up my end of the cursing though .

Good stuff Thor.
Yeah I don't drink much, don't smoke , the one "bad habit" I have I TAUGHT MY KIDS, they KNOW how to cuss, cuz when you try and you don't know how you sound stupid


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts


I'm 6' 2" just for size reference. Looking very happy in this pic as well.

Beautiful tank Selassie. Those Clown Loaches are so cool. You pretty much have the tank I dream of right there. I don't have space for anything over 30 gallon though and even that is pushing it if my landlord ever finds out.

Here is little 30g Endler tank. They would make good snacks for your fish I think. :)


  • 30g.jpg
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Beautiful tank Selassie. Those Clown Loaches are so cool. You pretty much have the tank I dream of right there. I don't have space for anything over 30 gallon though and even that is pushing it if my landlord ever finds out.

Here is little 30g Endler tank. They would make good snacks for your fish I think. :)

Great looking tank VC. I love all types of tanks. At one time or another I've tried just about everything. I can't imagine not having one in my home,,, so you're doing the right thing... your landlord can suck it lol. My local fish store has been in business for over 35 years with the same owner (we're friends)... he's got many different "show" tanks so customers can see options. One of them is similar to yours and he's got a bunch of bamboo shrimp in it... good stuff.

You like Clown Loaches too I see. They are one of the few fish that I actually see as more than just an ornament. I don't get attached to any fish emotionally,,, and naming a fish is a big NO NO, but Clown Loaches approach actual pet status for me.

That's a group of 8 Clowns in the tank. They really need a group of at least 4 to live properly. 6 of them are at least six inches long and the other 2 are like eight inches ("That's what she said" right). It took about 7 years to get them to that point... and they get a lot bigger in time, they're very slow growers. One of the things that they do as a defense mechanism is really cool... they sleep a lot, and when they do they line up nose to tale all in a row along the front glass of the tank. When they do this the group together looks exactly like a long stripped snake. Lots of personality in Clowns too.

Anyway,,, the rest of the story is not a happy ending. I keep my tank cleaner than Sea World's, but despite that, about a year ago I had some kind of disease that only affected the Clowns in the tank (everything else was completely unaffected) completely whip out my colony in just 3 days. I have never seen anything like it... it was almost like a virus of some kind. I usually don't even blink when a fish dies, but losing those guys sucked big time. Interestingly, there is someone else here locally who had a huge colony of Clowns in a big tank by themselves who had the same thing happen. I've decided not to keep them anymore.

You can't see them in the picture, but there are probably 30 - 40 very small babies swimming and living within the cracks of the coral in my tank. It's almost like a separate group of fish with it's own hierarchy living amongst the big Malawi cichlids. The mom's carry the eggs in their mouths, and then carry the babies in their mouths up until the point that they are too big for the mom to hold. Once that happens, they are released and they have to fend for themselves. They usually turn into live food for the big fish, but every so often one will manage to grow big enough to make it to maturity.


Great looking tank VC. I love all types of tanks. At one time or another I've tried just about everything. I can't imagine not having one in my home,,, so you're doing the right thing... your landlord can suck it lol. My local fish store has been in business for over 35 years with the same owner (we're friends)... he's got many different "show" tanks so customers can see options. One of them is similar to yours and he's got a bunch of bamboo shrimp in it... good stuff.

You like Clown Loaches too I see. They are one of the few fish that I actually see as more than just an ornament. I don't get attached to any fish emotionally,,, and naming a fish is a big NO NO, but Clown Loaches approach actual pet status for me.

That's a group of 8 Clowns in the tank. They really need a group of at least 4 to live properly. 6 of them are at least six inches long and the other 2 are like eight inches ("That's what she said" right). It took about 7 years to get them to that point... and they get a lot bigger in time, they're very slow growers. One of the things that they do as a defense mechanism is really cool... they sleep a lot, and when they do they line up nose to tale all in a row along the front glass of the tank. When they do this the group together looks exactly like a long stripped snake. Lots of personality in Clowns too.

Anyway,,, the rest of the story is not a happy ending. I keep my tank cleaner than Sea World's, but despite that, about a year ago I had some kind of disease that only affected the Clowns in the tank (everything else was completely unaffected) completely whip out my colony in just 3 days. I have never seen anything like it... it was almost like a virus of some kind. I usually don't even blink when a fish dies, but losing those guys sucked big time. Interestingly, there is someone else here locally who had a huge colony of Clowns in a big tank by themselves who had the same thing happen. I've decided not to keep them anymore.

You can't see them in the picture, but there are probably 30 - 40 very small babies swimming and living within the cracks of the coral in my tank. It's almost like a separate group of fish with it's own hierarchy living amongst the big Malawi cichlids. The mom's carry the eggs in their mouths, and then carry the babies in their mouths up until the point that they are too big for the mom to hold. Once that happens, they are released and they have to fend for themselves. They usually turn into live food for the big fish, but every so often one will manage to grow big enough to make it to maturity.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to clean my tank this weekend.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Any suggestions on that? You just displace 50/50?

My tank is 220 gallons with a wet dry filter underneath that holds about 30 more gallons. I replace about 150 gallons every 2 weeks. I have a tremendous amount of filtration and a fairly large number of pretty big fish. My fish also prefer high alkaline water.

What's generally recommended is that you do a 20% water change weekly. For smaller tanks, that shouldn't be a real problem.

If you haven't done a water change in a while, you can get away with changing 50% or even more if you do it slowly.

What kind of fish do you have,,, what size tank,,, what kind of filter,,, how long has it been established ?


55 gallon, been going for 6-7 months, Fluval 70, variety of community freshwater fish.


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
Great looking tank VC. I love all types of tanks. At one time or another I've tried just about everything. I can't imagine not having one in my home,,, so you're doing the right thing... your landlord can suck it lol. My local fish store has been in business for over 35 years with the same owner (we're friends)... he's got many different "show" tanks so customers can see options. One of them is similar to yours and he's got a bunch of bamboo shrimp in it... good stuff.

You like Clown Loaches too I see. They are one of the few fish that I actually see as more than just an ornament. I don't get attached to any fish emotionally,,, and naming a fish is a big NO NO, but Clown Loaches approach actual pet status for me.

That's a group of 8 Clowns in the tank. They really need a group of at least 4 to live properly. 6 of them are at least six inches long and the other 2 are like eight inches ("That's what she said" right). It took about 7 years to get them to that point... and they get a lot bigger in time, they're very slow growers. One of the things that they do as a defense mechanism is really cool... they sleep a lot, and when they do they line up nose to tale all in a row along the front glass of the tank. When they do this the group together looks exactly like a long stripped snake. Lots of personality in Clowns too.

Anyway,,, the rest of the story is not a happy ending. I keep my tank cleaner than Sea World's, but despite that, about a year ago I had some kind of disease that only affected the Clowns in the tank (everything else was completely unaffected) completely whip out my colony in just 3 days. I have never seen anything like it... it was almost like a virus of some kind. I usually don't even blink when a fish dies, but losing those guys sucked big time. Interestingly, there is someone else here locally who had a huge colony of Clowns in a big tank by themselves who had the same thing happen. I've decided not to keep them anymore.

You can't see them in the picture, but there are probably 30 - 40 very small babies swimming and living within the cracks of the coral in my tank. It's almost like a separate group of fish with it's own hierarchy living amongst the big Malawi cichlids. The mom's carry the eggs in their mouths, and then carry the babies in their mouths up until the point that they are too big for the mom to hold. Once that happens, they are released and they have to fend for themselves. They usually turn into live food for the big fish, but every so often one will manage to grow big enough to make it to maturity.

That sucks about your Loaches. On my very first tank I ever had I had 2 baby clown loaches. Poor little guys got Ich and I didn't know what it was soon enough to help them. Last time I ever had them.
I use tap water so I basically have liquid rock here in S. Cal. Which as you know wouldn't be a good environment for loaches. It also really limits the types of plants I can grow.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
That sucks about your Loaches. On my very first tank I ever had I had 2 baby clown loaches. Poor little guys got Ich and I didn't know what it was soon enough to help them. Last time I ever had them.
I use tap water so I basically have liquid rock here in S. Cal. Which as you know wouldn't be a good environment for loaches. It also really limits the types of plants I can grow.

It looks great VC. Good job.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
I used to have Texas chiclids, the meanest fish Ive ever seen. Started with 4 of them ended up breeding them and had 4 tanks ranging from 10 gal to 45 gal all in the living room of a 1 bedroom apartment. I would trade about 200 1 inch fry every week for all the live brine shrimp I cared to take. I would give a couple of 2-3 inch fry to friends that thought they were cool, only to have them call me up the next day to tell me I was right and they killed every other fish in their tank. I gave some to a friend as feeders for his oscars that were about 8 inches in length and he had the same problem, the 3 inch bullies killed his beloved oscars.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
i had a bunch at one time. time consuming if you want to take care of the fish properly. and pricey. yes, fresh shrimp does help maintain their colors. i had 2 11" oscars in one tank that would jump out of the water for their shrimp. a buttekoferi in a 125 gallon tank that absolutely loved live crayfish. one of those little buggers got their claw on his mouth and he shredded it like a garbage disposal unit. pieces everywhere. he had serious attitude issues. then a tank full of "feeders" that survived either of the aforementioned tanks. if they made it a week, they got pulled out and into the other tank to live out their lives. i think i had about 10 at most in the feeder tank. not many made it there.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Re: Fish tank enthusiasts

Here's a video one of my boys took a few years back. Funny,,, there's a Ky Mani Marley movie playing in the background. I think there's a shot of my parrot (his name is Rasta btw) in the vid at some point. Some of you have seen him dancing in a video I posted some time ago.

My tank looks much bigger in person. Some of my fish are pretty big.

Selassie I , pretty serious fish tank , and I admit , I know nothing about fish tanks , sure seems like you got a lot of fish in there , do they all get along ?

My daughter has had a thing for turtles ever since she was real little , she's had a little Russian Tortoise now for a couple years , but that's about as aquatic as we get , other then a good fish fry on a Friday night ,