Covid 19 thread

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Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
Let me put it this way. It’s really pretty simple IMHO.

If you think it’s a good idea, over the next three weeks, to hold crowded rallies, even in areas that are experiencing surges in cases (like Iowa and Wisconsin), where 80 to 90 percent of the attendees aren’t wearing masks, then vote for that guy.

But if OTOH you think that’s a horrible idea, and goes against both common sense and every suggestion made by the CDC, and would prefer a candidate that holds small events that conform to both social distancing and mask-wearing recommendations, then vote for that guy.

I dunno, IF (hypothetically IF) a person believes in the importance of mask-wearing, I just can’t quite understand how someone can watch these “super spreader rallies” and think, “hey, that’s good leadership.”

EDIT: I don't mean to imply this is the *only* criteria on which a voting decision should be made. Just expressing my own personal opinion that the question of "leadership on Covid" is crucially important.
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Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
I don’t. IRL, I haven’t given anyone shit about not wearing a mask, not one single time.

To me, I feel passionate about this as a philosophical debate, one that affects whether or not tens of thousands of people in USA will die unnecessarily.
People are only dying because they were either one foot in the grave or not receiving treatment that the MSM has claimed is dangerous. If I would have had complications when I had covid I would have sought a Dr that was willing to prescribe HCQ period. I dont know if my Dr would or not because all he told me was I had nothing to worry about, I'm reasonably healthy and was only 51 yrs old at the time. Today there are more choices for Drs to prescribe then there were just a few months ago. The Dr that scheduled my test and called after my results were positive, told me I had nothing to worry about I'm reasonably healthy. 3 other Drs and close to a dozen nurses all told me I had nothing to worry about I'm reasonably healthy. Hopefully people can see where I'm going here, at 51 yrs old 5'8" and 200 lbs, I'm little overweight but dont drink or smoke have good blood pressure, no diabetes. I'm reasonably healthy no reason to be worried about a virus that people in my condition have a better then 99.9% chance of surviving. And over a 99% chance I would not require any medical treatment. I am by no means a physical specimen or anyone you would find on the cover of health and fitness magazine, just a reasonably healthy guy that waited way to long to take care of my body. I most likely was wearing a mask when I caught covid unless it happened at the grocery store where I was among people that were wearing masks, most not properly. But it doesnt matter where I caught it all that matters is I had nothing to worry about, my wife was a smoker but she to is reasonably healthy and even though we were quarantined in the same house she never caught it.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
No, it's absolutely not a spectrum. The Country is positioned at polar opposite ends of the political spectrum right now, and that's not even debatable.

That actually made me laugh. I mean, literally. Fauci is more recognizable than any doctor in the history of doctors. The dude is on TV constantly, does countless interviews, has been on 60 minutes, is on EVERY media news outlet making statements, is in every single US media publication on the regular, was on the cover of TIME Magazine, was one of "the top 100 most influential people", and did an expose for In Style. He couldn't be silenced if you tore his lips off.

Yeah, right. :ROFLMAO: It wasn't self-inflicted at all.

January 31, 2020-
Trump locks down international travel -

February 02, 2020-
NY Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot says, "Join the parades! Don't listen to the misinformation from the POTUS." -

February 02, 2020-
Chair of the NY Health Council Mark Levine suggests a huge crowd is powerful defiance against 'scare tactics' of the POTUS" - [link]

February 24, 2020-
Nancy Pelosi goes into Chinatown and tells people to join the crowd. -

March 02, 2020-
Bill Deblasio urges New Yorkers to "Get out on the town despite coronavirus", and recommends some movies to see at the cinema. - [link]

March 10, 2020-
Fauci: "LOL! Stupid mask wearers."

April 03, 2020-
Schiff and Pelosi announce an investigation into Trump's handling of the coronavirus o_O

Don't know what to tell you. Be boggled then.
Ah International Travel wasn't stopped at that time,were some stopped from China,yeap.

But there still was like 400 thou that traveled to China and back., its been well reported.

And when you/they say International Travel that does includes Europe, right and that's were the Shit Strom came from in NY.

All you did was post a certain party did right and the other did all wrong.

Imho a Honest person would say Both Parties have F=÷÷ Up at some point.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
Let me put it this way. It’s really pretty simple IMHO.

If you think it’s a good idea, over the next three weeks, to hold crowded rallies, even in areas that are experiencing surges in cases (like Iowa and Wisconsin), where 80 to 90 percent of the attendees aren’t wearing masks, then vote for that guy.

But if OTOH you think that’s a horrible idea, and goes against both common sense and every suggestion made by the CDC, and would prefer a candidate that holds small events that conform to both social distancing and mask-wearing recommendations, then vote for that guy.

I dunno, IF (hypothetically IF) a person believes in the importance of mask-wearing, I just can’t quite understand how someone can watch these “super spreader rallies” and think, “hey, that’s good leadership.”
My choice has nothing to do with the size or location of the rallies. It is based on the policies of the 2 candidates we have to choose from. And as was the case in 2016, I'm choosing the lesser of the 2 evils.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
My choice has nothing to do with the size or location of the rallies. It is based on the policies of the 2 candidates we have to choose from. And as was the case in 2016, I'm choosing the lesser of the 2 evils.
Fair enough.

And BTW, I understand the POV from -X- on this issue. But for others, who seem to support POTUS and ALSO think widespread mask-use is important, I’d like to hear them chime in on an opinion on these rallies.

IMHO they are indefensible, a sure-fire way to increase the spread of the disease.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Let me put it this way. It’s really pretty simple IMHO.

If you think it’s a good idea, over the next three weeks, to hold crowded rallies, even in areas that are experiencing surges in cases (like Iowa and Wisconsin), where 80 to 90 percent of the attendees aren’t wearing masks, then vote for that guy.

But if OTOH you think that’s a horrible idea, and goes against both common sense and every suggestion made by the CDC, and would prefer a candidate that holds small events that conform to both social distancing and mask-wearing recommendations, then vote for that guy.

I dunno, IF (hypothetically IF) a person believes in the importance of mask-wearing, I just can’t quite understand how someone can watch these “super spreader rallies” and think, “hey, that’s good leadership.”
So... I watched a bit of the rally. Virtually everyone I saw was wearing a Trump mask. Consider this anecdotal as I only watched about 2 minutes.

I find your either or scenario quite humorous. First off... Where are you getting this 80 - 90% figure? Someone is pulling that out of their ass. But stop acting like this issue is all that matters and that the other guy has given any answers either early on or of late.

Second of all... Do you really think for one second, "the other guy" wouldn't want to have huge attendance? Come on man.

Quit trying to act like the only adult in the room. You can say you look at both sides, but it's apparent you are locked in. That's cool. You do you.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Fair enough. Gotta say my first reaction to your post was not “hey that’s even-handed.” But I’ll take your word for it.
Wait. You think yours ARE even handed? That's priceless.

But good on you for watching Brian Williams and Sean Hannity. I couldn't do it. They're both jack wagons


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
So... I watched a bit of the rally. Virtually everyone I saw was wearing a Trump mask. Consider this anecdotal as I only watched about 2 minutes.

I find your either or scenario quite humorous. First off... Where are you getting this 80 - 90% figure? Someone is pulling that out of their ass. But stop acting like this issue is all that matters and that the other guy has given any answers either early on or of late.

Second of all... Do you really think for one second, "the other guy" wouldn't want to have huge attendance? Come on man.

Quit trying to act like the only adult in the room. You can say you look at both sides, but it's apparent you are locked in. That's cool. You do you.
If “virtually everyone you saw at the rally” was wearing a mask, then I’d have to note that the majority of mask-wearers tend to be stationed in the camera shot directly behind the speaker. The important thing is to see the camera shot of the rest of the crowd-- where the mask wearing is ALWAYS far, far less.

80 to 90 percent? I dunno, you can feel free to look at images from any of several POTUS rallies, and tell me what you think the percentage is. Several posters on here have advocated for saying "let your own eyes be the judge." I've seen dozens of crowd shots of POTUS rallies, and it's beyond clear that the vast majority of attendees are not wearing masks.

And yes, I absolutely 100% believe the "other guy" is declining to hold huge rallies because he feels it is unsafe and would be a sign of bad leadership. No question in my mind whatsoever on that.

Either or scenario? Agreed, one can make their choice based on a variety of factors. I worded it poorly. I should have emphasized more that it was my personal opinion that "leadership on Covid" was a crucially important factor.

As for your passive-aggressive comment, I'll decline to engage with that. Disagree with me all you want, Stu, but let's keep personal shots completely out of it, ok?

And yeah, anyone who has had the patience to read the 160 pages of this accursed thread knows that I have been consistent in my POV. I don't try to hide that. Yes, I have strong beliefs about all this, and I think some arguments (HCQ is totally unproven, mask-wearing is important) are stronger than others (HCQ is great, mask-wearing is pointless).


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Ok ready this and that,imho it all comes down to wearing a mask.

Want the media to shut up wear a mask.

Want more jobs wear a mask.

If you're healthy you can't wear a mask because?

South Korea has shown proven that wearing a mask and doing Virus tracing Fing Works.

And when our Leadership makes 50 states bid on stuff,just tells me Hello.

67 percent disapprove of the job done on Covid.Period.

You wanna believe someone who told us drink bleach,don't worry when 200 plus thou are dead etc etc go ahead.

I Ain't that Fing Stupid.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Ah International Travel wasn't stopped at that time,were some stopped from China,yeap.

But there still was like 400 thou that traveled to China and back., its been well reported.

And when you/they say International Travel that does includes Europe, right and that's were the Shit Strom came from in NY.

All you did was post a certain party did right and the other did all wrong.

Imho a Honest person would say Both Parties have F=÷÷ Up at some point.
You really need to pay attention to context. I was responding to the idea that health officials and people of power were taking the virus seriously and/or were giving consistent advice. So when you wanna jump in with a critique of my posting, take that into account next time. And I can do without you implying that I'm dishonest.
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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
You wanna believe someone who told us drink bleach,don't worry when 200 plus thou are dead etc etc go ahead.
There it is.

This right here proves why watching cable news is the easiest way to destroy all signs of rational thought. It's like a bad game of "telephone" where one person says something, and by the time it gets to the last person, it's completely different. Only in this game, someone says something and the media skips everyone else and just assumes the role of the last person.

He said, (to William Bryan, the undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security) "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

*searches paragraph for "drink bleach", and finds nothing*

This was immediately followed up on after a reporter asked Bryan whether disinfectants could actually be injected into COVID-19 patients: “It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

So here's why it's important to actually use your own head instead of letting someone else use it for you. I watched that presser live, and knew immediately what he was saying. Can you use the same principle of eradicating a virus through disinfectants on the exterior, in a similar fashion internally. What I didn't do is run out and buy some Clorox so I could guzzle it. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are stupid, and that's exacerbated by the media misrepresenting the statement, so that prompted disinfectant companies like Lysol to issue a disclaimer on their products. AND, despite all that, we still have people - including a person running for the highest office in the land - repeating the same ridiculous claim.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
People are only dying because they were either one foot in the grave or not receiving treatment that the MSM has claimed is dangerous. If I would have had complications when I had covid I would have sought a Dr that was willing to prescribe HCQ period. I dont know if my Dr would or not because all he told me was I had nothing to worry about, I'm reasonably healthy and was only 51 yrs old at the time. Today there are more choices for Drs to prescribe then there were just a few months ago. The Dr that scheduled my test and called after my results were positive, told me I had nothing to worry about I'm reasonably healthy. 3 other Drs and close to a dozen nurses all told me I had nothing to worry about I'm reasonably healthy. Hopefully people can see where I'm going here, at 51 yrs old 5'8" and 200 lbs, I'm little overweight but dont drink or smoke have good blood pressure, no diabetes. I'm reasonably healthy no reason to be worried about a virus that people in my condition have a better then 99.9% chance of surviving. And over a 99% chance I would not require any medical treatment. I am by no means a physical specimen or anyone you would find on the cover of health and fitness magazine, just a reasonably healthy guy that waited way to long to take care of my body. I most likely was wearing a mask when I caught covid unless it happened at the grocery store where I was among people that were wearing masks, most not properly. But it doesnt matter where I caught it all that matters is I had nothing to worry about, my wife was a smoker but she to is reasonably healthy and even though we were quarantined in the same house she never caught it.
A lot of sentiment now that nicotine helps in the prevention or severity of Covid. They just aren’t seeing a lot of smokers ending up hospitalized. Go figure. That’s the complete opposite of what would be expected. Some places are actually prescribing nicotine.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
EDIT: I don't mean to imply this is the *only* criteria on which a voting decision should be made. Just expressing my own personal opinion that the question of "leadership on Covid" is crucially important.
Yeah, glad you added that.

And this is where we all (myself included) should just try to refocus back on the topic at hand. It's kind of straying away from coronavirus and into the election cycle. If anyone would like to discuss the election, it's easy enough to start a private conversation and add as many people as you like.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
When it comes to masks, I hope we can all agree it doesn’t actually prevent Covid. Wearing of masks reduces the viral load you are subjected to and can help the severity of infection. Anybody who has ever had to go into a tear gas chamber with an improperly sealed gas mask knows that explicitly. And ALL the masks generally available to the public pale in comparison to a gas mask. The incessant debates and wildly inconsistent applications of mask use and policy is maddening. I mean how ridiculous was it that we couldn’t have a Presidential debate but were able to hold town hall presentations in the exact same type setting? It would be comical if it weren’t so absurd. I’m for wearing a mask when in tight quarters. I’m for wearing a mask when around the vulnerable if nothing else than to give them a little peace of mind. I’m also for opening and operating any business that you can think of in a manner that makes sense. No reason not to allow 25% capacity in stadiums across the country and require mask wearing. Kinda thinking we should let common sense rule the day. NOW, I’m ready for some football and really want to go to the MNF game against Tampa next month. GO RAMS!


And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
I don’t. IRL, I haven’t given anyone shit about not wearing a mask, not one single time.

To me, I feel passionate about this as a philosophical debate, one that affects whether or not tens of thousands of people in USA will die unnecessarily.

Hundreds of thousands people will die unnecessarily. Covid aside.

You feel passionate and so do I. Millions of peoples lives will forever be impacted by consequences of the disease. And it doesn't take much as to see why.

Covid symptoms are manageable. The many tens of millions affected by avoiding getting this flu like disease are not.

People need to take some self responsibility here. If you do not with what you know, then that is your issue, not mine.

Too many stories of people who went 100% in with doing all the right things with mitigation, and still got it. And fully recovered.

Yet we are not allowed to count the ones with Covid who would have been killed by a cold, the suicides, the abuse, the divorce, etc that were created because we were not allowed to exercise some common sense.

If you look at a large gathering, and you do not like that their are not enough peeps wearing a mask, DON"T GO.

Don't do anything that you think is endangering yourself.

It is really quite that simple. You are not going to change the others. And that does not make them wrong.

I refuse to live this life in fear as others have chosen


And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
Why should anyone be judged for needlessly putting another person’s health in jeopardy?

You took my quote and manipulated it to fit your statement. And that is really dishonest. That is the nicest way I can put it. Kind of speaks to your character.

You quoted me as:

"And don't judge those that do not (wear masks in crowded places)."

My actual quote is:

"And don't judge those that do not.

Don't like what you see, walkaway."

Why would you go as low as to change what I said?

But to your invented response, Don't go if you think you will needlessly putting another person’s health in jeopardy!

Please don't ever take my point and manipulate it again.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
Hundreds of thousands people will die unnecessarily. Covid aside.

You feel passionate and so do I. Millions of peoples lives will forever be impacted by consequences of the disease. And it doesn't take much as to see why.

Covid symptoms are manageable. The many tens of millions affected by avoiding getting this flu like disease are not.

People need to take some self responsibility here. If you do not with what you know, then that is your issue, not mine.

Too many stories of people who went 100% in with doing all the right things with mitigation, and still got it. And fully recovered.

Yet we are not allowed to count the ones with Covid who would have been killed by a cold, the suicides, the abuse, the divorce, etc that were created because we were not allowed to exercise some common sense.

If you look at a large gathering, and you do not like that their are not enough peeps wearing a mask, DON"T GO.

Don't do anything that you think is endangering yourself.

It is really quite that simple. You are not going to change the others. And that does not make them wrong.

I refuse to live this life in fear as others have chosen

But ....

10,000 people go to a rally - a protest -whatever - it doesn’t matter. The virus spreads

does not going to that rally or protest protect me? No. It means I don’t get it there but the fact that the virus has found all those new bodies to spread to makes the community more dangerous for everyone. Those rally / protest attendees will go to the grocery store, to court, to the post office, etc and potentially spread it to people who are trying their hardest to take care of their fellow man.

that’s the rub - it isn’t just - if you are afraid, don’t go. Other people getting together effects us all even if we aren’t at the get together.

but - yes - you are right that people won’t be talked out of their positions - that much is clear. Everyone is way too right to consider the other side of the issue.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Kinda thinking we should let common sense rule the day.
Good luck with that. Seems to be something that is sorely lacking in our world today.
As far as masks go I don't really care. I don't have a problem with wearing one just not a big deal to me personally.

Don't feel any of my rights are being violated. And I believe this is where the rub is. So many people have no clue what their rights are or aren't.

Example: All these videos we see of people having complete meltdowns in stores and businesses across the country because they are asked to wear a mask or not enter.

The first thing out of their mouth is my rights are being violated and this a public place and I can do what I want. Well no your rights aren't being violated and its not a public place. (yes the public is there) Its a business either privately owned or owned by a corporation and they can pretty much make any rules or policies they want. (within the law)

No shoes, No shirt, No service. Ring a bell? "Oh but you are discriminating against people who don't want to wear shirts." Bull.

And there is almost no where in this country where you can do whatever you want.

Government buildings also open to the public have even stricter policies.

Forgive the short rant. I have being watching to many Karen videos on YouTube, just not seeing much common sense out there these days.
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And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
But ....

10,000 people go to a rally - a protest -whatever - it doesn’t matter. The virus spreads

does not going to that rally or protest protect me? No. It means I don’t get it there but the fact that the virus has found all those new bodies to spread to makes the community more dangerous for everyone. Those rally / protest attendees will go to the grocery store, to court, to the post office, etc and potentially spread it to people who are trying their hardest to take care of their fellow man.

that’s the rub - it isn’t just - if you are afraid, don’t go. Other people getting together effects us all even if we aren’t at the get together.

but - yes - you are right that people won’t be talked out of their positions - that much is clear. Everyone is way too right to consider the other side of the issue.
If you go this rally where many are not wearing a mask but you are, then you go home and practice all the mitigation methods that are recommended, then how is that infecting others?

If you chose to go this rally, how is that alone going to spread the disease if you practice the mitigation you want everyone to follow?
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