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May 16, 2019
Back when I lived in Laguna Beach I had a 262 gal fish tank in my living room. I originally was going to populate it with bluegill and sunfish caught locally. There was a small actually tiny drainage from a former farm water impound pond. So small people simply step across it with ease and in most places was only 2" deep. But there were pools that were deeper and there were bluegill and sunfish in those pools. People laughed when I walked out there with my ultralight fishing gear. I told most I was stalking Moby Dick.

My first day there I caught one bluegill, two sunfish and to my surprise a 6" large mouth bass. Fish and game never said a thing because the water would eventually dry up and the fish would die. Well skip ahead a number of years and the bass ate the blugill and sunfish and was a 27" 12 lb monster.

My cat himself was a bit of a monster. He was 18 lbs of muscle. I had never had a cat that big and especially that muscular. He was like something out of a jungle.

The cat and the bass would spend hours each day staring at each other. Sometimes the cat would sit on the table next to the tank and he and the fish would stare at each other. Once in a while the bass would thrash around while continuing to stare at the cat. The cat would yeow loudly back at him when he did. The cat noted that in the late afternoon the bass would circle the tank near the surface as a routine. The tank had two large access holes in the top. One afternoon the cat jumped up on the tank and sat on the dividing strip between the holes staring at the bass circling the tank. After the cat jumped up on the tank the bass changed direction and was then coming at the cat from behind him thrashing the water under the hole the cat was peering down at him from. Suddenly the bass jumped out of the water and grabbed the cat's tail which had been flicking just inside the tank through the second hole. He pulled the cat's hindquarters into the tank and the cat screamed and launched himself out of the tank and onto the floor.

Obviously the cat never came near the tank again. As a side note after watching the cat and bass over the years I noted how similar they were in terms of intelligence, memory, and what triggers them.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 25, 2013
When I was young I held various positions. One of those positions was in the trade show and convention decorating industry. One show we did was for a Chinese trade delegation. It was the 2nd year we had show and this time instead of one of the normal trade show facilities, it was in an office building. So I was tearing the job down by myself (roughly 40 booths...). When I got to the tables. I had to pull them out of the individual rooms as the dolly with the stack (of tables...) wouldn't fit through the doors, And to avoid the tedious nature of lugging them around, I kind of played a game with them. I would lay them upside down and if the legs didn't collapse on their own, I would "pop" the brace with a "chop[" or kick collapsing them into the table frame. Well, since this was an official Chinese delegation, I had been assigned a "watcher". An agent of their government to insure I was to do everything the contract stated. I didn't mind, he stayed out of my way and just watched. A bit more attentive than I thought as I would soon find out. I had got 1 dolly full of tables and had started a 2nd. And I had progressed to the exercise of kicking the bracing, and then sweeping the legs down with an opposite half crescent kick. I had done that on about half of the kicks that the stack hadn't been too high for me to do. And I started down the hallway to get another table. I decided about 6 or 7 steps down I wanted a drink. I had left my drink in main room, where all my dollies were and started back. I then heard something before rounding the corner that made me pause. Upon looking round the corner I see the guy assigned to be my "watcher" lining up one of the tables. He had raised the leg back up and was measuring out a chop on the bracing mechanism. He quickly looked around and not seeing me hiding around the corner, proceeded down with a mighty blow. But he hadn't understood the cause and effect angle and the leg came down as swiftly as his chop did. He wasn't out of the way and took the full brunt of the table leg to the side of his face. I busted out laughing, but had the sense, to quickly head down the hall. I had kind of composed myself by the time I returned with another table. He was still rubbing the side of his head when I came back around the corner. It was all I could do from bursting out at that point. Luckily I only had about 30 minutes worth of work before I was done. My boss and I laughed about it later. I worked with him for several more years and he would rib me about it, when I would get too cocky about things. Luckily I never did it to myself. It was a good enough deterrent to make me be a bit more safe about things..... somewhat.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Before I got married to my current wife we lived together for a while first. I had bought this nice Wok that had was great because it had a nonstick finish on it. Well, I had made something in and we went to bed. I left the Wok to soak in the sink. Went to work the next morning thinking nothing of it. When I came home I see that my girlfriend(future wife) had cleaned the Wok. I picked it up and looked at it. She has scrubbed the nonstick coating off of the damn thing. I'm not sure how long it took her, but when I asked her about cleaning the Wok she asked me what oil I had used because she had a hell of a time cleaning it. At that point, it was useless because it was a cheaper grade of steel and everything would stick to it.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
The winter after I got my Pilots certificate(license for the rest of you), I had come home on leave from the Air Force. I rented a plane to fly home for a few days. On the day I was to leave there were two snowstorms in the area. (Wisconsin) I figured, No problem. I can fly between them. Well, it started out okay, but about 70 miles into the flight the two storms merged. Now, I was not trained in instrument flying. What I could see out my windows was white. Nothing but white. So I dropped down to about 1,000 feet above the ground so I could at least see the ground. Now, at this point, I'm flying west-northwest. And I look at my map and see out in front of me somewhere is a radio tower. 2,000 feet tall. Well, that's about 1,000 feet higher than what I am flying. I can't turn back because the storms are going west to east. I can't go north or south because that would bring me further into the storm. So I head west. Due west. About 45 minutes later I pop out of the clouds and into the sunlight. The tower? It's about 35 miles north of me. Had I continued on my course I would have had a good chance of hitting it or one of its support wires. Which would have made for a bad day. Yeah, I learned from that.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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The winter after I got my Pilots certificate(license for the rest of you), I had come home on leave from the Air Force. I rented a plane to fly home for a few days. On the day I was to leave there were two snowstorms in the area. (Wisconsin) I figured, No problem. I can fly between them. Well, it started out okay, but about 70 miles into the flight the two storms merged. Now, I was not trained in instrument flying. What I could see out my windows was white. Nothing but white. So I dropped down to about 1,000 feet above the ground so I could at least see the ground. Now, at this point, I'm flying west-northwest. And I look at my map and see out in front of me somewhere is a radio tower. 2,000 feet tall. Well, that's about 1,000 feet higher than what I am flying. I can't turn back because the storms are going west to east. I can't go north or south because that would bring me further into the storm. So I head west. Due west. About 45 minutes later I pop out of the clouds and into the sunlight. The tower? It's about 35 miles north of me. Had I continued on my course I would have had a good chance of hitting it or one of its support wires. Which would have made for a bad day. Yeah, I learned from that.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
My wife told me this story about her headstrong Grandmother. Theresa took over a farm when her young husband died and then raised nine kids, paid off her husband's debts by herself during the Great Depression. She also was a smart business woman, in that she bought farms and then gave one to each son when they were adults due to their work as kids. People around here often walk into each others house when the owners aren't there, especially if they are family. Anyway, one son and his wife had purchased a brand new linoleum floor that was cream colored with brown specks in it. They came home to find mother and an adult daughter in the kitchen and they looked like they had been working hard....Theresa said,
"It was hard but we got this floor clean."
They had ruined the brand new floor by scrubbing it with steel wool. Theresa had never seen linoleum floor


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I had bought this nice Wok that had was great because it had a nonstick finish on it
Almost sounds like an oxymoron. High heat & Peanut oil, nothing sticks. Lol
That's a funny story though, sounds like somebody throwing out the W's from an M&M bag...