LEGEND Dumbass of the Day

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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While I'm all for men finally getting a fair shake in divorce court, this is a terrible thing to inflict on three children and solves nothing.

Judge jails kids for refusing lunch with dad
Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press

DETROIT — Three children who refused to go to lunch with their father, as part of a bitter divorce and custody battle between their parents, are spending their summer in a juvenile detention center, according to court records.

"We'll review it when school starts, and you may be going to school there," Oakland County Family Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca told the children during a June 24 hearing, referring to the center in Waterford Township called Children's Village, where authorities house as many as 200 juvenile offenders.

Gorcyca, who blamed their mother for poisoning the children's attitude toward their father, ordered the children be sent to the center for defying her orders — while in court — that they go to lunch with their father.

The children — ranging in age from 9 to 14 — were deemed in contempt of court last month by Gorcyca for disobeying her orders to "have a healthy relationship with your father."

The oldest boy told the judge during the hearing that he apologized for "whatever I did to you."

"But I do not apologize for — for not talking to him because I have a reason for that and that's because he's violent and he — I saw him hit my mom and I'm not gonna talk to him," the boy said, later telling the judge, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"No, you did," Gorcyca replied. "You — I ordered you to talk to your father. You chose not to talk to your father. You defied a direct court order. It's direct contempt, so I am finding you guilty of civil contempt."

After sending the older boy to Children's Village, Gorcyca gave the two younger children — a 10-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl — a chance to go to lunch with their father in the courtroom cafeteria, but they refused.

"I'll go with my brother then," the 10-year-old told the judge.

Speaking about the children to their mother, Dr. Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni, Gorcyca was vehement.

"Your children — you need to do a research program on Charlie Manson and the cult that he has. Your behavior in the hall with me months ago, your behavior in this courtroom ... is unlike anything I've ever seen in 46,000 cases," said Gorcyca, who has a young son and is known for her normally pleasant demeanor in court.

The judge told the mother she could not visit her children this summer, according to a court transcript of the hearing.

Referring to the contempt orders and sending the trio of kids to summer behind institutional walls, Gorcyca told the older sibling: "I wanted to do this because of your horrific behavior a long time ago and your dad begged me not to. ... One day you are going to realize what's going on in this case and you're going to apologize to your dad."

The two boys and their sister each had a court-appointed lawyer at the hearing, according to records. But the attorneys said the children refused to cooperate and, in some cases, wouldn't talk to their lawyers. The attorneys for the children did not object to Gorcyca's order.

"Your dad is a good man. And wipe that smirk off your face," Gorcyca said to the 10-year-old, as both he and his sister defied the judge's order to have lunch with their dad.

The children are caught up in a highly contentious divorce case that began more than five years ago between their father, Omer Tsimhoni, an internationally prominent traffic safety researcher and GM engineer who works frequently from a GM research lab in Israel, and their mother, a pediatric eye doctor and widely known glaucoma researcher who is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Michigan and has an office in Canton.

The case has resulted in dozens of court appearances throughout the years and has led to the children being ordered to spend time with their father. After repeatedly refusing to cooperate with Gorcyca, the mother at the June 24 hearing finally agreed that the children should spend time with their father and agreed to the lunch date. But Gorcyca said to her "it's too late."

Omer Tsimhoni "desires a resolution to the current circumstances that would allow his children to live in a healthy home and not the Children's Village," said a new release issued Wednesday from his lawyer, Keri Middleditch in Birmingham.

Middleditch blamed the mother for "alienating" the children from their father and for creating the situation in which the judge ordered them into juvenile care.

"The court took severe action to attempt to remedy a heart-wrenching situation, solely created by Dr. Eibschitz-Tsimhoni," Middleditch said, calling Omer Tsimhoni a "loving, caring father who desires a healthy relationship with his children."

The lawyer for the children's mother, Lisa Stern, declined Wednesday to speak about the case.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
While I'm all for men finally getting a fair shake in divorce court, this is a terrible thing to inflict on three children and solves nothing.
I'd caution being careful to jump to conclusions.

My ex-wife manipulated my daughters in a similar fashion. I have a good relationship with them, but it will never be all it could be because she won't let that happen.

All their lives, she prohibited them from seeing my sisters (family) and I've heard enough "snippets" over the years (expecially now that we've been divorced for years) that she - how shall I say it? - cast me in a less-than-appealing light to them.

My son (who was also prohibited from seeing my family) moved in with me after the divorce. By then, he was in his mid-20s, so manipulation (especially remotely) became more difficult. My family would come visit and, over time and of his own free will, he's grown to love them. Of course he has... they're good people. They've always been good people.

The only bad person in all of it is the ex-wife.

So, from personal experience, a mother can force a very powerful wedge between her klids and their father... even if the father is a perfectly good parent.

Clearly, the judge saw/heard something from that mother to make her feel like she wanted to go to those extremes... the mother must have pissed her off pretty bad.

Sadly, the whole situation is terrible... that it ever had to come to that... the losers here are the kids.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I'd caution being careful to jump to conclusions.

Sorry you had to go through this but locking children up for the poor behavior of their mother is not only counter-productive but dumbass.


Jan 15, 2013
Judges have too much discretionary power when it comes to minors and children don't really have many rights.
Privatation of jails/juvenile facilities will only make this worse.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
Sorry you had to go through this but locking children up for the poor behavior of their mother is not only counter-productive but dumbass.
I agree... that's why I said that mother must have said/done something pretty annoying to that judge (who, apparently, was known for a "narmally pleasant demeanor").

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Feds spent $2 million to have wives nag men about chewing tobacco
By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times

Since 2012 the government has spent nearly $2 million on a campaign to get women to nag the men in their lives to quit using smokeless tobacco.

The National Institutes of Health has sponsored a continuing grant for the Oregon Research Institute to “evaluate an innovative approach that encourages male smokeless tobacco users to quit by enlisting the support of their wives/partners, both to lead smokeless tobacco users to engage in treatment and to help them sustain abstinence.”

Researchers had already “established that women can be readily recruited” to get their husbands to quit chewing tobacco, but now the project is going a step further with a multimedia push that includes a website with an interactive and tailored support plan.

Researchers will conduct a randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of the cessation program.

The program is raising eyebrows among taxpayer watchdogs, health advocates and activists on women’s issues, who see the expenditures as wasteful and gender pandering.

“American women don’t need the federal government spending money to get us to nag our husbands to stop using tobacco, we do that just fine on our own,” said Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America, a conservative women’s group. “Even if it were a worthwhile effort, we are $18 trillion in debt. We simply can’t afford it.”

Added Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, a spending watchdog: “One wonders if NIH has a companion grant program designed to teach dads how to cope with hostile environments in the household. With Congress in its annual appropriations season, defunding this unnecessary and destructive program should be an easy one.”

For using taxpayer dollars to recruit women for a task they are already quite capable of doing on their own, NIH wins this week’s Golden Hammer, a weekly distinction awarded by The Washington Times highlighting examples of wasteful federal spending.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude

Feds spent $2 million to have wives nag men about chewing tobacco
By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times

Since 2012 the government has spent nearly $2 million on a campaign to get women to nag the men in their lives to quit using smokeless tobacco.

The National Institutes of Health has sponsored a continuing grant for the Oregon Research Institute to “evaluate an innovative approach that encourages male smokeless tobacco users to quit by enlisting the support of their wives/partners, both to lead smokeless tobacco users to engage in treatment and to help them sustain abstinence.”

Researchers had already “established that women can be readily recruited” to get their husbands to quit chewing tobacco, but now the project is going a step further with a multimedia push that includes a website with an interactive and tailored support plan.

Researchers will conduct a randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of the cessation program.

The program is raising eyebrows among taxpayer watchdogs, health advocates and activists on women’s issues, who see the expenditures as wasteful and gender pandering.

“American women don’t need the federal government spending money to get us to nag our husbands to stop using tobacco, we do that just fine on our own,” said Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America, a conservative women’s group. “Even if it were a worthwhile effort, we are $18 trillion in debt. We simply can’t afford it.”

Added Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, a spending watchdog: “One wonders if NIH has a companion grant program designed to teach dads how to cope with hostile environments in the household. With Congress in its annual appropriations season, defunding this unnecessary and destructive program should be an easy one.”

For using taxpayer dollars to recruit women for a task they are already quite capable of doing on their own, NIH wins this week’s Golden Hammer, a weekly distinction awarded by The Washington Times highlighting examples of wasteful federal spending.


Mar 17, 2014

Feds spent $2 million to have wives nag men about chewing tobacco
By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times

Since 2012 the government has spent nearly $2 million on a campaign to get women to nag the men in their lives to quit using smokeless tobacco.

The National Institutes of Health has sponsored a continuing grant for the Oregon Research Institute to “evaluate an innovative approach that encourages male smokeless tobacco users to quit by enlisting the support of their wives/partners, both to lead smokeless tobacco users to engage in treatment and to help them sustain abstinence.”

Researchers had already “established that women can be readily recruited” to get their husbands to quit chewing tobacco, but now the project is going a step further with a multimedia push that includes a website with an interactive and tailored support plan.

Researchers will conduct a randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of the cessation program.

The program is raising eyebrows among taxpayer watchdogs, health advocates and activists on women’s issues, who see the expenditures as wasteful and gender pandering.

“American women don’t need the federal government spending money to get us to nag our husbands to stop using tobacco, we do that just fine on our own,” said Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America, a conservative women’s group. “Even if it were a worthwhile effort, we are $18 trillion in debt. We simply can’t afford it.”

Added Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, a spending watchdog: “One wonders if NIH has a companion grant program designed to teach dads how to cope with hostile environments in the household. With Congress in its annual appropriations season, defunding this unnecessary and destructive program should be an easy one.”

For using taxpayer dollars to recruit women for a task they are already quite capable of doing on their own, NIH wins this week’s Golden Hammer, a weekly distinction awarded by The Washington Times highlighting examples of wasteful federal spending.
I've also read, that they are going to spend 10 mill, to try to stop @LACHAMP46 from posting great pics in the Booty Thread at ROD.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The dumbasses here are the driver who left the threatening message(who actually says "I'll cut your neck?") and some of the commentators who believe the woman had it coming.

Uber driver left woman a voicemail warning 'I'll cut your neck'


A London Uber driver has been suspended and is being investigated by the company for leaving a threatening message on a customer's phone

An Uber driver left a woman a voicemail message threatening to "cut [her] neck" if she cancelled a taxi with him again.

The voicemail, published by Buzzfeed, records the driver repeatedly telling the woman, 28-year-old Anna Kealey, not to do it again and shouting that she is "such an idiot".

Anna Kealey @annakealey
Oh my god... I just listened to a voicemail from an @Uber driver from when I had to cancel. He shouts "Cancel again and I'll cut your neck!"

Ms Kealey, a design lecturer and critic who lives in Hackney did not hear the message until five days later and said it made her feel "very nervous and a bit sick to my stomach".

She complained to Uber, asking that they fire the driver immediately and “get him off the road”.

Ms Kealey had booked the private car at 11am to meet with friends but cancelled it while it was "a few minutes away".

Ms Kealey told The Independent that the incident made her very cautious about travelling by herself. "If this could happen at 11am who knows what could happen at 11pm?" she said.

She cancelled the cab because she suffers from panic attacks and had started to feel anxious. She decided to walk to meet her friends to calm herself down.

"It's made me aware that I need to be so careful", she said. "I'm going to try travel in groups and to send a text to family and friends to let them know where I am."

The Irish-born designer did a master's degree at the School of Visual Arts in New York before moving to London.

Ms Kealey contacted the police about the incident and filed a report, saying she "just wants it made right".

An Uber spokesperson said: "We have spoken to the rider to ensure they are OK and encouraged them to report this to the police."

"The driver has been immediately suspended, as is our policy, and we are investigating fully."
if she "just wants it made right" then SHE should apologize for cancelling her Uber ride at the last minute because she CHOSE to walk off her anxiety. While the Uber driver was wrong in his behavior so was she in her self absorbed complaints that bear little concern over wasting the Uber driver's time and money. Last minute cancellations like that should bear a monetary fine.
There is more to this story than the Article is stating, she admits she suffers from panic attacks so its safe to surmise that she has booked this driver numerous times and canceled him when he is almost to her location. Imagine you are the driver, you get the call and head there and are canceled and she does this repeatedly, That is gas and time out of your pocket each time that Uber DOES NOT REIMBURSE you for. Not saying he is right just that I understand why he would say it.
You don't know how far he drove. He did not say this to her in person, it was after she did a thoughtless, inconsiderate and incredibly stupid thing that did cost him and surely no thinking person would have taken his threat seriously. Now this brainless twit wants his job. Another twist whose looks have opened doors thinks she's some goddess gift needs to come back to earth.
What a halfwit broad! He drives no telling how far and then this stupid girl cancels just before he gets there. That is a complete loss for him. She still doesn't get why he's upset! So much for the school of visual arts. She was awarded the degree because she colored within the lines.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
Idiocracy... it's here.
if she "just wants it made right" then SHE should apologize for cancelling her Uber ride at the last minute because she CHOSE to walk off her anxiety. While the Uber driver was wrong in his behavior so was she in her self absorbed complaints that bear little concern over wasting the Uber driver's time and money. Last minute cancellations like that should bear a monetary fine.
Sorry, but I don't see anything to suggest she's "self-absorbed". It appears she has an emotional condition that affected her decision making capabilities. That's not "self-absorbed"... at least in my eyes.
There is more to this story than the Article is stating, she admits she suffers from panic attacks so its safe to surmise that she has booked this driver numerous times and canceled him when he is almost to her location. Imagine you are the driver, you get the call and head there and are canceled and she does this repeatedly, That is gas and time out of your pocket each time that Uber DOES NOT REIMBURSE you for. Not saying he is right just that I understand why he would say it.
Where is this person getting all this? "It's safe to surmise" all that? It's not safe at alll to surmise all that. All figments of this person's imagination.
I cannot think of anything she could have done that would warrant that comment. It's a threat on her life, for God's sake.
You don't know how far he drove. He did not say this to her in person, it was after she did a thoughtless, inconsiderate and incredibly stupid thing that did cost him and surely no thinking person would have taken his threat seriously. Now this brainless twit wants his job. Another twist whose looks have opened doors thinks she's some goddess gift needs to come back to earth.
Yeah, someone threatens to slit your throat and you should just sluff it off... and, not doing that makes you a "brainless twit" and a "goddess". Wow... just wow.
What a halfwit broad! He drives no telling how far and then this stupid girl cancels just before he gets there. That is a complete loss for him. She still doesn't get why he's upset! So much for the school of visual arts. She was awarded the degree because she colored within the lines.
Seeing as these comments make outrageous assumptions, I'll make one too. They are all Uber drivers who have had a ride or two cancel. Bitter people.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Cops Arrest Woman, 57, For Battering Female Domestic Partner With Dildo

A Florida woman is facing a domestic battery charge after allegedly using a dildo to batter her female domestic partner during a fight in the couple’s residence, police allege.

The confrontation Saturday evening occurred while a Clearwater Police Department officer was inside the home of Annette Kielhurn, 57, and Gamze Capaner-Ridley.

The cop was present to oversee Capaner-Ridley’s removal of personal belongings from the house, a move apparently prompted by Capaner-Ridley’s filing the prior day for a civil domestic violence injunction against Kielhurn.

After the women tussled over possession of a dress, Officer Eric Blomgren directed Kielhurn not to touch the 47-year-old Capaner-Ridley. However, “Shortly afterwards the defendant intentionally shoved a ‘dildo’ in the victim’s face and grabbed her right arm while arguing whose it belonged to,” Blomgren reported.

As a result, the cop arrested Kielhurn for domestic battery. An arrest affidavit does not indicate whether the dildo was seized as evidence.

Kielhurn--who has Capaner-Ridley’s first name tattooed on her chest--was booked into jail on the misdemeanor charge. She was released from custody after posting $500 bond. According to court records, Kielhurn was arrested in late-June for trespassing (and the case is pending).

Kielhurn, a former New York State corrections officer, served about three years in prison for narcotics trafficking after a 1996 police search of her rental car turned up 25 kilos of cocaine in the vehicle’s trunk.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Attack of the 60-year old women. Yikes!

Wife stabs husband after fight over remote control

AIKEN, S.C. (AP) -- An Aiken woman has been arrested after authorities say she stabbed her husband following a fight over the television remote control.

The Aiken Standard reports that 60-year-old Cynthia Pruitt Siau was arrested Tuesday and charged with attempted murder.

Police say they were called to the home Siau shares with her husband, 60-year-old Louis Harrell Siau III, at around 10 p.m. Tuesday.

Louis Siau was standing in the yard and was covered in blood. He told authorities he and his wife had been drinking and that she stabbed him in the head and back with a kitchen knife after they fought over the remote control.

It wasn't known if Cynthia Siau had an attorney. Her husband's condition wasn't immediately available.


Wife arrested after fight with husband over Confederate flag


Margaret 'Peggy' Rae Carpenter is charged with domestic battery.

A Safety Harbor woman was arrested for hitting her husband because he wouldn’t take down the Confederate flag, according to deputies.

Deputies say Margaret “Peggy” Rae Carpenter and her husband, Larry, were arguing over the Confederate flag Larry had put up Saturday afternoon.

According to the arrest affidavit, she kept asking him to take down the flag and he refused.

Deputies said the fight turned physical when Peggy, who was wearing two bracelets at the time, stuck Larry in the arm, causing him to bleed.

The 60 year old was charged with domestic battery.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Naked man causes massive traffic jam on Interstate 95 in Connecticut


The motorist has no clothes: Connecticut state police were called after a naked man sitting on top of his car stopped traffic on Interstate 95.

A man in Connecticut wearing only his birthday suit brought rush-hour traffic on Interstate 95 to a stop when he parked his car on the shoulder and clambered onto the roof.

Rubberneckers clogged the morning commute in West Haven and state police closed the highway after receiving a call for medical assistance Tuesday morning.

The naked man was sitting cross-legged atop the driver's side of the car roof and seemed quite content to be letting it all hang out, according to a video of the strange sight.

According to Connecticut Trooper Kelly Grant of the state police, the nude motorist was taken for a medical evaluation.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

‘I just like pigs’: Naked man found drinking beer in barn
By Associated Press


MILLERSVILLE, Pa. — Police have charged a man with trespassing, public drunkenness and indecent exposure after he was caught on a neighbor’s Pennsylvania farm in the nude, drinking beer among pigs.

Police in Manor Township, Lancaster County, say 64-year-old Larry Henry told them, “I just like pigs,” when they found him in the hog barn June 26 about 10:15 p.m.

Henry faces a preliminary hearing Aug. 4. His defense attorney didn’t immediately return a call for comment Wednesday.

Arrest papers show Henry had been banned from the farm since he got caught trespassing four years ago.

Police say Henry smelled of alcohol and acknowledged drinking a six-pack of beer while hanging out with the hogs.

Police say the brand of beer was in keeping with the overall theme: Henry was drinking Hamm’s.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

David Guetta blasted for wanting to bring a horse into a nightclub
By Stephanie Smith


David Guetta will not walk a horse into megaclub Pacha in Ibiza after an outcry from animal lovers and fellow DJs, his rep told Page Six.

Guetta hosts his weekly “F - - k Me I’m Famous” parties there. During one in May, the DJ included a horse in his act, along with models in Native American attire (which also caused a stir among some clubgoers).

Rival DJ Deadmau5 posted on Twitter: “horses belong on a farm, not in a s - - tty overpriced nightclub to be subjected to a s - - tty overpaid DJ.”

An online petition read, “The horse has to enter the big Pacha hall at 4 a.m. [with] a huge crowd of people, drunken and drugged, screaming and sweating . . . [it’s] irresponsible to put a horse in the middle of the night under so much stress.” The petition has gathered more than 7,000 signatures.

Guetta’s rep explained no horses will appear at future gigs.

“A horse appeared for three minutes — owned by a vet — and with full ear protection and security at the opening. Just like Bianca Jagger at Studio 54,” the rep said, referring to Jagger’s famous entrance to her 1977 birthday. “The club is too busy now. So no horse.”


Mar 17, 2014

Naked man causes massive traffic jam on Interstate 95 in Connecticut


The motorist has no clothes: Connecticut state police were called after a naked man sitting on top of his car stopped traffic on Interstate 95.

A man in Connecticut wearing only his birthday suit brought rush-hour traffic on Interstate 95 to a stop when he parked his car on the shoulder and clambered onto the roof.

Rubberneckers clogged the morning commute in West Haven and state police closed the highway after receiving a call for medical assistance Tuesday morning.

The naked man was sitting cross-legged atop the driver's side of the car roof and seemed quite content to be letting it all hang out, according to a video of the strange sight.

According to Connecticut Trooper Kelly Grant of the state police, the nude motorist was taken for a medical evaluation.
I'm a bit confused. This would make me drive faster.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I'm a bit confused. This would make me drive faster.

Or lose control of the car and crash while pointing and giggling. :)

And now there's this individual. Running your city like it's a kindergarten. Do adults really need to be told to get out of the heat and take a nap? :confused:



ADOR, Spain, July 16 (UPI) — A Spanish mayor has become the first in the country to issue a proclamation creating an official afternoon nap time for the entire city.

Mayor Joan Faus Vitoria of Ador in Valencia declared 2 to 5 p.m. as the official time for the city’s residents to take their afternoon siestas.

The edict asks residents to keep quiet during the siesta hours and the mayor recommended children be kept inside to prevent noise from traveling into open windows.

The mayor said the nap time was chosen due to the high afternoon heat making 2 to 5 p.m. the ideal time to take a break from working in fields.

Vitoria said there will be no penalties for violations, and the edict should be treated as “merely a suggestion” rather than an “obligation.”

A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in February espoused the health benefits of an afternoon siesta.

“Our data suggests a 30-minute nap can reverse the hormonal impact of a night of poor sleep,” said study author Brice Faraut of the Universite Paris Descartes-Sorbonne Paris Cite in France. “This is the first study that found napping could restore biomarkers of neuroendocrine and immune health to normal levels.”

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I hate spiders and snakes and would certainly not walk over and pick one up. Who would do that? A dumbass.

Dad-of-three picks up 'death's head' spider - not realising it's Britain's most venomous arachnid

Nickie King, 25, saw the feared eight-legged creature land on his duster while he was at work cleaning an office. He took a picture of the false widow spider and without realising the danger it posed he picked it up
  • PAY-Nickie-King.jpg
  • Toxin: Nickie King and the spider

A dad-of-three had a lucky escape when he picked up Britain's most venomous spider with his bare hands without realising what it was.

Nickie King, 25, saw the feared eight-legged creature land on his duster while he was at work cleaning an office.

He took a picture of the false widow spider and without realising the danger it posed he picked it up and placed it outside on Thursday morning.

But Nickie, from Cambridge, says he "freaked out" when he realised the injuries the false widow can cause to people.

He said: "I was cleaning and this spider dropped on to my feather duster.

"It made me jump. I thought it was just a common spider so I picked it up with my hands and put it outside.

"It didn't bite me or anything. I didn't know what it was so I took a picture of it and put it on Facebook to ask people.


Death's head: The spider he picked up
"Lots of people said it was a false widow and saying I was lucky I didn't get bitten. They were saying I shouldn't have picked it up."

Spider experts say that false widows pose no serious threat to humans.

Chris Ayre, an entomologist at conservative charity Buglife said the spider pictured is a male steatoda nobilis, who was probably out and about looking for females.

Sightings of Steatoda nobilis, the false widow spider, are on the rise.

It is Britain's most venomous spider and bites can cause chest pains, severe swelling and tingling fingers.

They get their name for their resemblance to the deadly black widow spider.

Adult female false widows have bodies about 15 millimetres long, while males are a little smaller.

The false widow spider has markings on its back shaped like a skull.

Nickie said: "When I saw it had the skull on it I thought it was quite scary."

A spokesman for wildlife charity Buglife said the patterns on the backs of false widows vary from spider to spider.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

2 Investigators: Creepy Clown Trespasses At Chicago Cemetery, In Dead Of Night
By Dave Savini

(Click link to watch video)

(CBS) — Creepy clowns running around cemeteries and city streets scaring people.

There have been reports around the country – and now here in Chicago, too.

CBS 2’s Dave Savini talks with a Chicagoan who had a close encounter with a nocturnal clown earlier this month.

The cell phone video tells it all: a person dressed in a clown suit, trespassing at historic Rosehill Cemetery in the dead of night.

Julia Graham says she was “freaked out” at the figure as it ran toward the main gate. She and her husband were driving by around 10 p.m.

“When we get closer, we realize it’s a clown, which is super weird,” she says.

The first picture her husband snapped was of the clown scaling the 7-foot-tall gate at the Ravenswood Avenue entrance. That feat is no easy task, especially for someone wearing a clown suit.

“I mean, this was somebody putting forth a lot of effort — and being really weird,” Graham says.

The North Side cemetery was clearly closed and locked for the night. Officials don’t know what to make of it because other than the trespass there were no complaints of vandalism.

It got weirder. When Julia and her husband hung around to get a better look, the clown was not deterred or afraid. He waved slowly at the couple.

Incidents like this one aren’t isolated. A video of creepy clowns surprising people on the streets of California went viral last year.

In New York, a clown was seen making a daytime excursion last year while holding some balloons.

“Oh, that’s super weird,” says Graham, when shown the New York video. “That is like making light of a cemetery.”

Eventually, the clown caught in the headlights of Graham’s car turns around and, without saying a word, takes off into the darkness of the cemetery.

“I just think it’s creepy and wrong,” Graham says.

Chicago police say there have been no other bizarre clown sightings.