College football CCG weekend who you got?

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Those three plays are good defensive plays. You choose to ignore how well the PSU defense played against OSU's offense. OSU was running 50+ on opponents all year, including Oklahoma.

A blocked kick return for a TD isn't a good defensive play. It's a good special teams play. And it's often due to luck and poor execution by the kicking team.

The PSU defense played great against the OSU offense. But it's hard to ignore that the game-winning play was very fluky. It doesn't invalidate the win. It just makes it hard to discern who the better team is.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
If the tables were turned and Ohio State had two losses and were the B1G champions, but beat Penn State head to head.......and Penn State had only 1 loss but it was to Ohio State and wasn't conference champions, Ohio State still gets in because it is Urban Meyer and Ohio State. If PSU lost a close one to Ohio State it would be just another OSU win and dominating PSU.

Your Oline looked like crap in the second half of that game against PSU. OSU had a lot of time (4:00) to run down the field and score after the blocked field goal. It wasn't the last play of the game where they couldn't recover. If they were so superior, as everyone suggests, then that should have been no problem. Either OSU's offense was not that good like I said or PSU's defense is much better than people think. I do credit OSU's, very good defense because there were only three teams that held PSU to under 30 pts all year. That was a very closely played game by both teams. Yet somehow it was a fluke. PSU was supposedly going to lose to Wisconsin and their superior defense too......I guess that too was a fluke. Funny how Wisconsin's vaunted defensive backfield looked like crap against PSU's receivers. I guess that is just how it goes when a team has been down for several years. They are regarded as flukes until they consistently win several years in a row.

I get that Wisconsin is a tough home team and PSU is a tough home team. Do you really think that Pitt wasn't chomping at the bit to get PSU on their home turf. They were a huge rivalry for decades and if you ever visit their boards or follow recruiting in the Pittsburgh area you will find that Pitt regards PSU as their most hated rival, despite not playing them for many years. And that Pitt team was the same one that was able to beat Clemson down the stretch. That was destined to be a tough game for PSU. The Pitt team is very experienced and has NFL prospects across the Oline. That game came down to one dropped pass too with PSU fielding 4th, 5th, and 6th string LBers. They were still short handed facing Michigan. Plus they were still learning a new offense.

You can make excuses for both sides schedules. PSU really improved after the Minnesota game. They are a different team now and they are very evenly matched with OSU. No Ohio State fan will ever admit it though. That is understandable pride. The only reason people think it was a fluke is because PSU beat OSU and OSU isn't supposed to lose to them. If OSU wins by 3 then it is just another OSU win on a tough field that shows their dominance.......or so the story would go.

You are obviously free to believe whatever you want, but I do NOT believe Ohio State would be in if the situation was reversed. There has been one constant over the first three years: no team has lost by more than 14 points in a game and made the playoffs. If we lost any game 49-10, regardless of the situation, I would have no issue with us being left out - there are circumstances that lead to PSU losing by that margin, just as there were circumstances that lead to OSU losing to Penn State. I have not used the word fluke, because Penn State is a very good team - but better teams lose to inferior teams every single day in all sports. Home field advantage is insane in college football - it makes it tough to discern who the better team is and it's a criteria that can be used in situations like this. Pitt beat Clemson but they are obviously not a better football team than Clemson. Michigan lost to Iowa but that does not mean Iowa is better.

People keep focusing on the fact that Penn State could have played an FSC team instead of Pitt, but don't mention that if Michigan had beaten Iowa, this conversation would be moot.

Here are the facts:

Penn State had two losses, Ohio State had one.

Penn State won the conference, but the relevance to that for their resume is that they played another top 10 team - even after that, Ohio State did better against a tougher schedule (having to play on the road versus the numbers 5, 7, and 8 teams in the country).

And I think Penn State fans would justify their destruction at the hands of Michigan by saying that they had so many injuries, while I can justify the close loss to Penn State by saying back to back road games in tough environments, coming off an emotionally draining win in OT against Wisconsin.

I've heard some Penn State fans okay with the fact that they're not in the CFP. What is truly mind boggling to me is how on one hand people want to say that PSU should be in over Ohio State, while being okay with the fact that they're somehow ranked ahead of Michigan. A conference championship means nothing for CFP purposes, save for the fact that it adds a top opponent to your resume. Penn State's resume was still worse than Ohio State's after beating Wisconsin.

In my opinion it was worse than Michigan's resume too. Washington may be a top 4 team, we'll find out. But IMO the committee got it wrong - nowhere does it say most deserving, it says 4 BEST teams. IMO 4 teams clearly separated themselves this year:

Ohio State

Those were the 4 best teams all year long, with Washington and Penn State coming in at 5 and 6.


Jan 23, 2013
You are obviously free to believe whatever you want, but I do NOT believe Ohio State would be in if the situation was reversed. There has been one constant over the first three years: no team has lost by more than 14 points in a game and made the playoffs. If we lost any game 49-10, regardless of the situation, I would have no issue with us being left out - there are circumstances that lead to PSU losing by that margin, just as there were circumstances that lead to OSU losing to Penn State. I have not used the word fluke, because Penn State is a very good team - but better teams lose to inferior teams every single day in all sports. Home field advantage is insane in college football - it makes it tough to discern who the better team is and it's a criteria that can be used in situations like this. Pitt beat Clemson but they are obviously not a better football team than Clemson. Michigan lost to Iowa but that does not mean Iowa is better.

People keep focusing on the fact that Penn State could have played an FSC team instead of Pitt, but don't mention that if Michigan had beaten Iowa, this conversation would be moot.

Here are the facts:

Penn State had two losses, Ohio State had one.

Penn State won the conference, but the relevance to that for their resume is that they played another top 10 team - even after that, Ohio State did better against a tougher schedule (having to play on the road versus the numbers 5, 7, and 8 teams in the country).

And I think Penn State fans would justify their destruction at the hands of Michigan by saying that they had so many injuries, while I can justify the close loss to Penn State by saying back to back road games in tough environments, coming off an emotionally draining win in OT against Wisconsin.

I've heard some Penn State fans okay with the fact that they're not in the CFP. What is truly mind boggling to me is how on one hand people want to say that PSU should be in over Ohio State, while being okay with the fact that they're somehow ranked ahead of Michigan. A conference championship means nothing for CFP purposes, save for the fact that it adds a top opponent to your resume. Penn State's resume was still worse than Ohio State's after beating Wisconsin.

In my opinion it was worse than Michigan's resume too. Washington may be a top 4 team, we'll find out. But IMO the committee got it wrong - nowhere does it say most deserving, it says 4 BEST teams. IMO 4 teams clearly separated themselves this year:

Ohio State

Those were the 4 best teams all year long, with Washington and Penn State coming in at 5 and 6.

Penn State fans are fine bring ahead of Michigan because Michigan lost two of three down the stretch. Apparently in Mi hogan,a case playing poorly to end the season still means something, just like early losses not being as meaningful. The conference championship probably helped too. So PSU finishes ahead of Michigan because the committee still values the old standard. If OSU had lost to Michigan and Michigan was in PSU would make no argument, because we lost the head to head. In that case Ohio State would/should be behind PSU, because you would have two losses and one would be head to head with Penn State. Plus the B1G championship against you. Your struggle with MSU, PSU, and Michigan. Shows that you are not a slam dunk choice.

You're right though. 1 loss to two is the defining factor, even if it was against us because the committee wouldn't be able to justify it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
Penn State fans are fine bring ahead of Michigan because Michigan lost two of three down the stretch. Apparently in Mi hogan,a case playing poorly to end the season still means something, just like early losses not being as meaningful. The conference championship probably helped too. So PSU finishes ahead of Michigan because the committee still values the old standard. If OSU had lost to Michigan and Michigan was in PSU would make no argument, because we lost the head to head. In that case Ohio State would/should be behind PSU, because you would have two losses and one would be head to head with Penn State. Plus the B1G championship against you. Your struggle with MSU, PSU, and Michigan. Shows that you are not a slam dunk choice.

You're right though. 1 loss to two is the defining factor, even if it was against us because the committee wouldn't be able to justify it.

The B1G championship doesn't really mean anything beyond having played another good team. Michigan and Penn State ended up with the same record, Michigan's two losses were as close as you can get, but yet somehow Penn State is a better team than Michigan now - I'm fine with it, just pointing out that if Penn State fans think they should be ahead of OSU with a WORSE record and resume, Michigan should be ahead of Penn State with the SAME record and, at worst, equal resume.

Based on that logic, Ohio State could have lost to Michigan and still been ahead of Penn State, especially since the game was so close. Wins and losses early and late should mean the same thing. And I struggle to add the B1G championship to Penn State's resume in this situation because at the end of the day, all 3 teams beat Wisconsin and all 3 teams played a good non conference schedule.

Since OSU beat Michigan who beat Penn State who beat OSU - you can't just go off head to head to figure out who the "best" team is.

Ohio State had a better record and played a tougher schedule that included Oklahoma and Nebraska
After you clearly define that OSU has the best resume, looking at just Michigan and Penn State, Michigan has the better resume IMO - they played Colorado, beat Penn State head to head and have the same record. They also beat Wisconsin. Those 3 wins are better than Penn State's top 3 wins (OSU, Wisconsin, Temple).

As far as struggling with Penn State and Michigan - everyone struggled with Michigan, and playing at Penn State in hindsight was the toughest game on our schedule. I'll grant you that the MSU game was a bad one, as was the game against Northwestern. But then Penn State struggled in some of their wins too, it happens.

This "old standard" needs to be thrown out. OSU/Michigan/Penn State all beat each other and all beat Wisconsin at some point - the only reason Penn State won the B1G was because Iowa upset Michigan - no team did enough on the field to separate themselves in B1G play - luckily for us we had the best record of the 3 teams and the toughest schedule.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Well the Big 10 found out what its been like in the SEC for the last decade

But still, Michigan lost 2 of its last 3 games and shouldn't be part of any conversation at this point


Jan 23, 2013
A blocked kick return for a TD isn't a good defensive play. It's a good special teams play. And it's often due to luck and poor execution by the kicking team.

The PSU defense played great against the OSU offense. But it's hard to ignore that the game-winning play was very fluky. It doesn't invalidate the win. It just makes it hard to discern who the better team is.

I don't know exactly what it was that they saw, but the coach said that they saw something in game study that they thought they could exploit on that blocked kick. Good coaching and good execution.


Jan 23, 2013
The B1G championship doesn't really mean anything beyond having played another good team. Michigan and Penn State ended up with the same record, Michigan's two losses were as close as you can get, but yet somehow Penn State is a better team than Michigan now - I'm fine with it, just pointing out that if Penn State fans think they should be ahead of OSU with a WORSE record and resume, Michigan should be ahead of Penn State with the SAME record and, at worst, equal resume.

- You twist it all to fit your narrative. Being the champion of the best conference in football should mean a lot. Couple that with beating OSU head to head should too. You say conference championships don't mean much but the committee originally said they should be a factor. Urban Meyer himself said that conference champions should be in, years ago. The Big Ten is the best conference in football this year. If any championship should mean something that one should and Michigan would lose to PSU if they played tomorrow IMO. They have not looked as good and PSU has looked much better since they saw each other a few months ago. You ignore that PSU beat MSU and Iowa but a pretty wide margin. The team has improved and that is why early wins never used to mean much with highly ranked teams.

Based on that logic, Ohio State could have lost to Michigan and still been ahead of Penn State, especially since the game was so close. Wins and losses early and late should mean the same thing. And I struggle to add the B1G championship to Penn State's resume in this situation because at the end of the day, all 3 teams beat Wisconsin and all 3 teams played a good non conference schedule.

- You don't look at the quality of the wins/losses late in the season that shows Penn State's improvement, and Michigan's failings. And your right. Ohio State barely lost a step on the rankings after losing to PSU. If they had lost to Michigan they still would have been ranked ahead of PSU because there is no way they get dropped from 2 to 7. But not because they should have been. The difference is Michigan didn't not look like they were as good of a team later in the season.

Since OSU beat Michigan who beat Penn State who beat OSU - you can't just go off head to head to figure out who the "best" team is.

- I am not doing that. Ohio State did not look any better than Penn State later in the season. PSU exposed there Oline and showed what a heavy pass rush could do to that Oline. Other teams followed suit. I am basing it off of the play of the teams. PSU has played better than both Ohio State and Michigan in the second half of the season. Michigan has not played well. Ohio State is pretty even with PSU in later games so the head to head is the tie breaker.

Ohio State had a better record and played a tougher schedule that included Oklahoma and Nebraska
After you clearly define that OSU has the best resume, looking at just Michigan and Penn State, Michigan has the better resume IMO - they played Colorado, beat Penn State head to head and have the same record. They also beat Wisconsin. Those 3 wins are better than Penn State's top 3 wins (OSU, Wisconsin, Temple).

- This is an ongoing problem in college football. Ranking opponents in different conferences against each other. Temple is a very good team. Historically they have been bad so they are considered a bad team. Pitt beat Clemson, so how bad are they really? Ohio State beat Oklahoma but who did Oklahoma really beat to be ranked so high? If a power 5 team has only 2 losses they are always rated in the top twenty. A perennial power like Oklahoma is going to be in the top ten. It is perception based on the past. The strength of schedule should play into it more than it does. Oklahoma lost their two biggest games. Washington didn't have a tough schedule and they lost their to their toughest opponent in USC. And Colorado isn't as good as they were originally thought to be. Who did they beat? They nearly tied Oregon 41-38. Their vaunted offense only scored 10 against and average Stanford team this year.20-10 against a not so good UCLA team. Their best win may have been against an average Utah team. So much of the rankings are based on reputation and beating teams that are usually good, but aren't. That is why I point out the MSU game against Ohio State. They are not a good team this year. The biggest crime in college rankings is that past performance and reputation carry far too much weight and it shouldn't.

As far as struggling with Penn State and Michigan - everyone struggled with Michigan, and playing at Penn State in hindsight was the toughest game on our schedule. I'll grant you that the MSU game was a bad one, as was the game against Northwestern. But then Penn State struggled in some of their wins too, it happens.

- Penn State struggled with Minnesota. That game was a turning point for them. They had trouble with Indiana too because of their ability to score quickly. They have a good QB and had a good head coach. Indiana played Ohio State tough last year. Then the only other struggle was Ohio State. PSU installed an entirely new offense. It took time to come together. After the October 1st Minnesota game, which PSU one in OT on the first play, the team looked completely different. They started to gel with the offense. Their games from that point on were all impressive wins or impressive comebacks. They didn't have any late losses, or games where they didn't look good.

This "old standard" needs to be thrown out. OSU/Michigan/Penn State all beat each other and all beat Wisconsin at some point - the only reason Penn State won the B1G was because Iowa upset Michigan - no team did enough on the field to separate themselves in B1G play - luckily for us we had the best record of the 3 teams and the toughest schedule.

- And that is what it came down to in the end. OSU had one less loss. It doesn't mean, like you want to imply, that OSU is clearly the better team. They really aren't far apart from PSU right now. They are close and that why they played a close game. The committee played it safe and stuck with the one loss teams. In Washington's case they ignore Strength of schedule and the down year for their conference. Washington didn't beat anyone that was really good other than an overrated Colorado team. If they get in then Western Michingan should have gotten in. Western Michigan had a very similar win against Northwestern as OSU did and they are 12-0. Many PSU fans feel that at the very least they should be in over Washington. I would love an Ohio State rematch at some point to give PSU the chance to stop the 'fluky' win talk that so many (not you) use to discredit a big accomplishment by a still depleted PSU team.

I expect you to argue in Ohio State's favor since you are a dedicated fan, as I am for the Penn State. Nothing new there. But, to act as if Ohio State is far and above the better team is just arrogance based on recent reputation. The two teams are close than what you want to admit. Your young Oline is a weakness that holds the team back. Without the great blocking Barrett's game is not the same quality it was in the past and take away a great RB like Elliott and receiver like Thomas and it is obvious that there would be a big drop off from the norm. This year's team just isn't as talented. But no worries with Meyer's crazy ability to recruit I am sure Ohio State will bounce back from what they can call a down year.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 16, 2013
- And that is what it came down to in the end. OSU had one less loss. It doesn't mean, like you want to imply, that OSU is clearly the better team. They really aren't far apart from PSU right now. They are close and that why they played a close game. The committee played it safe and stuck with the one loss teams. In Washington's case they ignore Strength of schedule and the down year for their conference. Washington didn't beat anyone that was really good other than an overrated Colorado team. If they get in then Western Michingan should have gotten in. Western Michigan had a very similar win against Northwestern as OSU did and they are 12-0. Many PSU fans feel that at the very least they should be in over Washington. I would love an Ohio State rematch at some point to give PSU the chance to stop the 'fluky' win talk that so many (not you) use to discredit a big accomplishment by a still depleted PSU team.

I expect you to argue in Ohio State's favor since you are a dedicated fan, as I am for the Penn State. Nothing new there. But, to act as if Ohio State is far and above the better team is just arrogance based on recent reputation. The two teams are close than what you want to admit. Your young Oline is a weakness that holds the team back. Without the great blocking Barrett's game is not the same quality it was in the past and take away a great RB like Elliott and receiver like Thomas and it is obvious that there would be a big drop off from the norm. This year's team just isn't as talented. But no worries with Meyer's crazy ability to recruit I am sure Ohio State will bounce back from what they can call a down year.

I'm cool with your opinion that we're closer than I acknowledge, but I don't think using the result of the game is the way to go. By that logic, Penn State is nowhere near Michigan's level - and yes, Penn State is playing better since that game, but so has Ohio State (since the Penn State game) - even though they are now unranked, the 62-3 win over Nebraska showed what this team is capable of. I wouldn't think to say that Minnesota is close to Penn State, despite the game going to OT.

I think the easiest way to explain Ohio State this year is that there are so many young players - it seems they play at a very inconsistent level. Some games our offensive line looks awful (like against Penn State), and sometimes it dominates. Teams also "get up" for Ohio State more than most programs because of who we are.

One thing I was happy to see - that simulating the old BCS formula, OSU would have been playing Alabama for the national championship game. My concern with the BCS was that it was only two teams - I wish they would bring it back and let it choose the 4 teams for the playoffs, that way there is some consistency to how teams get in.