Chile's 6-Inch-Skeleton Might Be The First Evidence Of Aliens On Earth, Scientists Research

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Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
Well, think about it. We're kind of a primitive world and we only want to conquer everything. Why wouldn't an advanced race want to conquer worlds, or simply get us out of the way in their pursuit of resources?
I don't know what the likelihood of aliens visiting the earth is but it's is probably pretty slim. I prefer to think they don't want to destroy us but plan on partying like it's 1999. Aliens have to be able to turn gravity in and off with the flick of a switch. I'm talking about zero gravity parties. Swimming in the sky, Zero Gravity Keg stands, Zero Gravity badminton, Zero Gravity lawn darts!!!! So many possibilities.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
What would Riley Martin have to say about all of this....? good man...uhhhhhhh.........

That thing looks so incredibly fake to me that I cannot believe it is the stuff of actual debate. Not saying it IS fake, just that it looks like something you would see in a straight to video horror movie.


Jan 15, 2013
17,275 good man...uhhhhhhh.........

That thing looks so incredibly fake to me that I cannot believe it is the stuff of actual debate. Not saying it IS fake, just that it looks like something you would see in a straight to video horror movie.
Time to get my hand drawn boarding pass.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
The Annunaki,,, according to the Sumerians,,, loved them some human women. They were said to have created many hybrids because of this. Those hybrids were not tiny though... they were giants.

If you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, you look at the cultures that wrap their heads to give that elongated skull look because they wanted to "look like their gods". I believe it's the same thing with the African cultures that stack the rings on their necks to make their necks longer.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Les good man...uhhhhhhh.........

That thing looks so incredibly fake to me that I cannot believe it is the stuff of actual debate. Not saying it IS fake, just that it looks like something you would see in a straight to video horror movie.

Agreed it looks like something you would buy at a Halloween store 3 for 5 bucks.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013

What’s The Real Deal About The Atacama "Alien"?
July 17, 2014 | by Lisa Winter


photo credit: YouTube screen shot, via Sirius Disclosure

Researchers made a mysterious discovery in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003. This tiny skeleton looked human, but had many features that left scientists scratching their heads. When the images hit the internet, many people assumed the only explanation could be aliens. Thankfully, more reasonable heads prevailed and the remains were subjected to a battery of forensic testing in order to identify how this anomalous skeleton, nicknamed Ata, came to be.

So what made this specimen so peculiar? For starters, the skeleton was only 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Many initially speculated that the remains were from a premature birth or miscarried fetus, though others disregarded the whole thing as a hoax.

Ata’s size isn’t the only thing that perplexed researchers; a host of physical deformities did not make it entirely clear if the skeleton is human or a non-human primate. Humans have 12 ribs, but this individual only had 10. The skull indicated the organism could have had turricephaly, which gives the head a cone-shaped appearance (which really didn’t help dissuade people from thinking Ata was an alien). Additional deformity of the face and jaw made the head look squished, giving it an appearance that was even further away from a typical human.

The skeleton remained in a private collection until 2009, when it had been brought to a symposium in Barcelona. In the fall of 2012, scientists were given an opportunity to study Ata via x-rays, CAT scans, and genetic sampling. Imaging showed that the chest cavity still had the remains of lungs and a heart inside. The Atacama Desert is one of the most arid regions on the planet, and would allow biological material to preserve incredibly well.

The preliminary genetic results do indicate the skeleton is definitely of human origin, but about 9% of the DNA tested did not match the human genome reference. While 9% sounds like a huge discrepancy, it just refers to the sequence portions used for reference, not the entire genome. These results are well within the expected parameters for contamination and degradation of the DNA after spending so long exposed to the elements. The preliminary results of the mitochondrial DNA were consistent with a haplotype found in Chile, meaning Ata’s mother was local to the area where the remains were found.

One of the most amazing discoveries from the analysis was that Ata was not a fetus. There were mature teeth present in the mouth and the bones were well-developed, with the leg bones showing growth plates that one would expect to see in a 6-8 year old child. While the testing did provide answers, it also raised many more questions. How could a 6 year old child only be 6 inches long?

There are a few possibilities to explain this:

Dwarfism: It is possible that Ata was the afflicted with an extreme case of dwarfism, though the smallest person ever confirmed was 54.6 cm (21.5 in) tall. Also, no genetic indicators of dwarfism have been identified yet.

Progeria: Ata could be a fetus that suffered from an extreme form of progeria, which brings about symptoms of aging very early in life. However, there aren’t any genetic indicators of that disease yet, either.

Mummification: It is possible that the genotype and phenotype aren’t matching up because there weren’t any genetic anomalies. Ata may have been stillborn or miscarried and then subjected to badly-performed desiccation or mummification, causing the bones to take on such an odd appearance. But, this explanation can’t account for the two missing ribs or growth plates within the bones.

While we do know that Ata was human and most definitely not an extraterrestrial (no matter what the “documentary” Sirius has to say), that’s about the extent of what can be said for sure. More thorough genetic testing is still ongoing and researchers are trying to reconcile the base pairs that did not match up with the human reference. The only information that has been released so far has been preliminary, though the researchers have pledged that further results will go through the appropriate peer-review channels and be published in an accredited scientific journal.
Or it could be:


Sirius could have been a really good Docu if Steven Greer didn't add in the stupid shit about him bringing in UFO's with lasers and telepathy. He's done a really good thing getting together all the armed forces guys to testify to weird stuff happening. But, he's gone off the deep end in this journey.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 15, 2014
Aliens have probably come to earth, witnessed our primitive culture and left by now lol


Jan 23, 2013
I totally believe in the Ancient Alien theories. There is no way humanly possible that some of the massive, perfectly carved structures around our globe were made without modern, or futuristic equipment. I have a fair share of experience as a stone mason and you just cannot cut stone so perfectly with primitive copper chisels and hammers. No Way.

Add in that many of these structures are very similar in shape and layout.....from one side of the globe to another.

Anyone who is skeptical should read Zecharia Sitchin's books on the subject. Ancient Sumerian texts spell it all out for us and Roman and Greek god worship follows suit in accordance to the ancient writings.

I really hate to admit it but I think that crazy looking dude with the hair, is right.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I totally believe in the Ancient Alien theories. There is no way humanly possible that some of the massive, perfectly carved structures around our globe were made without modern, or futuristic equipment. I have a fair share of experience as a stone mason and you just cannot cut stone so perfectly with primitive copper chisels and hammers. No Way.

Add in that many of these structures are very similar in shape and layout.....from one side of the globe to another.

Anyone who is skeptical should read Zecharia Sitchin's books on the subject. Ancient Sumerian texts spell it all out for us and Roman and Greek god worship follows suit in accordance to the ancient writings.

I really hate to admit it but I think that crazy looking dude with the hair, is right.

Yet, we still believe in deities today. I think that has more to do with human nature than aliens.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I totally believe in the Ancient Alien theories. There is no way humanly possible that some of the massive, perfectly carved structures around our globe were made without modern, or futuristic equipment. I have a fair share of experience as a stone mason and you just cannot cut stone so perfectly with primitive copper chisels and hammers. No Way.

Add in that many of these structures are very similar in shape and layout.....from one side of the globe to another.

Anyone who is skeptical should read Zecharia Sitchin's books on the subject. Ancient Sumerian texts spell it all out for us and Roman and Greek god worship follows suit in accordance to the ancient writings.

I really hate to admit it but I think that crazy looking dude with the hair, is right.

This is an interesting site for those types of theories...

Another good site is this one...

Nazca (Nasca) Lines


Nazca Lines are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs in the world. Etched in the surface of the desert pampa sand about 300 hundred figures made of straight lines, geometric shapes and pictures of animals and birds - and their patterns are only clearly visible from the air.


The high desert of Peru holds one of the most mystifying monuments of the known world—the massive-scale geoglyphs known as the Nasca Lines. Ranging from geometric patterns to “drawings” of different animals and stylized human-like forms.

The ancient lines can only be truly taken in, their forms discerned, from high in the air, leaving generations mystified as to how these precise works could’ve been completed long before the documented invention of human flight. Are the lines signs left by an alien race? Landing strips for UFOs? Relics of a ancient people far more advanced—capable of human flight—then previously imagined?


Etched, as if by giants, onto the arid moonscape of Peru’s southern desert lies one of man’s greatest mysteries; the Nasca Lines. More than 15,000 geometric and animal-like patterns have been discovered criss-crossing the pampas like a vast puzzle. Who built them and what was their purpose?

Ancient racetracks, landing strips for aliens, or perhaps a giant astronomical calendar? And are the Lines connected to the gruesome discovery of large cache’s of severed human heads.


Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Alien hunters discover a 'PYRAMID' on Mars and claim the 'near-perfect' structure was built by an ancient civilisation
  • ParanormalCrucible used footage taken by Nasa's Curiosity Rover
  • Structure, it says, is the 'result of intelligent design and not a trick of light'
  • Some have pointed out similar rock formations on Earth caused by wind

In their latest bizarre claim, conspiracy theorists say they have found a replica of one of Egypt's Great Pyramids on Mars.

Citing the 'near-perfect design and shape', they argue the 'pyramid' is evidence that an ancient civilisation once lived on the red planet.

While the pyramid is believed to be 'car-sized', alien-hunters say it may be just the tip of a much larger structure buried beneath.


In their latest bizarre claim, conspiracy theorists say they have found a replica of one of Egypt's Great Pyramids on Mars. Citing the 'near-perfect design and shape', they say the pyramid could be evidence that an ancient civilisation once lived on the red planet

YouTube channel, ParanormalCrucible, used video footage taken by Nasa's Curiosity Rover on May 7 to back up its claims.


'None of the Curiosity Rover's subsequent photos taken at 20 to 30 sec intervals in the following few minutes and the subsequent photos hours later, included the object,' wrote UFO site Exopolitics.

'It appears that the Nasa operators of Curiosity deliberately chose not to take another photo or zoom in on the pyramid.

'If they however did so, none of these subsequent photos were released to the general public.'

ParanormalCrucible goes further, claiming the 'near perfect design and shape' means the pyramid is: 'the result of intelligent design and certainly not a trick of light and shadow'.


ParanormalCrucible says the 'near perfect design and shape' means the pyramid is: 'the result of intelligent design and certainly not a trick of light and shadow'. Commentators on the the channel, however, were not convinced, with some pointing to similar rock formations on Earth caused by wind

But the story strikes a note with conspiracy theorists who believe that civilisations, including our own, have secretly visited Mars and established colonies there.

In November, a woman named 'Jackie' called into American radio station, Coast to Coast AM, with a 'confession' that she had witnessed suited men running on the red planet in 1979.

Jackie said she was working as part of a 'downstairs' team downloading telemetry from a Viking Lander when she saw the humans via live feed.

'I wonder if you could solve a 27-year-old mystery for me,' she asked the presenter. 'That old Viking rover was running around.

'Then I saw two men in space suits - not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer.'


The the story strikes a note with conspiracy theorists who believe that civilisations, including our own, have secretly visited Mars and established colonies there. Pictured is a wider shot showing 'pyramid'

Last year, physicist Dr John Brandenburg said he believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race.

Dr Brandenburg says ancient Martians known as Cydonians and Utopians were massacred in the attack - and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.

Back in 2011 the scientist first postulated that the red colour on Mars could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion.

'The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium - and this pattern radiates from a hot spot on Mars,' he told Fox News at the time.

'A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet.'

But since then he has advanced his theory to the level that he now no longer thinks it was a naturally occurring explosion - but rather one planned by an intelligent alien race.

According to Vice, the conclusion of his latest paper says that nuclear isotopes in the atmosphere resembling hydrogen bomb tests 'may present an example of civilisation wiped out by a nuclear attack from space.'


Earlier this week, physicist Dr John Brandenburg said he believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race. He says there is evidence for two nuclear explosions on Mars (image from his paper shown)

Nasa did not corroborate the story, but this didn't stop conspiracy theorists from claiming it as evidence for a 'secret space programme.'

According to Jackie, six other Nasa workers saw the two humans walking on the red planet's surface.

Jackie's claim follows a similarly bizarre theory by physicist Dr John Brandenburg who believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race.

Dr Brandenburg says ancient Martians known as Cydonians and Utopians were massacred in the attack - and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.

He claims his theory could explain the Fermi Paradox - namely why, if the universe is abundant with life, we haven't heard anything from anyone else yet.

He warns, though, that we need to be fearful of an attack on our own planet, and should mount a manned mission to Mars to know what we're up against.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
I totally believe in the Ancient Alien theories. There is no way humanly possible that some of the massive, perfectly carved structures around our globe were made without modern, or futuristic equipment. I have a fair share of experience as a stone mason and you just cannot cut stone so perfectly with primitive copper chisels and hammers. No Way.

Add in that many of these structures are very similar in shape and layout.....from one side of the globe to another.

Anyone who is skeptical should read Zecharia Sitchin's books on the subject. Ancient Sumerian texts spell it all out for us and Roman and Greek god worship follows suit in accordance to the ancient writings.

I really hate to admit it but I think that crazy looking dude with the hair, is right.

Some of the most interesting parts of the ancient aliens theories is Graham Hancock. That is a smart man. The only thing that gives me pause about him is that he was a fiction writer. But, hopefully it has nothing to do with his works in this area. His book "Fingerprints of the Gods" is supposed to be pretty damn good. If I could ever sit still for long enough to read, it'd be one I would like to try.

BTW, if you're looking to stick your head in the rabbit hole, check out:

Just click on whatever flavor of conspiracy you want. There's some really far out shit on there. But I enjoy reading different theories from time to time.


Hall of Fame
Sep 29, 2013
Those Mars pictures are so easily to interpret wrong simply because its impossible to get a good idea of scale. Thing that look like a Pyramid - you later realize is a rock two inches high....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I totally believe in the Ancient Alien theories. There is no way humanly possible that some of the massive, perfectly carved structures around our globe were made without modern, or futuristic equipment. I have a fair share of experience as a stone mason and you just cannot cut stone so perfectly with primitive copper chisels and hammers. No Way.

Add in that many of these structures are very similar in shape and layout.....from one side of the globe to another.

Anyone who is skeptical should read Zecharia Sitchin's books on the subject. Ancient Sumerian texts spell it all out for us and Roman and Greek god worship follows suit in accordance to the ancient writings.

I really hate to admit it but I think that crazy looking dude with the hair, is right.

The pyramids are amazing. I actually got a chance to climb the Great Pyramid at Giza. 450 feet of huge stones. I mean most were arm pit high on the way up. Incredible that something like that could of been built nearly 5000 years ago and perfectly at that. I don't know about aliens, maybe, but you could get me to believe we ourselves were much more advanced in the past. Although the top 10% is missing on the Great Pyramid and the alabaster covering stripped away, once on top, the view is frightening to look down. The stones still line up perfectly to give you the illusion that you don't have a way back down.