Don't Wish Me A Happy Earth Day

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Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015

It's about the Creator. Not the creation. God has it all figured out. Don't worship the freaking earth. the polar bears are just fine, thank you.
Polar Bear.jpg

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
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But I like polar bears.
Same here brother! Beautiful animals. I was able to see one of the most breathtaking sights ever, in 1987, 40 miles North of Barrow, Alaska, as a full grown Polar Bear mama stood up to protect its cub from our 400 foot Coast Guard Icebreaker. :snicker: Pretty cool.

The population of bears is healthy and thriving today. Halliluiah!

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I believe in the Earth, nature, and all living things. The planet is a beautiful entity with every plant, animal, having a role. Water is the bloodstream that provides with the gift of life. Respect nature, utilize nature, don't abuse nature, because she'll come back and bite you. I also believe in humanity, b/c despite all the negatives we do, the positives outweigh them. Every time.

You believe what you want, and I get this post is supposed to be on the humorous side, but please have some respect for others and what they believe in. They may seem odd to you, but it's their right. And in my case, I've been trying to figure out where my belief system lies, and I found it in nature.

Also side note, polar bears are NOT fine. Neither are countless other species.

Thankfully, some humans give a damn and are doing something, anything to help protect them.
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Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
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I believe in the Earth, nature, and all living things. The planet is a beautiful entity with every plant, animal, having a role. Water is the bloodstream that provides with the gift of life. Respect nature, utilize nature, don't abuse nature, because she'll come back and bite you. I also believe in humanity, b/c despite all the negatives we do, the positives outweigh them. Every time.

You believe what you want, and I get this post is supposed to be on the humorous side, but please have some respect for others and what they believe in. They may seem odd to you, but it's their right. And in my case, I've been trying to figure out where my belief system lies, and I found it in nature.

Also side note, polar bears are NOT fine. Neither are countless other species.

Thankfully, some humans give a damn and are doing something, anything to help protect them.

Great response @Angry Ram and yes, it was a somewhat humorous commentary. We all have the right to believe as we see fit. I hope you didn't take offense personally to anything that I said.

We are to be good stewards of this earth. It was a gift to us, and for us to use its' resources responsibly.

Peace brother.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
planet earth / over 5 billion years old. people (with some form of literacy) a few thousand years old.
yet for some odd reason people think planet earth needs help surviving. awesome. once earth rids itself of the plague known as humans, it will be just fine. honest.(y)


Jun 24, 2010
Earth day represents one thing. My son. He was born on Earth Day, and for his birthday, we gave him this! He's been bleeding blue and gold for 8 years now. He's the real deal and I'm happy to share him with you guys!


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Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
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Earth day represents one thing. My son. He was born on Earth Day, and for his birthday, we gave him this! He's been bleeding blue and gold for 8 years now. He's the real deal and I'm happy to share him with you guys!
Awesome jersey! But an even more awesome son @GcBean

Happy belated birthday to him!

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Great response @Angry Ram and yes, it was a somewhat humorous commentary. We all have the right to believe as we see fit. I hope you didn't take offense personally to anything that I said.

We are to be good stewards of this earth. It was a gift to us, and for us to use its' resources responsibly.

Peace brother.

Offended, nah. Takes a lot for me to get offended.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Happy Earthday to you
Happy Earthday to you
Happy Earthday dear Roman Snow
Happy Earthday to you


Jan 23, 2013
"Man belongs to the earth. The Earth does not belong to man."

I don't understand the angst with Earth Day @Roman Snow. And I am pretty sure the Polar Bears are at risk with the polar cap melting and all. But where would we be without a healthy planet? Earth Day was created to help make people more aware of the value of our planet and how even one person can positively impact it........or negatively impact it. It is all about is not about worshipping the Earth as God. But, if someone here wanted to do that, then fine with me. Its freedom of religion last time I looked.


May 28, 2011
planet earth / over 5 billion years old. people (with some form of literacy) a few thousand years old.
yet for some odd reason people think planet earth needs help surviving. awesome. once earth rids itself of the plague known as humans, it will be just fine. honest.(y)

4.5 billion, but who's counting? Earth will be fine for another few billion years, but if we want to survive as a species we better take care of her until we find a new one and a method to get there.

Roman Snow

Dec 22, 2015
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"So God created people in His own image. God patterned them after himself. Male and female. He created them. God blessed them, and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish, and the birds, and all the animals.. And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth, and all the fruit trees for your food. And so it was. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way." Genesis 1:27-31

Earth Day was created to help make people more aware of the value of our planet and how even one person can positively impact it........or negatively impact it

Actually, Gnome, many well meaning people like you see it that way. And that does create good will, and positive results. (y)

But Earth Day was actually founded on Vladimir Lenin's 100th birthday, April 22, 1970, by New York Radicals, using emotionalism of the environment as a springboard to attack Capitalism, and to make a case for Collectivism. (You know Vlad. That hip and edgy butcher of millions.)

One of those hip and edgy founders, Ira Einhorn, (Seen here, in the Original Earth Day Rally, inspiring thousands!)

is still serving a life sentence for killing his girlfriend a few years later, because she dared to break up with him. Oh, but don't worry! Ira respected the earth SO MUCH, that he composted her body in a trunk for 18 months. (n)
After Communism fell to the ash heap of history, many Soviet papers were recovered. A nickname developed for such crowds as above, that railed against America, and Capitalism. They called them, "Useful idiots."

But where would we be without a healthy planet?
Indeed, my little garden dwelling friend with the plump, bare buttocks, (and pretty cool Ram tattoo.:yess:) Where would we be? Thank the Lord, he made this resilient planet, for us to steward over. Quite the responsibility! That is why I would much rather trust thriving free market nations, such as ours, to innovate cleaner technology, (as we have) feed our populations, (and we selflessly feed many starving, corrupt nations) and be concerned with paper-or-plastic rather than bread-or rice.:grouphug:

Also side note, polar bears are NOT fine. Neither are countless other species.
Ah, the majestic Polar Bear. Good news, Angry! The population, though it spiked in the mid-nineties around 25,000 worldwide, WAS around 5,000 back in the '50's. Though some areas have reduced, others have increased, and the population has settled out around 22,000. Amazing creatures. The Arctic ice content is constantly changing, (always does) and has nothing to do with human use of fossil fuels. (Though weaning off fossil fuels won't be a bad idea, as technology-not Government mandate- allows.)


I don't understand the angst with Earth Day @Roman Snow. And I am pretty sure the Polar Bears are at risk with the polar cap melting and all.

NOT melting. Always shifting. Melting sounds so...panicky. Don't worry. I was duped by Marxists professors, too.

What about the baby seals????


"We think they are delicious!"

it is not about worshipping the Earth as God. But, if someone here wanted to do that, then fine with me. Its freedom of religion last time I looked.

Yes. The protection clause of the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to worship, as we see fit, without the Government interfering. It doesn't protect you from obnoxious guys like me on internet chat sites. :sneaky: All kidding aside, I am not attacking anyone here. I love you guys. My target, as you may notice, is the farce of "Earth Day" as it was formed. Kinda like Festivus. Fake holiday's that took on a life of their own. (At least Festivus has some comedic value.)


please have some respect for others and what they believe in. They may seem odd to you, but it's their right. And in my case, I've been trying to figure out where my belief system lies, and I found it in nature.

I truly respect and appreciate that view, brother. Life is a journey of questions and mysteries. Nature is incredible, and sometimes breathtaking. I would respectfully ask that you consider that there may be a Creator of all that we see around us. The delicate balance of this earth, the miracle of life cry out to you from a loving God, who loves you, and wants you to know Him better.

"Man belongs to the earth. The Earth does not belong to man."

Good ol' Chief Seattle. (Little did he know he would have a crap-hole team like the Seaturds one day bear his name!:unsure:) Man belongs to the Earth, Chief? Respectfully, Earth was gifted to man. That is a responsibility, more than a priveledge. Plus the other thinking leads to thinking man is not special. Man IS special, above all other species. ( :rant: don't make me prove it!) Plus to think otherwise leads to self-loathing...

planet earth / over 5 billion years old. people (with some form of literacy) a few thousand years old.
yet for some odd reason people think planet earth needs help surviving. awesome. once earth rids itself of the plague known as humans, it will be just fine. honest.(y)

Wow, Force. Come on man. I know you don't mean that. You are not a plague. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God. :yess:

Now does mankind do some horrible things? Absolutely. That is why Jesus came to save us from our wretched selves. What a great and loving God.:grouphug:

Happy belated Earth Day, guys...

wait...what? :palm:


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